Move pread -> read

Dave Vasilevsky 14 years ago
parent f06306a5e7
commit 101cb11c18

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ CC = gcc
COMPILE = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o COMPILE = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o
LD = $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o LD = $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o
PROGS = write read list pread PROGS = write read list
COMMON = common.o endian.o cpu.o COMMON = common.o endian.o cpu.o
all: $(PROGS) all: $(PROGS)

@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
#include "pixz.h"
#include <archive.h>
#include <archive_entry.h>
#include <getopt.h>
* - Replace 'read' with 'pread'
* - Make a filter for tar
#define DEBUG 0
#define debug(str, ...) fprintf(stderr, str "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define debug(...)
#pragma mark DECLARE WANTED
typedef struct wanted_t wanted_t;
struct wanted_t {
wanted_t *next;
char *name;
off_t start, end;
size_t size;
static wanted_t *gWantedFiles = NULL;
static bool spec_match(char *spec, char *name);
static void wanted_files(size_t count, char **specs);
static void wanted_free(wanted_t *w);
typedef struct {
uint8_t *input, *output;
size_t insize, outsize;
off_t uoffset; // uncompressed offset
} io_block_t;
static void *block_create(void);
static void block_free(void *data);
static void read_thread(void);
static void decode_thread(size_t thnum);
#pragma mark DECLARE ARCHIVE
static pipeline_item_t *gArItem = NULL, *gArLastItem = NULL;
static off_t gArLastOffset;
static size_t gArLastSize;
static wanted_t *gArWanted = NULL;
static bool gArNextItem = false;
static int tar_ok(struct archive *ar, void *ref);
static ssize_t tar_read(struct archive *ar, void *ref, const void **bufp);
static bool tar_next_block(void);
#pragma mark DECLARE UTILS
static FILE *gOutFile;
static lzma_vli gFileIndexOffset = 0;
static size_t gBlockInSize = 0, gBlockOutSize = 0;
static void set_block_sizes(void);
#pragma mark MAIN
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
gInFile = stdin;
gOutFile = stdout;
bool verify = true;
int ch;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "i:o:v")) != -1) {
switch (ch) {
case 'i':
if (!(gInFile = fopen(optarg, "r")))
die ("Can't open input file");
case 'o':
if (!(gOutFile = fopen(optarg, "w")))
die ("Can't open output file");
case 'v': verify = false; break;
die("Unknown option");
if (verify)
gFileIndexOffset = read_file_index(0);
wanted_files(argc - optind, argv + optind);
for (wanted_t *w = gWantedFiles; w; w = w->next)
debug("want: %s", w->name);
pipeline_create(block_create, block_free, read_thread, decode_thread);
if (verify && gFileIndexOffset) {
gArWanted = gWantedFiles;
wanted_t *w = gWantedFiles, *wlast = NULL;
bool lastmulti = false;
off_t lastoff = 0;
struct archive *ar = archive_read_new();
archive_read_open(ar, NULL, tar_ok, tar_read, tar_ok);
struct archive_entry *entry;
while (true) {
int aerr = archive_read_next_header(ar, &entry);
if (aerr == ARCHIVE_EOF) {
} else if (aerr != ARCHIVE_OK && aerr != ARCHIVE_WARN) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", archive_error_string(ar));
die("Error reading archive entry");
off_t off = archive_read_header_position(ar);
const char *path = archive_entry_pathname(entry);
if (!lastmulti) {
if (wlast && wlast->size != off - lastoff)
die("Index and archive show differing sizes for %s: %d vs %d",
wlast->name, wlast->size, off - lastoff);
lastoff = off;
lastmulti = is_multi_header(path);
if (lastmulti)
if (!w)
die("File %s missing in index", path);
if (strcmp(path, w->name) != 0)
die("Index and archive differ as to next file: %s vs %s",
w->name, path);
wlast = w;
w = w->next;
if (w && w->name)
die("File %s missing in archive", w->name);
tar_read(NULL, NULL, NULL); // write whatever's left
} else {
pipeline_item_t *pi;
while ((pi = pipeline_merged())) {
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(pi->data);
fwrite(ib->output, ib->outsize, 1, gOutFile);
queue_push(gPipelineStartQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, pi);
return 0;
#pragma mark BLOCKS
static void *block_create(void) {
io_block_t *ib = malloc(sizeof(io_block_t));
ib->input = malloc(gBlockInSize);
ib->output = malloc(gBlockOutSize);
return ib;
static void block_free(void* data) {
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)data;
#pragma mark SETUP
static void set_block_sizes() {
lzma_index_iter iter;
lzma_index_iter_init(&iter, gIndex);
while (!lzma_index_iter_next(&iter, LZMA_INDEX_ITER_BLOCK)) {
// exclude the file index block
lzma_vli off = iter.block.compressed_file_offset;
if (gFileIndexOffset && off == gFileIndexOffset)
size_t in = iter.block.total_size,
out = iter.block.uncompressed_size;
if (out > gBlockOutSize)
gBlockOutSize = out;
if (in > gBlockInSize)
gBlockInSize = in;
static void wanted_free(wanted_t *w) {
for (wanted_t *w = gWantedFiles; w; ) {
wanted_t *tmp = w->next;
w = tmp;
static bool spec_match(char *spec, char *name) {
bool match = true;
for (; *spec; ++spec, ++name) {
if (!*name || *spec != *name) { // spec must be equal or prefix
match = false;
// If spec's a prefix of the file name, it must be a dir name
return match && (!*name || *name == '/');
static void wanted_files(size_t count, char **specs) {
if (!gFileIndexOffset) {
if (count)
die("Can't filter non-tarball");
gWantedFiles = NULL;
// Remove trailing slashes from specs
for (char **spec = specs; spec < specs + count; ++spec) {
char *c = *spec;
while (*c++) ; // forward to end
while (--c >= *spec && *c == '/')
*c = '\0';
bool matched[count]; // for each spec, does it match?
memset(matched, 0, sizeof(matched));
wanted_t *last = NULL;
// Check each file in order, to see if we want it
for (file_index_t *f = gFileIndex; f->name; f = f->next) {
bool match = !count;
for (char **spec = specs; spec < specs + count; ++spec) {
if (spec_match(*spec, f->name)) {
match = true;
matched[spec - specs] = true;
if (match) {
wanted_t *w = malloc(sizeof(wanted_t));
*w = (wanted_t){ .name = f->name, .start = f->offset,
.end = f->next->offset, .next = NULL };
w->size = w->end - w->start;
if (last) {
last->next = w;
} else {
gWantedFiles = w;
last = w;
// Make sure each spec matched
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!matched[i])
die("\"%s\" not found in archive", *(specs + i));
#pragma mark THREADS
static void read_thread(void) {
off_t offset = ftello(gInFile);
wanted_t *w = gWantedFiles;
lzma_index_iter iter;
lzma_index_iter_init(&iter, gIndex);
while (!lzma_index_iter_next(&iter, LZMA_INDEX_ITER_BLOCK)) {
// Don't decode the file-index
off_t boffset = iter.block.compressed_file_offset;
size_t bsize = iter.block.total_size;
if (gFileIndexOffset && boffset == gFileIndexOffset)
// Do we need this block?
if (gWantedFiles) {
off_t uend = iter.block.uncompressed_file_offset +
if (!w || w->start >= uend) {
debug("read: skip %llu", iter.block.number_in_file);
for ( ; w && w->end < uend; w = w->next) ;
debug("read: want %llu", iter.block.number_in_file);
// Get a block to work with
pipeline_item_t *pi;
queue_pop(gPipelineStartQ, (void**)&pi);
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(pi->data);
// Seek if needed, and get the data
if (offset != boffset) {
fseeko(gInFile, boffset, SEEK_SET);
offset = boffset;
ib->insize = fread(ib->input, 1, bsize, gInFile);
if (ib->insize < bsize)
die("Error reading block contents");
offset += bsize;
ib->uoffset = iter.block.uncompressed_file_offset;
static void decode_thread(size_t thnum) {
lzma_stream stream = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;
lzma_filter filters[LZMA_FILTERS_MAX + 1];
lzma_block block = { .filters = filters, .check = gCheck, .version = 0 };
pipeline_item_t *pi;
io_block_t *ib;
while (PIPELINE_STOP != queue_pop(gPipelineSplitQ, (void**)&pi)) {
ib = (io_block_t*)(pi->data);
block.header_size = lzma_block_header_size_decode(*(ib->input));
if (lzma_block_header_decode(&block, NULL, ib->input) != LZMA_OK)
die("Error decoding block header");
if (lzma_block_decoder(&stream, &block) != LZMA_OK)
die("Error initializing block decode");
stream.avail_in = ib->insize - block.header_size;
stream.next_in = ib->input + block.header_size;
stream.avail_out = gBlockOutSize;
stream.next_out = ib->output;
lzma_ret err = LZMA_OK;
while (err != LZMA_STREAM_END) {
if (err != LZMA_OK)
die("Error decoding block");
err = lzma_code(&stream, LZMA_FINISH);
ib->outsize = stream.next_out - ib->output;
queue_push(gPipelineMergeQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, pi);
#pragma mark ARCHIVE
static int tar_ok(struct archive *ar, void *ref) {
return ARCHIVE_OK;
static bool tar_next_block(void) {
if (gArItem && !gArNextItem && gArWanted) {
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(gArItem->data);
if (gArWanted->start < ib->uoffset + ib->outsize)
return true; // No need
if (gArLastItem)
queue_push(gPipelineStartQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, gArLastItem);
gArLastItem = gArItem;
gArItem = pipeline_merged();
gArNextItem = false;
return gArItem;
static ssize_t tar_read(struct archive *ar, void *ref, const void **bufp) {
// If we got here, the last bit of archive is ok to write
if (gArItem) {
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(gArItem->data);
fwrite(ib->output + gArLastOffset, gArLastSize, 1, gOutFile);
gArLastSize = 0;
// Write the first wanted file
if (!tar_next_block())
return 0;
off_t off;
size_t size;
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(gArItem->data);
if (gWantedFiles) {
debug("tar want: %s", gArWanted->name);
off = gArWanted->start - ib->uoffset;
size = gArWanted->size;
if (off < 0) {
size += off;
off = 0;
if (off + size >= ib->outsize) {
size = ib->outsize - off;
gArNextItem = true; // force the end of this block
} else {
gArWanted = gArWanted->next;
} else {
off = 0;
size = ib->outsize;
debug("tar off = %zu, size = %zu", off, size);
gArLastOffset = off;
gArLastSize = size;
if (bufp)
*bufp = ib->output + off;
return size;


@ -1,104 +1,425 @@
#include "pixz.h" #include "pixz.h"
#include <archive.h>
#include <archive_entry.h>
#pragma mark FUNCTION DECLARATIONS #include <getopt.h>
static void extract_file(const char *target); /* TODO
static void extract_block(off_t block_seek, off_t skip, off_t size); * - Replace 'read' with 'pread'
* - Make a filter for tar
#define DEBUG 0
#define debug(str, ...) fprintf(stderr, str "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define debug(...)
#pragma mark DECLARE WANTED
typedef struct wanted_t wanted_t;
struct wanted_t {
wanted_t *next;
char *name;
off_t start, end;
size_t size;
static wanted_t *gWantedFiles = NULL;
static bool spec_match(char *spec, char *name);
static void wanted_files(size_t count, char **specs);
static void wanted_free(wanted_t *w);
typedef struct {
uint8_t *input, *output;
size_t insize, outsize;
off_t uoffset; // uncompressed offset
} io_block_t;
static void *block_create(void);
static void block_free(void *data);
static void read_thread(void);
static void decode_thread(size_t thnum);
#pragma mark DECLARE ARCHIVE
static pipeline_item_t *gArItem = NULL, *gArLastItem = NULL;
static off_t gArLastOffset;
static size_t gArLastSize;
static wanted_t *gArWanted = NULL;
static bool gArNextItem = false;
static int tar_ok(struct archive *ar, void *ref);
static ssize_t tar_read(struct archive *ar, void *ref, const void **bufp);
static bool tar_next_block(void);
#pragma mark DECLARE UTILS
static FILE *gOutFile;
static lzma_vli gFileIndexOffset = 0;
static size_t gBlockInSize = 0, gBlockOutSize = 0;
static void set_block_sizes(void);
#pragma mark MAIN
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 3) gInFile = stdin;
die("Need two arguments"); gOutFile = stdout;
if (!(gInFile = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) bool verify = true;
die("Can't open input file"); int ch;
char *target = argv[2]; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "i:o:v")) != -1) {
switch (ch) {
case 'i':
if (!(gInFile = fopen(optarg, "r")))
die ("Can't open input file");
case 'o':
if (!(gOutFile = fopen(optarg, "w")))
die ("Can't open output file");
case 'v': verify = false; break;
die("Unknown option");
if (!read_file_index(0)) decode_index();
die("File has no index"); if (verify)
gFileIndexOffset = read_file_index(0);
wanted_files(argc - optind, argv + optind);
for (wanted_t *w = gWantedFiles; w; w = w->next)
debug("want: %s", w->name);
extract_file(target); pipeline_create(block_create, block_free, read_thread, decode_thread);
if (verify && gFileIndexOffset) {
gArWanted = gWantedFiles;
wanted_t *w = gWantedFiles, *wlast = NULL;
bool lastmulti = false;
off_t lastoff = 0;
struct archive *ar = archive_read_new();
archive_read_open(ar, NULL, tar_ok, tar_read, tar_ok);
struct archive_entry *entry;
while (true) {
int aerr = archive_read_next_header(ar, &entry);
if (aerr == ARCHIVE_EOF) {
} else if (aerr != ARCHIVE_OK && aerr != ARCHIVE_WARN) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", archive_error_string(ar));
die("Error reading archive entry");
off_t off = archive_read_header_position(ar);
const char *path = archive_entry_pathname(entry);
if (!lastmulti) {
if (wlast && wlast->size != off - lastoff)
die("Index and archive show differing sizes for %s: %d vs %d",
wlast->name, wlast->size, off - lastoff);
lastoff = off;
lastmulti = is_multi_header(path);
if (lastmulti)
if (!w)
die("File %s missing in index", path);
if (strcmp(path, w->name) != 0)
die("Index and archive differ as to next file: %s vs %s",
w->name, path);
wlast = w;
w = w->next;
if (w && w->name)
die("File %s missing in archive", w->name);
tar_read(NULL, NULL, NULL); // write whatever's left
} else {
pipeline_item_t *pi;
while ((pi = pipeline_merged())) {
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(pi->data);
fwrite(ib->output, ib->outsize, 1, gOutFile);
queue_push(gPipelineStartQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, pi);
free_file_index(); pipeline_destroy();
lzma_index_end(gIndex, NULL); wanted_free(gWantedFiles);
return 0; return 0;
} }
static void extract_file(const char *target) {
// find it in the index #pragma mark BLOCKS
file_index_t *f;
for (f = gFileIndex; f != NULL; f = f->next) { static void *block_create(void) {
if (f->name && strcmp(f->name, target) == 0) io_block_t *ib = malloc(sizeof(io_block_t));
ib->input = malloc(gBlockInSize);
ib->output = malloc(gBlockOutSize);
return ib;
static void block_free(void* data) {
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)data;
#pragma mark SETUP
static void set_block_sizes() {
lzma_index_iter iter;
lzma_index_iter_init(&iter, gIndex);
while (!lzma_index_iter_next(&iter, LZMA_INDEX_ITER_BLOCK)) {
// exclude the file index block
lzma_vli off = iter.block.compressed_file_offset;
if (gFileIndexOffset && off == gFileIndexOffset)
size_t in = iter.block.total_size,
out = iter.block.uncompressed_size;
if (out > gBlockOutSize)
gBlockOutSize = out;
if (in > gBlockInSize)
gBlockInSize = in;
static void wanted_free(wanted_t *w) {
for (wanted_t *w = gWantedFiles; w; ) {
wanted_t *tmp = w->next;
w = tmp;
static bool spec_match(char *spec, char *name) {
bool match = true;
for (; *spec; ++spec, ++name) {
if (!*name || *spec != *name) { // spec must be equal or prefix
match = false;
break; break;
// If spec's a prefix of the file name, it must be a dir name
return match && (!*name || *name == '/');
static void wanted_files(size_t count, char **specs) {
if (!gFileIndexOffset) {
if (count)
die("Can't filter non-tarball");
gWantedFiles = NULL;
// Remove trailing slashes from specs
for (char **spec = specs; spec < specs + count; ++spec) {
char *c = *spec;
while (*c++) ; // forward to end
while (--c >= *spec && *c == '/')
*c = '\0';
bool matched[count]; // for each spec, does it match?
memset(matched, 0, sizeof(matched));
wanted_t *last = NULL;
// Check each file in order, to see if we want it
for (file_index_t *f = gFileIndex; f->name; f = f->next) {
bool match = !count;
for (char **spec = specs; spec < specs + count; ++spec) {
if (spec_match(*spec, f->name)) {
match = true;
matched[spec - specs] = true;
if (match) {
wanted_t *w = malloc(sizeof(wanted_t));
*w = (wanted_t){ .name = f->name, .start = f->offset,
.end = f->next->offset, .next = NULL };
w->size = w->end - w->start;
if (last) {
last->next = w;
} else {
gWantedFiles = w;
last = w;
} }
if (!f)
die("Can't find target file");
off_t fstart = f->offset, fsize = f->next->offset - fstart;
// extract the data // Make sure each spec matched
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!matched[i])
die("\"%s\" not found in archive", *(specs + i));
#pragma mark THREADS
static void read_thread(void) {
off_t offset = ftello(gInFile);
wanted_t *w = gWantedFiles;
lzma_index_iter iter; lzma_index_iter iter;
lzma_index_iter_init(&iter, gIndex); lzma_index_iter_init(&iter, gIndex);
if (lzma_index_iter_locate(&iter, fstart)) while (!lzma_index_iter_next(&iter, LZMA_INDEX_ITER_BLOCK)) {
die("Block with file contents can't be found"); // Don't decode the file-index
do { off_t boffset = iter.block.compressed_file_offset;
off_t bstart = iter.block.uncompressed_file_offset, size_t bsize = iter.block.total_size;
bsize = iter.block.uncompressed_size; if (gFileIndexOffset && boffset == gFileIndexOffset)
off_t dstart = fstart > bstart ? fstart - bstart : 0; continue;
bsize -= dstart;
off_t dsize = fsize > bsize ? bsize : fsize; // Do we need this block?
fsize -= dsize; if (gWantedFiles) {
off_t uend = iter.block.uncompressed_file_offset +
if (!w || w->start >= uend) {
debug("read: skip %llu", iter.block.number_in_file);
for ( ; w && w->end < uend; w = w->next) ;
debug("read: want %llu", iter.block.number_in_file);
// Get a block to work with
pipeline_item_t *pi;
queue_pop(gPipelineStartQ, (void**)&pi);
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(pi->data);
extract_block(iter.block.compressed_file_offset, dstart, dsize); // Seek if needed, and get the data
} while (fsize && !lzma_index_iter_next(&iter, LZMA_INDEX_ITER_BLOCK)); if (offset != boffset) {
if (fsize) fseeko(gInFile, boffset, SEEK_SET);
die("Block with file contents missing"); offset = boffset;
ib->insize = fread(ib->input, 1, bsize, gInFile);
if (ib->insize < bsize)
die("Error reading block contents");
offset += bsize;
ib->uoffset = iter.block.uncompressed_file_offset;
} }
static void extract_block(off_t block_seek, off_t skip, off_t size) { static void decode_thread(size_t thnum) {
void *bdata = decode_block_start(block_seek); lzma_stream stream = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;
lzma_filter filters[LZMA_FILTERS_MAX + 1];
lzma_block block = { .filters = filters, .check = gCheck, .version = 0 };
uint8_t ibuf[CHUNKSIZE], obuf[CHUNKSIZE]; pipeline_item_t *pi;
gStream.avail_in = 0; io_block_t *ib;
lzma_ret err = LZMA_OK;
while (size && err != LZMA_STREAM_END) { while (PIPELINE_STOP != queue_pop(gPipelineSplitQ, (void**)&pi)) {
gStream.next_out = obuf; ib = (io_block_t*)(pi->data);
gStream.avail_out = CHUNKSIZE;
if (gStream.avail_in == 0) { block.header_size = lzma_block_header_size_decode(*(ib->input));
gStream.avail_in = fread(ibuf, 1, CHUNKSIZE, gInFile); if (lzma_block_header_decode(&block, NULL, ib->input) != LZMA_OK)
if (ferror(gInFile)) die("Error decoding block header");
die("Error reading block data"); if (lzma_block_decoder(&stream, &block) != LZMA_OK)
gStream.next_in = ibuf; die("Error initializing block decode");
err = lzma_code(&gStream, LZMA_RUN); stream.avail_in = ib->insize - block.header_size;
if (err != LZMA_OK && err != LZMA_STREAM_END) stream.next_in = ib->input + block.header_size;
die("Error decoding block"); stream.avail_out = gBlockOutSize;
stream.next_out = ib->output;
// do we want to write? lzma_ret err = LZMA_OK;
uint8_t *start = obuf; while (err != LZMA_STREAM_END) {
size_t out = gStream.next_out - obuf; if (err != LZMA_OK)
if (out <= skip) { die("Error decoding block");
skip -= out; err = lzma_code(&stream, LZMA_FINISH);
} }
// what do we want to write? ib->outsize = stream.next_out - ib->output;
start += skip; queue_push(gPipelineMergeQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, pi);
out -= skip; }
skip = 0; lzma_end(&stream);
if (out > size) }
out = size;
#pragma mark ARCHIVE
static int tar_ok(struct archive *ar, void *ref) {
return ARCHIVE_OK;
static bool tar_next_block(void) {
if (gArItem && !gArNextItem && gArWanted) {
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(gArItem->data);
if (gArWanted->start < ib->uoffset + ib->outsize)
return true; // No need
if (gArLastItem)
queue_push(gPipelineStartQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, gArLastItem);
gArLastItem = gArItem;
gArItem = pipeline_merged();
gArNextItem = false;
return gArItem;
static ssize_t tar_read(struct archive *ar, void *ref, const void **bufp) {
// If we got here, the last bit of archive is ok to write
if (gArItem) {
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(gArItem->data);
fwrite(ib->output + gArLastOffset, gArLastSize, 1, gOutFile);
gArLastSize = 0;
if (fwrite(start, out, 1, stdout) != 1) // Write the first wanted file
die("Error writing output"); if (!tar_next_block())
size -= out; return 0;
off_t off;
size_t size;
io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(gArItem->data);
if (gWantedFiles) {
debug("tar want: %s", gArWanted->name);
off = gArWanted->start - ib->uoffset;
size = gArWanted->size;
if (off < 0) {
size += off;
off = 0;
if (off + size >= ib->outsize) {
size = ib->outsize - off;
gArNextItem = true; // force the end of this block
} else {
gArWanted = gArWanted->next;
} else {
off = 0;
size = ib->outsize;
} }
if (size) debug("tar off = %zu, size = %zu", off, size);
die("Block data missing");
lzma_end(&gStream); gArLastOffset = off;
free(bdata); gArLastSize = size;
if (bufp)
*bufp = ib->output + off;
return size;
} }
