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Operating System development tutorials in Rust on the Raspberry Pi


This is a work-in-progress rewrite, started on September 2019. I will first add code and minimal READMEs, and later write accompanying full-fledged tutorial text.

  • The code written in these tutorials supports and runs on the Raspberry Pi 3 and the Raspberry Pi 4.
    • Tutorials 1 till 5 are groundwork code which only makes sense to on QEMU.
    • Starting with tutorial 6, you can load and run the kernel on Raspberrys and observe output over UART.
  • For practical purposes, the kernel will be a classic monolith.
  • For editing, I recommend Visual Studio Code with the Rust Language Server extension.
  • Check out the make doc command to browse the code with HTML goodness.
  • Note that the branch is subject to frequent force pushing. If updates happened since you last visited, make sure to clone a clean copy to be safe.

Cheers, Andre


Before you can start, you'll need a suitable Rust toolchain.

curl -sSf  \
    |                           \
    sh -s --                    \
    --default-toolchain nightly \
    --component rust-src llvm-tools-preview clippy rustfmt rls rust-analysis

cargo install cargo-xbuild cargo-binutils

USB Serial

It is highly recommended to get a USB serial debug cable. It also powers the Raspberry once you connect it, so you don't need extra power over the dedicated power-USB. I use a bunch of these.

You connect it to the GPIO pins 14/15 as shown beyond.

Tutorial 6 is the first where you can use it. Go to the README there for instructions on how to prepare the SD card to run your self-made kernels from it.

UART wiring diagram


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