Development manual/API reference - reading reference about parameters and expected responses.

Ad Schellevis 7 months ago
parent 0c57a39f65
commit ea8d486124

@ -36,6 +36,52 @@ The $key and $secret parameters are used to pass the API credentials using curl.
ACL's are explained in :doc:`development/components/acl </development/components/acl>`).
Required parameters and expected responses
Our auto-generated api documentation can only collect endpoints and their most likely call method (:code:`GET`, :code:`POST`),
Since almost 99% of our endpoints are actually being used by the gui, it's not very complicated to find their
parameters, you just need a browser and open an inspect pane. Calls being executed from the gui can easily be found
by filtering the requests starting with :code:`/api/`.
For exampe, when looking at the search grid in :menuselection:`System --> Diagnostics --> Services`, pressing the reload
button will execute a :code:`POST` to :code:`https://my.firewall/api/core/service/search` containing the following raw
json data:
And returns a structure similar to:
"total": 10,
"rowCount": 7,
"current": 1,
"rows": [
"id": "configd",
"locked": 1,
"running": 1,
"description": "System Configuration Daemon",
"name": "configd"
A lot of endpoints use the same shared model classes underneath and will thus look quite similar. If classes are bound to
a model, the documentation will point to it. Here you can find the standard types to expect, without specific application
specific validations.
When more detailed information is needed, best read the :doc:`Architecture </development/architecture>` documentation to
understand how different areas of the system interact.
Core API
