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//! pixel-cell example
//! Shows how to get the size of a cell in pixels
//! It works on the following terminals:
//! - kitty
//! - xterm (invoked with `xterm -ti vt340`)
//! - alacritty (WIP
use rand::{distributions::Uniform, Rng};
use libnotcurses_sys::*;
fn main() -> NcResult<()> {
let mut nc = FullMode::new()?;
if !nc.check_pixel_support()? {
return Err(NcError::new_msg("Current terminal doesn't support pixels."));
// get the dimensions of the terminal in rows,cols & x,y pixels
let mut ws: libc::winsize = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
unsafe { libc::ioctl(0, libc::TIOCGWINSZ, &mut ws) };
let term_rows = ws.ws_row;
let term_cols = ws.ws_col;
let term_y = ws.ws_ypixel;
let term_x = ws.ws_xpixel;
// calculate the size of the cell in pixels
let cell_y = (term_y / term_rows) as u32;
let cell_x = (term_x / term_cols) as u32;
// println!(
// "rows,cols={},{}; term y,x={},{}; cell y,x={},{}",
// term_rows, term_cols, term_y, term_x, cell_y, cell_x
// );
// print visual delimiters around our pixelized cell
println!("0▗│▖\n│─ ─\n2▝│▘");
println!("a cell is {}x{} pixels", cell_y, cell_x);
// fill the buffer with random color pixels
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let range = Uniform::from(50..=180);
let mut buffer = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity((cell_y * cell_x * 4) as usize);
for _byte in (0..={ cell_y * cell_x }) {
// show the newly created ncvisual delimited with the box drawing characters
let pixels = NcVisual::from_rgba(buffer.as_slice(), cell_y, cell_x * 4, cell_x)?;
let voptions = NcVisualOptions::without_plane(1, 2, 0, 0, cell_y, cell_x, NCBLIT_PIXEL, 0);
pixels.render(&mut nc, &voptions)?;
// FIXME: segfaults
// let mut stdplane = nc.stdplane();
// let mut vplane = NcPlane::new_bound(&mut stdplane, 0, 0, 4, 4)?
rsleep![&mut nc, 10];