Rework readme, move code example to the top, link draft of Colab (#118)

Alexander Borzunov 2 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 893987ebf8
commit 81b94df14b
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -1,49 +1,22 @@
<p align="center">
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Easy way to efficiently run 100B+ language models<br>
without high-end GPUs<br><br>
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Easy way to run 100B+ language models without high-end GPUs<br>
by collaborating with researchers across the Internet<br><br>
## Key features
- Run inference or fine-tune large language models like [BLOOM-176B]( by joining compute resources with people all over the Internet.
- **Petals** allows to load and serve a small part of the model, then team up with people serving the other parts to run inference or fine-tuning.
- This way, one inference step takes ≈ 1 sec — 10x faster than possible with offloading. Enough for chatbots and other interactive apps.
- Beyond classic language model APIs — you can employ any fine-tuning and sampling methods by executing custom paths through the model or accessing its hidden states. This combines the comforts of an API with the flexibility of PyTorch.
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📜 &nbsp;<b><a href="">Read paper</a></b>
🖥️ &nbsp;<b><a href="">View website</a></b>
## How it works?
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<img src="" width="800">
### 🛠️ Examples
Petals integrates seamlessly with PyTorch and the Hugging Face [Transformers]( library.
This snippet shows how to **(a)** generate text with BLOOM and **(b)** solve a sequence classification task via soft prompt tuning:
Generate text using distributed BLOOM and fine-tune it for your own tasks:
# Initialize distributed BLOOM and connect to the swarm
model = DistributedBloomForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
"bigscience/bloom-petals", tuning_mode="ptune", initial_peers=SEE_BELOW
) # Embeddings & prompts are on your device, BLOOM blocks are distributed
from petals.client import DistributedBloomForCausalLM
# Embeddings & prompts are on your device, BLOOM blocks are distributed across the Internet
model = DistributedBloomForCausalLM.from_pretrained("bigscience/bloom-petals", tuning_mode="ptune")
print("Generated:", model.generate(tokenized_prefix, max_new_tokens=5))
inputs = tokenizer("A cat sat", return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"]
outputs = model.generate(inputs, max_new_tokens=5)
print(tokenizer.decode(remote_outputs[0])) # A cat sat on a mat...
# Training (updates only local prompts / adapters)
# Training (updates only prompts or adapters hosted locally)
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters())
for input_ids, labels in data_loader:
outputs = model.forward(input_ids)
@ -53,11 +26,40 @@ for input_ids, labels in data_loader:
### 🚧 This project is in active development
<p align="center">
🚀 &nbsp;<b><a href="">Try now in Colab</a></b>
Connect your own GPU and increase Petals capacity:
(conda) $ pip install git+
(conda) $ python -m petals.cli.run_server bigscience/bloom-petals
💬 If you have any issues or feedback, please join [our Discord server](!
Check out more tutorials:
- Training a personified chatbot: [notebook](./examples/prompt-tuning-personachat.ipynb)
- Fine-tuning BLOOM for text semantic classification: [notebook](./examples/prompt-tuning-sst2.ipynb)
- Launching your own swarm: [tutorial](
- Running a custom foundation model: [tutorial](
Be careful: some features may not work, interfaces may change, and we have no detailed docs yet (see [roadmap](
## How it works?
- **Petals** runs inference or fine-tunes large language models like [BLOOM-176B]( by joining compute resources with people all over the Internet.
- One participant with weak GPU can load a small part of the model, then team up with people serving the other parts to run inference or fine-tuning.
- This way, one inference step takes ≈ 1 sec — 10x faster than possible with offloading. Enough for chatbots and other interactive apps.
- Beyond classic language model APIs — you can employ any fine-tuning and sampling methods by executing custom paths through the model or accessing its hidden states. This combines the comforts of an API with the flexibility of PyTorch.
<p align="center">
<img src="" width="800">
A stable version of the code and a public swarm open to everyone will be released in November 2022. You can [subscribe]( to be emailed when it happens or fill in [this form]( to help the public launch by donating GPU time. In the meantime, you can launch and use your own private swarm.
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📜 &nbsp;<b><a href="">Read paper</a></b>
### 📋 Terms of use
@ -96,77 +98,7 @@ If you don't have anaconda, you can get it from [here](
If you don't want anaconda, you can install PyTorch [any other way](
If you want to run models with 8-bit weights, please install **PyTorch with CUDA 11** or newer for compatility with [bitsandbytes](
__OS support:__ Currently, Petals only supports Linux operating systems. On Windows 11, you can run Petals with GPU enabled inside WSL2 ([read more](
For macOS, you can *probably* run everything normally if you manage to install dependencies, but we do not guarantee this.
## 🚀 Getting Started
This is a toy example running on a local machine without GPU and with a tiny model.
For a detailed instruction with larger models, see ["Launch your own swarm"](
First, run a couple of servers, each in a separate shell. To launch your first server, run:
python -m petals.cli.run_server bloom-testing/test-bloomd-560m-main --num_blocks 8 --torch_dtype float32 \
--host_maddrs /ip4/ # use port 31337, local connections only
This server will host 8 (out of 24) blocks of a [tiny 560M version]( of the BLOOM model that was converted for Petals.
> If you'd like to run a swarm of servers with the full BLOOM straight away, please see [this instruction]( (you'll need several GPUs!). To run a different model, see [this wiki page](
Once the server has started, it will print out a ton of information, including an important line like this:
Mon Day 01:23:45.678 [INFO] Running DHT node on ['/ip4/'], initial peers = []
You can use this address (`/ip4/whatever/else`) to connect additional servers. Open another terminal and run:
python -m petals.cli.run_server bloom-testing/test-bloomd-560m-main --num_blocks 8 --torch_dtype float32 \
--host_maddrs /ip4/ \
--initial_peers /ip4/127.0... # <-- TODO: Copy the address of another server here
# e.g. --initial_peers /ip4/
You can assign `--initial_peers` to one or multiple addresses of other servers, not necessarily the first one.
The only requirement is that at least one of them is running at the time.
Before you proceed, __please run 3 servers__ for a total of 24 blocks (3x8). If you are running a different model,
make sure your servers have enough total `--num_blocks` to cover that model.
Once your have enough servers, you can use them to train and/or inference the model:
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from transformers import BloomTokenizerFast
from petals.client import DistributedBloomForCausalLM
initial_peers = [TODO_put_one_or_more_server_addresses_here] # e.g. ["/ip4/"]
tokenizer = BloomTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("bloom-testing/test-bloomd-560m-main")
model = DistributedBloomForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
"bloom-testing/test-bloomd-560m-main", initial_peers=initial_peers, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, torch_dtype=torch.float32
) # this model has only embeddings / logits, all transformer blocks rely on remote servers
inputs = tokenizer("a cat sat", return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"]
remote_outputs = model.generate(inputs, max_length=10)
print(tokenizer.decode(remote_outputs[0])) # "a cat sat in the back of the car,"
# "train" input embeddings by backprop through distributed transformer blocks
model.transformer.word_embeddings.weight.requires_grad = True
outputs = model.forward(input_ids=inputs)
loss = F.cross_entropy(outputs.logits.flatten(0, 1), inputs.flatten())
print("Gradients (norm):", model.transformer.word_embeddings.weight.grad.norm())
Of course, this is a simplified code snippet. For actual training, see the example notebooks with "deep" prompt-tuning:
- Simple text semantic classification: [examples/prompt-tuning-sst2.ipynb](./examples/prompt-tuning-sst2.ipynb)
- A personified chatbot: [examples/prompt-tuning-personachat.ipynb](./examples/prompt-tuning-personachat.ipynb)
Here's a [more advanced tutorial]( that covers 8-bit quantization and best practices for running Petals.
__System requirements:__ Petals only supports Linux for now. If you don't have a Linux machine, consider running Petals in Docker (see our [image]( or, in case of Windows, in WSL2 ([read more]( CPU is enough to run a client, but you probably need a GPU to run a server efficiently.
## 🛠️ Development
@ -177,19 +109,19 @@ git clone && cd petals
pip install -e .[dev]
To run minimalistic tests, spin up some servers:
To run minimalistic tests, you need to make a local swarm with a small model and some servers. You may find more information about how local swarms work and how to run them in [this tutorial](
export MODEL_NAME=bloom-testing/test-bloomd-560m-main
export INITIAL_PEERS=/ip4/
python -m petals.cli.run_server $MODEL_NAME --block_indices 0:12 --throughput 1 --torch_dtype float32 \
--identity tests/ --host_maddrs /ip4/ &> server1.log &
python -m petals.cli.run_server $MODEL_NAME --block_indices 0:12 \
--identity tests/ --host_maddrs /ip4/ --new_swarm &> server1.log &
sleep 5 # wait for the first server to initialize DHT
python -m petals.cli.run_server $MODEL_NAME --block_indices 12:24 --throughput 1 --torch_dtype float32 \
--initial_peers /ip4/ &> server2.log &
python -m petals.cli.run_server $MODEL_NAME --block_indices 12:24 \
--initial_peers SEE_THE_OUTPUT_OF_THE_1ST_PEER &> server2.log &
tail -f server1.log server2.log # view logs for both servers
# after you're done, kill servers with 'pkill -f petals.cli.run_server'
Then launch pytest:
@ -200,6 +132,8 @@ export INITIAL_PEERS=/ip4/
PYTHONPATH=. pytest tests --durations=0 --durations-min=1.0 -v
After you're done, you can terminate the servers and ensure that no zombie processes are left with `pkill -f petals.cli.run_server && pkill -f p2p`.
The automated tests use a more complex server configuration that can be found [here](
### Code style
