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Install (core only)

conda create -y --name demo-for-laion python=3.8.12 pip
conda activate demo-for-laion
conda install -y -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev==11.3.1 cudatoolkit==11.3.1 cudnn==
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 -f
pip install

Run server

python -m run_server --custom_module_path ./ --expert_cls ExampleModule --hidden_dim 512 \
   --dht_prefix "enter_name_here" --identity  --host_maddrs "/ip4/"
# connect extra servers via --initial_peers ADDRESS_PRINTED_BY_ONE_OR_MORE_EXISTNG_PEERS # e.g. /ip4/

Call remote inference

import torch
import hivemind
from client import BalancedRemoteExpert
dht = hivemind.DHT(
    initial_peers=['TODO_COPY_ADDRESS_FROM_ONE_OR_MODE_SERVERS'], start=True, client_mode=True

self = BalancedRemoteExpert(dht=dht, uid_prefix="enter_name_here.")

self(torch.randn(1, 512))

[ Based on assorted code by shuf(mryab@ younesbelkada@ borzunov@ timdettmers@ dbaranchuk@ greenfatguy@ artek0chumak@ and hivemind contributors) ]