You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
5.2 KiB

# nvim-libmodal
This is a rewrite of [vim-libmodal]( using Neovim's Lua API. This project aims to be cross-compatable with `vim-libmodal`— with a few notable exceptions (see the [FAQ](#FAQ)).
## Requirements
* Neovim 0.7+.
* `vim-libmodal` is _not_ installed.
## Installation
You can use [packer.nvim]( (or any package manager) to install this plugin. The below example is for `packer.nvim`:
local install_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data')..'/site/pack/packer/opt/packer.nvim'
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(vim.fn.glob(install_path)) then
os.execute('git clone '..install_path)
vim.api.nvim_command 'packadd packer.nvim'
return require('packer').startup {function(use)
use {'wbthomason/packer.nvim', opt=true}
use 'Iron-E/nvim-libmodal'
-- use {'Username/mode-plugin', wants='nvim-libmodal'}
## Usage
The following plugins have been constructed using `nvim-libmodal`:
* [`nvim-bufmode`](
* [`nvim-marktext`](
* [`nvim-tabmode`](
The following samples have been constructed using `nvim-libmodal`:
* [`mode-codedoc`](
* [The Official Lua Examples](
* [The Official Vimscript Examples](
See [docs](./doc) for more information.
### Statusline
You can add `libmodal` modes to your status line. Here are a few examples of how to integrate with existing plugins.
#### feline.nvim
See my configuration for `feline.nvim` [here](
#### galaxyline.nvim
See my configuration for `galaxyline.nvim` [here](
#### lualine.nvim
<summary>An example config</summary>
<pre lang = "lua">
-- Defined in
local BLUE = '#7766ff'
local CYAN = '#33dbc3'
local GREEN = '#22ff22'
local GREEN_LIGHT = '#99ff99'
local ICE = '#95c5ff'
local ORANGE = '#ff8900'
local ORANGE_LIGHT = '#f0af00'
local PINK = '#ffa6ff'
local PINK_LIGHT = '#ffb7b7'
local PURPLE = '#cf55f0'
local PURPLE_LIGHT = '#af60af'
local RED = '#ee4a59'
local RED_DARK = '#a80000'
local RED_LIGHT = '#ff4090'
local TAN = '#f4c069'
local TEAL = '#60afff'
local TURQOISE = '#2bff99'
local YELLOW = '#f0df33'
local MODES =
{ -- {{{
['c'] = {'COMMAND-LINE', RED},
['ce'] = {'NORMAL EX', RED_DARK},
['cv'] = {'EX', RED_LIGHT},
['i'] = {'INSERT', GREEN},
['r'] = {'HIT-ENTER', CYAN},
['r?'] = {':CONFIRM', CYAN},
['rm'] = {'--MORE', ICE},
['R'] = {'REPLACE', PINK},
['s'] = {'SELECT', TURQOISE},
['␓'] = {'SELECT', TURQOISE},
['t'] = {'TERMINAL', ORANGE},
['v'] = {'VISUAL', BLUE},
['V'] = {'VISUAL LINE', BLUE},
['␖'] = {'VISUAL BLOCK', BLUE},
['!'] = {'SHELL', YELLOW},
-- libmodal
['TABS'] = TAN,
} -- }}}
local MODE_HL_GROUP = 'LualineViMode'
--[[/* FELINE CONFIG */]]
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
callback = function()
require('lualine').refresh {scope = 'window', place = {'statusline'}}
pattern = {'LibmodalModeEnterPre', 'LibmodalModeLeavePost'},
require('lualine').setup {sections = {lualine_a = {{
function() -- auto change color according the vim mode
local mode_color, mode_name
if vim.g.libmodalActiveModeName then
mode_name = vim.g.libmodalActiveModeName
mode_color = MODES[mode_name]
local current_mode = MODES[vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode]
mode_name = current_mode[1]
mode_color = current_mode[2]
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, MODE_HL_GROUP, {fg = mode_color, bold = true})
return mode_name..' '
icon = {'▊', align = 'left'},
color = MODE_HL_GROUP,
padding = 0,
## FAQ
### nvim-libmodal vs. vim-libmodal
The following is a list of expressions that work in `nvim-libmodal` but not `vim-libmodal`:
* `require 'libmodal'` in Lua.
* `vim-libmodal` does not support interacting with it through Lua, you must use the Vimscript interface.
The following is a list of expressions that work in `vim-libmodal` but not `nvim-libmodal`:
* `call libmodal#Enter('FOO', funcref('bar'), baz)` in Vimscript.
* Lua does not support passing `funcref`s from Vimscript. Try using the Lua interface instead.
* `call libmodal#Prompt('FOO', funcref('bar'), baz)` in Vimscript.
* Lua does not support passing `funcref`s from Vimscript. Try using the Lua interface instead.