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[GPIO (general-purpose input/output)]( is a series of digital interfaces that can be used to connect relays, LEDs, sensors, and other components.
!!! warning
* Before using GPIO on **PiKVM v3 HAT**, carefully study [the purpose of its ports](
* Using GPIO on a PiKVM was designed as a feature for advanced users, so please familiarize yourself with the topic to make sure you understand how to use use it before setting it up.
* **Careless usage of GPIO can damage your Raspberry Pi or components.**
When talking about PiKVM and GPIO it refers not solely to the [physical interface of the Raspberry Pi](, but also to various plugins (for example, for [USB relays]( that can also be used transparently by emulating an abstract GPIO API.
## Basics
Setting up GPIO is considerably complex. The interface is divided into several layers for flexibility. Any configuration is performed using a file `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml` which uses the [YAML syntax]( We will look at each part of the configuration individually with an example for each. Sections should be combined under shared keys.
* **Wrong:**
drivers: ...
scheme: ...
* **Correct:**
drivers: ...
scheme: ...
## Drivers
The first part of the configuration refers to the hardware layer, which defines which IO channels are used (standard GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi, an USB relay, and so on). If you just want to use GPIO with the default settings you can skip to the next section [Scheme](#Scheme).
Each hardware input/output requires a individual driver configuration entry. Each driver has a type (which refers to the plugin that handles the communication between PiKVM and the hardware) and a unique name. This allows you to either can add multiple drivers of the same type with different settings or connect multiple USB HID relays.
!!! note
Each driver requires a unique name. Names surrounded by double underscore are system reserved and should not be used.
The only exception to this is the default GPIO driver with the name `__gpio__`, representing the physical GPIO interface of the Raspberry Pi. The configuration section for `__gpio__` is only required in your `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml` if you want to change the default settings. It can be omitted if you are fine with the defaults.
# This example shows how the default __gpio__ driver settings can be changed. It can be omitted if you are fine with the defaults.
__gpio__: # Names surrounded by double underscore are system reserved
type: gpio # Refers to the plugin name handling the communication
# You can define another gpio driver for some reason
type: gpio
# Example for a USB HID relay connected to PiKVM
type: hidrelay
device: /dev/hidraw0 # The path to the linux device
## Scheme
The second part defines how the various driver channels are configured. Each channel has a unique name, a mode (`input` or `output`), a pin number, and a reference to the driver configured in the previous part.
!!! note
Names that starts and ends with two underscores (like `__magic__`) are reserved.
Two interaction modes are available for outputs: `pulse` and `switch`. In pulse mode, the output quickly switches its state to logical 1 and back (just like pressing a button). In switch mode, it saves (toggles) the state that the user set. When PiKVM is started/rebooted (any time the KVMD daemon is started or stopped) all output channels are reset to 0. This can be changed using the `initial` parameter. For example, `initial=true` for logic 1 on startup.
If you don't specify a driver for the channel in the scheme the default driver, `__gpio__` will be used.
| Parameter | Type | Allowed values | Default | Description |
| `led1`, `button1`, `relay1`, etc. | `string` | `a-Z`, numbers, `_`, `-` | | A section for the named channel |
| `driver` | `string` | `a-Z`, numbers, `_`, `-` | | Optional, Name of the section defined above in `Drivers` if not GPIO|
| `pin` | `integer` | `X >= 0` | | Refers to a GPIO pin or driver's pin/port |
| `mode` | `enum` | `input` or `output` | | Defines if a channel is used for input or output, may be limited by driver plugin |
| **Input only** | | | | |
| `debounce` | `float` | `x >= 0` | `0.1` | [Debounce]( time in seconds. `0` for disable debounce |
| **Output only** | | | | |
| `switch` | `bool` | `true` or `false` | `true` | Enables or disables the switch mode on the channel (enabled by default). |
| `initial` | `nullable bool` | `true`, `false` or `null` | `false` | Defines the initial state of the switch upon boot, `null` for don't make changes (the last one does not supported by generic GPIO) |
| `inverted` | `bool` | `true` or `false` | `false` | Inverts the active logical level |
| `pulse` | | | | A section header to define switch pulse configuration |
| `delay` | `float` | `X >= 0` | `0.1` | Defines the pulse time in seconds, `0` for disable pulsing |
| `min_delay` | `float` | `X >= 0.1` | `0.1` |
| `max_delay` | `float` | `X >= 0.1` | `0.1` |
# A certain device sends signals to the RPi and we want the PiKVM to display this as an led
pin: 19 # GPIO pin number on the RPi
mode: input
pin: 16
mode: input
# Two outputs of RPi's GPIO
pin: 26 # GPIO pin number on the RPi
mode: output
switch: false # Disable switching, only pulse available
pin: 20
mode: output
switch: false
relay1: # Channel 1 of the relay /dev/hidraw0
driver: relay # Not GPIO, so add name from the above Drivers section
pin: 0 # Numerating starts from 0
mode: output # Relays can't be inputs
initial: null # Don't reset the state to 0 when initializing and terminating KVMD
relay2: # Channel 2
driver: relay
pin: 1
mode: output
initial: null
delay: 2 # Default pulse value
max_delay: 2 # The pulse interval can be between min_delay=0.1 (by default) and max_delay=2
## View
This is the last part of the required configuration. It defines how the previous driver and channel configuration is rendered on the Web interface. Here's an example for the example configuration above:
title: Switches # The menu title
table: # The menu items are rendered in the form of a table of text labels and controls
- ["#Generic GPIO leds"] # Text starting with the sharp symbol will be a label
- [] # creates a horizontal separator and starts a new table
- ["#Test 1:", led1, button1] # Text label, one input, one button with text "Click"
- ["#Test 2:", led2, button2]
- []
- ["#HID Relays /dev/hidraw0"]
- []
- ["#Relay #1:", "relay1|Boop 0.1"] # Text label and button with alternative text
- ["#Relay #2:", "relay2|Boop 2.0"]
This will be rendered as:
<img src="gpio_menu.png" alt="drawing" />
Some rules and customization options:
* Text starting with the `#` symbol will be a label.
* To place a channel in a cell, use the name you defined in the scheme.
* Inputs are displayed as round LEDs.
* Outputs are displayed as a switch AND a button.
* If the switch mode is disabled, only a button will be displayed. If pulse is disabled, only a switch will be shown.
* To change the LED's color specify it after the channel name like `"led1|red"`. Available: `green`, `yellow` and `red`.
* To change title of the button, write some its name like `"relay1|My cool relay"`.
* Buttons and switches can request confirmation on acting. To do this write its name like `"relay1|confirm|My cool relay"`. The third argument with a title is required in this case.
Also you can place some leds in the menu title using the similar syntax:
title: ["#Test1:", led1, "Test2:", led2]
## Hardware modules and pseudo-drivers
### Raspberry's GPIO
??? note "Click to view"
The driver `gpio` provides access to regular GPIO pins with input and output modes. It uses `/dev/gpiochip0` and the libgpiod library to communicate with the hardware. Does not support saving state between KVMD restarts (meaning `initial=null`).
You can use the [interactive scheme]( when selecting the pins to use. Please note that when selecting a pin for a channel, you need to use a logical number instead of a physical number. That is, if you want to use a physical pin with the number 40, the channel must have the number 21 corresponding to the logical GPIO21.
Channels should not use duplicate pins. You can also not use already used pins. To see which pins are currently used, run the command `gpioinfo`.
### USB HID Relay
??? note "Click to view"
The driver `hidrelay` provides access to cheap managed [USB HID relays]( that can be found on AliExpress. This driver does not support input mode, only output. To use it, you need to specify the path to the device file (like `/dev/hidraw0`) using the `device` parameter.
Additionally, we recommend to configure access rights and static device name using [UDEV rules]( For example, create `/etc/udev/rules.d/99-kvmd-extra.rules`:
KERNEL=="hidraw[0-9]*", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="05df", GROUP="kvmd"
Channels should not use duplicate physical numbers. The driver supports saving state between KVMD restarts (meaning `initial=null`).
### ezCoo KVM switch
??? note "Click to view"
You can use GPIO to control KVM port switching. This usually requires the use of relays and buttons, but for the [ezCoo switch]( there is a special `ezcoo` driver that simulates GPIO by sending commands to the switch via serial port. So you can make a menu in PiKVM to control the multiport switch.
### IPMI
??? note "Click to view"
The driver `ipmi` provides the ability to send IPMI commands (on, off, reset) and show the power status of the remote host. In fact, this is not a hardware driver, but something like a pseudo-GPIO. Each "pin" is actually responsible for a specific IPMI operation of `ipmitool`:
| Pin | Type | Command |
| `0` | `input` | `ipmitool ... power status`, can be used to draw the LED in the menu |
| `1` | `output` | `ipmitool ... power on`, sends the `on` command (and only this), so like all other outputs it should be a button |
| `2` | `output` | `ipmitool ... power off` |
| `3` | `output` | `ipmitool ... power cycle` |
| `4` | `output` | `ipmitool ... power reset` |
| `5` | `output` | `ipmitool ... power diag` |
| `6` | `output` | `ipmitool ... power soft` |
You are supposed to define one driver per host:
type: ipmi
host: myserver.local
user: admin
passwd: admin
driver: my_server
pin: 0
mode: input
driver: my_server
pin: 1
mode: output
switch: false
driver: my_server
pin: 2
mode: output
switch: false
- [my_server_status, "my_server_on|On", "my_server_off|Off"]
### Wake-on-LAN
??? note "Click to view"
The driver `wol` provides a simple generator of Wake-on-LAN packages. One driver and one output are generated for one host if a [simplified configuration method]( is used. However, you can define multiple drivers if you want to manage different hosts. One driver controls one host, and can only be used as an output. Pin numbers are ignored.
type: wol
mac: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f1
type: wol
mac: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f2
port: 9
driver: wol_server1
pin: 0
mode: output
switch: false
driver: wol_server2
pin: 0
mode: output
switch: false
- ["#Server 1", "wol_server1|Send Wake-on-LAN"]
- ["#Server 2", "wol_server2|Send Wake-on-LAN"]
### CMD
??? note "Click to view"
The `cmd` driver allows you to run custom command on PiKVM OS.
!!! note
This driver does not support bash operators, that is, it is a direct call to commands with arguments. For more complex cases, write your own shell scripts.
Commands are executed from the user `kvmd`. If you want to run the command as root, then you need to configure `sudo`. Example of the `/etc/sudoers.d/custom_commands`:
Granular example
kvmd ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/reboot
NON Granular example (Captures ALL commands)
Example of the `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`:
type: cmd
cmd: [/usr/bin/sudo, reboot]
driver: reboot
pin: 0
mode: output
switch: false
- ["reboot_button|confirm|Reboot PiKVM"]
An example to help you get started:
* `cmd: [/usr/bin/sudo, kvmd-otgconf, --disable-function, mass_storage.usb0]`
* `cmd: [(absolute path to sudo, command, flag, flag, absolute path to file]`
Then run the following:
systemctl restart kvmd
### PWM
??? note "Click to view"
The `pwm` driver allows you to use [some GPIO pins]( on the Raspberry Pi for PWM.
!!! note
Due to hardware limitations, this module conflicts with the **kvmd-fan** (PiKVM fan controller).
To use it, you have to use hardware PWM for kvmfan. To do this, add the following lines to `/etc/kvmd/fan.ini`:
pwm_soft = 80
Here the small example with servo control:
1. Add to `/boot/config.txt`:
2. Create `/etc/udev/rules.d/99-kvmd-pwm.rules`:
SUBSYSTEM=="pwm*", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/chgrp -R kvmd /sys%p", RUN+="/bin/chmod -R g=u /sys%p"
SUBSYSTEM=="pwm*", ACTION=="change", ENV{TRIGGER}!="none", RUN+="/bin/chgrp -R kvmd /sys%p", RUN+="/bin/chmod -R g=u /sys%p"
3. Connect Servo motor like SG90 PWM connection to RPi GPIO18, +5V and GND to a 5V and GND pin on header:
4. Add to /etc/kvmd/override.yaml
type: pwm
chip: 0 # PWM Chip Number
period: 20000000 # Servo Motor SG90 Period in nano-seconds
duty_cycle_push: 1500000 # Servo Motor SG90 duty_cycle for pushing button
duty_cycle_release: 1000000 # Servo Motor SG90 duty_cycle for releasing button
driver: servo1
pin: 0 # Pin number is the PWM channel number on the PWM Chip
mode: output
switch: false
delay: 0.5
max_delay: 2
driver: servo1
pin: 0
mode: output
switch: false
delay: 2
max_delay: 2
driver: servo1
pin: 0
mode: output
switch: false
delay: 10
max_delay: 20
title: Controls
- ["#Servo - Short Press", "short_press|Press"]
- ["#Servo - Long Press", "long_press|Press"]
- ["#Servo - Extra Long Press", "extra_long_press|Press"]
### Servo
??? note "Click to view"
The `servo` module is built on top of the `pwm` module and allows user to define angles instead of `duty_cyles` to control a PWM enabled servo motor like SG90. When the button is pressed the servo motor moves to an angle defined by `angle_push` and when button is released it moves back to `angle_release`. In the example configuration for a [cheap 5V SG90 Servo](, the motor moves to an angle of 45 degrees when button is pressed and moves back to 20 degress when released.
!!! note
Due to hardware limitations, this module conflicts with the **kvmd-fan** (PiKVM fan controller).
To use it, you have to use hardware PWM for kvmfan. To do this, add the following lines to `/etc/kvmd/fan.ini`:
pwm_soft = 80
To use Servo motors in PiKVM you need to follow steps 1-3 for [PWM Module](#pwm) and then use the following configuration.
Add to `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`:
type: servo
chip: 0 # PWM Chip Number
period: 20000000 # Servo Motor SG90 Period in nano-seconds
duty_cycle_min: 350000 # Servo Motor SG90 duty_cycle for -90 degrees
duty_cycle_max: 2350000 # Servo Motor SG90 duty_cycle for +90 degrees
angle_max: 90 # Servo Motor SG90 angle at duty_cycle_max
angle_min: -90 # Servo Motor SG90 angle at duty_cycle_min
angle_push: 45 # Servo Motor SG90 angle to push button
angle_release: 20 # Servo Motor SG90 angle to release button
driver: servo1
pin: 0 # Pin number is the PWM channel number on the PWM Chip
mode: output
switch: false
delay: 0.5
max_delay: 2
driver: servo1
pin: 0
mode: output
switch: false
delay: 2
max_delay: 2
driver: servo1
pin: 0
mode: output
switch: false
delay: 10
max_delay: 20
title: Controls
- ["#Servo - Short Press", "short_press|Press"]
- ["#Servo - Long Press", "long_press|Press"]
- ["#Servo - Extra Long Press", "extra_long_press|Press"]
### Philips Hue
??? note "Click to view"
The `hue` module can control [smartplugs]( and lamps over Philips Hue Bridge API. In general the plugin can switch any device on/off which is connected to the bridge. To use it you will need API token aka username:
1. Open `http://bridge/debug/clip.html`.
2. In the URL: Field type `/api/`.
3. In the Message Body: Field type: `{"devicetype": "pikvm"}`.
4. Hit the Get Button.
5. As the Response you become the Username: `{"success": {"username": "apiusername"}`.
type: hue
url: http://bridge
token: YG-xxxxxxxxxxxx
driver: hue
pin: 32
mode: output
initial: null
switch: true
delay: 0
driver: hue
pin: 32
mode: input
- ["plug_led", "plug_button"]
### ANEL NET-PwrCtrl
??? note "Click to view"
The `anelpwr` plugin allows you to use ANEL NET-PwrCrtl IP-PDUs (switchabel sockets) as gpios. There are up to 8 Ports per PDU. Input pulls the the current state from the PDU, Output switches the Socket.
type: anelpwr
url: http://IP:port
user: admin
passwd: anel
pin: 0
driver: anel_pdu_0
mode: output
delay: 0
pin: 0
driver: anel_pdu_0
mode: input
title: "PDUs"
- ["#PDU0"]
- []
- ["#PDU0_Port0:", pdu0_0_led, "pdu0_0_pwr|confirm|test"]