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manage clipboard history via the terminal

  • tutorial video: Link
  • offical website: Link

install requirements

greenclip fzf xclip

add to autostart

greenclip daemon


vim ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc

# start fuzzy finder frontend to greenclip
fzf-clipboard() { echo -n "$(greenclip print | fzf -e -i)" | xclip -selection clipboard ;}

# greenclip configuration settings
cfg-greenclip() { killall greenclip ; $EDITOR ~/.config/greenclip.cfg && nohup greenclip daemon > /dev/null 2>&1 & }

# greenclip reload
rld-greenclip() { killall greenclip ; nohup greenclip daemon > /dev/null 2>&1 & }

# greenclip clear history
derez-greenclip() { killall greenclip ; rm ~/.cache/greenclip.history && nohup greenclip daemon > /dev/null 2>&1 & }



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