You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

899 lines
30 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import re
import os
import xbmc
import xbmcplugin
import xbmcgui
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcvfs
import six
from six.moves import urllib
2 years ago
from lib.general import *
from lib.rumble_user import RumbleUser
from lib.comments import CommentWindow
2 years ago
2 years ago
import json
except ImportError:
2 years ago
import simplejson as json
PLUGIN_URL = sys.argv[0]
PLUGIN_ID = int(sys.argv[1])
PLUGIN_NAME = PLUGIN_URL.replace('plugin://','')
2 years ago
ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
ADDON_ICON = ADDON.getAddonInfo('icon')
ADDON_NAME = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name')
HOME_DIR = 'special://home/addons/' + PLUGIN_NAME
2 years ago
RESOURCE_DIR = HOME_DIR + 'resources/'
2 years ago
KODI_VERSION = float(xbmcaddon.Addon('xbmc.addon').getAddonInfo('version')[:4])
DATE_FORMAT = ADDON.getSetting('date_format')
RUMBLE_USER = RumbleUser()
if six.PY2:
favorites = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'), 'favorites.dat'))
2 years ago
favorites = xbmcvfs.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'), 'favorites.dat'))
def favorites_create():
""" creates favorite directory if doesn't exist """
if six.PY2:
addon_data_path = xbmc.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'))
addon_data_path = xbmcvfs.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'))
if os.path.exists(addon_data_path) is False:
def favorites_load( return_string = False ):
""" load favourites from file into variable """
if os.path.exists( favorites ):
fav_str = open( favorites ).read()
if return_string:
return fav_str
if fav_str:
return json.loads( fav_str )
# nothing to load, return type necessary
if return_string:
return ''
return []
2 years ago
def to_unicode( text, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict' ):
""" Forces text to unicode """
2 years ago
if isinstance(text, bytes):
return text.decode(encoding, errors=errors)
2 years ago
return text
def get_search_string( heading='', message='' ):
""" Ask the user for a search string """
2 years ago
search_string = None
2 years ago
keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(message, heading)
2 years ago
if keyboard.isConfirmed():
search_string = to_unicode(keyboard.getText())
2 years ago
return search_string
def home_menu():
""" Creates home menu """
2 years ago
# Search
add_dir( get_string(137), '', 1, { 'thumb': 'search.png' } )
2 years ago
# Favorites
add_dir( get_string(1036), '', 7, { 'thumb': 'favorite.png' } )
if RUMBLE_USER.has_login_details():
# subscriptions
add_dir( 'Subscriptions', BASE_URL + '/subscriptions', 3, { 'thumb': 'favorite.png' }, {}, 'subscriptions' )
# subscriptions
add_dir( 'Following', BASE_URL + '/', 3, { 'thumb': 'favorite.png' }, {}, 'following' )
# Battle Leaderboard
add_dir( get_string(30052), BASE_URL + '/battle-leaderboard/recorded', 3, { 'thumb': 'leader.png' }, {}, 'top' )
# Categories
add_dir( 'Categories', BASE_URL + '/browse', 3, { 'thumb': 'viral.png' }, {}, 'cat_list' )
# Live Streams
add_dir( 'Live Streams', BASE_URL + '/browse/live', 3, { 'thumb': 'viral.png' }, {}, 'live_stream' )
2 years ago
# Settings
add_dir( get_string(5), '', 8, { 'thumb': 'settings.png' } )
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( PLUGIN_ID, cacheToDisc=False )
2 years ago
def search_menu():
""" Creates search menu """
2 years ago
# Search Video
add_dir( get_string(30100), BASE_URL + '/search/video?q=', 2, { 'thumb': 'search.png' }, {}, 'video' )
2 years ago
# Search Channel
add_dir( get_string(30101), BASE_URL + '/search/channel?q=', 2, { 'thumb': 'search.png' }, {}, 'channel' )
# Search User
add_dir( get_string(30102), BASE_URL + '/search/channel?q=', 2, { 'thumb': 'search.png' }, {}, 'user' )
2 years ago
def pagination( url, page, cat, search=False ):
""" list directory items then show pagination """
2 years ago
if url > '':
page = int(page)
page_url = url
paginated = True
if page == 1:
2 years ago
if search:
page_url = url + search
elif search and cat == 'video':
page_url = url + search + "&page=" + str( page )
elif cat in {'channel', 'cat_video', 'user', 'other', 'subscriptions', 'live_stream' }:
page_url = url + "?page=" + str( page )
if cat in { 'following', 'top', 'cat_list' }:
paginated = False
amount = list_rumble( page_url, cat )
if paginated and amount > 15 and page < 10:
# for next page
page = page + 1
name = get_string(30150) + " " + str( page )
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(name)
link_params = {
'url': url,
'mode': '3',
'name': name,
'page': str( page ),
'cat': cat,
link = build_url( link_params )
if search and cat == 'video':
link = link + "&search=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(search)
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(PLUGIN_ID, link, list_item, True)
2 years ago
def get_image( data, image_id ):
""" method to get an image from scraped page's CSS from the image ID """
image_re = re.compile(
9 months ago
"i.user-image--img--id-" + str( image_id ) + ".+?{\s*background-image: url(.+?);",
if image_re != []:
2 years ago
image = str(image_re[0]).replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
image = ''
2 years ago
return image
def list_rumble( url, cat ):
""" Method to get and display items from Rumble """
amount = 0
headers = None
if 'subscriptions' in url or cat == 'following':
# make sure there is a session
# result is stored in a cookie
data = request_get(url, None, headers)
# Fix for favorites & search
if cat in { 'other', 'channel' } and '/c/' in url:
cat = 'channel_video'
if 'search' in url:
if cat == 'video':
amount = dir_list_create( data, cat, 'video', True, 1 )
amount = dir_list_create( data, cat, 'channel', True )
elif cat in { 'subscriptions', 'cat_video', 'live_stream' }:
amount = dir_list_create( data, cat, cat, False, 2 )
elif cat in { 'channel', 'top', 'other' }:
amount = dir_list_create( data, cat, 'video', False, 2 )
elif cat in { 'channel_video', 'user' }:
amount = dir_list_create( data, cat, 'channel_video', False, 2 )
elif cat == 'following':
amount = dir_list_create( data, cat, 'following', False, 2 )
elif cat == 'cat_list':
amount = dir_list_create( data, cat, cat, False )
return amount
def dir_list_create( data, cat, video_type='video', search = False, play=0 ):
""" create and display dir list based upon type """
amount = 0
if video_type == 'video':
videos = re.compile(r'href=\"([^\"]+)\"><div class=\"(?:[^\"]+)\"><img\s*class=\"video-item--img\"\s*src=\"([^\"]+)\"\s*alt=\"(?:[^\"]+)\"\s*>(?:<span class=\"video-item--watching\">[^\<]+</span>)?(?:<div class=video-item--overlay-rank>(?:[0-9]+)</div>)?</div><(?:[^\>]+)></span></a><div class=\"video-item--info\"><time class=\"video-item--meta video-item--time\" datetime=(.+?)-(.+?)-(.+?)T(?:.+?) title\=\"(?:[^\"]+)\">(?:[^\<]+)</time><h3 class=video-item--title>(.+?)</h3><address(?:[^\>]+)><a rel=author class=\"(?:[^\=]+)=(.+?)><div class=ellipsis-1>(.+?)</div>', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(data)
if videos:
amount = len(videos)
for link, img, year, month, day, title, channel_link, channel_name in videos:
info_labels = {}
if '<svg' in channel_name:
channel_name = channel_name.split('<svg')[0] + " (Verified)"
info_labels[ 'year' ] = year
12 months ago
video_title = '[B]' + clean_text( title ) + '[/B]\n[COLOR gold]' + channel_name + '[/COLOR] - [COLOR lime]' + get_date_formatted( DATE_FORMAT, year, month, day ) + '[/COLOR]'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link, 4, images, info_labels, cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : channel_link, 'subscribe': True } )
elif video_type == 'channel_video':
videos = re.compile(r'<img\s*class=\"thumbnail__image\"\s*draggable=\"false\"\s*src=\"(.+?)\"\s*alt=(?:\"[^\"]+\"|[^\"\s]+)\s*(?:[^\>]+)>\s*<div\s*class=\"videostream__info\">\s*<div\s*class=\"videostream__badge videostream__status videostream__status--duration\"\s*>\s*(.+?)\s*</div>\s*</div>\s*<a class=\"videostream__link link\" draggable=\"false\" href=\"/(?:[^\>]+)\"></a>\s*</div>\s*<div class=\"videostream__footer\">\s*<a\s*class=\"title__link link\"\s*href=\"([^\>]+)\">\s*<h3\s*class=\"thumbnail__title clamp-2\"(?:[^\>]+)>\s*([^\<]+)</h3>\s*</a>', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(data)
if videos:
amount = len(videos)
for img, video_length, link, title in videos:
video_title = '[B]' + clean_text( title ) + '[/B]'
cat = 'other'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link.strip(), 4, images, {}, cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : link.strip(), 'subscribe': False } )
elif video_type in { 'cat_video', 'subscriptions', 'live_stream' }:
if video_type == 'live_stream':
videos_regex = r'<div class="thumbnail__grid" role="list">(.*)<nav class="paginator">'
videos_regex = r'<ol\s*class=\"thumbnail__grid\">(.*)</ol>'
videos = re.compile(videos_regex, re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(data)
12 months ago
if videos:
videos = videos[0].split('"videostream thumbnail__grid-')
12 months ago
amount = len(videos)
for video in videos:
video_title = ''
info_labels = {}
title = re.compile(r'<h3(?:[^\>]+)?>(.*)</h3>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(video)
link = re.compile(r'<a\sclass="videostream__link link"\sdraggable="false"\shref="([^\"]+)">', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(video)
img = re.compile(r'<img\s*class=\"thumbnail__image\"\s*draggable=\"false\"\s*src=\"([^\"]+)\"', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(video)
video_title = '[B]' + clean_text( title[0] ) + '[/B]'
if ( 'videostream__status--live' in video ):
video_title += ' [COLOR red](Live)[/COLOR]'
channel_name = re.compile(r'<span\sclass="channel__name(?:[^\"]+)" title="(?:[^\"]+)">([^\<]+)</span>(\s*<svg class=channel__verified)?', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(video)
channel_link = re.compile(r'<a\s*rel=\"author\"\s*class=\"channel__link\slink\s(?:[^\"]+)\"\s*href=\"([^\"]+)\"\s*>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(video)
if channel_name:
video_title += '\n[COLOR gold]' + clean_text( channel_name[0][0] )
if channel_name[0][1]:
video_title += " (Verified)"
video_title += '[/COLOR]'
12 months ago
3 months ago
date_time = re.compile(r'<time\s*class=\"(?:[^\"]+)\"\s*datetime=\"(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})-(\d{2}):(\d{2})\"', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(video)
if date_time:
info_labels[ 'year' ] = date_time[0][0]
3 months ago
video_title += ' - [COLOR lime]' + get_date_formatted( DATE_FORMAT, date_time[0][0], date_time[0][1], date_time[0][2] ) + '[/COLOR]'
images = { 'thumb': str(img[0]), 'fanart': str(img[0]) }
duration = re.compile(r'videostream__status--duration\"\s*>([^<]+)</div>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(video)
if duration:
info_labels[ 'duration' ] = duration_to_secs( duration[0].strip() )
12 months ago
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link[0], 4, images, info_labels, cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : channel_link[0], 'subscribe': True } )
return amount
12 months ago
elif video_type == 'cat_list':
cat_list = re.compile(r'<a\s*class=\"category__link link\"\s*href=\"([^\"]+)\"\s*>\s*<img\s*class=\"category__image\"\s*src=\"([^\"]+)\"\s*alt=(?:[^\>]+)>\s*<strong class=\"category__title\">([^\<]+)</strong>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(data)
if cat_list:
amount = len(cat_list)
for link, img, title in cat_list:
cat = 'channel_video'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( clean_text( title ), BASE_URL + link.strip() + '/videos', 3, images, {}, cat )
elif video_type == 'following':
following = re.compile(r'<a\s*class=\"main-menu-item-channel\s*(?:main-menu-item-channel-is-live)?\"\s*title=\"?(?:[^\"]+)\"?\s*href=([^>\s]+)(?:\s*data-js=\"main_menu_live_channel\")?\s*>\s*<div class=\"main-menu-item-channel-label-wrapper\">\s*<i class=\'user-image (?:user-image--img user-image--img--id-([^\s\']+)\s*(?:channel-live)?\')?(?:user-image--letter\s*(?:channel-live)?\' data-letter=([a-zA-Z]))? data-js=user-image>\s*</i>\s*<span class=\"main-menu-item-label main-menu-item-channel-label\">([^<]+)</span>', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(data)
if following:
amount = len(following)
for link, img_id, img_letter, channel_name in following:
if img_id:
img = str( get_image( data, img_id ) )
img = MEDIA_DIR + 'letters/' + img_letter + '.png'
video_title = '[B]' + channel_name.strip() + '[/B]'
cat = 'user'
if '/user/' not in link:
cat = 'channel_video'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link.strip(), 3, images, {}, cat, True, True, play, { 'name' : link.strip(), 'subscribe': False } )
5 months ago
channels = re.compile(r'a href=(.+?)>\s*<div class=\"channel-item--img\">\s*<i class=\'user-image (?:user-image--img user-image--img--id-([^\']+)\')?(?:user-image--letter\' data-letter=([a-zA-Z]))? data-js=user-image>\s*</i>\s*</div>\s*<h3 class=channel-item--title>(.+?)</h3>\s*<span class=channel-item--subscribers>(.+?) Followers</span>',re.DOTALL).findall(data)
if channels:
amount = len(channels)
for link, img_id, img_letter, channel_name, subscribers in channels:
# split channel and user
if search:
if cat == 'channel':
if '/c/' not in link:
if '/user/' not in link:
if '<svg' in channel_name:
channel_name = channel_name.split('<svg')[0] + " (Verified)"
if img_id:
img = str( get_image( data, img_id ) )
img = MEDIA_DIR + 'letters/' + img_letter + '.png'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
video_title = '[B]' + channel_name + '[/B]\n[COLOR palegreen]' + subscribers + '[/COLOR] [COLOR yellow]' + get_string(30156) + '[/COLOR]'
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link, 3, images, {}, cat, True, True, play, { 'name' : link, 'subscribe': True } )
return amount
2 years ago
def get_video_id( url ):
""" gets a video id from a URL, helps in resolving """
data = request_get(url)
# gets embed id from embed url
video_id = re.compile(
',\"embedUrl\":\"' + BASE_URL + '/embed/(.*?)\/\",',
if video_id:
return video_id[0]
return False
2 years ago
def resolver( url ):
""" Resolves a URL for rumble & returns resolved link to video """
2 years ago
# playback options - 0: large to small, 1: small to large, 2: quality select
playback_method = ADDON.getSetting('playbackMethod')
2 years ago
media_url = False
2 years ago
if playback_method == '2':
urls = []
2 years ago
video_id = get_video_id( url )
if video_id:
# use site api to get video urls
# TODO: use as dict / array instead of using regex to get URLs
data = request_get(BASE_URL + '/embedJS/u3/?request=video&ver=2&v=' + video_id)
2 years ago
sizes = [ '1080', '720', '480', '360', 'hls' ]
2 years ago
# reverses array - small to large
if playback_method == '1':
2 years ago
sizes = sizes[::-1]
for quality in sizes:
# get urls for quality
matches = re.compile(
'"' + quality + '".+?url.+?:"(.*?)"',
2 years ago
if matches:
if playback_method == '2':
2 years ago
urls.append(( quality, matches[0] ))
media_url = matches[0]
2 years ago
# quality select
if playback_method == '2':
2 years ago
if len(urls) > 0:
selected_index = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(
2 years ago
'Select Quality', [(sourceItem[0] or '?') for sourceItem in urls]
if selected_index != -1:
media_url = urls[selected_index][1]
2 years ago
if media_url:
media_url = media_url.replace('\/', '/')
return media_url
2 years ago
def play_video( name, url, thumb, play=2 ):
""" method to play video """
# get video link
2 years ago
url = resolver(url)
if url:
# Use HTTP
if ADDON.getSetting('useHTTP') == 'true':
url = url.replace('https://', 'http://', 1)
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, path=url)
list_item.setArt({'icon': thumb, 'thumb': thumb})
if KODI_VERSION > 19.8:
vidtag = list_item.getVideoInfoTag()
list_item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={'Title': name, 'plot': ''})
if play == 1:
xbmc.Player().play(item=url, listitem=list_item)
elif play == 2:
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, list_item)
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( 'Error', 'Video not found' )
2 years ago
def search_items( url, cat ):
""" Searches rumble """
search_str = get_search_string(heading="Search")
if not search_str:
return False, 0
title = urllib.parse.quote_plus(search_str)
pagination( url, 1, cat, title )
2 years ago
def favorites_show():
""" Displays favorites """
2 years ago
data = favorites_load()
2 years ago
2 years ago
amount = len(data)
if amount > 0:
for i in data:
2 years ago
name = i[0]
url = i[1]
mode = i[2]
images = { 'thumb': str(i[3]), 'fanart': str(i[4]) }
info_labels = { 'plot': str(i[5]) }
2 years ago
cat = i[6]
folder = ( i[7] == 'True' )
2 years ago
play = i[8]
add_dir( name, url, mode, images, info_labels, cat, folder, True, int(play) )
2 years ago
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( get_string(14117), get_string(30155) )
except Exception:
2 years ago
def favorite_add(name, url, fav_mode, thumb, fanart, plot, cat, folder, play):
""" add favorite from name """
data = favorites_load()
data.append((name, url, fav_mode, thumb, fanart, plot, cat, folder, play))
fav_file = open( favorites, 'w' )
notify( get_string(30152), name, thumb )
2 years ago
def favorite_remove( name ):
""" remove favorite from name """
# TODO: remove via something more unique instead
# TODO: remove via a method that doesn't require to loop through all favorites
data = favorites_load()
if data:
for index in range(len(data)):
if data[index][0] == name:
del data[index]
fav_file = open( favorites, 'w' )
notify( get_string(30154), name )
2 years ago
def favorites_import():
""" Due to plugin name change from original fork, the favorites will need to be imported """
if not xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(
'Import Favorites',
'This will replace the favorites with the version.\nProceed?',
nolabel = 'Cancel',
yeslabel = 'Ok'
# no point trying to run this as it didn't exist for python 2
if six.PY2:
notify( 'Favorites Not Found' )
# make sure path exists
#load matrix favourites
rumble_matrix_dir = xbmcvfs.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/userdata/addon_data/', 'favorites.dat'))
if os.path.exists(rumble_matrix_dir):
rumble_matrix = open( rumble_matrix_dir ).read()
if rumble_matrix:
fav_file = open( favorites, 'w' )
notify( 'Imported Favorites' )
notify( 'Favorites Not Found' )
def login_session_reset():
""" Forces a rumble session reset """
notify( 'Session has been reset' )
6 months ago
def login_test():
""" Method that resets session, then tests the login """
if RUMBLE_USER.has_login_details():
if RUMBLE_USER.login():
notify( 'Login Successful - Session has been set' )
notify( 'Login Failed' )
notify( 'No details detected - please save login details first before running' )
def subscribe( name, action ):
""" Attempts to (un)subscribe to rumble channel """
# make sure we have a session
if RUMBLE_USER.has_session():
action_type = False
if '/user/' in name:
name = name.replace( '/user/', '' )
action_type = 'user'
elif '/c/' in name:
name = name.replace( '/c/', '' )
action_type = 'channel'
if action_type:
# subscribe to action
data = RUMBLE_USER.subscribe( action, action_type, name )
if data:
# Load data from JSON
data = json.loads(data)
# make sure everything looks fine
if data.get( 'user', False ) and data.get( 'data', False ) \
and data[ 'user' ][ 'logged_in' ] and data[ 'data' ][ 'thumb' ]:
if action == 'subscribe':
notify( 'Subscribed to ' + name, None, data[ 'data' ][ 'thumb' ] )
notify( 'Unubscribed to ' + name, None, data[ 'data' ][ 'thumb' ] )
return True
notify( 'Unable to to perform action' )
return False
def add_dir( name, url, mode, images = {}, info_labels = {}, cat = '', folder=True, fav_context=False, play=0, subscribe_context=False ):
2 years ago
""" Adds directory items """
art_dict = {
'thumb': images.get( 'thumb', HOME_DIR + 'icon.png' ),
'fanart': images.get( 'fanart', HOME_DIR + 'fanart.jpg' ),
# set default image location to MEDIA_DIR
for art_type in art_dict:
if art_dict[ art_type ]:
if not art_dict[ art_type ].startswith( HOME_DIR ) and \
not art_dict[ art_type ].startswith( 'http' ) and \
not art_dict[ art_type ].startswith( '\\' ):
art_dict[ art_type ] = MEDIA_DIR + art_dict[ art_type ]
link_params = {
'url': url,
'mode': str( mode ),
'name': name,
'thumb': art_dict[ 'thumb' ],
'fanart': art_dict[ 'fanart' ],
'plot': info_labels.get( 'plot', '' ),
'cat': cat,
2 years ago
context_menu = []
2 years ago
if play:
link_params['play'] = str( play )
link = build_url( link_params )
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( name )
2 years ago
if folder:
list_item.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultFolder.png', 'thumb': art_dict[ 'thumb' ]})
2 years ago
list_item.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultVideo.png', 'thumb': art_dict[ 'thumb' ]})
7 months ago
xbmcplugin.setContent(PLUGIN_ID, 'videos')
2 years ago
if play == 2 and mode == 4:
list_item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
context_menu.append((get_string(30158), 'Action(Queue)'))
info_labels['title'] = name
if play:
# adds information context menu
info_labels['mediatype'] = 'tvshow'
item_set_info( list_item, info_labels )
list_item.setProperty( 'fanart_image', art_dict[ 'fanart' ] )
if RUMBLE_USER.has_login_details():
if subscribe_context:
if subscribe_context['subscribe']:
context_menu.append(('Subscribe to ' + subscribe_context['name'],'RunPlugin(%s)' % build_url( {'mode': '11','name': subscribe_context['name'], 'cat': 'subscribe'} )))
context_menu.append(('Unsubscribe to ' + subscribe_context['name'],'RunPlugin(%s)' % build_url( {'mode': '11','name': subscribe_context['name'], 'cat': 'unsubscribe'} )))
if play == 2 and mode == 4:
context_menu.append(('Comments','RunPlugin(%s)' % build_url( {'mode': '12','url': url} )))
if fav_context:
favorite_str = favorites_load( True )
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
name_fav = json.dumps(name)
except Exception:
2 years ago
name_fav = name
2 years ago
# checks fav name via string (I do not like how this is done, so will redo in future)
if name_fav in favorite_str:
context_menu.append((get_string(30153),'RunPlugin(%s)' % build_url( {'mode': '6','name': name} )))
2 years ago
fav_params = {
'url': url,
'mode': '5',
'name': name,
'thumb': art_dict[ 'thumb' ],
'fanart': art_dict[ 'fanart' ],
'plot': info_labels.get( 'plot', '' ),
'cat': cat,
'folder': str(folder),
'fav_mode': str(mode),
'play': str(play),
context_menu.append((get_string(30151),'RunPlugin(%s)' %build_url( fav_params )))
except Exception:
2 years ago
if context_menu:
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=PLUGIN_ID, url=link, listitem=list_item, isFolder=folder)
2 years ago
def comments_show( url ):
""" Retrieves and shows video's comments in a modal """
video_id = get_video_id( url )
if video_id:
win = CommentWindow(
del win
notify( "Cannot find comments", "Comments" )
2 years ago
def main():
2 years ago
""" main method to start plugin """
2 years ago
mode=int(params.get( 'mode', 0 ))
page=int(params.get( 'page', 1 ))
play=int(params.get( 'play', 0 ))
fav_mode=int(params.get( 'fav_mode', 0 ))
url = params.get( 'url', None )
if url:
name = params.get( 'name', None )
if name:
name = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(name)
thumb=params.get( 'thumb', None )
if thumb:
fanart=params.get( 'fanart', None )
if fanart:
plot=params.get( 'plot', None )
if plot:
subtitle=params.get( 'subtitle', None )
if subtitle:
cat=params.get( 'cat', None )
if cat:
search=params.get( 'search', None )
if search:
folder=params.get( 'folder', None )
if folder:
folder=params.get( 'folder', None )
if folder:
if mode==0:
2 years ago
elif mode==1:
elif mode==2:
elif mode==3:
if search and search is not None:
pagination(url, page, cat, search)
2 years ago
pagination(url, page, cat)
2 years ago
elif mode==4:
play_video(name, url, thumb, play)
elif mode in [5,6]:
if '\\ ' in name:
2 years ago
name = name.split('\\ ')[1]
if ' - ' in name:
2 years ago
name = name.split(' - ')[0]
if mode == 5:
favorite_add( name, url, fav_mode, thumb, fanart, plot, cat, str(folder), str(play) )
favorite_remove( name )
2 years ago
elif mode==7:
2 years ago
elif mode==8:
elif mode==9:
elif mode==10:
elif mode==11:
subscribe(name, cat)
elif mode==12:
6 months ago
elif mode==13:
2 years ago
if __name__ == "__main__":