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  • Finalize
  • for i in CMakeLists.txt doc/Doxyfile doc/FreeBSD-Makefile doc/man/man*/* doc/man/index.html python/ rust/*/Cargo.toml rust/libnotcurses-sys/ tools/notcurses.spec ; do sed -i -e "s/$OLDVERSION/$VERSION/g" $i ; done
  • Finalize Debian changelog with dch -r
  • Verify that Debian package builds properly
    • git clean -d -f -x
    • tar -cJf ../notcurses_$VERSION.orig.tar.xz --exclude=.git --exclude=debian -C.. notcurses-$VERSION
    • debuild
  • git commit -a -m v$VERSION
  • git push
  • Tag with git tag -a v$VERSION -m "v$VERSION -s"
  • git push origin --tags
  • Draft new release at
    • Title is "v$VERSION—some quip"
    • That's an em dash (U+2014, UTF-8 e2 80 94), get it right
  • Repack DFSG-safe tarball, upload to github
    • download github-spun tarball
    • remove nonfree multimedia:
      • rm data/chun* data/covid* data/[adeflmPw]* src/demo/jungle.c
    • tar -cJf ../v$VERSION.dfsg.tar.xz -C.. notcurses-$VERSION
    • upload to github
  • Build new Debian package
    • download DFSG tarball, unpack
    • debuild
  • Copy ../*notcurses*$VERSION* to apt repo, import with reprepro
  • Upload new AUR information
    • Update pkgver and sha256sums entries
    • makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
    • Test that package builds with makepkg
    • git commit -a
  • Upload new Rust crate with cargo publish
  • Upload new Python pip with
    • python3 sdist
    • twine upload dist/*
  • Generate and upload new HTML documentation via make html
    • scp *.html ../doc/man/index.html
  • Generate and upload new Doxygen documentation via doxygen ../doc/Doxyfile
    • scp -r html
  • Update Debian changelog with dch -v $NEXTVERSION-1
  • Update doc/FreeBSD-Makefile version
  • Update CMakeLists.txt with next version