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# Operating System development tutorials in Rust on the Raspberry Pi 3
## Notice
**This is a work-in-progress rewrite, started on September 2019. I will first add
code and minimal READMEs, and later write accompanying full-fledged tutorial
- Check out the `make doc` command to browse the code with HTML goodness.
- Note that the branch is subject to frequent force pushing. If updates happened
since you last visited, make sure to clone a clean copy to be safe.
- For editing, I recommend [Visual Studio Code] with the [Rust Language Server] extension.
- For practical purposes, the kernel will be a classic [monolith].
[Visual Studio Code]:
[Rust Language Server]:
## Prerequisites
Before you can start, you'll need a suitable Rust toolchain.
curl -sSf \
| \
sh -s -- \
--default-toolchain nightly \
--component rust-src llvm-tools-preview clippy rustfmt rls rust-analysis
cargo install cargo-xbuild cargo-binutils
## USB Serial
I'd also recommend to get an [USB serial debug
cable]( You connect it to the GPIO pins
[Tutorial 6](06_drivers_gpio_uart) is the first where you can use it. Earlier tutorials will work solely with `QEMU`.
![UART wiring diagram](doc/wiring.png)
## License
Licensed under the MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE) or