development/configd - add documentation for new config imports introduced in a1b0dd8071 , closes

Ad Schellevis 8 months ago
parent ca43be6a7c
commit c5bed41355

@ -100,3 +100,35 @@ Next use the supplied helper command to execute our action:
:: ::
configctl sshd restart configctl sshd restart
Extending the Environment
Configd's own configuration can be found in the `configd.conf <>`__ file.
In some cases it can be practical to extend the envrionment with additional settings for the configd actions to use.
To add environment variables, create a new config file in the :code:`conf/configd.conf.d/` directory
using the :code:`.conf` extension containing an :code:`[environment]` section.
For example, to add a proxy server (for the firmware updater), use settings like these:
.. code-block::
:caption: /usr/local/opnsense/service/conf/configd.conf.d/proxy.conf
.. Note::
After changing the configd configuration, don't forget to restart the configd service via the gui or `service configd restart` (as root).
.. Warning::
When using the same settings as already specified in the base configuration, these settings will be overwritten. The parsing order
of configuration files is to read all vendor shipped properties first and read additional files next. Last property found is the one
being used (e.g. specifying a new :code:`PATH` in the environment, will overwrite the one being shipped in our :code:`configd.conf`.)

@ -66,6 +66,13 @@ Usually the default options are good enough here, but if you want to choose a mi
are planned for release. Just change the release type to **Development**. are planned for release. Just change the release type to **Development**.
.. Note::
Although OPNsense does not support the configuration of a proxy server, for services like the firmware updater it is possible
to add these settings manually in our :code:`configd` service.
For more information we refer to :doc:`the envronment section in our development docs </development/backend/configd>`.
Activate the Business Edition Activate the Business Edition
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