Move py files to lib

azzy9 1 year ago
parent 0a0013e706
commit ea1d155015

@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import requests
import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import six
from six.moves import urllib
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
PLUGIN_URL = sys.argv[0]
ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
ADDON_ICON = ADDON.getAddonInfo('icon')
ADDON_NAME = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name')
__language__ = ADDON.getLocalizedString
# Disable urllib3's "InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made" warnings
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
reqs = requests.session()
def request_get( url, data=None, extraHeaders=None ):
""" makes a request """
# headers
my_headers = {
'Accept-Language': 'en-gb,en;q=0.5',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9',
'Referer': url,
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Pragma': 'no-cache',
'DNT': '1'
# add extra headers
if extraHeaders:
# get stored cookie string
cookies = ADDON.getSetting('cookies')
# split cookies into dictionary
if cookies:
cookie_dict = json.loads( cookies )
cookie_dict = None
# make request
if data:
response =, data=data, headers=my_headers, verify=False, cookies=cookie_dict, timeout=10)
response = reqs.get(url, headers=my_headers, verify=False, cookies=cookie_dict, timeout=10)
if response.cookies.get_dict():
if cookie_dict:
cookie_dict.update( response.cookies.get_dict() )
cookie_dict = response.cookies.get_dict()
# store cookies
ADDON.setSetting('cookies', json.dumps(cookie_dict))
return response.text
except Exception:
return ''
def build_url(query):
Helper function to build a Kodi xbmcgui.ListItem URL
:param query: Dictionary of url parameters to put in the URL
:returns: A formatted and urlencoded URL string
return (PLUGIN_URL + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({
k: v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, six.text_type)
else unicode(v, errors='ignore').encode('utf-8')
for k, v in query.items()
def notify( message, name=False, iconimage=False, timeShown=5000 ):
""" Show notfication to user """
if not name:
if not iconimage:
iconimage = ADDON_ICON
xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)' % (name, message, timeShown, iconimage))
def view_set( name ):
""" sets view """
views = {
'fanart': 502,
'wall': 500,
'widelist': 55,
'infowall': 54,
'shift': 53,
'poster': 51,
'list': 50,
view_num = views.get( name.lower(), 0 )
if view_num > 0:
xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(' + str( view_num ) + ')')
except Exception:
def get_string( string_id ):
""" gets language string based upon id """
if string_id >= 30000:
return __language__( string_id )
return xbmc.getLocalizedString( string_id )
def get_date_formatted( format_id, year, month, day ):
""" puts date into format based upon setting """
if format_id == '1':
return month + '/' + day + '/' + year
if format_id == '2':
return day + '/' + month + '/' + year
return year + '/' + month + '/' + day
def get_params():
""" gets params from request """
return dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(sys.argv[2][1:], keep_blank_values=True))
def clean_text( text ):
""" Removes characters that can cause trouble """
return text.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii').strip()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import requests
import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import six
from six.moves import urllib
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
PLUGIN_URL = sys.argv[0]
ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
ADDON_ICON = ADDON.getAddonInfo('icon')
ADDON_NAME = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name')
__language__ = ADDON.getLocalizedString
# Disable urllib3's "InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made" warnings
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
reqs = requests.session()
def request_get( url, data=None, extraHeaders=None ):
""" makes a request """
# headers
my_headers = {
'Accept-Language': 'en-gb,en;q=0.5',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9',
'Referer': url,
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Pragma': 'no-cache',
'DNT': '1'
# add extra headers
if extraHeaders:
# get stored cookie string
cookies = ADDON.getSetting('cookies')
# split cookies into dictionary
if cookies:
cookie_dict = json.loads( cookies )
cookie_dict = None
# make request
if data:
response =, data=data, headers=my_headers, verify=False, cookies=cookie_dict, timeout=10)
response = reqs.get(url, headers=my_headers, verify=False, cookies=cookie_dict, timeout=10)
if response.cookies.get_dict():
if cookie_dict:
cookie_dict.update( response.cookies.get_dict() )
cookie_dict = response.cookies.get_dict()
# store cookies
ADDON.setSetting('cookies', json.dumps(cookie_dict))
return response.text
except Exception:
return ''
def build_url(query):
Helper function to build a Kodi xbmcgui.ListItem URL
:param query: Dictionary of url parameters to put in the URL
:returns: A formatted and urlencoded URL string
return (PLUGIN_URL + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({
k: v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, six.text_type)
else unicode(v, errors='ignore').encode('utf-8')
for k, v in query.items()
def notify( message, name=False, iconimage=False, timeShown=5000 ):
""" Show notfication to user """
if not name:
if not iconimage:
iconimage = ADDON_ICON
xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)' % (name, message, timeShown, iconimage))
def view_set( name ):
""" sets view """
views = {
'fanart': 502,
'wall': 500,
'widelist': 55,
'infowall': 54,
'shift': 53,
'poster': 51,
'list': 50,
view_num = views.get( name.lower(), 0 )
if view_num > 0:
xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(' + str( view_num ) + ')')
except Exception:
def get_string( string_id ):
""" gets language string based upon id """
if string_id >= 30000:
return __language__( string_id )
return xbmc.getLocalizedString( string_id )
def get_date_formatted( format_id, year, month, day ):
""" puts date into format based upon setting """
if format_id == '1':
return month + '/' + day + '/' + year
if format_id == '2':
return day + '/' + month + '/' + year
return year + '/' + month + '/' + day
def get_params():
""" gets params from request """
return dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(sys.argv[2][1:], keep_blank_values=True))
def clean_text( text ):
""" Removes characters that can cause trouble """
return text.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii').strip()

@ -1,312 +1,312 @@
MD5Ex class
Converted from JS to python by Azzy9
This is a class to generate hashes that is used by the Rumble platform
class MD5Ex:
hex = [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ]
def bit_shift( self, val1, val2, direction = 'r', zero_fill = False ):
""" bit_shift method to allow zer filled bitshift which is not supported by python """
if direction == 'l':
return val1 << val2
if direction == 'r' and zero_fill is True:
return (val1 % 0x100000000) >> val2
return val1 >> val2
def char_code_at( self, str_in, pos ):
""" essentially the ord method but with validation that is required """
if pos < len( str_in ):
return ord( str_in[pos] )
return 0
def hash( self, n ):
return self.binHex( self.binHash( self.strBin(n), len(n) << 3))
def hashUTF8( self, n ):
return self.hash(self.encUTF8(n))
def hashRaw( self, n ):
return self.binStr(self.binHash(self.strBin(n), len(n) << 3))
def hashRawUTF8( self, n ):
return self.hashRaw(self.encUTF8(n))
def hashStretch( self, n, h, i ):
return self.binHex(self.binHashStretch(n, h, i))
def binHashStretch( self, n, h, i ):
e = self.encUTF8(n)
g = h + e
o = 32 + len(e) << 3
a = self.strBin(e)
u = len(a)
g = self.binHash(self.strBin(g), len(g) << 3)
if not i:
i = 1024
r = 0
while r < i:
g = self.binHexBin(g)
t = 0
while t < u:
g[8 + t] = a[t]
t = t + 1
g = self.binHash(g, o)
r += 1
return g
def encUTF8( self, n ):
# return string
r_str = ''
# character pos
char_pos = 0
# string length
str_len = len(n) - 1
while char_pos <= str_len:
h = self.char_code_at(n, char_pos)
char_pos += 1
i = self.char_code_at(n, char_pos)
if char_pos < str_len and 55296 <= h and h <= 56319 and 56320 <= i and i <= 57343:
h = 65536 + self.bit_shift((1023 & h), 10, 'l') + (1023 & i)
char_pos +=1
if h <= 127:
r_str += chr(h)
if h <= 2047:
r_str += chr(192 | self.bit_shift( h, 6, 'r', True ) & 31, 128 | 63 & h)
if h <= 65535:
r_str += chr(224 | self.bit_shift( h, 12, 'r', True ) & 15, 128 | self.bit_shift( h, 6, 'r', True ) & 63, 128 | 63 & h)
if h <= 2097151:
r_str += chr(240 | self.bit_shift( h, 18, 'r', True ) & 7, 128 | self.bit_shift( h, 12, 'r', True ) & 63, 128 | self.bit_shift( h, 6, 'r', True ) & 63, 128 | 63 & h)
return r_str
def strBin( self, n ):
""" String to Binary """
i = self.bit_shift( len(n), 3, 'l' )
r = {}
h = 0
while h < i:
tmp = self.bit_shift( h, 5 )
r[tmp] = r.get(tmp, 0) | self.bit_shift( (255 & self.char_code_at( n, self.bit_shift( h, 3 ))), (31 & h), 'l' )
h += 8
return r
def binHex( self, n ):
""" Binary to Hex """
t = ''
f = self.bit_shift( len(n), 5, 'l' )
r = 0
while r < f:
h = self.bit_shift( n.get( self.bit_shift( r, 5 ), 0 ), (31 & r), 'r', True ) & 255
i = self.bit_shift( h, 4, 'r', True ) & 15
h &= 15
t += self.hex[i] + self.hex[h]
r += 8
return t
def binStr( self, n ):
""" Binary to String """
r = ''
t = self.bit_shift( len(n), 5, 'l' )
i = 0
while i < t:
h = self.bit_shift( n.get( self.bit_shift( i, 5 ), 0 ), (31 & i), 'r', True ) & 255
r += chr(h)
i += 8
return r
def binHexBin( self, n ):
t = self.bit_shift( len(n), 5, 'l' )
f = {}
r = 0
while r < t:
h = self.bit_shift( n.get( self.bit_shift( r, 5 ), 0 ), (31 & r), 'r', True ) & 255
i = self.bit_shift( h, 4, 'r', True ) & 15
h &= 15
tmp2 = 48
if 9 < i:
tmp2 = 87
tmp3 = 48
if 9 < h:
tmp3 = 87
tmp = self.bit_shift( r, 4 )
f[tmp] = f.get(tmp, 0) | self.bit_shift( tmp2 + i + self.bit_shift( (tmp3 + h), 8, 'l'), self.bit_shift((15 & r), 1, 'l'), 'l' )
r += 8
return f
def fghi( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g ):
method that is used by ff,gg,hh,ii
This was originally duplicated code in each method
reduced code by creating a n ew method for it
o = (65535 & n) + (65535 & g) + (65535 & t) + (65535 & e)
g = self.bit_shift( self.bit_shift( n, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( g, 16, 'r') + self.bit_shift( t, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( e, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ), 16, 'l' )
g = g | 65535 & o
g = self.bit_shift( g, f, 'l' ) | self.bit_shift( g, ( 32 - f ), 'r', True )
o = (65535 & g) + (65535 & h)
g = self.bit_shift( self.bit_shift( g, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( h, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ), 16, 'l' )
return g | 65535 & o
def ff( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e ):
g = h & i | ~h & r
return self.fghi(n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g)
def gg( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e ):
g = h & r | i & ~r
return self.fghi(n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g)
def hh( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e ):
g = h ^ i ^ r
return self.fghi(n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g)
def ii( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e ):
g = i ^ (h | ~r)
return self.fghi(n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g)
def binHash( self, n, h ):
""" Binary to Hash """
a = 1732584193
u = -271733879
s = -1732584194
c = 271733878
tmp = self.bit_shift( h, 5 )
n[ tmp ] = n.get( tmp, 0 ) | self.bit_shift( 128, (31 & h), 'l' )
tmp = 14 + self.bit_shift( ( h + 64 ), self.bit_shift( 9, 4, 'l' ), 'r', True )
n[ tmp ] = h
i = len(n)
r = 0
while r < i:
t = a
f = u
e = s
g = c
a = self.ff(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 0), 0), 7, -680876936)
c = self.ff(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 1), 0), 12, -389564586)
s = self.ff(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 2), 0), 17, 606105819)
u = self.ff(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 3), 0), 22, -1044525330)
a = self.ff(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 4), 0), 7, -176418897)
c = self.ff(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 5), 0), 12, 1200080426)
s = self.ff(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 6), 0), 17, -1473231341)
u = self.ff(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 7), 0), 22, -45705983)
a = self.ff(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 8), 0), 7, 1770035416)
c = self.ff(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 9), 0), 12, -1958414417)
s = self.ff(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 10), 0), 17, -42063)
u = self.ff(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 11), 0), 22, -1990404162)
a = self.ff(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 12), 0), 7, 1804603682)
c = self.ff(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 13), 0), 12, -40341101)
s = self.ff(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 14), 0), 17, -1502002290)
u = self.ff(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 15), 0), 22, 1236535329)
a =, u, s, c, n.get((r + 1), 0), 5, -165796510)
c =, a, u, s, n.get((r + 6), 0), 9, -1069501632)
s =, c, a, u, n.get((r + 11), 0), 14, 643717713)
u =, s, c, a, n.get((r + 0), 0), 20, -373897302)
a =, u, s, c, n.get((r + 5), 0), 5, -701558691)
c =, a, u, s, n.get((r + 10), 0), 9, 38016083)
s =, c, a, u, n.get((r + 15), 0), 14, -660478335)
u =, s, c, a, n.get((r + 4), 0), 20, -405537848)
a =, u, s, c, n.get((r + 9), 0), 5, 568446438)
c =, a, u, s, n.get((r + 14), 0), 9, -1019803690)
s =, c, a, u, n.get((r + 3), 0), 14, -187363961)
u =, s, c, a, n.get((r + 8), 0), 20, 1163531501)
a =, u, s, c, n.get((r + 13), 0), 5, -1444681467)
c =, a, u, s, n.get((r + 2), 0), 9, -51403784)
s =, c, a, u, n.get((r + 7), 0), 14, 1735328473)
u =, s, c, a, n.get((r + 12), 0), 20, -1926607734)
a = self.hh(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 5), 0), 4, -378558)
c = self.hh(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 8), 0), 11, -2022574463)
s = self.hh(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 11), 0), 16, 1839030562)
u = self.hh(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 14), 0), 23, -35309556)
a = self.hh(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 1), 0), 4, -1530992060)
c = self.hh(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 4), 0), 11, 1272893353)
s = self.hh(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 7), 0), 16, -155497632)
u = self.hh(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 10), 0), 23, -1094730640)
a = self.hh(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 13), 0), 4, 681279174)
c = self.hh(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 0), 0), 11, -358537222)
s = self.hh(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 3), 0), 16, -722521979)
u = self.hh(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 6), 0), 23, 76029189)
a = self.hh(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 9), 0), 4, -640364487)
c = self.hh(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 12), 0), 11, -421815835)
s = self.hh(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 15), 0), 16, 530742520)
u = self.hh(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 2), 0), 23, -995338651)
a = self.ii(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 0), 0), 6, -198630844)
c = self.ii(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 7), 0), 10, 1126891415)
s = self.ii(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 14), 0), 15, -1416354905)
u = self.ii(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 5), 0), 21, -57434055)
a = self.ii(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 12), 0), 6, 1700485571)
c = self.ii(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 3), 0), 10, -1894986606)
s = self.ii(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 10), 0), 15, -1051523)
u = self.ii(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 1), 0), 21, -2054922799)
a = self.ii(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 8), 0), 6, 1873313359)
c = self.ii(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 15), 0), 10, -30611744)
s = self.ii(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 6), 0), 15, -1560198380)
u = self.ii(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 13), 0), 21, 1309151649)
a = self.ii(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 4), 0), 6, -145523070)
c = self.ii(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 11), 0), 10, -1120210379)
s = self.ii(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 2), 0), 15, 718787259)
u = self.ii(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 9), 0), 21, -343485551)
o = (65535 & a) + (65535 & t)
a = self.bit_shift( ( self.bit_shift( a, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( t, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ) ), 16, 'l' ) | 65535 & o
o = (65535 & u) + (65535 & f)
u = self.bit_shift( ( self.bit_shift( u, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( f, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ) ), 16, 'l' ) | 65535 & o
o = (65535 & s) + (65535 & e)
s = self.bit_shift( ( self.bit_shift( s, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( e, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ) ), 16, 'l' ) | 65535 & o
o = (65535 & c) + (65535 & g)
c = self.bit_shift( ( self.bit_shift( c, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( g, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ) ), 16, 'l' ) | 65535 & o
r += 16
return {0:a, 1:u, 2:s, 3:c}
MD5Ex class
Converted from JS to python by Azzy9
This is a class to generate hashes that is used by the Rumble platform
class MD5Ex:
hex = [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ]
def bit_shift( self, val1, val2, direction = 'r', zero_fill = False ):
""" bit_shift method to allow zer filled bitshift which is not supported by python """
if direction == 'l':
return val1 << val2
if direction == 'r' and zero_fill is True:
return (val1 % 0x100000000) >> val2
return val1 >> val2
def char_code_at( self, str_in, pos ):
""" essentially the ord method but with validation that is required """
if pos < len( str_in ):
return ord( str_in[pos] )
return 0
def hash( self, n ):
return self.binHex( self.binHash( self.strBin(n), len(n) << 3))
def hashUTF8( self, n ):
return self.hash(self.encUTF8(n))
def hashRaw( self, n ):
return self.binStr(self.binHash(self.strBin(n), len(n) << 3))
def hashRawUTF8( self, n ):
return self.hashRaw(self.encUTF8(n))
def hashStretch( self, n, h, i ):
return self.binHex(self.binHashStretch(n, h, i))
def binHashStretch( self, n, h, i ):
e = self.encUTF8(n)
g = h + e
o = 32 + len(e) << 3
a = self.strBin(e)
u = len(a)
g = self.binHash(self.strBin(g), len(g) << 3)
if not i:
i = 1024
r = 0
while r < i:
g = self.binHexBin(g)
t = 0
while t < u:
g[8 + t] = a[t]
t = t + 1
g = self.binHash(g, o)
r += 1
return g
def encUTF8( self, n ):
# return string
r_str = ''
# character pos
char_pos = 0
# string length
str_len = len(n) - 1
while char_pos <= str_len:
h = self.char_code_at(n, char_pos)
char_pos += 1
i = self.char_code_at(n, char_pos)
if char_pos < str_len and 55296 <= h and h <= 56319 and 56320 <= i and i <= 57343:
h = 65536 + self.bit_shift((1023 & h), 10, 'l') + (1023 & i)
char_pos +=1
if h <= 127:
r_str += chr(h)
if h <= 2047:
r_str += chr(192 | self.bit_shift( h, 6, 'r', True ) & 31, 128 | 63 & h)
if h <= 65535:
r_str += chr(224 | self.bit_shift( h, 12, 'r', True ) & 15, 128 | self.bit_shift( h, 6, 'r', True ) & 63, 128 | 63 & h)
if h <= 2097151:
r_str += chr(240 | self.bit_shift( h, 18, 'r', True ) & 7, 128 | self.bit_shift( h, 12, 'r', True ) & 63, 128 | self.bit_shift( h, 6, 'r', True ) & 63, 128 | 63 & h)
return r_str
def strBin( self, n ):
""" String to Binary """
i = self.bit_shift( len(n), 3, 'l' )
r = {}
h = 0
while h < i:
tmp = self.bit_shift( h, 5 )
r[tmp] = r.get(tmp, 0) | self.bit_shift( (255 & self.char_code_at( n, self.bit_shift( h, 3 ))), (31 & h), 'l' )
h += 8
return r
def binHex( self, n ):
""" Binary to Hex """
t = ''
f = self.bit_shift( len(n), 5, 'l' )
r = 0
while r < f:
h = self.bit_shift( n.get( self.bit_shift( r, 5 ), 0 ), (31 & r), 'r', True ) & 255
i = self.bit_shift( h, 4, 'r', True ) & 15
h &= 15
t += self.hex[i] + self.hex[h]
r += 8
return t
def binStr( self, n ):
""" Binary to String """
r = ''
t = self.bit_shift( len(n), 5, 'l' )
i = 0
while i < t:
h = self.bit_shift( n.get( self.bit_shift( i, 5 ), 0 ), (31 & i), 'r', True ) & 255
r += chr(h)
i += 8
return r
def binHexBin( self, n ):
t = self.bit_shift( len(n), 5, 'l' )
f = {}
r = 0
while r < t:
h = self.bit_shift( n.get( self.bit_shift( r, 5 ), 0 ), (31 & r), 'r', True ) & 255
i = self.bit_shift( h, 4, 'r', True ) & 15
h &= 15
tmp2 = 48
if 9 < i:
tmp2 = 87
tmp3 = 48
if 9 < h:
tmp3 = 87
tmp = self.bit_shift( r, 4 )
f[tmp] = f.get(tmp, 0) | self.bit_shift( tmp2 + i + self.bit_shift( (tmp3 + h), 8, 'l'), self.bit_shift((15 & r), 1, 'l'), 'l' )
r += 8
return f
def fghi( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g ):
method that is used by ff,gg,hh,ii
This was originally duplicated code in each method
reduced code by creating a n ew method for it
o = (65535 & n) + (65535 & g) + (65535 & t) + (65535 & e)
g = self.bit_shift( self.bit_shift( n, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( g, 16, 'r') + self.bit_shift( t, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( e, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ), 16, 'l' )
g = g | 65535 & o
g = self.bit_shift( g, f, 'l' ) | self.bit_shift( g, ( 32 - f ), 'r', True )
o = (65535 & g) + (65535 & h)
g = self.bit_shift( self.bit_shift( g, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( h, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ), 16, 'l' )
return g | 65535 & o
def ff( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e ):
g = h & i | ~h & r
return self.fghi(n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g)
def gg( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e ):
g = h & r | i & ~r
return self.fghi(n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g)
def hh( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e ):
g = h ^ i ^ r
return self.fghi(n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g)
def ii( self, n, h, i, r, t, f, e ):
g = i ^ (h | ~r)
return self.fghi(n, h, i, r, t, f, e, g)
def binHash( self, n, h ):
""" Binary to Hash """
a = 1732584193
u = -271733879
s = -1732584194
c = 271733878
tmp = self.bit_shift( h, 5 )
n[ tmp ] = n.get( tmp, 0 ) | self.bit_shift( 128, (31 & h), 'l' )
tmp = 14 + self.bit_shift( ( h + 64 ), self.bit_shift( 9, 4, 'l' ), 'r', True )
n[ tmp ] = h
i = len(n)
r = 0
while r < i:
t = a
f = u
e = s
g = c
a = self.ff(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 0), 0), 7, -680876936)
c = self.ff(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 1), 0), 12, -389564586)
s = self.ff(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 2), 0), 17, 606105819)
u = self.ff(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 3), 0), 22, -1044525330)
a = self.ff(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 4), 0), 7, -176418897)
c = self.ff(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 5), 0), 12, 1200080426)
s = self.ff(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 6), 0), 17, -1473231341)
u = self.ff(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 7), 0), 22, -45705983)
a = self.ff(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 8), 0), 7, 1770035416)
c = self.ff(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 9), 0), 12, -1958414417)
s = self.ff(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 10), 0), 17, -42063)
u = self.ff(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 11), 0), 22, -1990404162)
a = self.ff(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 12), 0), 7, 1804603682)
c = self.ff(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 13), 0), 12, -40341101)
s = self.ff(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 14), 0), 17, -1502002290)
u = self.ff(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 15), 0), 22, 1236535329)
a =, u, s, c, n.get((r + 1), 0), 5, -165796510)
c =, a, u, s, n.get((r + 6), 0), 9, -1069501632)
s =, c, a, u, n.get((r + 11), 0), 14, 643717713)
u =, s, c, a, n.get((r + 0), 0), 20, -373897302)
a =, u, s, c, n.get((r + 5), 0), 5, -701558691)
c =, a, u, s, n.get((r + 10), 0), 9, 38016083)
s =, c, a, u, n.get((r + 15), 0), 14, -660478335)
u =, s, c, a, n.get((r + 4), 0), 20, -405537848)
a =, u, s, c, n.get((r + 9), 0), 5, 568446438)
c =, a, u, s, n.get((r + 14), 0), 9, -1019803690)
s =, c, a, u, n.get((r + 3), 0), 14, -187363961)
u =, s, c, a, n.get((r + 8), 0), 20, 1163531501)
a =, u, s, c, n.get((r + 13), 0), 5, -1444681467)
c =, a, u, s, n.get((r + 2), 0), 9, -51403784)
s =, c, a, u, n.get((r + 7), 0), 14, 1735328473)
u =, s, c, a, n.get((r + 12), 0), 20, -1926607734)
a = self.hh(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 5), 0), 4, -378558)
c = self.hh(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 8), 0), 11, -2022574463)
s = self.hh(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 11), 0), 16, 1839030562)
u = self.hh(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 14), 0), 23, -35309556)
a = self.hh(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 1), 0), 4, -1530992060)
c = self.hh(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 4), 0), 11, 1272893353)
s = self.hh(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 7), 0), 16, -155497632)
u = self.hh(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 10), 0), 23, -1094730640)
a = self.hh(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 13), 0), 4, 681279174)
c = self.hh(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 0), 0), 11, -358537222)
s = self.hh(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 3), 0), 16, -722521979)
u = self.hh(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 6), 0), 23, 76029189)
a = self.hh(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 9), 0), 4, -640364487)
c = self.hh(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 12), 0), 11, -421815835)
s = self.hh(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 15), 0), 16, 530742520)
u = self.hh(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 2), 0), 23, -995338651)
a = self.ii(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 0), 0), 6, -198630844)
c = self.ii(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 7), 0), 10, 1126891415)
s = self.ii(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 14), 0), 15, -1416354905)
u = self.ii(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 5), 0), 21, -57434055)
a = self.ii(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 12), 0), 6, 1700485571)
c = self.ii(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 3), 0), 10, -1894986606)
s = self.ii(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 10), 0), 15, -1051523)
u = self.ii(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 1), 0), 21, -2054922799)
a = self.ii(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 8), 0), 6, 1873313359)
c = self.ii(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 15), 0), 10, -30611744)
s = self.ii(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 6), 0), 15, -1560198380)
u = self.ii(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 13), 0), 21, 1309151649)
a = self.ii(a, u, s, c, n.get((r + 4), 0), 6, -145523070)
c = self.ii(c, a, u, s, n.get((r + 11), 0), 10, -1120210379)
s = self.ii(s, c, a, u, n.get((r + 2), 0), 15, 718787259)
u = self.ii(u, s, c, a, n.get((r + 9), 0), 21, -343485551)
o = (65535 & a) + (65535 & t)
a = self.bit_shift( ( self.bit_shift( a, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( t, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ) ), 16, 'l' ) | 65535 & o
o = (65535 & u) + (65535 & f)
u = self.bit_shift( ( self.bit_shift( u, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( f, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ) ), 16, 'l' ) | 65535 & o
o = (65535 & s) + (65535 & e)
s = self.bit_shift( ( self.bit_shift( s, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( e, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ) ), 16, 'l' ) | 65535 & o
o = (65535 & c) + (65535 & g)
c = self.bit_shift( ( self.bit_shift( c, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( g, 16 ) + self.bit_shift( o, 16 ) ), 16, 'l' ) | 65535 & o
r += 16
return {0:a, 1:u, 2:s, 3:c}

@ -1,172 +1,172 @@
Rumble User Class
Created by Azzy9
Class to handle all the rumble subscription methods
import math
import time
import xbmcaddon
from resources.general import *
from resources.md5ex import MD5Ex
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
class rumbleUser:
""" main rumble user class """
baseUrl = ''
username = ''
password = ''
session = ''
expiry = ''
def __init__( self ):
""" Construct to get the saved details """
def getLoginDetails( self ):
""" get the saved login details """
self.username = ADDON.getSetting( 'username' )
self.password = ADDON.getSetting( 'password' )
self.session = ADDON.getSetting( 'session' )
self.expiry = ADDON.getSetting( 'expiry' )
if self.expiry:
self.expiry = float( self.expiry )
def hasLoginDetails( self ):
""" if there is login details """
return ( self.username and self.password )
def setSessionDetails( self ):
sets the session details
Used for login in & when token is expired
ADDON.setSetting( 'session', self.session )
ADDON.setSetting( 'expiry', str( self.expiry ) )
def resetSessionDetails( self ):
""" resets the session details to force a login """
self.session = ''
self.expiry = ''
def hasSession( self, login=True ):
""" resets the session details to force a login """
has_session = self.session and self.expiry and self.expiry > time.time()
if not has_session and login and self.hasLoginDetails():
return self.hasSession(False)
return has_session
def getSalts( self ):
method to get the salts from rumble
these are used to generate the login hashes
if self.hasLoginDetails():
# gets salts
data = request_get(
self.baseUrl + '/service.php?name=user.get_salts',
{'username': self.username},
[ ( 'Referer', self.baseUrl ), ( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) ]
if data:
salts = json.loads(data)['data']['salts']
if salts:
return salts
return False
def login( self ):
""" method to generate the hashes and login """
salts = self.getSalts()
if salts:
login_hash = MD5Ex()
hashes = login_hash.hash( login_hash.hashStretch( self.password, salts[0], 128) + salts[1] ) + ',' + login_hash.hashStretch( self.password, salts[2], 128 ) + ',' + salts[1]
# login
data = request_get(
self.baseUrl + '/service.php?name=user.login',
{'username': self.username, 'password_hashes': hashes},
[ ( 'Referer', self.baseUrl ), ( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) ]
if data:
session = json.loads(data)['data']['session']
if session:
self.session = session
# Expiry is 30 Days
self.expiry = math.floor( time.time() ) + 2592000
return session
return False
def setSessionCookie( self ):
if self.session:
# get stored cookie string
cookies = ADDON.getSetting('cookies')
# split cookies into dictionary
if cookies:
cookieDict = json.loads( cookies )
cookieDict = {}
cookieDict[ 'u_s' ] = self.session
# store cookies
ADDON.setSetting('cookies', json.dumps(cookieDict))
ADDON.setSetting('cookies', '')
def subscribe( self, action, action_type, name ):
""" method to subscribe and unsubscribe to a channel or user """
if self.hasSession():
post_content = {
'slug': name,
'type': action_type,
'action': action,
headers = {
'Referer': self.baseUrl + name,
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data = request_get( self.baseUrl + '/service.php?api=2&name=user.subscribe', post_content, headers )
return data
return False
Rumble User Class
Created by Azzy9
Class to handle all the rumble subscription methods
import math
import time
import xbmcaddon
from lib.general import *
from lib.md5ex import MD5Ex
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
class rumbleUser:
""" main rumble user class """
baseUrl = ''
username = ''
password = ''
session = ''
expiry = ''
def __init__( self ):
""" Construct to get the saved details """
def getLoginDetails( self ):
""" get the saved login details """
self.username = ADDON.getSetting( 'username' )
self.password = ADDON.getSetting( 'password' )
self.session = ADDON.getSetting( 'session' )
self.expiry = ADDON.getSetting( 'expiry' )
if self.expiry:
self.expiry = float( self.expiry )
def hasLoginDetails( self ):
""" if there is login details """
return ( self.username and self.password )
def setSessionDetails( self ):
sets the session details
Used for login in & when token is expired
ADDON.setSetting( 'session', self.session )
ADDON.setSetting( 'expiry', str( self.expiry ) )
def resetSessionDetails( self ):
""" resets the session details to force a login """
self.session = ''
self.expiry = ''
def hasSession( self, login=True ):
""" resets the session details to force a login """
has_session = self.session and self.expiry and self.expiry > time.time()
if not has_session and login and self.hasLoginDetails():
return self.hasSession(False)
return has_session
def getSalts( self ):
method to get the salts from rumble
these are used to generate the login hashes
if self.hasLoginDetails():
# gets salts
data = request_get(
self.baseUrl + '/service.php?name=user.get_salts',
{'username': self.username},
[ ( 'Referer', self.baseUrl ), ( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) ]
if data:
salts = json.loads(data)['data']['salts']
if salts:
return salts
return False
def login( self ):
""" method to generate the hashes and login """
salts = self.getSalts()
if salts:
login_hash = MD5Ex()
hashes = login_hash.hash( login_hash.hashStretch( self.password, salts[0], 128) + salts[1] ) + ',' + login_hash.hashStretch( self.password, salts[2], 128 ) + ',' + salts[1]
# login
data = request_get(
self.baseUrl + '/service.php?name=user.login',
{'username': self.username, 'password_hashes': hashes},
[ ( 'Referer', self.baseUrl ), ( 'Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) ]
if data:
session = json.loads(data)['data']['session']
if session:
self.session = session
# Expiry is 30 Days
self.expiry = math.floor( time.time() ) + 2592000
return session
return False
def setSessionCookie( self ):
if self.session:
# get stored cookie string
cookies = ADDON.getSetting('cookies')
# split cookies into dictionary
if cookies:
cookieDict = json.loads( cookies )
cookieDict = {}
cookieDict[ 'u_s' ] = self.session
# store cookies
ADDON.setSetting('cookies', json.dumps(cookieDict))
ADDON.setSetting('cookies', '')
def subscribe( self, action, action_type, name ):
""" method to subscribe and unsubscribe to a channel or user """
if self.hasSession():
post_content = {
'slug': name,
'type': action_type,
'action': action,
headers = {
'Referer': self.baseUrl + name,
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data = request_get( self.baseUrl + '/service.php?api=2&name=user.subscribe', post_content, headers )
return data
return False

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import xbmcvfs
import six
from six.moves import urllib
from resources.general import *
from resources.rumbleUser import rumbleUser
from lib.general import *
from lib.rumble_user import rumbleUser
import json
