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import argparse
import logging
2 years ago
import configargparse
import torch
2 years ago
from hivemind.proto.runtime_pb2 import CompressionType
from hivemind.utils import limits
from hivemind.utils.logging import get_logger
from humanfriendly import parse_size
2 years ago
from petals.constants import DTYPE_MAP, PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS
from petals.server.server import Server
from petals.utils.convert_block import QuantType
from petals.utils.version import validate_version
2 years ago
logger = get_logger(__name__)
2 years ago
def main():
# fmt:off
parser = configargparse.ArgParser(default_config_files=["config.yml"],
2 years ago
parser.add('-c', '--config', required=False, is_config_file=True, help='config file path')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--converted_model_name_or_path', type=str, default=None,
help="path or name of a pretrained model, converted with cli/")
group.add_argument('model', nargs='?', type=str, help="same as --converted_model_name_or_path")
parser.add_argument("--public_name", type=str, default=None, help="Public name to be reported in the leaderboard")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
group.add_argument("--token", type=str, default=None, help="Hugging Face hub auth token for .from_pretrained()")
group.add_argument("--use_auth_token", action="store_true", dest="token",
help="Read token saved by `huggingface-cli login")
parser.add_argument('--num_blocks', type=int, default=None, help="The number of blocks to serve")
parser.add_argument('--block_indices', type=str, default=None, help="Specific block indices to serve")
parser.add_argument('--dht_prefix', type=str, default=None, help="Announce all blocks with this DHT prefix")
parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, required=False,
help='Port this server listens to. '
'This is a simplified way to set the --host_maddrs and --announce_maddrs options (see below) '
'that sets the port across all interfaces (IPv4, IPv6) and protocols (TCP, etc.) '
'to the same number. Default: a random free port is chosen for each interface and protocol')
parser.add_argument('--public_ip', type=str, required=False,
help='Your public IPv4 address, which is visible from the Internet. '
'This is a simplified way to set the --announce_maddrs option (see below).'
'Default: server announces IPv4/IPv6 addresses of your network interfaces')
parser.add_argument("--no_auto_relay", action="store_false", dest="use_auto_relay",
help="Do not look for libp2p relays to become reachable if we are behind NAT/firewall")
parser.add_argument('--host_maddrs', nargs='+', required=False,
help='Multiaddrs to listen for external connections from other peers')
parser.add_argument('--announce_maddrs', nargs='+', required=False,
help='Visible multiaddrs the host announces for external connections from other peers')
2 years ago
parser.add_argument('--daemon_startup_timeout', type=float, default=60,
help='Timeout for the libp2p daemon connecting to initial peers')
2 years ago
parser.add_argument('--compression', type=str, default='NONE', required=False, help='Tensor compression communication')
parser.add_argument('--num_handlers', type=int, default=8, required=False,
2 years ago
help='server will use this many processes to handle incoming requests')
parser.add_argument('--prefetch_batches', type=int, default=1, required=False,
help='Pre-form this many subsequent batches while GPU is processing the current one')
parser.add_argument('--sender_threads', type=int, default=1, required=False,
help='Use this many threads to pass results/exceptions from Runtime to Pools')
parser.add_argument('--inference_max_length', type=int, default=None,
help='Maximum total sequence length permitted per inference, defaults to 16384 tokens. '
Improve default arguments for clients and servers (#530) This PR updates multiple default arguments in clients and servers: 1. **The client defaults to `torch_dtype=torch.float32` instead of `torch_dtype="auto"`.** The old default was to load weights in the dtype they are saved in (usually bfloat16/float16), which caused issues when the client was run on CPU (the default unless you call `.cuda()`). Specifically, bfloat16 is slow on most CPUs (unless a CPU supports AVX512) and float16 can't be run natively and leads to an exception. This default was a legacy of the earliest Petals versions designed to run BLOOM - its embeddings were so big that they didn't fit into RAM in float32 (e.g., in Colab). The newer models don't have this issue. In contrast, the new default leads to good speed on all CPUs and is consistent with PyTorch and HF Transformers. Also, the client now shows "bfloat16 on non-AVX512 CPU" in all cases (previously this warning was shown only if the machine has enough RAM to fit float32 weights, which could hide the crucial reason of inference being slow). **Note:** This change is backward-incompatible, so we have to increase at least the minor package version (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0.dev0). 2. **The server uses 2x smaller `--attn_cache_tokens`.** The old default led to loading 39 (out of 80) or 78 (out of 80) blocks for popular models on some GPU types, which visibly slowed down inference due to an excess network hop. It was also leaving too much cache, so that inference slowed down much before the cache is used. The new default leads to more efficient block layouts and makes the inference routing algorithm choose alternative paths through other servers when a particular server already has enough active inference sessions (= its cache is full). 3. **The client's max number of retries can be limited by the `PETALS_MAX_RETRIES` env var.** This is to limit `ClientConfig.max_retries` in tests, so we see tracebacks instead of retrying indefinitely in case of errors.
7 months ago
'Default: 8192 for models with multi-query attention (based on Llama 2, Falcon), 2048 for others')
parser.add_argument('--min_batch_size', type=int, default=1,
help='Minimum required batch size for all operations (in total tokens)')
parser.add_argument('--max_batch_size', type=int, default=None,
help='The total number of tokens in the same batch will not exceed this value. '
Improve default arguments for clients and servers (#530) This PR updates multiple default arguments in clients and servers: 1. **The client defaults to `torch_dtype=torch.float32` instead of `torch_dtype="auto"`.** The old default was to load weights in the dtype they are saved in (usually bfloat16/float16), which caused issues when the client was run on CPU (the default unless you call `.cuda()`). Specifically, bfloat16 is slow on most CPUs (unless a CPU supports AVX512) and float16 can't be run natively and leads to an exception. This default was a legacy of the earliest Petals versions designed to run BLOOM - its embeddings were so big that they didn't fit into RAM in float32 (e.g., in Colab). The newer models don't have this issue. In contrast, the new default leads to good speed on all CPUs and is consistent with PyTorch and HF Transformers. Also, the client now shows "bfloat16 on non-AVX512 CPU" in all cases (previously this warning was shown only if the machine has enough RAM to fit float32 weights, which could hide the crucial reason of inference being slow). **Note:** This change is backward-incompatible, so we have to increase at least the minor package version (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0.dev0). 2. **The server uses 2x smaller `--attn_cache_tokens`.** The old default led to loading 39 (out of 80) or 78 (out of 80) blocks for popular models on some GPU types, which visibly slowed down inference due to an excess network hop. It was also leaving too much cache, so that inference slowed down much before the cache is used. The new default leads to more efficient block layouts and makes the inference routing algorithm choose alternative paths through other servers when a particular server already has enough active inference sessions (= its cache is full). 3. **The client's max number of retries can be limited by the `PETALS_MAX_RETRIES` env var.** This is to limit `ClientConfig.max_retries` in tests, so we see tracebacks instead of retrying indefinitely in case of errors.
7 months ago
'Default: 8192 for models with multi-query attention (based on Llama 2, Falcon), 2048 for others')
parser.add_argument('--max_chunk_size_bytes', type=int, default=256 * 1024 * 1024,
help='Maximum size of activation tensor processed in one go; larger tensors are split into chunks')
parser.add_argument('--attn_cache_tokens', type=int, default=None,
help='The number of past attention key/value pairs that will be stored between inference steps. '
Improve default arguments for clients and servers (#530) This PR updates multiple default arguments in clients and servers: 1. **The client defaults to `torch_dtype=torch.float32` instead of `torch_dtype="auto"`.** The old default was to load weights in the dtype they are saved in (usually bfloat16/float16), which caused issues when the client was run on CPU (the default unless you call `.cuda()`). Specifically, bfloat16 is slow on most CPUs (unless a CPU supports AVX512) and float16 can't be run natively and leads to an exception. This default was a legacy of the earliest Petals versions designed to run BLOOM - its embeddings were so big that they didn't fit into RAM in float32 (e.g., in Colab). The newer models don't have this issue. In contrast, the new default leads to good speed on all CPUs and is consistent with PyTorch and HF Transformers. Also, the client now shows "bfloat16 on non-AVX512 CPU" in all cases (previously this warning was shown only if the machine has enough RAM to fit float32 weights, which could hide the crucial reason of inference being slow). **Note:** This change is backward-incompatible, so we have to increase at least the minor package version (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0.dev0). 2. **The server uses 2x smaller `--attn_cache_tokens`.** The old default led to loading 39 (out of 80) or 78 (out of 80) blocks for popular models on some GPU types, which visibly slowed down inference due to an excess network hop. It was also leaving too much cache, so that inference slowed down much before the cache is used. The new default leads to more efficient block layouts and makes the inference routing algorithm choose alternative paths through other servers when a particular server already has enough active inference sessions (= its cache is full). 3. **The client's max number of retries can be limited by the `PETALS_MAX_RETRIES` env var.** This is to limit `ClientConfig.max_retries` in tests, so we see tracebacks instead of retrying indefinitely in case of errors.
7 months ago
'Default: 16384 for models with multi-query attention (based on Llama 2, Falcon), 4096 for others')
parser.add_argument('--cache_dir', type=str, default=None,
help='Path to a directory in which a downloaded pretrained model configuration should be cached if the standard cache should not be used.')
parser.add_argument("--max_disk_space", type=str, default=None,
help="Maximal disk space used for caches. Example: 50GB, 100GiB (GB != GiB here). "
"Default: unlimited. "
"For bigscience/bloom-petals, this default means that the server may use up to "
"min(free_disk_space, 350GB) in the worst case, which happens when the server runs "
"for a long time and caches all model blocks after a number of rebalancings. "
"However, this worst case is unlikely, expect the server to consume "
"the disk space equal to 2-4x of your GPU memory on average.")
2 years ago
parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default=None, required=False,
help='all blocks will use this device in torch notation; default: cuda if available else cpu')
parser.add_argument("--torch_dtype", type=str, choices=DTYPE_MAP.keys(), default="auto",
help="Use this dtype to store block weights and do computations. "
"By default, respect the dtypes in the pre-trained state dict.")
parser.add_argument('--max_alloc_timeout', type=float, default=600,
help="If the cache is full, the server will wait for memory to be freed up to this many seconds"
" before rejecting the request")
Add LLaMA support (#323) This PR: 1. **Abolishes the model conversion procedure.** Now, models are downloaded directly from original repositories like Servers download only shards with blocks to be hosted, and clients download only shards with input/output embeddings and layernorms. - BLOOM is loaded from `bigscience/bloom`, but we use the DHT prefix `bigscience/bloom-petals` for backward compatibility. Same with smaller BLOOMs and BLOOMZ. - LLaMA can be loaded from any repo like `username/llama-65b-hf`, but we use the DHT prefix `llama-65b-hf` (without the username) to accomodate blocks from different repos (there're a few of them with minor differences, such as `Llama` vs. `LLaMA` in the class name). 2. **Refactors the client to generalize it for multiple models.** Now, we have `petals.models` packages that contain model-specific code (e.g. `petals.models.bloom`, `petals.models.llama`). General code (e.g. CPU-efficient LM head, p-tuning) is kept in `petals.client`. 3. **Introduces** `WrappedLlamaBlock`, `DistributedLlamaConfig`, `DistributedLlamaForCausalLM`, `DistributedLlamaForSequenceClassification`, and `DistributedLlamaModel` compatible with Petals functionality (p-tuning, adapters, etc.). 4. **Introduces** `AutoDistributedConfig` that automatically chooses the correct config class (`DistributedLlamaConfig` or `DistributedBloomConfig`). The refactored configs contain all model-specific info for both clients and servers. Upgrade instructions: - Remove disk caches for blocks in old (converted) format to save disk space. That is, remove `~/.cache/petals/model--bigscience--bloom-petals` and `~/.cache/petals/model--bigscience--bloomz-petals` directories (if present).
11 months ago
parser.add_argument('--revision', type=str, default=None,
help="The specific model version to use. It can be a branch name, a tag name, or a commit id, since we use a git-based system for storing models"
"and other artifacts on, so `revision` can be any identifier allowed by git.")
2 years ago
type=lambda value: value if value in ['auto', 'eval', 'dry_run'] else float(value),
help='Expected server throughput (a float measured in RPS). '
'If set to "auto" (default), the script evaluates network and compute throughput '
'on the first run and uses these estimates for future runs. '
'If set to "eval", the script re-evaluates the throughput and overrides the cache. '
'If set to "dry_run", the script re-evaluates the throughput and exits.')
parser.add_argument('--update_period', type=float, required=False, default=120,
help='Server will report blocks to DHT once in this many seconds')
2 years ago
parser.add_argument('--expiration', type=float, required=False, default=None,
help='DHT entries will expire after this many seconds')
parser.add_argument('--request_timeout', type=float, required=False, default=3 * 60,
help='Timeout (in seconds) for the whole rpc_forward/rpc_backward/rpc_forward_stream/rpc_backward_stream request')
parser.add_argument('--session_timeout', type=float, required=False, default=30 * 60,
help='Timeout (in seconds) for the whole inference session')
parser.add_argument('--step_timeout', type=float, required=False, default=5 * 60,
help="Timeout (in seconds) for waiting the next step's inputs inside an inference session")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('--initial_peers', type=str, nargs='+', required=False, default=PUBLIC_INITIAL_PEERS,
help='Multiaddrs of one or more DHT peers from the target swarm. Default: connects to the public swarm')
group.add_argument('--new_swarm', action='store_true',
help='Start a new private swarm (i.e., do not connect to any initial peers)')
parser.add_argument('--increase_file_limit', type=int, default=4096,
help='On *nix, increase the max number of files a server can open '
'before hitting "Too many open files" (set to zero to keep the system limit)')
2 years ago
parser.add_argument('--stats_report_interval', type=int, required=False,
help='Interval between two reports of batch processing performance statistics')
parser.add_argument('--custom_module_path', type=str, required=False,
help='Path of a file with custom nn.modules, wrapped into special decorator')
parser.add_argument('--identity_path', type=str, required=False, help='Path to identity file to be used in P2P')
parser.add_argument("--balance_quality", type=float, default=0.75,
help="Rebalance the swarm if its throughput is worse than this share of the optimal "
"throughput. Use 0.0 to disable rebalancing, values > 1.0 to force rebalancing "
"on each check for debugging purposes.")
parser.add_argument("--mean_balance_check_period", type=float, default=60,
help="Check the swarm's balance every N seconds (and rebalance it if necessary)")
parser.add_argument('--quant_type', type=str, default=None, choices=[ for choice in QuantType],
help="Quantize blocks to 8-bit (int8 from the LLM.int8() paper) or "
"4-bit (nf4 from the QLoRA paper) formats to save GPU memory. "
"Default: 'int8' if GPU is available, 'none' otherwise")
parser.add_argument("--tensor_parallel_devices", nargs='+', default=None,
"Split each block between the specified GPUs such that each device holds a portion of every "
"weight matrix. See")
2 years ago
parser.add_argument("--skip_reachability_check", action='store_true',
help="Skip checking this server's reachability via "
"when connecting to the public swarm. If you connect to a private swarm, "
"the check is skipped by default. Use this option only if you know what you are doing")
parser.add_argument("--adapters", nargs='*', default=(),
help="List of pre-loaded LoRA adapters that can be used for inference or training")
2 years ago
# fmt:on
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
args.pop("config", None)
args["converted_model_name_or_path"] = args.pop("model") or args["converted_model_name_or_path"]
host_maddrs = args.pop("host_maddrs")
port = args.pop("port")
if port is not None:
assert host_maddrs is None, "You can't use --port and --host_maddrs at the same time"
port = 0
if host_maddrs is None:
host_maddrs = [f"/ip4/{port}", f"/ip6/::/tcp/{port}"]
announce_maddrs = args.pop("announce_maddrs")
public_ip = args.pop("public_ip")
if public_ip is not None:
assert announce_maddrs is None, "You can't use --public_ip and --announce_maddrs at the same time"
assert port != 0, "Please specify a fixed non-zero --port when you use --public_ip (e.g., --port 31337)"
announce_maddrs = [f"/ip4/{public_ip}/tcp/{port}"]
args["startup_timeout"] = args.pop("daemon_startup_timeout")
file_limit = args.pop("increase_file_limit")
if file_limit:
limits.increase_file_limit(file_limit, file_limit)
2 years ago
compression_type = args.pop("compression").upper()
2 years ago
compression = getattr(CompressionType, compression_type)
max_disk_space = args.pop("max_disk_space")
if max_disk_space is not None:
max_disk_space = parse_size(max_disk_space)
assert isinstance(
max_disk_space, (int, type(None))
), "Unrecognized value for --max_disk_space. Correct examples: 1.5GB or 1500MB or 1572864000 (bytes)"
if args.pop("new_swarm"):
args["initial_peers"] = []
quant_type = args.pop("quant_type")
if quant_type is not None:
args["quant_type"] = QuantType[quant_type.upper()]
2 years ago
if not torch.backends.openmp.is_available():
# Necessary to prevent the server from freezing after forks
server = Server(
2 years ago
2 years ago
except KeyboardInterrupt:"Caught KeyboardInterrupt, shutting down")
if __name__ == "__main__":