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#include "main.h"
TEST_CASE("Autogrow") {
auto nc_ = testing_notcurses();
struct ncplane* n_ = notcurses_stdplane(nc_);
// verify that the standard plane has scrolling disabled initially, and that
// we cannot enable it at runtime.
SUBCASE("AutogrowDisabledStdplane") {
CHECK(!ncplane_set_autogrow(n_, true)); // disabled at start?
CHECK(!ncplane_set_autogrow(n_, false)); // attempt to enable failed?
// by default, a new plane ought not have autogrow enabled--but we ought be
// able to enable(+disable) it, unlike the standard plane.
SUBCASE("AutogrowDisabledNewPlane") {
struct ncplane_options nopts{};
nopts.rows = 10;
nopts.cols = 10;
auto np = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
CHECK(!ncplane_set_autogrow(np, true)); // ought be false by default
CHECK(ncplane_set_autogrow(np, false)); // did we set it true?
CHECK(!ncplane_set_autogrow(np, false)); // did we set it false?
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(np));
// with the NCPLANE_OPTION_AUTOGROW flag, the plane ought have autogrow
// enabled upon creation. we ought be able to disable it.
SUBCASE("AutogrowDisabledNewPlane") {
struct ncplane_options nopts{};
nopts.rows = 10;
nopts.cols = 10;
auto np = ncplane_create(n_, &nopts);
CHECK(ncplane_set_autogrow(np, false)); // ought be true at creation
CHECK(!ncplane_set_autogrow(np, true)); // did we set it false?
CHECK(ncplane_set_autogrow(np, false)); // did we set it true?
CHECK(0 == notcurses_render(nc_));
CHECK(0 == ncplane_destroy(np));
CHECK(0 == notcurses_stop(nc_));