1005 B
Tutorial 08 - Power management
For embedded systems, power consumption is critical. The Raspberry Pi 3 has a very sophisticated PM interface. You can turn each device on and off idependently. There's a catch though, the GPIO VCC pins are hardwired, there's no way to turn them off programatically. This means if you connect some devices to them, you'll have to implement a way to turn those devices off (with a transistor connected to a data GPIO pin for example).
Power.h, power.c
The power management controller is one of the peripherals that are not emulated properly by qemu. Works on real hardware though.
shutdowns the board to a almost zero power consumption state.
reboots the machine. Also handled by the PMC, and since the Raspberry Pi does not have
a hardware reset button, it's very useful.
We display a simple menu, and wait for user input. Depending on the input, we reboot the system or power it off.