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#include "main.h"
void tabbedcb(struct nctab*, struct ncplane*, void*){
TEST_CASE("Tabbed") {
auto nc_ = testing_notcurses();
struct ncplane* n_ = notcurses_stdplane(nc_);
REQUIRE(0 == ncplane_cursor_move_yx(n_, 0, 0));
SUBCASE("CreateNullOpts") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
REQUIRE(nullptr != ncp);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_hdrchan(nt));
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_selchan(nt));
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_sepchan(nt));
CHECK(nullptr == nctabbed_separator(nt));
SUBCASE("Create") {
struct nctabbed_options opts = {
.selchan = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(0, 255, 0, 70, 70, 70),
.hdrchan = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(255, 0, 0, 60, 60, 60),
.sepchan = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(0, 0, 255, 60, 60, 60),
.separator = const_cast<char*>("-separator-"),
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, &opts);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
CHECK(opts.hdrchan == nctabbed_hdrchan(nt));
CHECK(opts.selchan == nctabbed_selchan(nt));
CHECK(opts.sepchan == nctabbed_sepchan(nt));
CHECK(0 == strcmp("-separator-", nctabbed_separator(nt)));
SUBCASE("Add") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
auto t1 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "amazingtab123", nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != t1);
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(1 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t1));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_prev(t1));
CHECK(nullptr == nctab_userptr(t1));
CHECK(0 == strcmp("amazingtab123", nctab_name(t1)));
auto t2 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "nullcbtab", nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != t2);
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(2 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t1));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_prev(t1));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t2));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_prev(t2));
// this one gets put in the middle
auto t3 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab3", nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != t3);
CHECK(3 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t3));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_prev(t3));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t2));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_prev(t1));
// now the last
auto t4 = nctabbed_add(nt, t2, t1, tabbedcb, "tab4", nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != t4);
CHECK(4 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t4));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_prev(t4));
// second to last
auto t5 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, t4, tabbedcb, "tab5", nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != t5);
CHECK(t4 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_prev(t5));
// second
auto t6 = nctabbed_add(nt, t1, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab6", nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != t6);
CHECK(t3 == nctab_next(t6));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_prev(t6));
SUBCASE("Del") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
auto t1 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab1", nullptr);
auto t5 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab5", nullptr);
auto t4 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab4", nullptr);
auto t3 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab3", nullptr);
auto t2 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab2", nullptr);
CHECK(5 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
// tabs: t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_del(nt, t5));
CHECK(4 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t4));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t1));
// tabs: t1 t2 t3 t4
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_del(nt, t1));
CHECK(3 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t4));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t2));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
// tabs: t2 t3 t4
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_del(nt, t3));
CHECK(2 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t4));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t2));
// tabs: t2 t4
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_del(nt, t2));
CHECK(1 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_next(t4));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t4));
CHECK(t4 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t4 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
// only t4 left
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_del(nt, t4));
CHECK(0 == nctabbed_tabcount(nt));
CHECK(nullptr == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(nullptr == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
SUBCASE("Move") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
auto t1 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab1", nullptr);
auto t5 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab5", nullptr);
auto t4 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab4", nullptr);
auto t3 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab3", nullptr);
auto t2 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab2", nullptr);
// tabs: t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
nctab_move(nt, t4, t5, nullptr);
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t4));
CHECK(t5 == nctab_prev(t4));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t1));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t1));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t3 == nctab_prev(t5));
// tabs: t1 t2 t3 t5 t4
nctab_move(nt, t1, t2, nullptr);
CHECK(t3 == nctab_next(t1));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_prev(t1));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t2));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t2));
CHECK(t5 == nctab_next(t3));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_prev(t3));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
// tabs: t1 t3 t5 t4 t2
nctab_move(nt, t2, nullptr, t3);
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t1));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t1));
CHECK(t3 == nctab_next(t2));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_prev(t2));
CHECK(t5 == nctab_next(t3));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_prev(t3));
// tabs: t1 t2 t3 t5 t4
nctab_move(nt, t1, nullptr, t4);
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t3 == nctab_prev(t5));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_next(t1));
CHECK(t5 == nctab_prev(t1));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t4));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_prev(t4));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
// tabs: t1 t4 t2 t3 t5
SUBCASE("Rotate") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
auto t1 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab1", nullptr);
auto t5 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab5", nullptr);
auto t4 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab4", nullptr);
auto t3 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab3", nullptr);
auto t2 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab2", nullptr);
// tabs: t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
nctabbed_rotate(nt, 1);
CHECK(t5 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t5 t1 t2 t3 t4
nctabbed_rotate(nt, 7);
CHECK(t3 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t3 t4 t5 t1 t2
nctabbed_rotate(nt, -1);
CHECK(t4 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t4 t5 t1 t2 t3
nctabbed_rotate(nt, -13);
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t2 t3 t4 t5 t1
SUBCASE("MoveLeftRight") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
auto t1 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab1", nullptr);
auto t5 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab5", nullptr);
auto t4 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab4", nullptr);
auto t3 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab3", nullptr);
auto t2 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab2", nullptr);
// tabs: t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
nctab_move_right(nt, t1);
CHECK(t3 == nctab_next(t1));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_prev(t1));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t2 t1 t3 t4 t5
nctab_move_right(nt, t1);
CHECK(t4 == nctab_next(t1));
CHECK(t3 == nctab_prev(t1));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t2 t3 t1 t4 t5
nctab_move_right(nt, t5);
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t5));
CHECK(t5 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t5 t2 t3 t1 t4
nctab_move_right(nt, t5);
CHECK(t3 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t2 == nctab_prev(t5));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t2 t5 t3 t1 t4
nctab_move_left(nt, t5);
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t5));
CHECK(t5 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t5 t2 t3 t1 t4
nctab_move_left(nt, t5);
CHECK(t2 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t4 == nctab_prev(t5));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t2 t3 t1 t4 t5
nctab_move_left(nt, t5);
CHECK(t4 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t1 == nctab_prev(t5));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t2 t3 t1 t5 t4
nctab_move_left(nt, t5);
CHECK(t1 == nctab_next(t5));
CHECK(t3 == nctab_prev(t5));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
// tabs: t2 t3 t5 t1 t4
SUBCASE("Select") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
auto t1 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab1", nullptr);
auto t5 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab5", nullptr);
auto t4 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab4", nullptr);
auto t3 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab3", nullptr);
auto t2 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab2", nullptr);
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
nctabbed_select(nt, t2);
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
nctabbed_select(nt, t5);
CHECK(t5 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
nctabbed_select(nt, t5);
CHECK(t5 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
nctabbed_select(nt, t1);
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
SUBCASE("NextPrev") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
auto t1 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab1", nullptr);
auto t5 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab5", nullptr);
auto t4 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab4", nullptr);
auto t3 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab3", nullptr);
auto t2 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab2", nullptr);
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_next(nt));
CHECK(t2 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t3 == nctabbed_next(nt));
CHECK(t3 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t4 == nctabbed_next(nt));
CHECK(t4 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t5 == nctabbed_next(nt));
CHECK(t5 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_next(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_selected(nt));
CHECK(t1 == nctabbed_leftmost(nt));
SUBCASE("Setters") {
struct ncplane_options nopts = {
.y = 1, .x = 2, .rows = ncplane_dim_y(n_) - 2, .cols = ncplane_dim_x(n_) - 4,
.userptr = nullptr, .name = nullptr, .resizecb = nullptr, .flags = 0,
.margin_b = 0, .margin_r = 0,
auto ncp = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
auto nt = nctabbed_create(ncp, nullptr);
REQUIRE(nullptr != nt);
uint64_t hdrchan = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(255, 127, 63, 31, 15, 7);
uint64_t selchan = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(127, 63, 31, 15, 7, 3);
uint64_t sepchan = NCCHANNELS_INITIALIZER(63, 31, 15, 7, 3, 1);
nctabbed_set_hdrchan(nt, hdrchan);
nctabbed_set_selchan(nt, selchan);
nctabbed_set_sepchan(nt, sepchan);
uint64_t hdrchan2, selchan2, sepchan2;
nctabbed_channels(nt, &hdrchan2, &selchan2, &sepchan2);
CHECK(hdrchan == hdrchan2);
CHECK(selchan == selchan2);
CHECK(sepchan == sepchan2);
const char* sep = "separateur";
nctabbed_set_separator(nt, sep);
CHECK(0 == strcmp(sep, nctabbed_separator(nt)));
auto t1 = nctabbed_add(nt, nullptr, nullptr, tabbedcb, "tab1", nullptr);
nctab_set_cb(t1, tabbedcb);
// FIXME workaround for busted doctest 2.4.9 =[
// CHECK(tabbedcb == nctab_cb(t1));
nctab_set_userptr(t1, (void*) sep);
CHECK((void*) sep == nctab_userptr(t1));
const char* tname = "tab name";
nctab_set_name(t1, tname);
CHECK(0 == strcmp(tname, nctab_name(t1)));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_));