alfworld and webshop

Noah Shinn 1 year ago committed by elleven11
parent 3148695707
commit 878a144a66

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
"""Adapted from"""
import os
import sys
import json
import yaml
import openai
import importlib
import alfworld
import alfworld.agents.environment
from env_history import EnvironmentHistory
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple
openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
FOLDER = './prompts'
PROMPT_FILE = 'alfworld_3prompts.json'
with open(os.path.join(FOLDER, PROMPT_FILE), 'r') as f:
d = json.load(f)
with open('./challenge_few_shot_examples.txt', 'r') as f:
challenge_examples =
def llm(prompt, stop=["\n"]):
cur_try = 0
while cur_try < 6:
response = openai.Completion.create(
temperature=cur_try * 0.2,
text = response["choices"][0]["text"]
# dumb way to do this
if len(text.strip()) >= 5:
return response["choices"][0]["text"]
cur_try += 1
return ""
except Exception as e:
import sys
def process_ob(ob):
if ob.startswith('You arrive at loc '):
ob = ob[ob.find('. ')+2:]
return ob
def alfworld_run(env, base_prompt, memory: List[str], to_print=True, ob='') -> Tuple[EnvironmentHistory, bool]:
if len(memory) > 3:
env_history = EnvironmentHistory(base_prompt, ob, memory[-3:], [])
env_history = EnvironmentHistory(base_prompt, ob, memory, [])
# init_prompt = prompt + ob + '\n>'
# prompt = ''
if to_print:
cur_step = 0
while cur_step < 50:
# action = llm(init_prompt + prompt, stop=['\n']).strip()
action = llm(str(env_history) + ">", stop=['\n']).strip()
env_history.add("action", action)
observation, reward, done, info = env.step([action])
observation, reward, done = process_ob(observation[0]), info['won'][0], done[0]
if action.startswith('think:'):
observation = 'OK.'
env_history.add("observation", observation)
if to_print:
print(f'> {action}\n{observation}')
# prompt += f' {action}\n{observation}\n>'
if done:
return env_history, True
elif env_history.check_is_exhausted():
return env_history, False
cur_step += 1
return env_history, False
'pick_and_place': 'put',
'pick_clean_then_place': 'clean',
'pick_heat_then_place': 'heat',
'pick_cool_then_place': 'cool',
'look_at_obj': 'examine',
'pick_two_obj': 'puttwo'
def run_trial(
trial_log_path: str,
world_log_path: str,
trial_idx: int,
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]],
use_memory: bool
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
with open('base_config.yaml') as reader:
config = yaml.safe_load(reader)
split = "eval_out_of_distribution"
env = getattr(alfworld.agents.environment, config["env"]["type"])(config, train_eval=split)
env = env.init_env(batch_size=1)
num_successes: int = 0
num_additional_successes: int = 0
num_envs: int = len(env_configs)
for z, env_config in enumerate(env_configs):
ob, info = env.reset()
ob = '\n'.join(ob[0].split('\n\n')[1:])
name = '/'.join(info['extra.gamefile'][0].split('/')[-3:-1])
print(f"using {name}")
if env_config["is_success"]:
num_successes += 1
# log to world log
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: SUCCESS\n')
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}: Success\n\n#####\n')
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(PREFIXES.items()):
if name.startswith(k):
base_prompt = 'Interact with a household to solve a task. Here are two examples.\n' + d[f'react_{v}_1'] + d[f'react_{v}_0']
final_env_history, is_success = alfworld_run(env, base_prompt, env_config["memory"] if use_memory else [], to_print=True, ob=ob)
# update env config
if is_success:
status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: SUCCESS'
env_configs[z]['is_success'] = True
num_successes += 1
num_additional_successes += 1
status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: FAIL'
# log to world log
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as f:
f.write(status_str + '\n')
# log env results to trial log
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}:\n{str(final_env_history)}\n\nSTATUS: {"OK" if is_success else "FAIL"}\n\n#####\n')
# close environment object
# log trial results to trial and world logs
log_str: str = f"""
SUCCESS: {num_successes}
ADDITIONAL SUCCESS: {num_additional_successes}
FAIL: {num_envs - num_successes}
TOTAL: {num_envs}
ACCURACY: {round(num_successes / num_envs, 2)}
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(log_str + '\n')
return env_configs

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
data_path: '$ALFWORLD_DATA/json_2.1.1/train'
eval_id_data_path: '$ALFWORLD_DATA/json_2.1.1/valid_seen' # null/None to disable
eval_ood_data_path: '$ALFWORLD_DATA/json_2.1.1/valid_unseen' # null/None to disable
num_train_games: -1 # max training games (<=0 indicates full dataset)
num_eval_games: -1 # max evaluation games (<=0 indicates full dataset)
domain: '$ALFWORLD_DATA/logic/alfred.pddl' # PDDL domain file that defines the world dynamics
grammar: '$ALFWORLD_DATA/logic/alfred.twl2' # Grammar file that defines the text feedbacks
type: 'AlfredTWEnv' # 'AlfredTWEnv' or 'AlfredThorEnv' or 'AlfredHybrid'
regen_game_files: False # check if game is solvable by expert and save to file
domain_randomization: False # shuffle Textworld print order and object id nums
task_types: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # task-type ids: 1 - Pick & Place, 2 - Examine in Light, 3 - Clean & Place, 4 - Heat & Place, 5 - Cool & Place, 6 - Pick Two & Place
expert_timeout_steps: 150 # max steps before timeout for expert to solve the task
expert_type: "handcoded" # 'handcoded' or 'downward'. Note: the downward planner is very slow for real-time use
goal_desc_human_anns_prob: 0.0 # prob of using human-annotated goal language instead of templated goals (1.0 indicates all human annotations from ALFRED)
start_eps: 100000 # starting episode of hybrid training, tw-only training upto this point
thor_prob: 0.5 # prob of AlfredThorEnv during hybrid training
eval_mode: "tw" # 'tw' or 'thor' - env used for evaluation during hybrid training
screen_width: 300 # width of THOR window
screen_height: 300 # height of THOR window
smooth_nav: False # smooth rotations, looks, and translations during navigation (very slow)
save_frames_to_disk: False # save frame PNGs to disk (useful for making videos)
save_frames_path: './videos/' # path to save frame PNGs
type: 'oracle' # 'oracle' or 'oracle_astar' or 'mrcnn' or 'mrcnn_astar' (aka BUTLER)
debug: False
load_receps: True # load receptacle locations from precomputed dict (if available)
pretrained_model_path: '$ALFWORLD_DATA/detectors/mrcnn.pth'
random_seed: 42
use_cuda: True # disable this when running on machine without cuda
visdom: False # plot training/eval curves, run with visdom server
task: 'alfred'
training_method: 'dagger' # 'dqn' or 'dagger'
save_path: './training/' # path to save pytorch models
observation_pool_capacity: 3 # k-size queue, 0 indicates no observation
hide_init_receptacles: False # remove initial observation containing navigable receptacles
batch_size: 10
max_episode: 50000
smoothing_eps: 0.1
learning_rate: 0.001
clip_grad_norm: 5
run_eval: True
batch_size: 10
type: "AlfredTWEnv"
report_frequency: 1000 # report every N episode
experiment_tag: 'test' # name of experiment
load_pretrained: False # during test, enable this so that the agent load your pretrained model
load_from_tag: 'not loading anything' # name of pre-trained model to load in save_path
encoder_layers: 1
decoder_layers: 1
encoder_conv_num: 5
block_hidden_dim: 64
n_heads: 1
dropout: 0.1
block_dropout: 0.1
recurrent: True
action_space: "admissible" # 'admissible' (candidates from text engine) or 'generation' (seq2seq-style generation) or 'beam_search_choice' or 'exhaustive' (not working)
max_target_length: 20 # max token length for seq2seq generation
beam_width: 10 # 1 means greedy
generate_top_k: 3
max_nb_steps_per_episode: 50 # terminate after this many steps
learn_start_from_this_episode: 0 # delay updates until this epsiode
target_net_update_frequency: 500 # sync target net with online net per this many epochs
accumulate_reward_from_final: True
count_reward_lambda: 0.0 # 0 to disable
novel_object_reward_lambda: 0.0 # 0 to disable
discount_gamma_game_reward: 0.9
discount_gamma_count_reward: 0.5
discount_gamma_novel_object_reward: 0.5
replay_memory_capacity: 500000 # adjust this depending on your RAM size
replay_memory_priority_fraction: 0.5
update_per_k_game_steps: 5
replay_batch_size: 64
multi_step: 3
replay_sample_history_length: 4
replay_sample_update_from: 2
noisy_net: False # if this is true, then epsilon greedy is disabled
epsilon_anneal_episodes: 1000 # -1 if not annealing
epsilon_anneal_from: 0.3
epsilon_anneal_to: 0.1
action_space: "generation" # 'admissible' (candidates from text engine) or 'generation' (seq2seq-style generation) or 'exhaustive' (not working)
max_target_length: 20 # max token length for seq2seq generation
beam_width: 10 # 1 means greedy
generate_top_k: 5
unstick_by_beam_search: False # use beam-search for failed actions, set True during evaluation
max_nb_steps_per_episode: 50 # terminate after this many steps
fraction_assist_anneal_episodes: 50000
fraction_assist_anneal_from: 1.0
fraction_assist_anneal_to: 0.01
fraction_random_anneal_episodes: 0
fraction_random_anneal_from: 0.0
fraction_random_anneal_to: 0.0
replay_memory_capacity: 500000
update_per_k_game_steps: 5
replay_batch_size: 64
replay_sample_history_length: 4
replay_sample_update_from: 2
model_type: "resnet" # 'resnet' (whole image features) or 'maskrcnn_whole' (whole image MaskRCNN feats) or 'maskrcnn' (top k MaskRCNN detection feats) or 'no_vision' (zero vision input)
resnet_fc_dim: 64
maskrcnn_top_k_boxes: 10 # top k box features
use_exploration_frame_feats: False # append feats from initial exploration (memory intensive!)
sequence_aggregation_method: "average" # 'sum' or 'average' or 'rnn'

@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 instead of turning on the sinkbasin 1 before using it. I should have taken towel 1 from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then turned on the sinkbasin 1, then cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet. In the next trial, I will take towel 1 from towelholder 1, then go to sinkbasin 1, then turn on the sinkbasin 1, then clean the towel 1, then put it in cabinet."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an apple then heat it with microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before heating the apple. I should have gone to microwave 1, opened it, then heated the apple with microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, open it, then heat the apple with microwave 1 before putting it in fridge 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take book 3 from desk 2. I should have taken book 3 from desk 2, then gone to desk 1 to find the desklamp, then used the desklamp to examine the book. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before putting the tomato in/on it. I should have gone to fridge 1 and cooled the tomato, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to fridge 1, cool the tomato, then go to microwave 1, open it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, then put it in safe 1. Then, I will go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd, then put it in safe 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. In the next trial, I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in countertop. I should have looked for the countertop first, then looked for the cloth. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the countertop, then look for the cloth and clean it with sinkbasin."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined countertop 3 instead of putting plate 4 in/on countertop 3. I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put a clean mug in coffeemachine. I should have cleaned the mug first then put it in the coffeemachine. I noticed that the mug was found on sinkbasin 1. In the next trial, I will take the mug from sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in coffeemachine 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1, put it in countertop 1, and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will try to remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first cd then put it in safe, then find the second cd and put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will also remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 first, then cleaned soapbar 1, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the soapbar, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbottle then put it on toilet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. In the next trial, I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I mistakenly took a soapbottle instead of a soapbar. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the soapbar, then take it and go to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6)."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in cabinet. I should have taken the cloth from cabinet 4, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and forget to take the second peppershaker."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by looking for the first soapbar in cabinet (1-4), countertop (1), garbagecan (1), handtowelholder (1-2), sinkbasin (1-2), toilet (1), toiletpaperhanger (1), towelholder (1). If I find the first soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. Then, I will look for the second soapbar in the same places. If I find the second soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to check countertop 3 for a plate. I should have gone to countertop 3, found plate 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 3, find the plate 3, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 instead of turning on the sinkbasin 1 before using it. I should have taken towel 1 from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then turned on the sinkbasin 1, then cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet. In the next trial, I will take towel 1 from towelholder 1, then go to sinkbasin 1, then turn on the sinkbasin 1, then clean the towel 1, then put it in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an apple then heat it with microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before heating the apple. I should have gone to microwave 1, opened it, then heated the apple with microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, open it, then heat the apple with microwave 1 before putting it in fridge 1.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take book 3 from desk 2. I should have taken book 3 from desk 2, then gone to desk 1 to find the desklamp, then used the desklamp to examine the book. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before putting the tomato in/on it. I should have gone to fridge 1 and cooled the tomato, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to fridge 1, cool the tomato, then go to microwave 1, open it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, then put it in safe 1. Then, I will go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd, then put it in safe 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. In the next trial, I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in countertop. I should have looked for the countertop first, then looked for the cloth. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the countertop, then look for the cloth and clean it with sinkbasin.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined countertop 3 instead of putting plate 4 in/on countertop 3. I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put a clean mug in coffeemachine. I should have cleaned the mug first then put it in the coffeemachine. I noticed that the mug was found on sinkbasin 1. In the next trial, I will take the mug from sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in coffeemachine 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1, put it in countertop 1, and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will try to remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first cd then put it in safe, then find the second cd and put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will also remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 first, then cleaned soapbar 1, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the soapbar, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbottle then put it on toilet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. In the next trial, I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I mistakenly took a soapbottle instead of a soapbar. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the soapbar, then take it and go to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6)."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in cabinet. I should have taken the cloth from cabinet 4, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and forget to take the second peppershaker.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by looking for the first soapbar in cabinet (1-4), countertop (1), garbagecan (1), handtowelholder (1-2), sinkbasin (1-2), toilet (1), toiletpaperhanger (1), towelholder (1). If I find the first soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. Then, I will look for the second soapbar in the same places. If I find the second soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the mug in the drawers. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper. If I am still unable to find the book, I will ask for help."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to check countertop 3 for a plate. I should have gone to countertop 3, found plate 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 3, find the plate 3, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check countertop 3 for a plate before cleaning it. If I find a plate 3, I will take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 instead of turning on the sinkbasin 1 before using it. I should have taken towel 1 from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then turned on the sinkbasin 1, then cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet. In the next trial, I will take towel 1 from towelholder 1, then go to sinkbasin 1, then turn on the sinkbasin 1, then clean the towel 1, then put it in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action. I will also remember to check the shelf first before checking the other objects."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts. Additionally, I will remember to check the contents of each cabinet before moving on to the next one, as I overlooked the soapbottle in cabinet 1 in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an apple then heat it with microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before heating the apple. I should have gone to microwave 1, opened it, then heated the apple with microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, open it, then heat the apple with microwave 1 before putting it in fridge 1.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take book 3 from desk 2. I should have taken book 3 from desk 2, then gone to desk 1 to find the desklamp, then used the desklamp to examine the book. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before putting the tomato in/on it. I should have gone to fridge 1 and cooled the tomato, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to fridge 1, cool the tomato, then go to microwave 1, open it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other items (handtowelholder 1-2, toiletpaperhanger 1, cabinet 1-4) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, then put it in safe 1. Then, I will go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd, then put it in safe 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. In the next trial, I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in countertop. I should have looked for the countertop first, then looked for the cloth. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the countertop, then look for the cloth and clean it with sinkbasin.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. I will try to remember to check all the possible places for the cloth before cleaning it, and to check all the possible places to put the cloth after cleaning it. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined countertop 3 instead of putting plate 4 in/on countertop 3. I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put a clean mug in coffeemachine. I should have cleaned the mug first then put it in the coffeemachine. I noticed that the mug was found on sinkbasin 1. In the next trial, I will take the mug from sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in coffeemachine 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1, put it in countertop 1, and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will try to remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will check the environment for any items that I may need before I start the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step. I will also try to remember to check if the object I am trying to use is open or closed before attempting to use it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first cd then put it in safe, then find the second cd and put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will also remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2. I will also remember to check the other drawers (3-6) even if I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 first, then cleaned soapbar 1, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the soapbar, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment, and to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time. Additionally, I will make sure to take the keychain when I find it, as I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1 without success."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations. I will also make sure to check the cabinet I put the first soapbar in for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbottle then put it on toilet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. In the next trial, I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an overlooked location in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I mistakenly took a soapbottle instead of a soapbar. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the soapbar, then take it and go to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6). If the mug is not in the fridge, I will check the countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), and cabinet (1-6) in that order."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in cabinet. I should have taken the cloth from cabinet 4, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. Additionally, I will check the towelholder 1 for a towel 1, take it, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and forget to take the second peppershaker.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by looking for the first soapbar in cabinet (1-4), countertop (1), garbagecan (1), handtowelholder (1-2), sinkbasin (1-2), toilet (1), toiletpaperhanger (1), towelholder (1). If I find the first soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. Then, I will look for the second soapbar in the same places. If I find the second soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the mug in the drawers. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1 first, find the desklamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as taking an item from the microwave 1 or putting an item in the fridge 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper. If I am still unable to find the book, I will ask for help."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to check countertop 3 for a plate. I should have gone to countertop 3, found plate 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 3, find the plate 3, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check countertop 3 for a plate before cleaning it. If I find a plate 3, I will take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 instead of turning on the sinkbasin 1 before using it. I should have taken towel 1 from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then turned on the sinkbasin 1, then cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet. In the next trial, I will take towel 1 from towelholder 1, then go to sinkbasin 1, then turn on the sinkbasin 1, then clean the towel 1, then put it in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action. I will also remember to check the shelf first before checking the other objects."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts. Additionally, I will remember to check the contents of each cabinet before moving on to the next one, as I overlooked the soapbottle in cabinet 1 in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an apple then heat it with microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before heating the apple. I should have gone to microwave 1, opened it, then heated the apple with microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, open it, then heat the apple with microwave 1 before putting it in fridge 1.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take book 3 from desk 2. I should have taken book 3 from desk 2, then gone to desk 1 to find the desklamp, then used the desklamp to examine the book. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before putting the tomato in/on it. I should have gone to fridge 1 and cooled the tomato, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to fridge 1, cool the tomato, then go to microwave 1, open it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other items (handtowelholder 1-2, toiletpaperhanger 1, cabinet 1-4) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, then put it in safe 1. Then, I will go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd, then put it in safe 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. In the next trial, I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in countertop. I should have looked for the countertop first, then looked for the cloth. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the countertop, then look for the cloth and clean it with sinkbasin.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. I will try to remember to check all the possible places for the cloth before cleaning it, and to check all the possible places to put the cloth after cleaning it. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined countertop 3 instead of putting plate 4 in/on countertop 3. I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put a clean mug in coffeemachine. I should have cleaned the mug first then put it in the coffeemachine. I noticed that the mug was found on sinkbasin 1. In the next trial, I will take the mug from sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in coffeemachine 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1, put it in countertop 1, and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will try to remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will check the environment for any items that I may need before I start the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step. I will also try to remember to check if the object I am trying to use is open or closed before attempting to use it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first cd then put it in safe, then find the second cd and put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will also remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2. I will also remember to check the other drawers (3-6) even if I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 first, then cleaned soapbar 1, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the soapbar, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment, and to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time. Additionally, I will make sure to take the keychain when I find it, as I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1 without success."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations. I will also make sure to check the cabinet I put the first soapbar in for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbottle then put it on toilet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. In the next trial, I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an overlooked location in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I mistakenly took a soapbottle instead of a soapbar. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the soapbar, then take it and go to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6). If the mug is not in the fridge, I will check the countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), and cabinet (1-6) in that order."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in cabinet. I should have taken the cloth from cabinet 4, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. Additionally, I will check the towelholder 1 for a towel 1, take it, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and forget to take the second peppershaker.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by looking for the first soapbar in cabinet (1-4), countertop (1), garbagecan (1), handtowelholder (1-2), sinkbasin (1-2), toilet (1), toiletpaperhanger (1), towelholder (1). If I find the first soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. Then, I will look for the second soapbar in the same places. If I find the second soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the mug in the drawers. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1 first, find the desklamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as taking an item from the microwave 1 or putting an item in the fridge 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper. If I am still unable to find the book, I will ask for help."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to check countertop 3 for a plate. I should have gone to countertop 3, found plate 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 3, find the plate 3, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check countertop 3 for a plate before cleaning it. If I find a plate 3, I will take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 instead of turning on the sinkbasin 1 before using it. I should have taken towel 1 from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then turned on the sinkbasin 1, then cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet. In the next trial, I will take towel 1 from towelholder 1, then go to sinkbasin 1, then turn on the sinkbasin 1, then clean the towel 1, then put it in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action. I will also remember to check the shelf first before checking the other objects."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts. Additionally, I will remember to check the contents of each cabinet before moving on to the next one, as I overlooked the soapbottle in cabinet 1 in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an apple then heat it with microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before heating the apple. I should have gone to microwave 1, opened it, then heated the apple with microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, open it, then heat the apple with microwave 1 before putting it in fridge 1.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take book 3 from desk 2. I should have taken book 3 from desk 2, then gone to desk 1 to find the desklamp, then used the desklamp to examine the book. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before putting the tomato in/on it. I should have gone to fridge 1 and cooled the tomato, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to fridge 1, cool the tomato, then go to microwave 1, open it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other items (handtowelholder 1-2, toiletpaperhanger 1, cabinet 1-4) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, then put it in safe 1. Then, I will go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd, then put it in safe 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. In the next trial, I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in countertop. I should have looked for the countertop first, then looked for the cloth. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the countertop, then look for the cloth and clean it with sinkbasin.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. I will try to remember to check all the possible places for the cloth before cleaning it, and to check all the possible places to put the cloth after cleaning it. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined countertop 3 instead of putting plate 4 in/on countertop 3. I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put a clean mug in coffeemachine. I should have cleaned the mug first then put it in the coffeemachine. I noticed that the mug was found on sinkbasin 1. In the next trial, I will take the mug from sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in coffeemachine 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1, put it in countertop 1, and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will try to remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will check the environment for any items that I may need before I start the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step. I will also try to remember to check if the object I am trying to use is open or closed before attempting to use it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first cd then put it in safe, then find the second cd and put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will also remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2. I will also remember to check the other drawers (3-6) even if I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 first, then cleaned soapbar 1, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the soapbar, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment, and to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time. Additionally, I will make sure to take the keychain when I find it, as I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1 without success."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations. I will also make sure to check the cabinet I put the first soapbar in for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbottle then put it on toilet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. In the next trial, I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an overlooked location in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I mistakenly took a soapbottle instead of a soapbar. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the soapbar, then take it and go to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6). If the mug is not in the fridge, I will check the countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), and cabinet (1-6) in that order."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in cabinet. I should have taken the cloth from cabinet 4, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. Additionally, I will check the towelholder 1 for a towel 1, take it, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and forget to take the second peppershaker.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by looking for the first soapbar in cabinet (1-4), countertop (1), garbagecan (1), handtowelholder (1-2), sinkbasin (1-2), toilet (1), toiletpaperhanger (1), towelholder (1). If I find the first soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. Then, I will look for the second soapbar in the same places. If I find the second soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the mug in the drawers. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1 first, find the desklamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as taking an item from the microwave 1 or putting an item in the fridge 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper. If I am still unable to find the book, I will ask for help."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to check countertop 3 for a plate. I should have gone to countertop 3, found plate 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 3, find the plate 3, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined the environment instead of putting the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. I should have taken plate 2 from countertop 2, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 2 and put it in/on countertop 2. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check countertop 3 for a plate before cleaning it. If I find a plate 3, I will take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then go to countertop 3 and put the plate 3 in/on countertop 3."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 instead of turning on the sinkbasin 1 before using it. I should have taken towel 1 from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then turned on the sinkbasin 1, then cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet. In the next trial, I will take towel 1 from towelholder 1, then go to sinkbasin 1, then turn on the sinkbasin 1, then clean the towel 1, then put it in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment.",
" I should have checked the shelf (1-12) first before checking the other objects. I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking shelf 1, then shelf 2, and so on until I find a vase. If I do not find a vase, I will check the other objects in the environment. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action. I will also remember to check the shelf first before checking the other objects."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts.",
" I will check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it in the toilet. If I don't find a soapbottle, I will go back to cabinet 1 and try a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an option I overlooked in my previous attempts. Additionally, I will remember to check the contents of each cabinet before moving on to the next one, as I overlooked the soapbottle in cabinet 1 in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an apple then heat it with microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before heating the apple. I should have gone to microwave 1, opened it, then heated the apple with microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, open it, then heat the apple with microwave 1 before putting it in fridge 1.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to countertop 3, take apple 3, then go to microwave 1, open it, then heat apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take book 3 from desk 2. I should have taken book 3 from desk 2, then gone to desk 1 to find the desklamp, then used the desklamp to examine the book. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to desk 1, find the desklamp, then go to desk 2 to find the book. I will then use the desklamp to examine the book. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I forgot to open the microwave before putting the tomato in/on it. I should have gone to fridge 1 and cooled the tomato, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will go to fridge 1, cool the tomato, then go to microwave 1, open it, then put the tomato in/on microwave 1.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take tomato 3 from drawer 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1. I will also check sinkbasin 1 and sinkbasin 2 to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other locations (garbagecan 1, toilet 1, towelholder 1) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1. I will also check the other items (handtowelholder 1-2, toiletpaperhanger 1, cabinet 1-4) to make sure that there is no soapbar before I take the one from countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, then put it in safe 1. Then, I will go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd, then put it in safe 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will try to take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet 6. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other cabinets and countertops to make sure I am not missing any other items that could help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. In the next trial, I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to cabinet 3, find the first toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1, then go to cabinet 4, find the second toiletpaper, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1, then cleaned bowl 3 with sinkbasin 1, then gone to cabinet (1-6), then put bowl 3 in cabinet (1-6). I will try to remember to execute all the necessary steps in the correct order in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in countertop. I should have looked for the countertop first, then looked for the cloth. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the countertop, then look for the cloth and clean it with sinkbasin.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken the towel from handtowelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on countertop 1. I will try to remember to check all the possible places for the cloth before cleaning it, and to check all the possible places to put the cloth after cleaning it. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined countertop 3 instead of putting plate 4 in/on countertop 3. I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action.",
" I should have taken plate 4 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean it, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I will try to remember to take the plate before cleaning it and to put it in/on the countertop after cleaning it. I will also try to remember to check the environment for the items I need before taking any action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put a clean mug in coffeemachine. I should have cleaned the mug first then put it in the coffeemachine. I noticed that the mug was found on sinkbasin 1. In the next trial, I will take the mug from sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in coffeemachine 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. I will remember to clean the mug before putting it in the coffeemachine. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1, put it in countertop 1, and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will try to remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will remember the order of the steps and execute them in the correct order. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will check the environment for any items that I may need before I start the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step.",
" I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to heat the cup before putting it in/on the cabinet. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the cup before moving on to the next step. Additionally, I will try to remember to check all the possible actions that can be done with the cup before moving on to the next step. I will also try to remember to check if the object I am trying to use is open or closed before attempting to use it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first cd then put it in safe, then find the second cd and put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will also remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2.",
" I will first look for the first cd (2) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. Then I will look for the second cd (3) in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). If I find it, I will take it, then put it in safe 1. If I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2, I will remember to put something in/on drawer 2 before taking cd 2 from drawer 2. I will also remember to check the other drawers (3-6) even if I find the first cd (2) in drawer 2."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. I will start by checking the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task. Then, I will find a bowl and take it. After that, I will go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it. Finally, I will put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check the environment for any objects that I need to complete the task before I start executing any actions."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will start with cabinet 1, then move on to countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am still unable to find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for a different item that could be used as a substitute for a soapbottle."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 first, then cleaned soapbar 1, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the soapbar, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take soapbar 1 from countertop 1, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets before I move on to the next environment, and to specify which cabinet I am putting the saltshaker in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find the first keychain, then put it in safe, then find the second keychain, then put it in safe. I will check all the possible locations for the keychain before moving on to the next step. I will also make sure to look for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and waste time. Additionally, I will make sure to take the keychain when I find it, as I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1 without success."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the egg from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1, then heat the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations.",
" In this environment, my plan is to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet. I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the second soapbar before I move on to the next location. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-4) for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations. I will also make sure to check the cabinet I put the first soapbar in for the second soapbar before I move on to the other locations."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-3), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I find the bowl, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbottle then put it on toilet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. In the next trial, I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle before attempting to take it.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for a soapbottle (cabinet 1-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, garbagecan 1) before attempting to take it. If I find a soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will try to execute a different action. I will also remember to check the toilet for a soapbottle, as this was an overlooked location in my previous attempts."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1, cabinet 1, cabinet 2, cabinet 3, cabinet 4, garbagecan 1, handtowelholder 1, handtowelholder 2, sinkbasin 1, sinkbasin 2, toilet 1, and took soapbottle opener 3. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1, then look for the second soapbar, then take it from the soapbottle, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I mistakenly took a soapbottle instead of a soapbar. In the next trial, I will go to countertop 1, find the soapbar, then take it and go to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before I move on to the next step. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1.",
" I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the microwave first before trying to take the apple. In the next trial, I will go to microwave 1, heat the apple, then put it in garbagecan 1. I will also try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6).",
" I should have checked the fridge (1) first, as it is the most likely place to find a mug. If I had done this, I would have found a mug (1) and been able to take it. In the next trial, I will check the fridge (1) first, then take the mug (1) if it is there, then heat it with microwave (1), then put it in cabinet (1-6). If the mug is not in the fridge, I will check the countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), and cabinet (1-6) in that order."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some cloth and put it in cabinet. I should have taken the cloth from cabinet 4, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will try to remember to clean the cloth before putting it in/on cabinet 1. I will also try to remember to take the cloth from cabinet 4, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. Additionally, I will check the towelholder 1 for a towel 1, take it, go to sinkbasin 1, clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. This will ensure that I do not get stuck in a loop and forget to take the second peppershaker.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 3 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by looking for the first soapbar in cabinet (1-4), countertop (1), garbagecan (1), handtowelholder (1-2), sinkbasin (1-2), toilet (1), toiletpaperhanger (1), towelholder (1). If I find the first soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. Then, I will look for the second soapbar in the same places. If I find the second soapbar, I will take it and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the mug in the drawers. I should have gone to desk 1 first, found the desklamp, then looked for the mug and examined it with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to desk 1 first, find the desklamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have opened the microwave 1 before attempting to heat the apple 1. I will try to open the microwave 1 first, then heat the apple 1 with the microwave 1, then put it in the fridge 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as taking an item from the microwave 1 or putting an item in the fridge 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper.",
" I will go to shelf 3, find the desklamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp. If I am unable to find the book, I will check the other shelves and drawers. If I am still unable to find the book, I will check the garbagecan and laundryhamper. If I am still unable to find the book, I will ask for help."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
from typing import List, Dict
class EnvironmentHistory:
def __init__(self, base_query: str, start_info, memory: List[str], history: List[Dict[str, str]] = []) -> None:
self._cur_query: str = f'{_get_base_query(base_query, start_info, memory)}'
self._history: List[Dict[str, str]] = history
self._last_action: str = ''
self._is_exhausted: bool = False
def add(self, label: str, value: str) -> None:
assert label in ['action', 'observation', 'human_edit']
self._history += [{
'label': label,
'value': value,
if label == 'action':
if value == self._last_action:
self._is_exhausted = True
self._last_action = value
def check_is_exhausted(self) -> bool:
return self._is_exhausted
def reset(self) -> None:
self._history = []
def __str__(self) -> str:
s: str = self._cur_query + '\n'
for i, item in enumerate(self._history):
if item['label'] == 'action':
s += f'> {item["value"]}'
elif item['label'] == 'observation':
s += item['value']
elif item['label'] == 'human_edit':
s += f'[human edit]: {item["value"]}'
if i != len(self._history) - 1:
s += '\n'
return s
def _get_base_query(base_query: str, start_info: str, memory: List[str]) -> str:
query = base_query
# add memory if it exists
if len(memory) > 0:
query += '\n\nYour memory for the task below:'
for i, m in enumerate(memory):
query += f'\nTrial {i}:\n{m.strip()}'
query += f"\nHere is the task:\n{start_info}"
return query

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
from utils import get_completion
from typing import List, Dict, Any
with open("./reflexion_few_shot_examples.txt", 'r') as f:
def _get_scenario(s: str) -> str:
"""Parses the relevant scenario from the experience log."""
return s.split("Here is the task:")[-1].strip()
def _generate_reflection_query(log_str: str, memory: List[str]) -> str:
"""Allows the Agent to reflect upon a past experience."""
scenario: str = _get_scenario(log_str)
query: str = f"""You will be given the history of a past experience in which you were placed in an environment and given a task to complete. You were unsuccessful in completing the task. Do not summarize your environment, but rather think about the strategy and path you took to attempt to complete the task. Devise a concise, new plan of action that accounts for your mistake with reference to specific actions that you should have taken. For example, if you tried A and B but forgot C, then devise a plan to achieve C with environment-specific actions. You will need this later when you are solving the same task. Give your plan after "Plan". Here are two examples:
if len(memory) > 0:
query += '\n\nPlans from past attempts:\n'
for i, m in enumerate(memory):
query += f'Trial #{i}: {m}\n'
query += '\n\nNew plan:'
return query
def update_memory(trial_log_path: str, env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Updates the given env_config with the appropriate reflections."""
with open(trial_log_path, 'r') as f:
full_log: str =
env_logs: List[str] = full_log.split('#####\n\n#####')
assert len(env_logs) == len(env_configs), print(f'bad: {len(env_logs)}, {len(env_configs)}')
for i, env in enumerate(env_configs):
# if unsolved, get reflection and update env config
if not env['is_success'] and not env['skip']:
if len(env['memory']) > 3:
memory: List[str] = env['memory'][-3:]
memory: List[str] = env['memory']
reflection_query: str = _generate_reflection_query(env_logs[i], memory)
reflection: str = get_completion(reflection_query) # type: ignore
env_configs[i]['memory'] += [reflection]
return env_configs

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
import os
import json
import argparse
from alfworld_trial import run_trial
from generate_reflections import update_memory
from typing import Any, List, Dict
def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--num_trials", type=int, help="The number of trials to run")
parser.add_argument("--num_envs", type=int, help="The number of environments per trial")
parser.add_argument("--run_name", type=str, help="The name of the run")
parser.add_argument("--use_memory", action='store_true', help="Allow the Agent to use memory")
parser.add_argument("--is_resume", action='store_true', help="To resume run")
parser.add_argument("--resume_dir", type=str, help="If resume, the logging directory", default="")
parser.add_argument("--start_trial_num", type=int, help="If resume, the start trial num", default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
assert args.num_trials > 0, "Number of trials should be positive"
assert args.num_envs > 0, "Number of environments should be positive"
return args
def main(args) -> None:
if args.is_resume:
if not os.path.exists(args.resume_dir):
raise ValueError(f"Resume directory `{args.resume_dir}` does not exist")
logging_dir = args.resume_dir
# load environment configs
env_config_path: str = os.path.join(args.resume_dir, f'env_results_trial_{args.start_trial_num - 1}.json')
if not os.path.exists(env_config_path):
raise ValueError(f"Environment config file `{env_config_path}` does not exist")
with open(env_config_path, 'r') as rf:
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = json.load(rf)
# Create the run directory
if not os.path.exists(args.run_name):
logging_dir = args.run_name
# initialize environment configs
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
for i in range(args.num_envs):
env_configs += [{
'name': f'env_{i}',
'memory': [],
'is_success': False,
'skip': False
world_log_path: str = os.path.join(logging_dir, 'world.log')
# print start status to user
if args.is_resume:
Resuming run with the following parameters:
Run name: {logging_dir}
Number of trials: {args.num_trials}
Number of environments: {args.num_envs}
Use memory: {args.use_memory}
Resume trial number: {args.start_trial_num}
Sending all logs to `{args.run_name}`
Starting run with the following parameters:
Run name: {logging_dir}
Number of trials: {args.num_trials}
Number of environments: {args.num_envs}
Use memory: {args.use_memory}
Sending all logs to `{args.run_name}`
# run trials
trial_idx = args.start_trial_num
while trial_idx < args.num_trials:
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n\n***** Start Trial #{trial_idx} *****\n\n')
# set paths to log files
trial_log_path: str = os.path.join(args.run_name, f'trial_{trial_idx}.log')
trial_env_configs_log_path: str = os.path.join(args.run_name, f'env_results_trial_{trial_idx}.json')
if os.path.exists(trial_log_path):
open(trial_log_path, 'w').close()
if os.path.exists(trial_env_configs_log_path):
open(trial_env_configs_log_path, 'w').close()
# run trial
run_trial(trial_log_path, world_log_path, trial_idx, env_configs, args.use_memory)
# update memory if needed
if args.use_memory:
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = update_memory(trial_log_path, env_configs)
# log env configs for trial
with open(trial_env_configs_log_path, 'w') as wf:
json.dump(env_configs, wf, indent=4)
# log world for trial
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n\n***** End Trial #{trial_idx} *****\n\n')
trial_idx += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = get_args()

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
You are in the middle of a room. Looking quickly around you, you see a cabinet 10, a cabinet 9, a cabinet 8, a cabinet 7, a cabinet 6, a cabinet 5, a cabinet 4, a cabinet 3, a cabinet 2, a cabinet 1, a coffeemachine 1, a countertop 2, a countertop 1, a diningtable 2, a diningtable 1, a drawer 3, a drawer 2, a drawer 1, a fridge 1, a garbagecan 1, a microwave 1, a sinkbasin 1, a stoveburner 4, a stoveburner 3, a stoveburner 2, a stoveburner 1, and a toaster 1.
Your task is to: heat some mug and put it in coffeemachine.
> think: To solve the task, I need to find and take a mug, then heat it with stoveburner, then put it in coffeemachine.
> look
You are in the middle of a room. Looking quickly around you, you see nothing.
> think: First I need to find a mug. A mug is more likely to appear in countertop (1-2), diningtable (1-2), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1). I can check one by one, starting with countertop 1.
> look
You are in the middle of a room. Looking quickly around you, you see nothing.
> go to countertop 1
On the countertop 1, you see a butterknife 1, a cup 1, a fork 2, and a mug 1.
> think: Now I find a mug (1). Next, I need to take it.
> take mug 1 from countertop 1
You pick up the mug 1 from the countertop 1.
> think: Now I take a mug (1). Next, I need to heat it with stoveburner (1-4).
> go to stoveburner 1
On the stoveburner 1, you see a pan 2.
> examine stoveburner 1
On the stoveburner 1, you see a pan 2.
> examine stoveburner 1
On the stoveburner 1, you see a pan 2.
> examine stoveburner 1
On the stoveburner 1, you see a pan 2.
> examine stoveburner 1
On the stoveburner 1, you see a pan 2.
New plan: I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined stoveburner 1 instead of heating mug 1 with stoveburner 1. I should have taken mug 1 from countertop 1, then heated it with stoveburner 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.
You are in the middle of a room. Looking quickly around you, you see a bed 1, a desk 2, a desk 1, a drawer 6, a drawer 5, a drawer 4, a drawer 3, a drawer 2, a drawer 1, a garbagecan 1, a laundryhamper 1, a safe 1, a shelf 6, a shelf 5, a shelf 4, a shelf 3, a shelf 2, and a shelf 1.
Your task is to: look at bowl under the desklamp.
> think: To solve the task, I need to find and take a bowl, then find and use a desklamp.
> think: First I need to find a bowl. A bowl is more likely to appear in drawer (1-6), desk (1-2), shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), laundryhamper (1). I can check one by one, starting with drawer 1.
> go to drawer 1
The drawer 1 is closed.
> open drawer 1
You open the drawer 1. The drawer 1 is open. In it, you see a cellphone 2.
> go to drawer 2
On the drawer 2, you see a keychain 1.
> go to drawer 3
Nothing happens.
> go to drawer 4
The drawer 4 is closed.
> open drawer 4
You open the drawer 4. The drawer 4 is open. In it, you see nothing.
> go to drawer 5
On the drawer 5, you see nothing.
> go to drawer 6
The drawer 6 is closed.
> open drawer 6
You open the drawer 6. The drawer 6 is open. In it, you see a book 2, and a pen 2.
> go to desk 1
On the desk 1, you see a alarmclock 1, a desklamp 1, a mug 1, and a pencil 1.
> think: Now I find a desklamp (1). Next, I need to use it.
> use desklamp 1
You turn on the desklamp 1.
Nothing happens.
> go to desk 2
On the desk 2, you see a bowl 2, a bowl 1, a cd 2, a cd 1, and a creditcard 3.
> think: Now I find a bowl (2). Next, I need to take it.
> take bowl 2 from desk 2
You pick up the bowl 2 from the desk 2.
Nothing happens.
Nothing happens.
New plan: In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp.

@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details, and I will make sure to check the environment for any objects that may have been added since my last attempt."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": true
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am using, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such"
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task. I will"
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track. I will also make sure to take a break if I am feeling overwhelmed or frustrated."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details, and I will make sure to check the environment for any objects that may have been added since my last attempt."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": true
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the shelf (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am using, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3. I should have opened drawer 3, taken tomato 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am using, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task. I will",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without success. I should have checked the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task, such as a saltshaker on another countertop or shelf. I will try to look for other objects that may be related to the task if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track. I will also make sure to take a break if I am feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track. I will also make sure to take a break if I am feeling overwhelmed or frustrated."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details, and I will make sure to check the environment for any objects that may have been added since my last attempt."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": true
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the shelf (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am using, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3. I should have opened drawer 3, taken tomato 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am using, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge. However, the task says to put a cool tomato in microwave. I should have looked for the fridge then looked for the tomato. I noticed that the fridge was found on cabinet 6. In the next trial, I will go to cabinet 6, find the fridge, then look for the tomato and cool it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task. I will",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without success. I should have checked the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task, such as a saltshaker on another countertop or shelf. I will try to look for other objects that may be related to the task if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track. I will also make sure to take a break if I am feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track. I will also make sure to take a break if I am feeling overwhelmed or frustrated."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details, and I will make sure to check the environment for any objects that may have been added since my last attempt."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": true
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the shelf (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am using, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3. I should have opened drawer 3, taken tomato 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the environment, such as going to the correct location or using the correct object. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am using, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge. However, the task says to put a cool tomato in microwave. I should have looked for the fridge then looked for the tomato. I noticed that the fridge was found on cabinet 6. In the next trial, I will go to cabinet 6, find the fridge, then look for the tomato and cool it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task. I will",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without success. I should have checked the environment for any other objects that may be related to the task, such as a saltshaker on another countertop or shelf. I will try to look for other objects that may be related to the task if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track. I will also make sure to take a break if I am feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task. I will also make sure to check the task again after I take an action to make sure I am still on the right track. I will also make sure to take a break if I am feeling overwhelmed or frustrated."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details, and I will make sure to check the environment for any objects that may have been added since my last attempt."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": true
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one. I will also remember to check the stoveburner (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the shelf (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": false
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": true
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,905 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": true
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in countertop. However, I forgot to put the plate in/on countertop after cleaning it. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1, cleaned the plate 2, then gone to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate 2, then go to countertop 2 and put the plate 2 in/on countertop 2."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 instead of filling the spraybottle 1 with water. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from garbagecan 1. I should have taken cloth 1 from garbagecan 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take spraybottle 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken spraybottle 1 from countertop 1, then turned it on, then filled it with water, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned the towel 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to look at bowl under the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the bowl. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the bowl under the desklamp. I will also make sure to look at the bowl before taking it, to make sure it is the right one.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the bowl (2) from desk (2). I should have looked at the bowl (2) first, to make sure it is the right one, then taken it. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [
" I was unsuccessful in finding a vase in the environment. I should have checked the shelf (1-12) before checking the other objects. I will try to check the shelf first in the next trial."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will start by checking cabinet 1 for a soapbottle. If I do not find a soapbottle, I will then check the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1). If I still do not find a soapbottle, I will look for other items that could be used as a substitute, such as a cloth or a candle. If I find a substitute, I will take it and put it in the toilet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 3 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken apple 3 from countertop 3, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 3 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. I will try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. I will also try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will try to remember to check all the possible locations for the apple before taking any action. I will also try to remember to open the microwave before heating the apple. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to take the apple before attempting to heat it."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the tomato in/on the microwave without opening it. I should have taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a tomato then cool it with fridge then put it in microwave. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take tomato 3 from drawer 3 without opening it. I should have opened drawer 3, then taken tomato 3 from drawer 3, then gone to fridge 1 and cooled it, then gone to microwave 1 and opened it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. In the next trial, I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato.",
" I will open drawer 3, take tomato 3, then go to fridge 1 and cool it, then go to microwave 1 and open it, then put tomato 3 in/on microwave 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or looking for other objects that may help me complete the task. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure that I am following them correctly. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object and that I am taking it from the correct location. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the object I am taking, such as opening a drawer or cooling a tomato. I will also make sure that I am taking the correct action for the task, such as looking at the bowl under the desklamp or putting the tomato in the microwave."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to put it in countertop. I should have taken the soapbar then put it in countertop. I noticed that the countertop was found on countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually examined sinkbasin (1-2) instead of putting soapbar 1 in countertop 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it in/on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from sofa 1, then put it in/on safe 1. In the next trial, I will take the vase from the sofa, then put it in/on safe.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe without taking it first. I should have taken the vase from safe 1, then put it in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will go to drawer 5, take cd 3, put it in safe 1, then go back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1).",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cd 3 from drawer 5. I should have taken cd 3 from drawer 5, then put it in safe 1, then gone back to drawer 5 to take the second cd. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as looking for the second cd in shelf (1-6), garbagecan (1), or laundryhamper (1)."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3. I should have looked for the saltshaker first, then taken it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step.",
" I will look for the saltshaker first, then take it from countertop 3, then put it on cabinet. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for other objects that may be related to the task. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the countertops, drawers, shelves, and cabinets for the saltshaker before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to take the saltshaker from the correct countertop before I put it on the cabinet. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct object before I take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also take the time to think about the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to look at the bowl under the desklamp before I move on to the next step. I will also make sure to check all the cabinets (1-6) for the saltshaker before I put it on the cabinet."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 4 instead of taking it from cabinet 3. I should have taken toiletpaper 2 from cabinet 3, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first toiletpaper then put it in cabinet, then find the second toiletpaper then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 3 instead of taking it from cabinet 4. I should have taken toiletpaper 3 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken toiletpaper 4 from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1. I will try to remember to check all the cabinets before taking an action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper.",
" I will start by checking all the cabinets (1-4) for toiletpaper, then take the first toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1, then take the second toiletpaper I find and put it in cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action and check all the cabinets again to make sure I have not missed any toiletpaper."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start.",
" I will take bowl 3 from countertop 3, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any clues that may help me complete the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and make sure I understand what I am supposed to do before I start. I will also double-check that I am taking the correct action before I execute it. I will also make sure to check the environment after I take an action to see if there are any changes that may help me complete the task. I will also take the time to think through the task and plan out my steps before I start. I will also make sure to check the environment before I take an action to see if there are any clues that may help me complete the task."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the towel in/on countertop 1. I should have taken the towel from towelholder 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) to clean it, then looked for another place to put it, such as cabinet (1-4) or handtowelholder (1-2). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a plate then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some plate and put it in countertop. I should have gone to sinkbasin 1 to clean the plate, then gone to countertop 3 to put it in/on. I noticed that the countertop 3 was found on countertop 3. In the next trial, I will go to sinkbasin 1, clean the plate, then go to countertop 3 to put it in/on."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the mug in the coffeemachine without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from sinkbasin 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken mug 3 from sinkbasin 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in coffeemachine 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in different places. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then clean it with sinkbasin. However, the task says to clean some pan and put it in countertop. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. In the next trial, I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cup then heat it with microwave then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cup 3 in/on cabinet 1 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cup 3 from countertop 3 without heating it. I should have taken cup 3 from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1 and heated it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I will take cup 3 from countertop 3, then go to microwave 1 and heat it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations for the cup before I move on to the next step. Additionally, I will make sure to check the environment for any changes that may have occurred since my last attempt, and I will double-check that I have heated the cup before I put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details, and I will make sure to check the environment for any objects that may have been added since my last attempt."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to go to drawer 3 without taking the first cd (2) from drawer 2. I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item.",
" I should have taken cd 2 from drawer 2, then put it in safe 1, then gone to drawer 3, then taken cd 3 from drawer 3, then put it in safe 1. I will try to remember to take the first item before moving on to the next item, and to put the item in the safe before moving on to the next item. I will also try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item. Additionally, I will try to remember to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item, and to check the environment for any other items that may be related to the task before moving on to the next item."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a bowl then clean it with sinkbasin, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually checked the sinkbasin for nothing. I should have taken bowl 1 from countertop 3, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other locations for a soapbottle before trying to take it from cabinet 1. I will try to check all the locations for the item I need before attempting to take it. If I am still stuck, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to sinkbasin 1 and 2 instead of cleaning soapbar 1 with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a saltshaker then put it in/on cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the saltshaker in/on cabinet without specifying which cabinet. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the saltshaker from countertop 3 without specifying which countertop. I should have taken the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specified which cabinet to put it in/on. In the next trial, I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the saltshaker from countertop 3, then specify which cabinet to put it in/on. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first keychain then put it in safe, then find the second keychain then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second keychain from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the second keychain before putting the first keychain in safe. In the next trial, I will look for the second keychain first, then put the first keychain in safe, then take the second keychain and put it in safe."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an egg then heat it with microwave then put it in garbagecan. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the egg in/on the garbagecan. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the egg from countertop 3. I should have taken the egg from countertop 3, then gone to microwave 1, then heated the egg with microwave 1, then put it in/on garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. Additionally, I will make sure to check all possible locations for the egg before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and understand what I need to do before attempting to solve it. I will also make sure to double-check that I am taking the correct item before attempting to take it. I will also make sure to check the environment for any other items that may be necessary to complete the task."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have looked for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet. In the next trial, I will find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then look for the second soapbar, then take it, then put it in cabinet.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually looked for the second soapbar in the wrong places. I should have found and taken the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the first soapbar from cabinet 4. I should have taken the first soapbar from cabinet 4, then put it in cabinet 1, then looked for the second soapbar, then taken it, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also remember to look for the second soapbar after I put the first soapbar in cabinet."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken bowl 3 from countertop 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl first, then taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take bowl 3 from countertop 3. I should have looked for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), taken it, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the bowl in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the task instructions and make sure I am following them correctly."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a vase then put it on safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the vase in/on safe 1. I should have taken the vase from sidetable 1, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the vase from sidetable 1. I should have looked for the vase in cabinets (1-4), drawers (1-5), garbagecan (1), sidetable (1), shelf (1-12), starting with cabinet 1. Once I found the vase, I should have taken it, then gone to safe 1, then put the vase in/on safe 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pan then cool it with fridge then put it in countertop. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to cool the pan with the fridge. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the pan from stoveburner 1. I should have taken the pan from stoveburner 1, then gone to fridge 1, then opened the fridge 1, then cooled the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again. I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step.",
" I will take the pan from stoveburner 1, then go to fridge 1, then open the fridge 1, then cool the pan with the fridge 1, then put it in/on countertop 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the fridge 1 or the countertop 1. Additionally, I will make sure to check all the possible locations for the pan before I move on to the next step."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 1. I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have checked the other cabinets (2-4), countertop (1), toilet (1), sinkbasin (1-2), and garbagecan (1) for a soapbottle before taking the spraybottle 2 from cabinet 1. I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will check all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take a soapbottle from cabinet 3. I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details.",
" I should have checked all the possible locations for the soapbottle before taking any item from the environment. I will start with cabinet 1, then check cabinet 2-4, countertop 1, toilet 1, sinkbasin 1-2, and garbagecan 1. If I find the soapbottle, I will take it and put it on the toilet. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to read the task carefully and pay attention to the details."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then take it. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. In the next trial, I will look for something to open the soapbottle with, then go to countertop 1, then take the soapbar from the soapbottle.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to countertop 1 and cabinet 1. I should have looked for something to open the soapbottle with, then gone to countertop 1, then taken the soapbar from the soapbottle. I will try to look for something to open the soapbottle with if I am stuck in a loop again. I will also check the other objects in the environment to see if there is something else that can open the soapbottle."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_100",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_101",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the soapbar 1 in/on the cabinet 1 instead of cleaning it with sinkbasin. I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a soapbar then clean it with sinkbasin. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1. I should have taken the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice.",
" I should have taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then gone to sinkbasin (1-2) and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will take the soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then go to sinkbasin (1-2) and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. I will also pay attention to the environment and look for any other objects that may be related to the task. Additionally, I will make sure to read the task carefully and double-check that I am following the instructions correctly. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that I have already interacted with and make sure to not repeat the same action twice. I will also take note of any objects that"
"is_success": true
"name": "env_102",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_103",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_104",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take apple 1 from countertop 3. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in garbagecan 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for an apple in fridge 1 first, then countertop (1-3), then diningtable (1), then stoveburner (1-4), then toaster (1), then garbagecan (1), then cabinet (1-10). I will try to look for the apple in each of these places in order before attempting to take it from countertop 3."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_105",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first cd, then put it in safe, then find and take the second cd, then put it in safe. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually visited places where the first cd is likely to appear, but I still couldn't find it. I should have asked for help if I was stuck in a loop. In the next trial, I will ask for help if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_106",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take mug 3 from countertop 3. I should have taken mug 3 from countertop 3, then heated it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. If I am still unable to find the mug, I will try to execute a different action. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I should have looked for the mug in all the possible locations before attempting to take it. I will look for the mug in countertop (1-3), drawer (1-3), fridge (1), shelf (1-3), stoveburner (1-4), toaster (1), garbagecan (1), cabinet (1-6) before attempting to take it. Once I find the mug, I will take it, then heat it with microwave 1, then put it in cabinet (1-6). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action. I will also make sure to check all the possible locations before attempting to take the mug."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_107",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put cloth 1 in/on cabinet 1 without cleaning it first. I should have taken cloth 1 from toilet 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find a cloth then clean it with sinkbasin and put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take cloth 1 from toilet 1 without success. I should have looked for the cloth first, then taken it, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. In the next trial, I will look for the cloth, take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will look for the cloth first, then take it, then go to sinkbasin 1 and clean it, then put it in/on cabinet 1. If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_108",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_109",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_110",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_111",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_112",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then find and take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second peppershaker from countertop 2. I should have taken the first peppershaker, then put it in drawer, then gone back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer. In the next trial, I will take the first peppershaker, put it in drawer, then go back to countertop 2 to take the second peppershaker, then put it in drawer."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_113",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will try to look for the second pillow in the environment before taking it in the next trial.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action.",
" In this environment, my plan was to find the first pillow then put it in sofa, then find the second pillow then put it in sofa. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the second pillow from dresser 1. I should have taken the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then looked for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). I will take the first pillow from armchair 1, then put it in sofa 1, then look for the second pillow in cabinet (1-4), drawer (1-5), dresser (1), garbagecan (1), safe (1), shelf (1-12), sidetable (1), sofa (1). If I am stuck in a loop again, I will try to execute a different action, such as examining the environment or using an object."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_114",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_115",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find and take the first soapbar, then put it in cabinet, then find and take the second soapbar, then put it in cabinet. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually took cloth 2 from cabinet 4 and put it in cabinet 1. I should have taken soapbar 1 from cabinet 1, then put it in cabinet 1, then taken soapbar 1 from countertop 1, then put it in cabinet 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_116",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_117",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a pencil then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the pencil with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the pencil. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the pencil and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_118",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take plate 1 from countertop 1 instead of drawer 3. I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then put it in countertop 1. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one.",
" I should have taken plate 1 from drawer 3, then cleaned it with sinkbasin 1, then checked if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will check the drawers (1-3) first, then the countertop (1-3), sinkbasin (1), stoveburner (1-3), shelf (1-3), and garbagecan (1). If I find a plate, I will open the drawer, take it, then clean it with sinkbasin 1, then check if the plate is clean before putting it in countertop. I will also remember to open the drawers before taking the plate, and to use the sinkbasin to clean the plate. Additionally, I will remember to check the countertop (1-3) for a clean plate before cleaning one, and to check the sinkbasin for a clean plate before cleaning one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_119",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_120",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_121",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find an alarmclock then find and use a desklamp. However, I was stuck in a loop in which I continually went to desk 1 instead of finding the switch for the desklamp. I should have gone to desklamp 1, found the switch, then turned on the desklamp. In the next trial, I will go to desklamp 1, find the switch, then turn on the desklamp before looking for the alarmclock."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_122",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_123",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_124",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_125",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_126",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_127",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_128",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_129",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a mug then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the mug with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the mug. I noticed that the desklamp was found on desk 1. In the next trial, I will go to desk 1, find the lamp, then look for the mug and examine it with the desklamp."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_130",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_131",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to heat apple 1 with microwave 1 without opening the microwave 1. I should have taken apple 1 from countertop 2, then opened microwave 1, then heated apple 1 with microwave 1, then put it in fridge 1. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_132",
"memory": [
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to put the pan in countertop 1 and clean it with sinkbasin 1. I should have taken pan 1 from stoveburner 1, then gone to sinkbasin 1 and cleaned it, then gone to countertop 1 and put it there. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_133",
"memory": [
" In this environment, my plan was to find a book then find and use a desklamp. However, the task says to examine the book with the desklamp. I should have looked for the desklamp first, then looked for the book. I noticed that the desklamp was found on shelf 3. In the next trial, I will go to shelf 3, find the lamp, then look for the book to examine with the desklamp.",
" I was stuck in a loop in which I continually tried to take the desklamp from shelf 3 instead of examining the book with the desklamp. I should have gone to shelf 3, taken the desklamp, then gone to a shelf or drawer to find a book to examine with the desklamp. It did not help to execute two identical actions in a row. I will try to execute a different action if I am stuck in a loop again."
"is_success": true

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
python \
--num_trials 10 \
--num_envs 134 \
--run_name "base_run_logs" \

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
python \
--num_trials 10 \
--num_envs 134 \
--run_name "reflexion_run_logs" \

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import os
import openai
from tenacity import (
stop_after_attempt, # type: ignore
wait_random_exponential, # type: ignore
from typing import Optional, List, Union
openai.api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=60), stop=stop_after_attempt(6))
def get_completion(prompt: Union[str, List[str]], max_tokens: int = 256, stop_strs: Optional[List[str]] = None, is_batched: bool = False) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
assert (not is_batched and isinstance(prompt, str)) or (is_batched and isinstance(prompt, list))
response = openai.Completion.create(
if is_batched:
res: List[str] = [""] * len(prompt)
for choice in response.choices:
res[choice.index] = choice.text
return res
return response.choices[0].text

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
i would like a 3 ounce bottle of bright citrus deodorant for sensitive skin, and price lower than 50.00 dollars
Action: search[3 ounce bright citrus deodorant sensitive skin]
[Back to Search]
Page 1 (Total results: 50)
[Next >]
Bright Citrus Deodorant by Earth Mama | Natural and Safe for Sensitive Skin, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, Contains Organic Calendula 3-Ounce
Ginger Fresh Deodorant by Earth Mama | Natural and Safe for Sensitive Skin, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, Contains Organic Calendula 3-Ounce
Barrel and Oak - Aluminum-Free Deodorant, Deodorant for Men, Essential Oil-Based Scent, 24-Hour Odor Protection, Cedar & Patchouli Blend, Gentle on Sensitive Skin (Mountain Sage, 2.7 oz, 2-Pack)
Action: think[B078GWRC1J and B078GTKVXY are bright citrus deodorant less then 50 dollars. I can check B078GWRC1J first.]
Observation: OK.
Action: click[B078GWRC1J]
[Back to Search]
[< Prev]
scent [assorted scents][bright citrus][calming lavender][ginger fresh][simply non-scents]
size [travel set (4-pack)][3 ounce (pack of 1)][3-ounce (2-pack)]
Bright Citrus Deodorant by Earth Mama | Natural and Safe for Sensitive Skin, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, Contains Organic Calendula 3-Ounce
Price: $10.99
Rating: N.A.
[Buy Now]
Action: think[For 3 ounce bottle of bright citrus deodorant for sensitive skin, the item has options 'bright citrus' and '3 ounce (pack of 1)' and seems good to buy.]
Observation: OK.
Action: click[bright citrus]
Observation: You have clicked bright citrus.
Action: click[3 ounce (pack of 1)]
Observation: You have clicked 3 ounce (pack of 1).
Action: click[Buy Now]

@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [],
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"name": "env_21",
"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [],
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"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
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"name": "env_27",
"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
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"name": "env_30",
"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
"is_success": false
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"memory": [],
"is_success": false
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"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
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"memory": [],
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"is_success": false
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"memory": [],
"is_success": true
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"is_success": true
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"is_success": true
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"memory": [],
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
from typing import List, Dict
class EnvironmentHistory:
def __init__(self, base_query: str, start_info, memory: List[str], history: List[Dict[str, str]] = []) -> None:
self._cur_query: str = f'{_get_base_query(base_query, start_info, memory)}'
self._history: List[Dict[str, str]] = history
self._last_action: str = ''
self._is_exhausted: bool = False
def add(self, label: str, value: str) -> None:
assert label in ['action', 'observation', 'human_edit']
self._history += [{
'label': label,
'value': value,
if label == 'action':
if value == self._last_action:
self._is_exhausted = True
self._last_action = value
def check_is_exhausted(self) -> bool:
return self._is_exhausted
def reset(self) -> None:
self._history = []
def __str__(self) -> str:
s: str = self._cur_query + '\n'
for i, item in enumerate(self._history):
if item['label'] == 'action':
s += f'> {item["value"]}'
elif item['label'] == 'observation':
s += item['value']
elif item['label'] == 'human_edit':
s += f'[human edit]: {item["value"]}'
if i != len(self._history) - 1:
s += '\n'
return s
def _get_base_query(base_query: str, start_info: str, memory: List[str]) -> str:
query = base_query
# add memory if it exists
if len(memory) > 0:
query += '\nYour memory for the task below:'
for i, m in enumerate(memory):
query += f'\nTrial {i}:\n{m.strip()}'
query += f"\nHere is the task:\n{start_info}"
return query

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
from utils import get_completion
from typing import List, Dict, Any
with open("./reflection_few_shot_examples.txt", 'r') as f:
def _get_scenario(s: str) -> str:
"""Parses the relevant scenario from the experience log."""
return s.split("Instruction:")[-1].strip()
def _generate_reflection_query(log_str: str, memory: List[str]) -> str:
"""Allows the Agent to reflect upon a past experience."""
scenario: str = _get_scenario(log_str)
query: str = f"""You will be given the history of a past experience in which you were placed in an environment and given a task to complete. You were unsuccessful in completing the task. Do not summarize your environment, but rather think about the strategy and path you took to attempt to complete the task. Devise a concise, new plan of action that accounts for your mistake with reference to specific actions that you should have taken. There are two examples below.
Instruction: {scenario}"""
if len(memory) > 0:
query += '\n\nPlans from past attempts:\n'
for i, m in enumerate(memory):
query += f'Trial #{i}: {m}\n'
query += "\n\nNew plan:"
return query
def update_memory(trial_log_path: str, env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Updates the given env_config with the appropriate reflections."""
with open(trial_log_path, 'r') as f:
full_log: str =
env_logs: List[str] = full_log.split('#####\n\n#####')
assert len(env_logs) == len(env_configs), print(f'bad: {len(env_logs)}, {len(env_configs)}')
for i, env in enumerate(env_configs):
# if unsolved, get reflection and update env config
if not env['is_success']:
if len(env['memory']) > 3:
memory: List[str] = env['memory'][-3:]
memory: List[str] = env['memory']
reflection_query: str = _generate_reflection_query(env_logs[i], memory)
reflection: str = get_completion(reflection_query) # type: ignore
env_configs[i]['memory'] += [reflection]
return env_configs

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
import os
import json
import argparse
from webshop_trial import run_trial
from generate_reflections import update_memory
from typing import Any, List, Dict
def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--num_trials", type=int, help="The number of trials to run")
parser.add_argument("--num_envs", type=int, help="The number of environments per trial")
parser.add_argument("--run_name", type=str, help="The name of the run")
parser.add_argument("--use_memory", action='store_true', help="Allow the Agent to use memory")
parser.add_argument("--is_resume", action='store_true', help="To resume run")
parser.add_argument("--resume_dir", type=str, help="If resume, the logging directory", default="")
parser.add_argument("--start_trial_num", type=int, help="If resume, the start trial num", default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
assert args.num_trials > 0, "Number of trials should be positive"
assert args.num_envs > 0, "Number of environments should be positive"
return args
def main(args) -> None:
if args.is_resume:
if not os.path.exists(args.resume_dir):
raise ValueError(f"Resume directory `{args.resume_dir}` does not exist")
logging_dir = args.resume_dir
# load environment configs
env_config_path: str = os.path.join(args.resume_dir, f'env_results_trial_{args.start_trial_num - 1}.json')
if not os.path.exists(env_config_path):
raise ValueError(f"Environment config file `{env_config_path}` does not exist")
with open(env_config_path, 'r') as rf:
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = json.load(rf)
# Create the run directory
if not os.path.exists(args.run_name):
logging_dir = args.run_name
# initialize environment configs
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
for i in range(args.num_envs):
env_configs += [{
'name': f'env_{i}',
'memory': [],
'is_success': False
world_log_path: str = os.path.join(logging_dir, 'world.log')
# print start status to user
if args.is_resume:
Resuming run with the following parameters:
Run name: {logging_dir}
Number of trials: {args.num_trials}
Number of environments: {args.num_envs}
Use memory: {args.use_memory}
Resume trial number: {args.start_trial_num}
Sending all logs to `{args.run_name}`
Starting run with the following parameters:
Run name: {logging_dir}
Number of trials: {args.num_trials}
Number of environments: {args.num_envs}
Use memory: {args.use_memory}
Sending all logs to `{args.run_name}`
# run trials
trial_idx = args.start_trial_num
while trial_idx < args.num_trials:
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n\n***** Start Trial #{trial_idx} *****\n\n')
# set paths to log files
trial_log_path: str = os.path.join(args.run_name, f'trial_{trial_idx}.log')
trial_env_configs_log_path: str = os.path.join(args.run_name, f'env_results_trial_{trial_idx}.json')
if os.path.exists(trial_log_path):
open(trial_log_path, 'w').close()
if os.path.exists(trial_env_configs_log_path):
open(trial_env_configs_log_path, 'w').close()
# run trial
run_trial(trial_log_path, world_log_path, trial_idx, env_configs, args.use_memory)
# update memory if needed
if args.use_memory:
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = update_memory(trial_log_path, env_configs)
# log env configs for trial
with open(trial_env_configs_log_path, 'w') as wf:
json.dump(env_configs, wf, indent=4)
# log world for trial
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n\n***** End Trial #{trial_idx} *****\n\n')
trial_idx += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = get_args()

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
i am looking for dairy free and apple variety pack of chips, and price lower than 30.00 dollars
Action: search[dairy free and apple variety pack of chips]
[Back to Search]
Page 1 (Total results: 50)
[Next >]
Enjoy Life Foods Soft Baked Ovals, Breakfast Bars, Nut Free Bars, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Non GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan, Variety Pack, 4 Boxes (20 Bars Total)
Enjoy Life Soft Baked Chewy Bars, Variety Pack, Nut Free Bars, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, 6 Boxes (30 Total Bars)
Enjoy Life Lentil Chips Variety Pack, Dairy Free Chips, Soy Free, Nut Free, Non GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, 24 Bags (0.8 oz)
Action: think[The first two items are not what I want. The third item is the dairy free and apple variety pack of chips I want.]
Observation: OK.
Action: click[B008D2X8C4]
[Back to Search]
[< Prev]
flavor name [dill and sour cream][garlic & parmesan][light sea salt][margherita pizza][thai chili lime][variety pack]
size [0.8 ounce (pack of 24)][4 ounce (pack of 12)]
Price: $100.0
Rating: N.A.
[Buy Now]
Action: think[The item has options 'variety pack' and '0.8 ounce (pack of 24)' and seems good to buy.]
Observation: OK.
Action: click[variety pack]
Observation: You have clicked variety pack.
Action: click[0.8 ounce (pack of 24)]
Observation: You have clicked 0.8 ounce (pack of 24).
Action: click[Buy Now]
Next plan: In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will do search["variety pack of chips"] and then check if the results meet the dairy free and the $30 budget constraints. I will continue to refine my searches so that I can find more products.
i need gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon - 4 ounce (pack of 2), and price lower than 40.00 dollars
Action: search[gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2]
[Back to Search]
Page 1 (Total results: 50)
[Next >]
Smoked Bacon Sea Salt 3-Pack: Smoked Bacon Chipotle, Smoked Bacon and Onion, Smoked Peppered Bacon - All-Natural Sea Salts Slowly Smoked Over Alderwood - No Gluten, No MSG, Non-GMO (12 total oz.)
Spicy Hot Pepper Sea Salt 3-Pack: Ghost Pepper, Jalapeno, Habanero - All Natural, Delicious Blends of Peppers & Sea Salt - Gluten-Free, Kosher, No MSG, Non-GMO (12 total oz.)
Louisville Vegan Jerky - 5 Flavor Variety Pack, Non-GMO Soy Protein, Gluten-Free (Black Pepper, Buffalo Dill, Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, and Carolina BBQ, 3 Ounces)
Action: think[The first two items are not what I want. The third item is not what I want, but it is the closest one.]
Observation: OK.
Action: click[B07GJTKYJQ]
[Back to Search]
[< Prev]
Louisville Vegan Jerky - 5 Flavor Variety Pack, Non-GMO Soy Protein, Gluten-Free (Black Pepper, Buffalo Dill, Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, and Carolina BBQ, 3 Ounces)
Price: $42.99
Rating: N.A.
[Buy Now]
Action: think[The price is too high and it is not what I want.]
Observation: OK.
Action: click[< Prev]
[Back to Search]
Page 1 (Total results: 50)
[Next >]
Smoked Bacon Sea Salt 3-Pack: Smoked Bacon Chipotle, Smoked Bacon and Onion, Smoked Peppered Bacon - All-Natural Sea Salts Slowly Smoked Over Alderwood - No Gluten, No MSG, Non-GMO (12 total oz.)
Spicy Hot Pepper Sea Salt 3-Pack: Ghost Pepper, Jalapeno, Habanero - All Natural, Delicious Blends of Peppers & Sea Salt - Gluten-Free, Kosher, No MSG, Non-GMO (12 total oz.)
Louisville Vegan Jerky - 5 Flavor Variety Pack, Non-GMO Soy Protein, Gluten-Free (Black Pepper, Buffalo Dill, Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, and Carolina BBQ, 3 Ounces)
Action: think[The first two items are not what I want.]
Observation: OK.
Action: click[Next >]
Observation: Invalid action!
Action: think[I need to refine my search.]
Observation: OK.
Action: click[< Back to Search]
Observation: Invalid action!
Action: click[Back to Search]
Next plan: In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. Next time, I will do search["vegetarian bacon"] for a broader search. I will check that the new results will fulfill the gluten free and 4 ounce pack of 2 constraints. I will continue to refine my searches so that I can find more products.

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the option of color and select the one that is closest to natural black."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of high quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40. I will also use the filter option to narrow down the search results to only show products that meet my criteria."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will read the description and features of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item. I will also check the reviews to make sure that the item is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the item to make sure that it is the exact item I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will look for options that have a manual recliner, as this will be more cost-effective than a power recliner. I will also look for options that have a 3-piece sectional sofa, as this will be more cost-effective than a 4-piece sectional sofa."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"woman's us size 5 high heel shoe with rubber sole and color patent-beige\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"patent leather\" and \"slip-on\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the size and color options before clicking on the item to make sure that it meets my requirements."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\" and clicked on the third item, which had the right description but was too expensive. Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to make sure that the items I am looking at are within my budget."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that may be available."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to ensure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for sensitive teeth."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item and that it can be cooked in the microwave before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the size of the cable to make sure that it is the right size for my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to ensure that the product is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size, style, and price constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. I will also read the description and features to make sure that the product is the one I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product is fade resistant and of high quality. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different products to ensure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right one before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"made a cookies for birthday parties\" and the first two items were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that the product is compatible with Apple and the size is 38mm, 40mm, or 41mm. This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product has the additional storage space I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker with stereo sound\" and then check if the results meet the white and $70 budget constraints. I will also check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the item to make sure it is 8 fluid ounces. If the size is not specified, I will look for the size in the description or features."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to check the size and color options before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and reviews to make sure that the item is the right one for my mom."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to ensure that it is easy to use."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is easy to install. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions for natural hair and straight hair\" and then check if the results meet the $50 budget constraint. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I need."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"vegan\" and \"hypoallergenic\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will check the size and scent options of the product to make sure that it meets my requirements."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to ensure that the product I am looking for is within my budget."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and meets my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find products that are within my budget. I will also look for products that have discounts or special offers, so that I can get the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the specific options of \"coffin\" and \"240 pieces\" to ensure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220. I will also look for the configuration option of 16gb ram and 256gb ssd to make sure I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce with sweet kick mustard flavor\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that I can use to lower the price of the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'. If it does not, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"30 pair pack of skin care masks for eyes and wrinkles\" and check the results."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that other customers are satisfied with the product. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"pink ottoman wooden frame\" and the initial search results were good. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"solid wooden frame\" and \"pink ottoman\" to get more accurate results."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and worth the price."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to see if other customers have found it to be easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will search for \"grey mules & clogs day comfert\" and then check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert and that it is within my budget of $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to ensure that the product is suitable for my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"scented\" and \"natural\" to make sure I get the product I am looking for. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will make sure to check the color of the product to ensure that it is blue and black."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will look for other flavors of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. Additionally, I will check the size options available for the product to make sure that the size 11 women option is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12 women) and see if it is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12.5 women) and so on until I find the size that is available."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for discounts or coupons that can be applied to the product to reduce the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the product to make sure it is the right size for my living room."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not the right action. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want. Additionally, I will make sure to click on the product link instead of the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints. Additionally, I will check the description and features of the item to make sure that it is a quilted puffy vest before I click the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for. Additionally, I will filter the results by size, color, and price to make sure that I am getting the product that I want at the price I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then filter the results by size and price. I will make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it to ensure that it is the correct size. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the option of color and select the one that is closest to natural black.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the option of color and select the one that is closest to natural black. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of high quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of high quality. I will also compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40. I will also use the filter option to narrow down the search results to only show products that meet my criteria.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40. I will also use the filter option to narrow down the search results to only show products that meet my criteria. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will read the description and features of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item. I will also check the reviews to make sure that the item is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will read the description and features of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item. I will also check the reviews to make sure that the item is of good quality. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is within my budget of $200."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the item to make sure that it is the exact item I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the item to make sure that it is the exact item I am looking for. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will look for options that have a manual recliner, as this will be more cost-effective than a power recliner. I will also look for options that have a 3-piece sectional sofa, as this will be more cost-effective than a 4-piece sectional sofa.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with manual recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will look for options that have a 3-piece sectional sofa, as this will be more cost-effective than a 4-piece sectional sofa. I will also look for options that have a grey color, as this will match my living room."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"woman's us size 5 high heel shoe with rubber sole and color patent-beige\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"patent leather\" and \"slip-on\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the size and color options before clicking on the item to make sure that it meets my requirements.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"woman's us size 5 high heel shoe with rubber sole and color patent-beige\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"patent leather\" and \"slip-on\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the size and color options before clicking on the item to make sure that it meets my requirements. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality and that it meets my budget of $90."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\" and clicked on the third item, which had the right description but was too expensive. Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to make sure that the items I am looking at are within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\" and clicked on the third item, which had the right description but was too expensive. Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to make sure that the items I am looking at are within my budget. I will also use the \"sort by\" feature to sort the results by price, so that I can easily find the items that are within my budget."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that may be available.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that may be available. I will also look for any additional features that the product may have, such as water resistance or a longer battery life. I will also check the return policy of the store to make sure I can return the product if it does not meet my expectations."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to ensure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to ensure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar items to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for sensitive teeth.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for sensitive teeth. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item and that it can be cooked in the microwave before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item and that it can be cooked in the microwave before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the size of the cable to make sure that it is the right size for my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the size of the cable to make sure that it is the right size for my needs. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to ensure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to ensure that the product is of good quality. I will also look for other options such as different lengths and colors to make sure I am getting the best product for my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size, style, and price constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. I will also read the description and features to make sure that the product is the one I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size, style, and price constraints. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size, style, and price constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. I will also read the description and features to make sure that the product is the one I am looking for. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product is fade resistant and of high quality. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product is fade resistant and of high quality. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also check the price to make sure that it is lower than $60. Finally, I will double check the color and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different products to ensure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different products to ensure that I am getting the best deal. I will also read the product description and features to make sure that the product is exactly what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right one before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right one before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $30.00."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is the right product for me. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"made a cookies for birthday parties\" and the first two items were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $50.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"made a cookies for birthday parties\" and the first two items were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $50 and I will also check the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that the product is compatible with Apple and the size is 38mm, 40mm, or 41mm. This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that the product is compatible with Apple and the size is 38mm, 40mm, or 41mm. Additionally, I will check the price of the product before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description, features, and reviews of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product has the additional storage space I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product has the additional storage space I am looking for. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my expectations."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker with stereo sound\" and then check if the results meet the white and $70 budget constraints. I will also check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker with stereo sound\" and then check if the results meet the white and $70 budget constraints. I will also check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for additional features such as portability, battery life, and sound quality to make sure I am getting the best product for my money."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the item to make sure it is 8 fluid ounces. If the size is not specified, I will look for the size in the description or features.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the item to make sure it is 8 fluid ounces. If the size is not specified, I will look for the size in the description or features. I will also look for reviews of the product to make sure it is the right product and that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to check the size and color options before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and reviews to make sure that the item is the right one for my mom.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to check the size and color options before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and reviews to make sure that the item is the right one for my mom. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to ensure that it is easy to use.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to ensure that it is easy to use. I will also check the product description to make sure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is easy to install. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is easy to install. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also make sure to double check the product specifications to make sure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions for natural hair and straight hair\" and then check if the results meet the $50 budget constraint. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I need.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions for natural hair and straight hair\" and then check if the results meet the $50 budget constraint. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I need. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"vegan\" and \"hypoallergenic\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will check the size and scent options of the product to make sure that it meets my requirements.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"vegan\" and \"hypoallergenic\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will check the size and scent options of the product to make sure that it meets my requirements. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. Finally, I will check the ingredients of the product to make sure that it is safe to use."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and suitable for use in a hair salon.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and suitable for use in a hair salon. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to ensure that the product I am looking for is within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to ensure that the product I am looking for is within my budget. I will also use the \"sort by\" feature to sort the search results by price, so that I can easily find the product that is within my budget."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and meets my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and meets my needs. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find products that are within my budget. I will also look for products that have discounts or special offers, so that I can get the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find products that are within my budget. I will also look for products that have discounts or special offers, so that I can get the best deal. I will also look for products that have a warranty, so that I can be sure that I am getting a quality product. Finally, I will compare the prices of different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Add to Cart\" button to add the product to my cart. Then, I will review my cart to make sure the total cost is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Checkout\" button to complete the purchase."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the specific options of \"coffin\" and \"240 pieces\" to ensure that I am getting the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic, purple, and budget constraints. Additionally, I will look for the specific options of \"coffin\" and \"240 pieces\" to ensure that I am getting the right product. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is non-toxic and the color is purple."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220. I will also look for the configuration option of 16gb ram and 256gb ssd to make sure I am getting the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220. I will also look for the configuration option of 16gb ram and 256gb ssd to make sure I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to make sure that the product meets my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce with sweet kick mustard flavor\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that I can use to lower the price of the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that I can use to lower the price of the product. I will also search for other stores that may have the same product at a lower price. I will also look for alternative products that may be cheaper but still meet my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'. If it does not, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"30 pair pack of skin care masks for eyes and wrinkles\" and check the results.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"30 pair pack of skin care masks for eyes and wrinkles\" and check the results. I will also check the description and features of the item to make sure it meets my criteria before clicking on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that other customers are satisfied with the product. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description, features, and reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that other customers are satisfied with the product. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"pink ottoman wooden frame\" and the initial search results were good. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"solid wooden frame\" and \"pink ottoman\" to get more accurate results.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"pink ottoman wooden frame\" and the initial search results were good. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"solid wooden frame\" and \"pink ottoman\" to get more accurate results. I will also check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also compare the prices of the items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also compare prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and worth the price.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and worth the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to see if other customers have found it to be easy to clean.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to see if other customers have found it to be easy to clean. I will also look for other products that have similar features and compare them to find the best one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will search for \"grey mules & clogs day comfert\" and then check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert and that it is within my budget of $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will search for \"grey mules & clogs day comfert\" and then check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert and that it is within my budget of $70. Additionally, I will compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal. Finally, I will double check the quantity and size of the product to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to ensure that the product is suitable for my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to ensure that the product is suitable for my needs. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"scented\" and \"natural\" to make sure I get the product I am looking for. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $40.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"scented\" and \"natural\" to make sure I get the product I am looking for. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my needs. I will also filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find the items that are within my budget."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will make sure to check the color of the product to ensure that it is blue and black.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will make sure to check the color of the product to ensure that it is blue and black. I will also check the type of USB connection (USB 2.0 or USB 3.0) to make sure that it is compatible with my device."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will look for other flavors of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will look for other flavors of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget. I will also look for other sizes of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget. I will also compare the prices of different brands of chocolate coated wafers to find the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. Additionally, I will check the size options available for the product to make sure that the size 11 women option is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12 women) and see if it is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12.5 women) and so on until I find the size that is available.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. Additionally, I will check the size options available for the product to make sure that the size 11 women option is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12 women) and see if it is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12.5 women) and so on until I find the size that is available. If none of the sizes are available, I will search for \"steel toe shoes size 11 women\" and check if the results meet the khaki and price constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for discounts or coupons that can be applied to the product to reduce the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for discounts or coupons that can be applied to the product to reduce the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for sales or clearance items that may be available. I will also look for stores that offer free shipping or discounts on shipping costs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the product to make sure it is the right size for my living room.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the product to make sure it is the right size for my living room. I will also check the color of the product to make sure it is the right color for my living room."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not the right action. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want. Additionally, I will make sure to click on the product link instead of the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want. Additionally, I will make sure to click on the product link instead of the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also make sure to double check the price of the product before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints. Additionally, I will check the description and features of the item to make sure that it is a quilted puffy vest before I click the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints. Additionally, I will check the description and features of the item to make sure that it is a quilted puffy vest before I click the buy now button. I will also check the price of the item to make sure it is lower than $70.00."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for. Additionally, I will filter the results by size, color, and price to make sure that I am getting the product that I want at the price I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for. Additionally, I will filter the results by size, color, and price to make sure that I am getting the product that I want at the price I want. I will also check the product ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then filter the results by size and price. I will make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it to ensure that it is the correct size. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then filter the results by size and price. I will make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it to ensure that it is the correct size. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for any discounts or coupons that may be available for the product. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the option of color and select the one that is closest to natural black.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the option of color and select the one that is closest to natural black. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the option of color and select the one that is closest to natural black. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of high quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of high quality. I will also compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of high quality. I will also compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also double check the size of the item to make sure that it is the right size."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40. I will also use the filter option to narrow down the search results to only show products that meet my criteria.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40. I will also use the filter option to narrow down the search results to only show products that meet my criteria. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40. I will also use the filter option to narrow down the search results to only show products that meet my criteria. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for coupons and discounts that can help me save money."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will read the description and features of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item. I will also check the reviews to make sure that the item is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will read the description and features of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item. I will also check the reviews to make sure that the item is of good quality. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is within my budget of $200.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will read the description and features of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item. I will also check the reviews to make sure that the item is of good quality. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is within my budget of $200 and I will double check the option I am selecting to make sure it is the correct one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the item to make sure that it is the exact item I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the item to make sure that it is the exact item I am looking for. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the item to make sure that it is the exact item I am looking for. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also read the reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will look for options that have a manual recliner, as this will be more cost-effective than a power recliner. I will also look for options that have a 3-piece sectional sofa, as this will be more cost-effective than a 4-piece sectional sofa.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with manual recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will look for options that have a 3-piece sectional sofa, as this will be more cost-effective than a 4-piece sectional sofa. I will also look for options that have a grey color, as this will match my living room."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"woman's us size 5 high heel shoe with rubber sole and color patent-beige\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"patent leather\" and \"slip-on\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the size and color options before clicking on the item to make sure that it meets my requirements.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"woman's us size 5 high heel shoe with rubber sole and color patent-beige\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"patent leather\" and \"slip-on\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the size and color options before clicking on the item to make sure that it meets my requirements. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality and that it meets my budget of $90.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"woman's us size 5 high heel shoe with rubber sole and color patent-beige\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"patent leather\" and \"slip-on\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the size and color options before clicking on the item to make sure that it meets my requirements. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality and that it meets my budget of $90. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\" and clicked on the third item, which had the right description but was too expensive. Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to make sure that the items I am looking at are within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\" and clicked on the third item, which had the right description but was too expensive. Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to make sure that the items I am looking at are within my budget. I will also use the \"sort by\" feature to sort the results by price, so that I can easily find the items that are within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\" and clicked on the third item, which had the right description but was too expensive. Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to make sure that the items I am looking at are within my budget. I will also use the \"sort by\" feature to sort the results by price, so that I can easily find the items that are within my budget. I will also read the product descriptions carefully to make sure that the item I am buying is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that may be available.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that may be available. I will also look for any additional features that the product may have, such as water resistance or a longer battery life. I will also check the return policy of the store to make sure I can return the product if it does not meet my expectations.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that may be available. I will also look for any additional features that the product may have, such as water resistance or a longer battery life. I will also check the return policy of the store to make sure I can return the product if it does not meet my expectations. I will also check the specifications of the product to make sure it is compatible with my device. I will also check the warranty of the product to make sure I am covered in case of any defects."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to ensure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to ensure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar items to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to ensure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar items to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also read the product description and features to make sure that the item meets my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for sensitive teeth.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for sensitive teeth. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for sensitive teeth. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item and that it can be cooked in the microwave before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item and that it can be cooked in the microwave before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item and that it can be cooked in the microwave before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also check the size of the item to make sure it is the correct size."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the size of the cable to make sure that it is the right size for my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the size of the cable to make sure that it is the right size for my needs. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the size of the cable to make sure that it is the right size for my needs. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to ensure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to ensure that the product is of good quality. I will also look for other options such as different lengths and colors to make sure I am getting the best product for my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to ensure that the product is of good quality. I will also look for other options such as different lengths and colors to make sure I am getting the best product for my needs. I will also make sure to read the product description to ensure that the product is exactly what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size, style, and price constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. I will also read the description and features to make sure that the product is the one I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size, style, and price constraints. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size, style, and price constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. I will also read the description and features to make sure that the product is the one I am looking for. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size, style, price, and reviews constraints. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size, style, and price constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. I will also read the description and features to make sure that the product is the one I am looking for. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of different products to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product is fade resistant and of high quality. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product is fade resistant and of high quality. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also check the price to make sure that it is lower than $60. Finally, I will double check the color and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product is fade resistant and of high quality. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also check the price to make sure that it is lower than $60. Finally, I will double check the color and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for products that have additional features such as a timer or a brush head replacement indicator."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different products to ensure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different products to ensure that I am getting the best deal. I will also read the product description and features to make sure that the product is exactly what I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different products to ensure that I am getting the best deal. I will also read the product description and features to make sure that the product is exactly what I am looking for. I will also check the shipping cost and delivery time to make sure that I am getting the product in a timely manner."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right one before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right one before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $30.00.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right one before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $30.00. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is the right product for me. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is the right product for me. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also check the compatibility of the product with my device to make sure that it is compatible."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"made a cookies for birthday parties\" and the first two items were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $50.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"made a cookies for birthday parties\" and the first two items were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $50 and I will also check the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"made a cookies for birthday parties\" and the first two items were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the price of the product to make sure it is lower than $50, I will check the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality, and I will also check the ratings to make sure that the product is highly rated."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that the product is compatible with Apple and the size is 38mm, 40mm, or 41mm. This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that the product is compatible with Apple and the size is 38mm, 40mm, or 41mm. Additionally, I will check the price of the product before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that the product is compatible with Apple and the size is 38mm, 40mm, or 41mm. Additionally, I will check the price of the product before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also compare the prices of different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description, features, and reviews of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description, features, and reviews of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also check the ingredients of the product to make sure that it is safe to use."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product has the additional storage space I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product has the additional storage space I am looking for. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my expectations.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to ensure that the product has the additional storage space I am looking for. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my expectations. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want. Additionally, I will read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also check the return policy of the store to make sure that I can return the product if it does not meet my expectations."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker with stereo sound\" and then check if the results meet the white and $70 budget constraints. I will also check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker with stereo sound\" and then check if the results meet the white and $70 budget constraints. I will also check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for additional features such as portability, battery life, and sound quality to make sure I am getting the best product for my money.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker with stereo sound\" and then check if the results meet the white and $70 budget constraints. I will also check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for additional features such as portability, battery life, sound quality, and Bluetooth range to make sure I am getting the best product for my money."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the item to make sure it is 8 fluid ounces. If the size is not specified, I will look for the size in the description or features.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the item to make sure it is 8 fluid ounces. If the size is not specified, I will look for the size in the description or features. I will also look for reviews of the product to make sure it is the right product and that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the item to make sure it is 8 fluid ounces. If the size is not specified, I will look for the size in the description or features. I will also look for reviews of the product to make sure it is the right product and that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different items to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to check the size and color options before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and reviews to make sure that the item is the right one for my mom.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to check the size and color options before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and reviews to make sure that the item is the right one for my mom. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to check the size and color options before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and reviews to make sure that the item is the right one for my mom. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also check the ratings of the items to make sure that I am getting a quality product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to ensure that it is easy to use.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to ensure that it is easy to use. I will also check the product description to make sure that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to ensure that it is easy to use. I will also check the product description to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is easy to install. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is easy to install. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also make sure to double check the product specifications to make sure that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that it is easy to install. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also make sure to double check the product specifications to make sure that it is the right product for me. I will also make sure to read the instructions on how to install the product to make sure that I am able to install it correctly."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions for natural hair and straight hair\" and then check if the results meet the $50 budget constraint. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I need.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions for natural hair and straight hair\" and then check if the results meet the $50 budget constraint. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I need. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions for natural hair and straight hair\" and then check if the results meet the $50 budget constraint. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I need. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for discounts and coupon codes to get the best price."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"vegan\" and \"hypoallergenic\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will check the size and scent options of the product to make sure that it meets my requirements.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"vegan\" and \"hypoallergenic\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will check the size and scent options of the product to make sure that it meets my requirements. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. Finally, I will check the ingredients of the product to make sure that it is safe to use.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"vegan\" and \"hypoallergenic\" to make sure that the results meet my criteria. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will check the size and scent options of the product to make sure that it meets my requirements. I will also compare the prices of the products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. Finally, I will check the ingredients of the product to make sure that it is safe to use and that it is within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the items to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also check the size of the item to make sure it is the right size for my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and suitable for use in a hair salon.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and suitable for use in a hair salon. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon. Additionally, I will look for reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and suitable for use in a hair salon. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also check the size of the product to make sure it is the size I want. Finally, I will check the shipping cost and delivery time to make sure I am getting the product in a timely manner."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to ensure that the product I am looking for is within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to ensure that the product I am looking for is within my budget. I will also use the \"sort by\" feature to sort the search results by price, so that I can easily find the product that is within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price to ensure that the product I am looking for is within my budget. I will also use the \"sort by\" feature to sort the search results by price, so that I can easily find the product that is within my budget. I will also read the product description and features to make sure that the product has all the features I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and meets my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and meets my needs. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and meets my needs. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also look for coupons or discounts that may be available to help me save money."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find products that are within my budget. I will also look for products that have discounts or special offers, so that I can get the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find products that are within my budget. I will also look for products that have discounts or special offers, so that I can get the best deal. I will also look for products that have a warranty, so that I can be sure that I am getting a quality product. Finally, I will compare the prices of different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying. Additionally, I will filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find products that are within my budget. I will also look for products that have discounts or special offers, so that I can get the best deal. I will also look for products that have a warranty, so that I can be sure that I am getting a quality product. Finally, I will compare the prices of different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for products that have free shipping, so that I can save money on shipping costs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Add to Cart\" button to add the product to my cart. Then, I will review my cart to make sure the total cost is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Checkout\" button to complete the purchase.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Add to Cart\" button to add the product to my cart. Then, I will review my cart to make sure the total cost is lower than $130. If it is, I will click on the \"Checkout\" button to complete the purchase. I will also make sure to read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is exactly what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20. Additionally, I will look for the specific options of \"coffin\" and \"240 pieces\" to ensure that I am getting the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic, purple, and budget constraints. Additionally, I will look for the specific options of \"coffin\" and \"240 pieces\" to ensure that I am getting the right product. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is non-toxic and the color is purple.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic, purple, and budget constraints. Additionally, I will look for the specific options of \"coffin\" and \"240 pieces\" to ensure that I am getting the right product. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is non-toxic and the color is purple. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220. I will also look for the configuration option of 16gb ram and 256gb ssd to make sure I am getting the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220. I will also look for the configuration option of 16gb ram and 256gb ssd to make sure I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to make sure that the product meets my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220. I will also look for the configuration option of 16gb ram and 256gb ssd to make sure I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will read the product description and features to make sure that the product meets my needs. I will also read the reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce with sweet kick mustard flavor\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that I can use to lower the price of the product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that I can use to lower the price of the product. I will also search for other stores that may have the same product at a lower price. I will also look for alternative products that may be cheaper but still meet my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any discounts or coupons that I can use to lower the price of the product. I will also search for other stores that may have the same product at a lower price. I will also look for alternative products that may be cheaper but still meet my needs. I will also check the shipping cost of the product to make sure that it is within my budget. I will also check the return policy of the store to make sure that I can return the product if I am not satisfied with it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'. If it does not, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"30 pair pack of skin care masks for eyes and wrinkles\" and check the results.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"30 pair pack of skin care masks for eyes and wrinkles\" and check the results. I will also check the description and features of the item to make sure it meets my criteria before clicking on 'Buy Now'.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"30 pair pack of skin care masks for eyes and wrinkles\" and check the results. I will also check the description and features of the item to make sure it meets my criteria before clicking on 'Buy Now'. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the item to make sure it is of good quality and meets my criteria."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that other customers are satisfied with the product. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description, features, and reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that other customers are satisfied with the product. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description, features, and reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that other customers are satisfied with the product. Additionally, I will check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also check the size of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry and that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also check the ratings of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"pink ottoman wooden frame\" and the initial search results were good. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"solid wooden frame\" and \"pink ottoman\" to get more accurate results.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"pink ottoman wooden frame\" and the initial search results were good. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"solid wooden frame\" and \"pink ottoman\" to get more accurate results. I will also check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also compare the prices of the items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"pink ottoman wooden frame\" and the initial search results were good. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"solid wooden frame\" and \"pink ottoman\" to get more accurate results. I will also check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also compare the prices of the items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal. Additionally, I will read customer reviews to make sure that the item is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also compare prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product. Additionally, I will look for reviews and ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also compare prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for discounts and coupons to reduce the price of the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and worth the price.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and worth the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and worth the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for coupon codes or discounts that can help me get the product at a lower price."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to see if other customers have found it to be easy to clean.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to see if other customers have found it to be easy to clean. I will also look for other products that have similar features and compare them to find the best one.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to see if other customers have found it to be easy to clean. I will also look for other products that have similar features and compare them to find the best one. I will also look for keywords such as \"easy to clean\" or \"durable\" in the product description to ensure that the product is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will search for \"grey mules & clogs day comfert\" and then check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert and that it is within my budget of $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will search for \"grey mules & clogs day comfert\" and then check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert and that it is within my budget of $70. Additionally, I will compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will search for \"grey mules & clogs day comfert\" and then check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert and that it is within my budget of $70. Additionally, I will compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also make sure to read the product description to ensure that the product is exactly what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal. Finally, I will double check the quantity and size of the product to make sure it is the right one.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it. I will also compare the prices of the different products to make sure I am getting the best deal. Finally, I will double check the quantity and size of the product to make sure it is the right one. Additionally, I will check the ingredients of the product to make sure it is non-GMO and gluten-free."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to ensure that the product is suitable for my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to ensure that the product is suitable for my needs. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to ensure that the product is suitable for my needs. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also check the return policy of the store to make sure I can return the product if it does not fit."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"scented\" and \"natural\" to make sure I get the product I am looking for. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $40.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"scented\" and \"natural\" to make sure I get the product I am looking for. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"scented\" and \"natural\" to make sure I get the product I am looking for. I will also check the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for. Additionally, I will check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. I will also read the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of different products to make sure I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying. Additionally, I will check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality and that other customers have had a good experience with it. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure I am getting the best deal. I will also check the color options of the product to make sure it is the right color."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my needs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my needs. I will also filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find the items that are within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40. Additionally, I will read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is of good quality and meets my needs. I will also filter the search results by price, so that I can easily find the items that are within my budget. I will also filter the search results by size and color, so that I can easily find the items that meet my size and color requirements."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will make sure to check the color of the product to ensure that it is blue and black.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will make sure to check the color of the product to ensure that it is blue and black. I will also check the type of USB connection (USB 2.0 or USB 3.0) to make sure that it is compatible with my device.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will make sure to check the color of the product to ensure that it is blue and black. I will also check the type of USB connection (USB 2.0 or USB 3.0) to make sure that it is compatible with my device. I will also check the size of the product to make sure that it is either 32g or 64g. Finally, I will check the price of the product to make sure that it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will look for other flavors of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will look for other flavors of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget. I will also look for other sizes of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget. I will also compare the prices of different brands of chocolate coated wafers to find the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor, 4.41 ounce size, and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it. Additionally, I will look for other flavors of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget. I will also look for other sizes of chocolate coated wafers that are within my budget. I will also compare the prices of different brands of chocolate coated wafers to find the best deal. I will also look for discounts and coupons that can be applied to the purchase."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for discounts and coupons that can be applied to the product to lower the price."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. Additionally, I will check the size options available for the product to make sure that the size 11 women option is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12 women) and see if it is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12.5 women) and so on until I find the size that is available.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. Additionally, I will check the size options available for the product to make sure that the size 11 women option is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12 women) and see if it is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12.5 women) and so on until I find the size that is available. If none of the sizes are available, I will search for \"steel toe shoes size 11 women\" and check if the results meet the khaki and price constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70. Additionally, I will check the size options available for the product to make sure that the size 11 women option is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12 women) and see if it is available. If it is not available, I will check the next size up (12.5 women) and so on until I find the size that is available. If none of the sizes are available, I will search for \"steel toe shoes size 11 women\" and check if the results meet the khaki and price constraints. If none of the results meet the criteria, I will search for \"steel toe shoes size 11\" and check if the results meet the khaki and price constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for discounts or coupons that can be applied to the product to reduce the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for discounts or coupons that can be applied to the product to reduce the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for sales or clearance items that may be available. I will also look for stores that offer free shipping or discounts on shipping costs.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for discounts or coupons that can be applied to the product to reduce the price. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for sales or clearance items that may be available. I will also look for stores that offer free shipping or discounts on shipping costs. I will also look for stores that offer price matching or price protection policies. I will also look for stores that offer loyalty programs or rewards that can be used to purchase the item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the product to make sure it is the right size for my living room.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the product to make sure it is the right size for my living room. I will also check the color of the product to make sure it is the right color for my living room.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button. Additionally, I will check the size of the product to make sure it is the right size for my living room. I will also check the color of the product to make sure it is the right color for my living room. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not the right action. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want. Additionally, I will make sure to click on the product link instead of the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want. Additionally, I will make sure to click on the product link instead of the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also make sure to double check the price of the product before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want. Additionally, I will make sure to click on the product link instead of the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also make sure to double check the price of the product before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer. Additionally, I will check the ratings and reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of the different items to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also check the size of the item to make sure that it is the right size for my needs."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints. Additionally, I will check the description and features of the item to make sure that it is a quilted puffy vest before I click the buy now button.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints. Additionally, I will check the description and features of the item to make sure that it is a quilted puffy vest before I click the buy now button. I will also check the price of the item to make sure it is lower than $70.00.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints. Additionally, I will check the description and features of the item to make sure that it is a quilted puffy vest before I click the buy now button. I will also check the price of the item to make sure it is lower than $70.00. I will also check the reviews of the item to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for. Additionally, I will filter the results by size, color, and price to make sure that I am getting the product that I want at the price I want.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for. Additionally, I will filter the results by size, color, and price to make sure that I am getting the product that I want at the price I want. I will also check the product ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality.",
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for. Additionally, I will filter the results by size, color, and price to make sure that I am getting the product that I want at the price I want. I will also check the product ratings to make sure that the product is of good quality. I will also compare the prices of different products to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then filter the results by size and price. I will make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it to ensure that it is the correct size. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then filter the results by size and price. I will make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it to ensure that it is the correct size. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for any discounts or coupons that may be available for the product. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal.",
" In my next attempt, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then filter the results by size and price. I will make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it to ensure that it is the correct size. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality. Additionally, I will look for any discounts or coupons that may be available for the product. I will also compare the prices of similar products to make sure that I am getting the best deal. I will also look for any additional features that the product may have, such as a hidden zipper or a removable cover. Finally, I will read the product description carefully to make sure that the product is exactly what I am looking for."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
"name": "env_0",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"long clip-in hair extension natural looking\". Next time, I will search for \"clip-in hair extension\" and then check if the results meet the long and natural looking constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_1",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_2",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a product that was not what I was looking for. My search query was \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality 60 capsules\". Next time, I will search for \"hair treatment sulfate paraben free high quality\" and then check if the results meet the 60 capsules and the $50 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_3",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"gluten free vegetarian smoked peppered bacon 4 ounce pack of 2\". Next time, I will refine my search query by adding more keywords such as \"vegetarian bacon\" and \"smoked peppered bacon\". I will also check the reviews and ratings of the products to make sure that they meet my criteria. Additionally, I will check the prices of the products to make sure that they are within my budget of $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_4",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button. I searched for \"high speed dual style package with 12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" and the third item, B06XW8PL68, was the one I wanted. Next time, I will click on the \"12\" power amplifier car subwoofer\" option before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button to make sure I am buying the correct item."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_5",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally clicked on the wrong item and was not able to purchase the item I wanted. My search query was \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room 100x45x45cm\". Next time, I will search for \"space-saving ottoman bench blue living room\" and then check if the results meet the 100x45x45cm and the $430 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size and color of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_6",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_7",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_8",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_9",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is too low for the quality of the product I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"grey sectional sofa\". Next time, I will search for \"grey sectional sofa with recliner\" and then check if the results meet my budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_10",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_11",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B09Q63D79Z, which seemed to meet my criteria, but when I clicked on it, I realized that the size and color options were not what I wanted. Next time, I will search for \"woman's high heel shoe with rubber sole\" and then check if the results meet the size 5, color patent-beige, and $90 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_12",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_13",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_14",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $30. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dairy free and apple variety pack of chips\". Next time, I will search for \"dairy free chips\" and then check if the results meet the apple variety pack and the $30 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_15",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_16",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_17",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_18",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $70. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers portable easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"double horn bluetooth wireless speakers\" and then check if the results meet the portable and easy to carry constraints and the $70 budget. I will also read the reviews and check the ratings before buying the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_19",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked the \"Buy Now\" button, but the item was not within my budget of $650. I searched for \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"high power sound column subwoofer bluetooth 3d surround sound system under 650 dollars\". I will also check the price of the item before clicking the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_20",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the one I wanted. I searched for \"6 pack manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"manual toothbrushes sensitive teeth\" and then check if the results meet the 6 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_21",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the correct item. I searched for \"shelf stable potato side dish\" and the first item I clicked on was \"Fullgreen, Riced Sweet Potato - 99.9% Sweet Potato, 60% Less Carbs than Rice - Perfect healthy, nutritious, holiday side dish, NON-GMO and shelf-stable - case of 6 pouches\". Next time, I will search for \"shelf stable potato side dish microwave\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_22",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not purple. I searched for \"highspeed hdmi cable purple\". Next time, I will search for \"purple hdmi cable\" and then check if the results meet the highspeed and the $70 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_23",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_24",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click the 3 foot option. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"high speed 3 foot red usb cable\". Next time, I will search for \"red usb cable\" and then check if the results meet the high speed and 3 foot constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_25",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the great river organic milling flour I wanted. I searched for \"great river organic milling flour\" and the first item B0049YMA9W was the great river organic milling flour I wanted, but I did not check the size and style options. Next time, I will search for \"great river organic milling flour\" and then check if the results meet the size and style constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_26",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_27",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the color I wanted. I searched for \"high quality pillow covers fade resistant color a-8\". Next time, I will search for \"pillow covers color a-8\" and then check if the results meet the high quality and fade resistant constraints. I will also check the color options and size options to make sure that I am buying the correct product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_28",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the product that I was looking for. My search query was \"oral hygiene toothbrush\". Next time, I will search for \"portable toothbrush\" and then check if the results meet the oral hygiene and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and description of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_29",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_30",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"gluten free popcorn\". Next time, I will search for \"gluten free popcorn 4.4oz(Pack of 12)\" and then check if the results meet the $130 budget constraint. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_31",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the item I wanted because it was not an option. My search query was \"gluten free black rock salt made by himalayan\". Next time, I will search for \"Himalayan black rock salt\" and then check if the results meet the gluten free and 2.8 ounce pack with himalayan pink salt coarse grind constraints. I will also look for the option to select the size and type of salt I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_32",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $52, which is more than my budget of $50. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black fast wireless universal charging stand\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless charging stand\" and then check if the results meet the black and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_33",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_34",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the first item, which was the Happy Birthday Fortune Cookies, but it was not the product I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search query to include more specific keywords such as \"birthday party cookies\" or \"birthday cookies\". I will also check the product description and features to make sure that it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_35",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple and any one of the sizes 38mm | 40mm | 41mm\". Next time, I will refine my search by adding more specific keywords such as \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 38mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 40mm\" or \"gold color smart watch bands compatible for apple 41mm\". This will help me find the exact product I am looking for and also check if the results meet the $20 budget constraint."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_36",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the product that I wanted, but it was not a single pack. I searched for \"old style brown hair dye\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"old style brown hair dye single pack\" and check if the results meet the $30 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a single pack before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_37",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_38",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not high gloss. I searched for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space ob color\". Next time, I will search for \"high gloss tv stand with additional storage space\" and then check if the results meet the ob color and the $190 budget constraints. I will also pay more attention to the color options and make sure to select the high gloss option."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_39",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $20. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"but lifting grey skinny jean shorts\". Next time, I will search for \"skinny jean shorts\" and then check if the results meet the but lifting and the $20 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that the product I am buying is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_40",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_41",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to find the item I was looking for. My search query was \"white bluetooth speaker water resistant stereo sound\". Next time, I will search for \"water resistant bluetooth speaker\" and then check if the results meet the white and stereo sound constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_42",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not realize that the item I clicked on was not the 8 fluid ounce bottle of tea tree lotion I was looking for. Next time, I will search for \"tea tree lotion\" and then check if the results meet the 8 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right product before clicking on the Buy Now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_43",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and ended up with a sandal that was not the right size for my mom. Next time, I will search for \"black high heeled sandals for mom size 5.5\" and then check if the results meet the $70 budget constraint. I will also make sure to click on the correct item before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_44",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the option for the item I wanted. My search query was \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber\". Next time, I will search for \"silicon exfoliating body scrubber 4 pieces in total\" and check if the results meet the easy to use and the $40 budget constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_45",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I was unable to click on the 8PCS option. Next time, I will search for \"gold plated banana plugs for speaker wire\" and then check if the results meet the easy to install and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to ensure that it is the right product for me."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_46",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"hair extensions natural hair straight hair\". Next time, I will search for \"hair extensions\" and then check if the results meet the natural hair and straight hair constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $50."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_47",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_48",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_49",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_50",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $24.81, which is less than my budget of $110. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"women's gift set long-lasting edt spray body cream\". Next time, I will search for \"women's gift set\" and then check if the results meet the long-lasting edt spray and body cream constraints and the $110 budget. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_51",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_52",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $40. I searched for \"body wash dermatologist tested cucumber aloe scent\". Next time, I will search for \"body wash dermatologist tested\" and then check if the results meet the cucumber and aloe scent and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_53",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that I thought was the right one, but it was not the right one. I searched for \"beige or green shower brush with long handle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"shower brush with long handle\" and then check if the results meet the beige or green and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the item to make sure it is the right one."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_54",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was 10 ounces, which is not the size I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"16.9 fluid ounce amber bottle hair salon\". Next time, I will search for \"amber bottle hair salon\" and then check if the results meet the 16.9 fluid ounce and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is suitable for use in a hair salon."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_55",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $100. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"black alarm clock radio temperature usb port\". Next time, I will search for \"black alarm clock radio usb port\" and then check if the results meet the temperature and the $100 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_56",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_57",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the product I was looking for. My search query was \"kosher sea salt\". Next time, I will search for \"kosher sea salt\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right size and type of salt I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_58",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $39.99, which is more than my budget of $150. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set nickel finish\". Next time, I will search for \"2 light bath vanity lighting set\" and then check if the results meet the nickel finish and the $150 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_59",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not click on the correct options to purchase the product. I searched for \"non gmo sesame pretzels 12 pack\" and found two items that met my criteria. Next time, I will click on the \"4 Pack\" option for the item and then click on the \"Everything\" option to select the flavor. After that, I will click on the \"Buy Now\" button to purchase the product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_60",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_61",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it did not have the options I was looking for. My search query was \"press on nails\". Next time, I will search for \"babalal cat eye press on nails\" and then check if the results meet the non-toxic and purple constraints. I will also check that the results are within my budget of $20."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_62",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more expensive than my budget of $220. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"dell ultra small desktop computer core i5 16gb ram 256gb ssd windows 10 pro\". Next time, I will search for \"dell ultra small desktop computer\" and then check if the results meet the core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, and windows 10 pro constraints. I will also check that the price is lower than $220."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_63",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_64",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_65",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not find a product that met all of my criteria. My search query was \"all natural savory and spicy sauce sweet kick mustard flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"all natural savory and spicy sauce\" and then check if the results meet the sweet kick mustard flavor and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product descriptions and features to make sure that the product does not contain any artificial ingredients."
"is_success": true
"name": "env_66",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $80. The initial search results were good. I searched for \"alcohol free skin care\". Next time, I will check the price of the product before clicking on the \"Buy Now\" button. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is the right product for me. Additionally, I will read the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_67",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_68",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_69",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not the right item. I searched for \"30 pair skin care masks eyes wrinkles\" and the first two items were the ones I wanted. I clicked on the first item, B093HB8RSZ, and it had two options, '30 pairs' and '30 pairs bowl'. I clicked on '30 pairs', but it was not the right item. Next time, I will click on the second item, B09NN8QQB4, and check if it meets the criteria. If it does, I will click on 'Buy Now'."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_70",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not easy to carry. I searched for \"purple braces brush easy to carry\". Next time, I will search for \"purple braces brush\" and then check if the results meet the easy to carry and the $50 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_71",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_72",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_73",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $20.39, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"4pcs silicone travel bottles\". Next time, I will search for \"FOMIYES 4pcs silicone travel bottles\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is easy to carry."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_74",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item B07KLR21K8, which was a pink ottoman with a solid wooden frame and was within my budget of $360. However, I did not check the features and reviews of the item before buying it. Next time, I will check the features and reviews of the item before clicking the buy now button. I will also check the other items in the search results to make sure that I am getting the best deal."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_75",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $28.24, which is more than my budget of $60.00. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"three pack of 4 fluid ounce green envy hair dye\". Next time, I will search for \"green envy hair dye\" and then check if the results meet the three pack and the $60 budget constraints. I will also check the size and color options to make sure that I am getting the right product."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_76",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $145, which is more than my budget of $60. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"mid century console sofa table\". Next time, I will search for \"mid century console table\" and then check if the results meet the $60 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure that it is a sofa table."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_77",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check if the product was easy to clean. I searched for \"pink cosmetic bag easy to clean\" and the first two items were not what I wanted. The third item was the closest one, but I did not check if it was easy to clean. Next time, I will search for \"pink cosmetic bag\" and then check if the results meet the easy to clean and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is easy to clean."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_78",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not check the price range of the product before clicking on it. Next time, I will check the price range of the product before selecting the size and color. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is suitable for day comfert."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_79",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the non-gmo classic tonic I wanted. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"24 pack 7.5 ounce non-gmo classic tonic\". Next time, I will search for \"non-gmo classic tonic\" and then check if the results meet the 24 pack and the $40 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before I buy it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_80",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the size of the shoe and ended up buying a product that was not the right size. Next time, I will search for \"9.5 rubber soled hiking shoe made of light weight vinyl acetate\" and then check if the results meet the size and the $140 budget constraints. I will also check the size options available for the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_81",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the french vanilla soy wax candle I wanted. I searched for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"french vanilla soy wax candle\" and then check if the results meet the $40 budget constraint. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the french vanilla soy wax candle I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_82",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not what I wanted. I searched for \"black brown to tan hairpiece made from synthetic hair\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"synthetic hairpiece\" and then check if the results meet the black brown to tan and the $30 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right product before buying."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_83",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $55.59, which is more than my budget of $40. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"slim fit gray colored coat long sleeves x-large size\". Next time, I will search for \"gray coat\" and then check if the results meet the slim fit, long sleeves, and x-large size constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $40."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_84",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I did not take into account the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. My search query was \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g\". Next time, I will search for \"plug and play high speed usb flash drive blue black\" and then check if the results meet the 3 of 32g or 2 of 64g and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to check the quantity of the product before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_85",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was $100, which is more than my budget of $80. Either way, the initial search results were not good. I searched for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size caramel flavor\". Next time, I will search for \"chocolate coated wafers 4.41 ounce size\" and then check if the results meet the caramel flavor and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews and ratings of the product before buying it."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_86",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_87",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_88",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I searched for \"women's bootcut pants tapata\" and the initial search results were not what I was looking for. Next time, I will refine my search by adding more keywords such as \"women's bootcut dress pants\" and \"women's bootcut office pants\". I will also check the price and brand of the results to make sure they meet my budget and brand constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_89",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. The initial search results were not the products that I was looking for. My search query was \"khaki steel toe shoes size 11 women\". Next time, I will search for \"steel toe shoes\" and then check if the results meet the khaki and size 11 women constraints. I will also check the price to make sure it is lower than $70."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_90",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was still more expensive than my budget of $80. Next time, I will search for \"7 piece king comforter set machine washable\" and then check if the results meet the flowers and the $80 budget constraints. I will also check the reviews of the product to make sure that it is of good quality."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_91",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_92",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the wrong item and it did not meet my criteria. I searched for \"blue 2.95 foot wire pendent light living room\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"blue wire pendent light\" and then check if the results meet the 2.95 foot and the $200 budget constraints. I will also read the description and features of the product to make sure it is the right item before clicking the buy now button."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_93",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $130. I searched for \"wireless bluetooth speakers in the color a\". Next time, I will search for \"wireless bluetooth speakers\" and then check if the results meet the color a and the $130 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is the one I want."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_94",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_95",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I realized that the item I clicked on was not actually gelato, but rather a stabilizer for gelato. Next time, I will search for \"kosher gelato\" and then check if the results meet the kosher and the $120 budget constraints. I will also read the description of the item to make sure that it is actually gelato and not a stabilizer."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_96",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I clicked on the item that seemed to meet my criteria, but it was not a quilted puffy vest. Next time, I will refine my search query to include the words \"quilted\" and \"puffy\" and check that the results meet the pink, machine wash, and extra large constraints."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_97",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was more than my budget of $50. The initial search results were not good. I searched for \"light weight fitbit versa bands for men women size large\". Next time, I will search for \"fitbit versa bands\" and then check if the results meet the light weight, men/women, size large, and $50 budget constraints. I will also read the product description and reviews to make sure that the product is what I am looking for."
"is_success": false
"name": "env_98",
"memory": [],
"is_success": true
"name": "env_99",
"memory": [
" In this attempt, I was unsuccessful. I accidentally bought a product that was not the size I wanted. I searched for \"14 inch rose gold throw pillow cover\" and the initial search results were not good. Next time, I will search for \"rose gold throw pillow cover\" and then check if the results meet the 14 inch and the $40 budget constraints. I will also make sure to double check the size of the product before I buy it."
"is_success": false

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
python \
--num_trials 10 \
--num_envs 100 \
--run_name "base_run_logs_3" \

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
python \
--num_trials 10 \
--num_envs 100 \
--run_name "reflexion_run_logs_3" \

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import os
import openai
from tenacity import (
stop_after_attempt, # type: ignore
wait_random_exponential, # type: ignore
from typing import Optional, List, Union
openai.api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=60), stop=stop_after_attempt(6))
def get_completion(prompt: Union[str, List[str]], max_tokens: int = 256, stop_strs: Optional[List[str]] = None, is_batched: bool = False) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
assert (not is_batched and isinstance(prompt, str)) or (is_batched and isinstance(prompt, list))
response = openai.Completion.create(
if is_batched:
res: List[str] = [""] * len(prompt)
for choice in response.choices:
res[choice.index] = choice.text
return res
return response.choices[0].text

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
import os
import sys
import openai
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import Comment
from env_history import EnvironmentHistory
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
'Description': 'description_page.html',
'Features': 'features_page.html',
'Reviews': 'review_page.html',
'Attributes': 'attributes_page.html',
with open("./base_prompt.txt", 'r') as f:
def llm(prompt, stop=["\n"]):
cur_try = 0
while cur_try < 6:
response = openai.Completion.create(
temperature=cur_try * 0.2,
text = response["choices"][0]["text"]
# dumb way to do this
if len(text.strip()) >= 5:
return response["choices"][0]["text"]
cur_try += 1
return ""
except Exception as e:
import sys
def clean_str(p):
return p.encode().decode("unicode-escape").encode("latin1").decode("utf-8")
def tag_visible(element):
ignore = {'style', 'script', 'head', 'title', 'meta', '[document]'}
return ( not in ignore and not isinstance(element, Comment)
def webshop_text(session, page_type, query_string='', page_num=1, asin='', options={}, subpage='', **kwargs):
if page_type == 'init':
url = (
if page_type == 'search':
url = (
elif page_type == 'item':
url = (
elif page_type == 'item_sub':
url = (
elif page_type == 'end':
url = (
# print(url)
html = requests.get(url).text # type: ignore
html_obj = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
texts = html_obj.findAll(text=True)
visible_texts = list(filter(tag_visible, texts))
# visible_texts = [str(text).strip().strip('\\n') for text in visible_texts]
# if page_type == 'end': import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
if False:
# For `simple` mode, return just [SEP] separators
return ' [SEP] '.join(t.strip() for t in visible_texts if t != '\n')
# Otherwise, return an observation with tags mapped to specific, unique separators
observation = ''
option_type = ''
options = {}
asins = []
cnt = 0
prod_cnt = 0
just_prod = 0
for t in visible_texts:
if t == '\n': continue
if t.replace('\n', '').replace('\\n', '').replace(' ', '') == '': continue
# if t.startswith('Instruction:') and page_type != 'init': continue
# print(, t)
if == 'button': # button
processed_t = f'\n[{t}] '
elif == 'label': # options
if f"'{t}'" in url: # type: ignore
processed_t = f'[[{t}]]'
# observation = f'You have clicked {t}.\n' + observation
processed_t = f'[{t}]'
options[str(t)] = option_type
# options[option_type] = options.get(option_type, []) + [str(t)]
elif t.parent.get('class') == ["product-link"]: # product asins
processed_t = f'\n[{t}] '
if prod_cnt >= 3:
processed_t = ''
prod_cnt += 1
just_prod = 0
else: # regular, unclickable text
processed_t = '\n' + str(t) + ' '
if cnt < 2 and page_type != 'init': processed_t = ''
if just_prod <= 2 and prod_cnt >= 4: processed_t = ''
option_type = str(t)
cnt += 1
just_prod += 1
observation += processed_t
info = {}
if options:
info['option_types'] = options
if asins:
info['asins'] = asins
if 'Your score (min 0.0, max 1.0)' in visible_texts:
idx = visible_texts.index('Your score (min 0.0, max 1.0)')
info['reward'] = float(visible_texts[idx + 1])
observation = 'Your score (min 0.0, max 1.0): ' + (visible_texts[idx + 1])
return clean_str(observation), info
class webshopEnv:
def __init__(self):
self.sessions = {}
def step(self, session, action):
done = False
observation_ = None
if action == 'reset':
self.sessions[session] = {'session': session, 'page_type': 'init'}
elif action.startswith('think['):
observation = 'OK.'
elif action.startswith('search['):
assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'init'
query = action[7:-1]
self.sessions[session] = {'session': session, 'page_type': 'search',
'query_string': query, 'page_num': 1}
elif action.startswith('click['):
button = action[6:-1]
if button == 'Buy Now':
assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item'
self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'end'
done = True
elif button == 'Back to Search':
assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] in ['search', 'item_sub', 'item']
self.sessions[session] = {'session': session, 'page_type': 'init'}
elif button == 'Next >':
assert False # ad hoc page limitation
assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'search'
self.sessions[session]['page_num'] += 1
elif button == '< Prev':
assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] in ['search', 'item_sub', 'item']
if self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'search':
assert False
self.sessions[session]['page_num'] -= 1
elif self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item_sub':
self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'item'
elif self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item':
self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'search'
self.sessions[session]['options'] = {}
elif button in ACTION_TO_TEMPLATE:
assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item'
self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'item_sub'
self.sessions[session]['subpage'] = button
if self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'search':
assert button in self.sessions[session].get('asins', []) # must be asins
self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'item'
self.sessions[session]['asin'] = button
elif self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item':
assert 'option_types' in self.sessions[session]
assert button in self.sessions[session]['option_types'], (button, self.sessions[session]['option_types']) # must be options
option_type = self.sessions[session]['option_types'][button]
if not 'options' in self.sessions[session]:
self.sessions[session]['options'] = {}
self.sessions[session]['options'][option_type] = button
observation_ = f'You have clicked {button}.'
assert False
observation, info = webshop_text(**self.sessions[session])
if observation_:
observation = observation_
reward = info.get('reward', 0.0)
return observation, reward, done
def webshop_run(idx, env, base_prompt, memory: List[str], to_print=True) -> Tuple[EnvironmentHistory, bool]:
action = 'reset'
init_prompt = base_prompt
prompt = ''
res = env.step(idx, action)
observation = res[0]
if len(memory) > 3:
env_history = EnvironmentHistory(base_prompt, observation, memory[-3:], [])
env_history = EnvironmentHistory(base_prompt, observation, memory, [])
for i in range(15):
env_history.add("action", action)
res = env.step(idx, action)
observation = res[0]
except AssertionError:
observation = 'Invalid action!'
if action.startswith('think'):
observation = 'OK.'
if to_print:
print(f'Action: {action}\nObservation: {observation}\n')
if i:
prompt += f' {action}\nObservation: {observation}\n\nAction:'
prompt += f'{observation}\n\nAction:'
env_history.add("observation", observation)
# if done, check if reward is complete value
if res[2]:
return env_history, res[1] == 1.0
action = llm(init_prompt + prompt[-(6400-len(init_prompt)):], stop=['\n']).lstrip(' ')
return env_history, False
def run_trial(
trial_log_path: str,
world_log_path: str,
trial_idx: int,
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]],
use_memory: bool
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
env = webshopEnv()
num_successes: int = 0
num_additional_successes: int = 0
num_envs: int = len(env_configs)
for z, env_config in enumerate(env_configs):
if env_config["is_success"]:
num_successes += 1
# log to world log
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: SUCCESS\n')
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}: Success\n\n#####\n')
final_env_history, is_success = webshop_run(f'fixed_{z}', env, BASE_PROMPT, env_config["memory"] if use_memory else [], to_print=True)
if is_success:
status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: SUCCESS'
env_configs[z]["is_success"] = True
num_successes += 1
num_additional_successes += 1
status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: FAIL'
# log env results to trial log
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}:\n{str(final_env_history)}\n\nSTATUS: {"OK" if is_success else "FAIL"}\n\n#####\n')
except AssertionError:
status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: FAIL'
# log env results to trial log
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}:\nAssertion Error\n\nSTATUS: FAIL\n\n#####\n')
# log to world log
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as f:
f.write(status_str + '\n')
# log trial results to trial and world logs
log_str: str = f"""
SUCCESS: {num_successes}
ADDITIONAL SUCCESS: {num_additional_successes}
FAIL: {num_envs - num_successes}
TOTAL: {num_envs}
ACCURACY: {round(num_successes / num_envs, 2)}
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(log_str + '\n')
return env_configs