1.6 KiB
% notcurses-view(1) % nick black nickblack@linux.com % v1.3.4
notcurses-view - Render images and video to the console
notcurses-view [-h|--help] [-d delaymult] [-l loglevel] [-s scalemode] [-k] files
notcurses-view uses a multimedian-enabled notcurses to render images and videos to the terminal. Media will be scaled to the terminal's size.
-d delaymult: Apply a rational multiplier to the framerate.
-l loglevel: Log everything (high log level) or nothing (log level 0) to stderr.
-s scalemode: Scaling mode, one of none, scale, or stretch.
-m margins: Define rendering margins (see below).
-k: Inhibit use of the alternate screen. Necessary if you want the output left on your terminal after the program exits.
files: Select which files to render, and what order to render them in.
Default margins are all 0, and thus the full screen will be rendered. Using -m, margins can be supplied. Provide a single number to set all four margins to the same value, or four comma-delimited values for the top, right, bottom, and left margins respectively. Negative margins are illegal.
Optimal display requires a terminal advertising the rgb terminfo(5) capability, or that the environment variable COLORTERM is defined to 24bit (and that the terminal honors this variable), along with a fixed-width font with good coverage of the Unicode Block Drawing Characters.
notcurses(3), notcurses_ncvisual(3), terminfo(5), unicode(7)