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# phetch
dirt simple terminal gopher client.
## features
- small (<1MB) executable for linux and macos
- technicolor design
- no nonsense keyboard navigation
## development
cargo run
## resources
- [rfc 1346](
## gopher sites
### Basics
- [x] fetch gopher URL
- [x] parse gopher URL
- [x] fetch site by hostname: $ phetch
- [x] fetch site by URL: $ phetch gopher://
- [ ] TLS
- [x] phetch -h
- [x] phetch -v
### UI
- [x] render MENU
- [x] render TEXT
- [x] size content to terminal
- [ ] detect terminal resize
- [ ] status() helper
- [ ] show all errors in status()
### MENU Links
- [x] up/down navigate links
- [ ] up/down scroll when next link out of view
- [ ] page up/page down show next page, highlight first link
- [x] `ENTER` visits highlighted link
- [ ] open HTML link in browser
### TEXT Scrolling
- [x] up/down scroll by 1 line
- [x] page up/page down show next page
- [ ] stop DOWN at last page
- [ ] stop PGNDOWN at last page
### Keyboard Shortcuts
- [x] backspace/left arrow goes back in history
- [x] right arrow goes forward in history, if any
- [ ] `?` to show all keyboard shortcuts
- [ ] `c` copies current URL to clipboard
- [ ] input field that... takes input
- [ ] search functiponalir
### Download binaries
- [ ] download to ~/Downloads
- [ ] ? download to pwd
- [ ] ? download to custom location
### Persistent History
- [ ] save history to file
- [ ] load history from file
- [ ] load most recent URL when opening without args
### Bonus
- [ ] play sound file in background
- [ ] center content
- [ ] render markdown-lite
- [ ] display HTML-lite
- [ ] pipe input to render as gopher
$ phetch | gg
- [ ] syntax highlight code
$ phetch
### Overview
- [x] keyboard shortcuts:
back in history
forward in history
scroll up
scroll down
open link
- page up
space page down
t scroll to top
b scroll to bottom
- [ ] item types:
- [ ] 0 text file
- [ ] 1 submenu
- [ ] 2 ccso nameserver
- [ ] 3 error
- [ ] 4 binhex encoded file
- [ ] 5 DOS file
- [ ] 6 uuencoded file
- [ ] 7 gopher full-text search
- [ ] 8 telnet
- [ ] 9 binary file
- [ ] + mirror or alternate server
- [ ] g GIF
- [ ] i Image
- [ ] T telnet 3270
- [ ] h HTML file
- [ ] i Informational message
- [ ] s Sound file (WAV, mp3, etc)
- [ ] d Document