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Bang! Previous Command Hotkeys

print previous command but only the first nth argument. Alt+1, Alt+2 ...etc

  • tutorial video: Link

install requirements

zsh or bash


vim ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

# enable history verification:
# bang commands (!, !!, !?) will print to shell and not be auto executed
shopt -s histverify

# Bang! Previous Command Hotkeys
# print previous command but only the first nth arguments
# Alt+1, Alt+2 ...etc
bind '"\e1": "!:0 \n"'
bind '"\e2": "!:0-1 \n"'
bind '"\e3": "!:0-2 \n"'
bind '"\e4": "!:0-3 \n"'
bind '"\e5": "!:0-4 \n"'
bind '"\e`": "!:0- \n"'     # all but the last word


vim ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc

# Bang! Previous Command Hotkeys
# print previous command but only the first nth arguments
# Alt+1, Alt+2 ...etc
bindkey -s '\e1' "!:0 \t"
bindkey -s '\e2' "!:0-1 \t"
bindkey -s '\e3' "!:0-2 \t"
bindkey -s '\e4' "!:0-3 \t"
bindkey -s '\e5' "!:0-4 \t"
bindkey -s '\e`' "!:0- \t"     # all but the last word


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| (_| | (_) | |_| |_) | |  __/ |_| |_| |
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