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This is a rewrite of vim-libmodal using Neovim's Lua API.

Unfortunately, during vim-libmodal's development several problems with Vimscript became apparent. Because of this, I have decided to rewrite it using Lua. This project aims to be cross-compatable with vim-libmodal version 2.X.Y, with the only alterations being additions to the source code that have been made under the 2.x.y revision number.

funcref() cannot be used in libmodal#Enter or libmodal#Prompt, so nvim-libmodal is mostly compatable, but not completely.

  • See |libmodal-usage| for more details.

Note that cross-compatability does not mean that vim-libmodal and nvim-libmodal can be installed at the same time— as a matter of fact, they are developed specifically to replace each other for specific platforms. If you use Vim, use vim-libmodal. If you use Neovim, use nvim-libmodal. If you are a plugin creator, all code that works for vim-libmodal will work with nvim-libmodal, but the reverse is not true.


  • Neovim 0.4+.
    • For compatability with vim-libmodal, Neovim 0.5+.
    • For statusbar integration, Neovim 0.5+.
  • vim-libmodal is not installed.


The following plugins have been constructed using nvim-libmodal:

The following samples have been constructed using nvim-libmodal:

See vim-libmodal and the docs for more information.


You can add libmodal modes to your status line by using galaxyline.nvim. Here is an example configuration:

local _COLORS =
	black  = {'#202020', 0,   'black'},
	red    = {'#ee4a59', 196, 'red'},
	orange = {'#ff8900', 208, 'darkyellow'},
	yellow = {'#f0df33', 220, 'yellow'},
	green  = {'#77ff00', 72, 'green'},
	blue   = {'#7090ff', 63, 'darkblue'},
	purple = {'#cf55f0', 129, 'magenta'},

-- Statusline color = {middle=_COLORS.gray_dark,}

-- Text color
_COLORS.text = _COLORS.gray_light

-- Table which gets hex values from _COLORS.
local _HEX_COLORS = setmetatable(
	{['bar'] = setmetatable({}, {['__index'] = function(_, key) return[key] and[key][1] or nil end})},
	{['__index'] = function(_, key) local color = _COLORS[key] return color and color[1] or nil end}

local _MODES =
	['c']  = {'COMMAND-LINE',},
	['ce'] = {'NORMAL EX',},
	['cv'] = {'EX',      },
	['i']  = {'INSERT',  },
	['ic'] = {'INS-COMPLETE',},
	['n']  = {'NORMAL',            _COLORS.purple},
	['no'] = {'OPERATOR-PENDING',  _COLORS.purple},
	['r']  = {'HIT-ENTER',},
	['r?'] = {':CONFIRM',},
	['rm'] = {'--MORE',  },
	['R']  = {'REPLACE', },
	['Rv'] = {'VIRTUAL', },
	['s']  = {'SELECT',  },
	['S']  = {'SELECT',  },
	['t']  = {'TERMINAL',},
	['v']  = {'VISUAL',  },
	['V']  = {'VISUAL LINE',},
	['!']  = {'SHELL',             _COLORS.yellow},

	-- libmodal
	['TABS']    = _COLORS.tan,
	['BUFFERS'] = _COLORS.teal,
	['TABLES']  = _COLORS.orange_light,

require('galaxyline').section.left =
	{ViMode = {
		provider = function() -- auto change color according the vim mode
			local mode_color = nil
			local mode_name = nil

			if vim.g.libmodalActiveModeName then
				mode_name = vim.g.libmodalActiveModeName
				mode_color = _MODES[mode_name]
				local current_mode = _MODES[vim.fn.mode(true)]

				mode_name = current_mode[1]
				mode_color = current_mode[2]

			-- If you have Iron-E/nvim-highlite, use this step.
			-- If not, just manually highlight it with vim.cmd()
			require('highlite').highlight('GalaxyViMode', {fg=mode_color, style='bold'})

			return '▊ '..mode_name..' '
		highlight = {,},
		separator = _SEPARATORS.right,
		separator_highlight = {, get_file_icon_color}