You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
5.4 KiB

"""Adapted from"""
import os
import sys
import json
import yaml
import openai
import importlib
import alfworld
import alfworld.agents.environment
11 months ago
from utils import Model, get_chat, get_completion
from env_history import EnvironmentHistory
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple
openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
FOLDER = './prompts'
PROMPT_FILE = 'alfworld_3prompts.json'
with open(os.path.join(FOLDER, PROMPT_FILE), 'r') as f:
d = json.load(f)
11 months ago
def llm(prompt: str, model: Model, stop: List[str] = ["\n"]):
cur_try = 0
while cur_try < 6:
11 months ago
if model == "text-davinci-003":
11 months ago
text = get_completion(prompt=prompt, temperature=cur_try * 0.2, stop_strs=stop)
11 months ago
11 months ago
text = get_chat(prompt=prompt, model=model, temperature=cur_try * 0.2, stop_strs=stop)
# dumb way to do this
if len(text.strip()) >= 5:
11 months ago
return text
cur_try += 1
return ""
except Exception as e:
import sys
def process_ob(ob):
if ob.startswith('You arrive at loc '):
ob = ob[ob.find('. ')+2:]
return ob
11 months ago
def alfworld_run(env, base_prompt, memory: List[str], to_print=True, ob='', model: Model = "text-davinci-003") -> Tuple[EnvironmentHistory, bool]:
if len(memory) > 3:
env_history = EnvironmentHistory(base_prompt, ob, memory[-3:], [])
env_history = EnvironmentHistory(base_prompt, ob, memory, [])
if to_print:
cur_step = 0
11 months ago
while cur_step < 49:
11 months ago
action = llm(str(env_history) + ">", stop=['\n'], model=model).strip()
env_history.add("action", action)
observation, reward, done, info = env.step([action])
observation, reward, done = process_ob(observation[0]), info['won'][0], done[0]
if action.startswith('think:'):
observation = 'OK.'
env_history.add("observation", observation)
if to_print:
print(f'> {action}\n{observation}')
if done:
return env_history, True
elif env_history.check_is_exhausted():
return env_history, False
cur_step += 1
return env_history, False
'pick_and_place': 'put',
'pick_clean_then_place': 'clean',
'pick_heat_then_place': 'heat',
'pick_cool_then_place': 'cool',
'look_at_obj': 'examine',
'pick_two_obj': 'puttwo'
def run_trial(
trial_log_path: str,
world_log_path: str,
trial_idx: int,
env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]],
11 months ago
use_memory: bool,
model: Model,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
with open('base_config.yaml') as reader:
config = yaml.safe_load(reader)
split = "eval_out_of_distribution"
env = getattr(alfworld.agents.environment, config["env"]["type"])(config, train_eval=split)
env = env.init_env(batch_size=1)
num_successes: int = 0
num_additional_successes: int = 0
num_envs: int = len(env_configs)
for z, env_config in enumerate(env_configs):
ob, info = env.reset()
ob = '\n'.join(ob[0].split('\n\n')[1:])
name = '/'.join(info['extra.gamefile'][0].split('/')[-3:-1])
print(f"using {name}")
if env_config["is_success"]:
num_successes += 1
# log to world log
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: SUCCESS\n')
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}: Success\n\n#####\n')
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(PREFIXES.items()):
if name.startswith(k):
base_prompt = 'Interact with a household to solve a task. Here are two examples.\n' + d[f'react_{v}_1'] + d[f'react_{v}_0']
11 months ago
final_env_history, is_success = alfworld_run(env, base_prompt, env_config["memory"] if use_memory else [], to_print=True, ob=ob, model=model)
# update env config
if is_success:
status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: SUCCESS'
env_configs[z]['is_success'] = True
num_successes += 1
num_additional_successes += 1
status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: FAIL'
# log to world log
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as f:
f.write(status_str + '\n')
# log env results to trial log
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}:\n{str(final_env_history)}\n\nSTATUS: {"OK" if is_success else "FAIL"}\n\n#####\n')
# close environment object
# log trial results to trial and world logs
log_str: str = f"""
SUCCESS: {num_successes}
ADDITIONAL SUCCESS: {num_additional_successes}
FAIL: {num_envs - num_successes}
TOTAL: {num_envs}
ACCURACY: {round(num_successes / num_envs, 2)}
with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf:
with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf:
wf.write(log_str + '\n')
return env_configs