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simonpfish 8 months ago
parent 109143f505
commit ec414ee67b

@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ Summary:
The text explains that statistics is a science that studies the variability, collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data, as well as the random process that generates them following the laws of probability.
However, if we first ask the model to identify the language of the text, and then summarize the text, it becomes more reliable:
However, if we first ask the model to identify the language of the text, and then summarize the text, it becomes more reliable:
First, identify the language of the text. Second, summarize the text using the original language of the text. The summary should be one sentence long.
@ -182,22 +182,22 @@ Another powerful technique for improving the reliability of answers is to prompt
Published by [Takeshi Kojima et al. in 2022](, the easiest way to prompt a model to reason out the answer is to simply prepend answers with `Let's think step by step.` Figure 2 illustrates an example:
[![zero-shot reasoning example](images/zero-shot_reasoners_fig2.png)
<br>Source: *Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners* by Takeshi Kojima et al. (2022).](
[![zero-shot reasoning example](/images/zero-shot_reasoners_fig2.png)
<br>Source: _Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners_ by Takeshi Kojima et al. (2022).](
#### Results
Applying this simple trick to the MultiArith math dataset, the authors found `Let's think step by step` quadrupled the accuracy, from 18% to 79%!
[![zero-shot reasoning example](images/zero-shot_reasoners_tab5.png)
<br>Source: *Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners* by Takeshi Kojima et al. (2022).](
[![zero-shot reasoning example](/images/zero-shot_reasoners_tab5.png)
<br>Source: _Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners_ by Takeshi Kojima et al. (2022).](
#### Implications
Although the `Let's think step by step` trick works well on math problems, it's not effective on all tasks. The authors found that it was most helpful for multi-step arithmetic problems, symbolic reasoning problems, strategy problems, and other reasoning problems. It didn't help with simple math problems or common sense questions, and presumably wouldn't help with many other non-reasoning tasks either.
[![zero-shot reasoning example](images/zero-shot_reasoners_tab1.png)
<br>Source: *Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners* by Takeshi Kojima et al. (2022).](
[![zero-shot reasoning example](/images/zero-shot_reasoners_tab1.png)
<br>Source: _Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners_ by Takeshi Kojima et al. (2022).](
To learn more, read the [full paper](
@ -248,13 +248,13 @@ Because the Toyota Prius Prime meets all of the criteria for a federal tax credi
Prompting the model to reason out its answers can be done in many ways. One way is to demonstrate with a few examples ('few-shot'), as studied by [Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. from Google]( Here's an example few-shot chain-of-thought prompt:
[![chain of thought example](images/chain_of_thought_fig1.png)
<br>Source: *Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models* Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
[![chain of thought example](/images/chain_of_thought_fig1.png)
<br>Source: _Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models_ Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
More demonstrations of reasoning chains written by human labelers:
[![chain of thought example](images/chain_of_thought_fig3.png)
<br>Source: *Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models* Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
[![chain of thought example](/images/chain_of_thought_fig3.png)
<br>Source: _Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models_ Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
[(Note that it has been called into question whether pears actually float)](
@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ More demonstrations of reasoning chains written by human labelers:
Testing on grade school math problems, the authors found that chain of thought prompting tripled the solve rate, from 18% to 57%.
[![chain of thought example](images/chain_of_thought_fig5.png)
<br>Source: *Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models* Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
[![chain of thought example](/images/chain_of_thought_fig5.png)
<br>Source: _Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models_ Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
In addition to math problems, chain of thought prompting also lifted performance on questions related to sports understanding, coin flip tracking, and last letter concatenation. In most cases, not many examples were need to saturate the performance gains (less than 8 or so).
[![chain of thought example](images/chain_of_thought_fig11.png)
<br>Source: *Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models* Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
[![chain of thought example](/images/chain_of_thought_fig11.png)
<br>Source: _Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models_ Jason Wei and Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
To learn more, read the [full paper](
@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ In general, to eke out maximum performance on a task, you'll need to fine-tune a
In 2022, Eric Zelikman and Yuhuai Wu et al. published a clever procedure for using a few-shot prompt to generate a dataset of explanations that could be used to fine-tune a model. The idea is to use a few-shot prompt to generate candidate explanations, and only keep the explanations that produce the correct answer. Then, to get additional explanations for some of the incorrect answers, retry the few-shot prompt but with correct answers given as part of the question. The authors called their procedure STaR (Self-taught Reasoner):
[![STaR procedure](images/star_fig1.png)
<br>Source: *STaR: Bootstrapping Reasoning With Reasoning* by Eric Zelikman and Yujuai Wu et al. (2022)](
[![STaR procedure](/images/star_fig1.png)
<br>Source: _STaR: Bootstrapping Reasoning With Reasoning_ by Eric Zelikman and Yujuai Wu et al. (2022)](
With this technique, you can combine the benefits of fine-tuning with the benefits of chain-of-thought prompting without needing to write thousands of example explanations.
@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ With this technique, you can combine the benefits of fine-tuning with the benefi
When the authors applied this technique to a Common Sense Q&A dataset, they found that STaR outperformed both chain-of-thought prompting alone (73% > 37%) and fine-tuning alone (73% > 60%):
[![STaR results](images/star_tab1.png)
<br>Source: *STaR: Bootstrapping Reasoning With Reasoning* by Eric Zelikman and Yujuai Wu et al. (2022)](
[![STaR results](/images/star_tab1.png)
<br>Source: _STaR: Bootstrapping Reasoning With Reasoning_ by Eric Zelikman and Yujuai Wu et al. (2022)](
To learn more, read the [full paper](
@ -312,15 +312,15 @@ A number of extensions of chain-of-thought prompting have been published as well
Published by Antonia Creswell et al., one extension of the chain-of-thought technique is to split the single prompt for generating explanations and answers into smaller parts. First, a prompt selects a relevant subset of facts from the text ('selection prompt'). Then, a second prompt infers a conclusion from the selected facts ('inference prompt'). These prompts are then alternated in a loop to generate multiple steps of reasoning and eventually land on a final answer. The authors illustrate the idea in the following figure:
[![Selection-inference prompting](images/selection-inference_fig1.png)
<br>Source: *Selection-Inference: Exploiting Large Language Models for Interpretable Logical Reasoning* by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
[![Selection-inference prompting](/images/selection-inference_fig1.png)
<br>Source: _Selection-Inference: Exploiting Large Language Models for Interpretable Logical Reasoning_ by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
#### Results
When applied to a 7B-parameter model, the authors found that selection-inference prompting substantially improved performance relative to chain-of-thought prompting on the bAbi and Proof Writer benchmark tasks (both of which require longer sequences of reasoning steps). The best performance they achieved combined both selection-inference prompting with fine-tuning.
[![Selection-inference prompting](images/selection-inference_fig4.png)
<br>Source: *Selection-Inference: Exploiting Large Language Models for Interpretable Logical Reasoning* by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
[![Selection-inference prompting](/images/selection-inference_fig4.png)
<br>Source: _Selection-Inference: Exploiting Large Language Models for Interpretable Logical Reasoning_ by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
#### Implications
@ -351,33 +351,33 @@ The halter models brings a couple of advantages:
- it can tell the selection-inference process to stop or keep going, as necessary.
- if the process never halts, you'll get no answer, which is often preferable to a hallucinated guess
[![Faithful reasoning](images/faithful-reasoning_fig3.png)
<br>Source: *Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models* by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
[![Faithful reasoning](/images/faithful-reasoning_fig3.png)
<br>Source: _Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models_ by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
[![Faithful reasoning](images/faithful-reasoning_fig5.png)
<br>Source: *Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models* by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
[![Faithful reasoning](/images/faithful-reasoning_fig5.png)
<br>Source: _Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models_ by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
Second, the authors add a value function, which is used to assess the quality of reasoning steps and search over multiple reasoning trajectories. This echoes a common theme for increasing reliability; instead of generating a single answer from the model, generate a set of answers and then use some type of value function / discriminator / verifier model to pick the best one.
[![Faithful reasoning](images/faithful-reasoning_fig7.png)
<br>Source: *Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models* by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
[![Faithful reasoning](/images/faithful-reasoning_fig7.png)
<br>Source: _Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models_ by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
In addition to these two extensions, the authors also use a trick to reduce hallucination of fake facts. Rather than asking the model to write out factual sentences, they fine-tune a model to work with sentence labels (e.g., sen1) instead. This helps prevent the model from hallucinating fake facts not mentioned in the prompt context.
[![Faithful reasoning](images/faithful-reasoning_fig4.png)
<br>Source: *Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models* by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
[![Faithful reasoning](/images/faithful-reasoning_fig4.png)
<br>Source: _Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models_ by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
#### Results
The authors evaluated their technique on two benchmarks: the ProofWriter task (not shown) and [EntailmentBankQA]( (shown). The technique increased accuracy substantially, especially on harder reasoning problems.
![Faithful reasoning](images/faithful-reasoning_tab2.png)
<br>Source: *Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models* by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
![Faithful reasoning](/images/faithful-reasoning_tab2.png)
<br>Source: _Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models_ by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
In addition, their sentence label manipulation trick essentially eliminated hallucination!
![Faithful reasoning](images/faithful-reasoning_tab5.png)
<br>Source: *Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models* by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
![Faithful reasoning](/images/faithful-reasoning_tab5.png)
<br>Source: _Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models_ by Antonia Creswell et al. (2022)](
#### Implications
@ -399,18 +399,18 @@ In addition to doing poorly on long reasoning chains (where selection-inference
Least-to-most prompting is another technique that splits up reasoning tasks into smaller, more reliable subtasks. The idea is to elicit a subtask from the model by prompting it with something like `To solve {question}, we need to first solve: "`. Then, with that subtask in hand, the model can generate a solution. The solution is appended to the original question and the process is repeated until a final answer is produced.
[![Least-to-most prompting](images/least-to-most_fig1.png)
<br>Source: *Least-to-most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models* by Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
[![Least-to-most prompting](/images/least-to-most_fig1.png)
<br>Source: _Least-to-most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models_ by Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
#### Results
When applied to benchmarks involving long reasoning chains using `code-davinci-002` (which is optimized for code but can still understand text), the authors measured gains as large as 16% -> 99.7%!
![Least-to-most prompting results on last-letter-concatenation task](images/least-to-most_tab4.png)
![Least-to-most prompting results on SCAN](images/least-to-most_tab9.png)
![Least-to-most prompting results on DROP numerical reasoning](images/least-to-most_tab11.png)
<br>Source: *Least-to-most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models* by Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
![Least-to-most prompting results on last-letter-concatenation task](/images/least-to-most_tab4.png)
![Least-to-most prompting results on SCAN](/images/least-to-most_tab9.png)
![Least-to-most prompting results on DROP numerical reasoning](/images/least-to-most_tab11.png)
<br>Source: _Least-to-most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models_ by Denny Zhou et al. (2022)](
#### Implications
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ To learn more, read the [full paper](
#### Method
In contrast to the previous techniques, which try to maximize the likelihood of correct answers, another approach is to use GPT-3 to generate a tree of possible explanations (both correct *and incorrect*), and then analyze their relationships to guess at which set is correct. This technique was coined maieutic prompting by [Jaehun Jung et al. in May 2022]( (maieutic means relating to the Socratic method of asking questions to elicit ideas).
In contrast to the previous techniques, which try to maximize the likelihood of correct answers, another approach is to use GPT-3 to generate a tree of possible explanations (both correct _and incorrect_), and then analyze their relationships to guess at which set is correct. This technique was coined maieutic prompting by [Jaehun Jung et al. in May 2022]( (maieutic means relating to the Socratic method of asking questions to elicit ideas).
The method is complicated, and works as follows:
@ -444,15 +444,14 @@ The method is complicated, and works as follows:
- Use a solver to the find the most self-consistent set of beliefs, and take those as true
![Maieutic prompting](images/maieutic_fig2.png)
![Maieutic prompting](images/maieutic_fig6.png)
<br>Source: *Maieutic Prompting: Logically Consistent Reasoning with Recursive Explanations* by Jaehun Jung et al. (2022)](
![Maieutic prompting](/images/maieutic_fig2.png)
![Maieutic prompting](/images/maieutic_fig6.png)
<br>Source: _Maieutic Prompting: Logically Consistent Reasoning with Recursive Explanations_ by Jaehun Jung et al. (2022)](
#### Results
[![Maieutic prompting results](images/maieutic_tab1.png)
<br>Source: *Maieutic Prompting: Logically Consistent Reasoning with Recursive Explanations* by Jaehun Jung et al. (2022)](
[![Maieutic prompting results](/images/maieutic_tab1.png)
<br>Source: _Maieutic Prompting: Logically Consistent Reasoning with Recursive Explanations_ by Jaehun Jung et al. (2022)](
#### Implications
@ -468,15 +467,15 @@ To learn more, read the [full paper](
For tasks with a discrete set of answers, one simple way to improve reliability is to sample multiple explanations & answers from the model (using a positive temperature) and then pick the final answer that appears most often.
[![Self-consistency method](images/self-consistency_fig1.png)
<br>Source: *Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models* by Xuezhi Wang et al. (2022)](
[![Self-consistency method](/images/self-consistency_fig1.png)
<br>Source: _Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models_ by Xuezhi Wang et al. (2022)](
#### Results
This technique lifted accuracies by anywhere from 1 to 24 percentage points on a suite of math and reasoning benchmarks. (Plotted below are results from Google's LaMDA model; using Google's larger PaLM model, the baselines were higher but the gains were a bit smaller.)
[![Self-consistency results](images/self-consistency_fig3.png)
<br>Source: *Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models* by Xuezhi Wang et al. (2022)](
[![Self-consistency results](/images/self-consistency_fig3.png)
<br>Source: _Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models_ by Xuezhi Wang et al. (2022)](
#### Implications
@ -500,15 +499,15 @@ In 2021, OpenAI researchers applied this technique to grade school math problems
- Using those solutions, with some labeled correct and some labeled incorrect, they fine-tuned a verifier model to classify whether a question and candidate solution was correct or incorrect
- Finally, at test time, the generative model creates 100 solutions to each problem, and the one with the highest score according to the verifier model is picked as the final answer
[![Verifier method](images/verifiers_fig3.png)
<br>Source: *Training Verifiers to Solve Math Word Problems* by Karl Cobbe et al. (2021)](
[![Verifier method](/images/verifiers_fig3.png)
<br>Source: _Training Verifiers to Solve Math Word Problems_ by Karl Cobbe et al. (2021)](
#### Results
With a 175B GPT-3 model and 8,000 training examples, this technique substantially lifted grade school math accuracy from ~33% to ~55%.
[![Verifier results](images/verifiers_fig5.png)
<br>Source: *Training Verifiers to Solve Math Word Problems* by Karl Cobbe et al. (2021)](
[![Verifier results](/images/verifiers_fig5.png)
<br>Source: _Training Verifiers to Solve Math Word Problems_ by Karl Cobbe et al. (2021)](
#### Implications
@ -525,27 +524,27 @@ Although the techniques above vary in their approach, they all share the goal of
This paradigm of trying to build a reliable system out of less reliable components is reminiscent of probabilistic programming, and many of the analysis techniques of that field can be applied to this one.
In the paper *Language Model Cascades*, David Dohan et al. interpret the above techniques in the paradigm of probabilistic graphical models:
In the paper _Language Model Cascades_, David Dohan et al. interpret the above techniques in the paradigm of probabilistic graphical models:
#### Chain of thought prompting
[![graphical model of chain of thought prompting](images/lm_cascades_fig1.png)
<br>Source: *Language Model Cascades* by David Dohan et al. (2022)](
[![graphical model of chain of thought prompting](/images/lm_cascades_fig1.png)
<br>Source: _Language Model Cascades_ by David Dohan et al. (2022)](
#### Fine-tuned chain of thought prompting / Self-taught reasoner
[![graphical model of fine-tuned chain of thought prompting](images/lm_cascades_fig3.png)
<br>Source: *Language Model Cascades* by David Dohan et al. (2022)](
[![graphical model of fine-tuned chain of thought prompting](/images/lm_cascades_fig3.png)
<br>Source: _Language Model Cascades_ by David Dohan et al. (2022)](
#### Selection-inference prompting
[![graphical model of selection-inference prompting](images/lm_cascades_fig4.png)
<br>Source: *Language Model Cascades* by David Dohan et al. (2022)](
[![graphical model of selection-inference prompting](/images/lm_cascades_fig4.png)
<br>Source: _Language Model Cascades_ by David Dohan et al. (2022)](
#### Verifiers
[![graphical model of verifiers](images/lm_cascades_fig5.png)
<br>Source: *Language Model Cascades* by David Dohan et al. (2022)](
[![graphical model of verifiers](/images/lm_cascades_fig5.png)
<br>Source: _Language Model Cascades_ by David Dohan et al. (2022)](
#### Implications
@ -560,7 +559,7 @@ In the future, expect better models and better techniques to be published. Even
## Bibliography
| Lesson | Paper | Date |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| Break complex tasks into simpler subtasks (and consider exposing the intermediate outputs to users) | [AI Chains: Transparent and Controllable Human-AI Interaction by Chaining Large Language Model Prompts]( | 2021 Oct |
| You can improve output by generating many candidates, and then picking the one that looks best | [Training Verifiers to Solve Math Word Problems]( | 2021 Oct |
| On reasoning tasks, models do better when they reason step-by-step before answering | [Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models]( | 2022 Jan |
@ -571,4 +570,4 @@ In the future, expect better models and better techniques to be published. Even
| On long reasoning problems, you can improve step-by-step reasoning by splitting the problem into pieces to solve incrementally | [Least-to-most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models]( | 2022 May |
| You can have the model analyze both good and bogus explanations to figure out which set of explanations are most consistent | [Maieutic Prompting: Logically Consistent Reasoning with Recursive Explanations]( | 2022 May |
| You can think about these techniques in terms of probabilistic programming, where systems comprise unreliable components | [Language Model Cascades]( | 2022 Jul |
| You can eliminate hallucination with sentence label manipulation, and you can reduce wrong answers with a 'halter' prompt | [Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models]( | 2022 Aug |
| You can eliminate hallucination with sentence label manipulation, and you can reduce wrong answers with a 'halter' prompt | [Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models]( | 2022 Aug |

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