rust: add ncvisual methods & pixel-cell example

joseLuís 4 years ago
parent 1c5ee9eb8c
commit 89e38c11f3

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
//! sixel example
//! used to determine the number of pixels per cell, which is relative to font size
use libnotcurses_sys::*;
use rand::{distributions::Uniform, Rng};
fn main() -> NcResult<()> {
let mut nc = FullMode::new()?;
if !nc.check_pixel_support()? {
return Err(NcError::new_msg("Current terminal doesn't support pixels."));
// the dimensions of the terminal
// let (trows, tcols) = nc.term_dim_yx();
// choose the size of the cell in pixels
let pixels_w = 10;
let pixels_h = 19;
// print visual delimiters around our pixelized cell
println!("0▗│▖\n│─ ─...\n2▝│▘");
println!("pixels per cell: {}x{}", pixels_w, pixels_h);
// fill the buffer with random color pixels
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let range = Uniform::from(50..=180);
let mut buffer = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity((pixels_w*pixels_h*4) as usize);
for _byte in (0..={pixels_w*pixels_h}) {
let pixels = NcVisual::from_rgba(buffer.as_slice(), pixels_h, pixels_w*4, pixels_w)?;
let voptions = NcVisualOptions::without_plane(1, 2, 0, 0, pixels_h, pixels_w, NCBLIT_PIXEL, 0);
pixels.render(&mut nc, &voptions)?;
rsleep![&mut nc, 10];

@ -554,6 +554,8 @@ pub use ffi::{
// ncscale_e_NCSCALE_NONE,
// ncscale_e_NCSCALE_SCALE,
// ncscale_e_NCSCALE_STRETCH,
// ncscale_e_NCSCALE_NONE_HIRES,
// ncselector ------------------------------------------------------------------

@ -1,30 +1,36 @@
//! `ncvisual`
// TODO: implement constructors
//! `NcVisual* ` types, methods and associated functions.
// functions already exported by bindgen : 18
// -----------------------------------------
// (W) wrap: 0
// (W) wrap: 17
// (#) test: 0
// -----------------------------------------
// ncvisual_at_yx
// ncvisual_decode
// ncvisual_decode_loop
// ncvisual_destroy
// ncvisual_from_bgra
// ncvisual_from_file
// ncvisual_from_plane
// ncvisual_from_rgba
// ncvisual_geom
// ncvisual_media_defblitter
// ncvisual_polyfill_yx
// ncvisual_render
// ncvisual_resize
// ncvisual_rotate
// ncvisual_set_yx
// ncvisual_simple_streamer
// ncvisual_stream
// ncvisual_subtitle
//W ncvisual_at_yx
//W ncvisual_decode
//W ncvisual_decode_loop
//W ncvisual_destroy
//W ncvisual_from_bgra
//W ncvisual_from_file
//W ncvisual_from_plane
//W ncvisual_from_rgba
//W ncvisual_geom
//W ncvisual_media_defblitter
//W ncvisual_polyfill_yx
//W ncvisual_render
//W ncvisual_resize
//W ncvisual_rotate
//W ncvisual_set_yx
//W ncvisual_simple_streamer
//~ ncvisual_stream
//W ncvisual_subtitle
use core::ptr::null_mut;
use libc::c_void;
use crate::{
cstring, rstring, error, error_ref_mut, NcBlitter, NcDim, NcError, NcIntResult, NcPixel, NcPlane, NcRgb,
NcResult, NcTime, Notcurses, NCBLIT_PIXEL, NCRESULT_ERR,
/// How to scale an [`NcVisual`] during rendering
@ -57,6 +63,11 @@ pub const NCSCALE_SCALE_HIRES: NcScale = crate::bindings::ffi::ncscale_e_NCSCALE
pub type NcVisual = crate::bindings::ffi::ncvisual;
/// Options struct for [`NcVisual`]
/// If a plane is not provided, one will be created, having the exact size
/// necessary to display the visual.
/// A subregion of the visual can be rendered using `begx`, `begy`, `lenx`, and `leny`.
pub type NcVisualOptions = crate::bindings::ffi::ncvisual_options;
/// Uses [`NCCELL_ALPHA_BLEND`][crate::NCCELL_ALPHA_BLEND] with visual.
@ -64,3 +75,438 @@ pub const NCVISUAL_OPTION_BLEND: u32 = crate::bindings::ffi::NCVISUAL_OPTION_BLE
/// Fails rather than degrade.
/// # NcVisualOptions Constructors
impl NcVisualOptions {
// /// New NcVisualOptions
// pub fn new() -> Self {
// Self::with_flags()
// }
// pub fn new_aligned() -> Self {
// Self::with_flags_aligned()
// }
// TODO:
// - horizontally aligned
// - copy from NcPlaneOptions (with_flags_aligned & with_flags,)
// y is an ncalign_e if NCVISUAL_OPTION_VERALIGNED is provided.
// x is an ncalign_e value if NCVISUAL_OPTION_HORALIGNED is provided.
/// Specify an existing plane
pub fn with_plane(
plane: &mut NcPlane,
scale: NcScale,
y: NcDim,
x: NcDim,
begy: NcDim,
begx: NcDim,
leny: NcDim,
lenx: NcDim,
blitter: NcBlitter,
flags: u64,
) -> Self {
Self {
// provided plane
n: plane,
// the source is stretched/scaled relative to the provided ncplane
scaling: scale,
y: y as i32,
x: x as i32,
// origin of rendered section
begy: begy as i32,
begx: begx as i32,
// size of rendered section
leny: leny as i32,
lenx: lenx as i32,
// glyph set to use
// bitmask over NCVISUAL_OPTION_*
pub fn without_plane(
y: NcDim,
x: NcDim,
begy: NcDim,
begx: NcDim,
leny: NcDim,
lenx: NcDim,
blitter: NcBlitter,
flags: u64,
) -> Self {
Self {
n: null_mut(),
scaling: crate::NCSCALE_NONE,
// where the created ncplane will be placed relative to the standard plane's origin
y: y as i32,
x: x as i32,
// origin of rendered section
begy: begy as i32,
begx: begx as i32,
// size of rendered section
leny: leny as i32,
lenx: lenx as i32,
// glyph set to use
// bitmask over NCVISUAL_OPTION_*
pub fn fullsize_pixel_without_plane(y: NcDim, x: NcDim, leny: NcDim, lenx: NcDim) -> Self {
Self::without_plane(y, x, 0, 0, leny, lenx, NCBLIT_PIXEL, 0)
/// # NcVisual Constructors & destructors
impl NcVisual {
/// Like [ncvisual_from_rgba], but 'bgra' is arranged as BGRA.
// pub fn ncvisual_from_bgra<'a>(
// ) -> NcResult<&'a mut NcVisual> {
// }
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_from_bgra()][crate::ncvisual_from_bgra].*
pub fn from_bgra<'a>(
bgra: &[u8],
rows: NcDim,
rowstride: NcDim,
cols: NcDim,
) -> NcResult<&'a mut NcVisual> {
unsafe {
bgra.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
rows as i32,
rowstride as i32,
cols as i32,
/// Opens a visual at `file`, extracts the codec and parameters and
/// decodes the first image to memory.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_from_bgra()][crate::ncvisual_from_bgra].*
pub fn ncvisual_from_file<'a>(file: &str) -> NcResult<&'a mut NcVisual> {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_from_file(cstring![file]) },
/// Promotes an NcPlane to an NcVisual.
/// The plane may contain only spaces, half blocks, and full blocks.
/// This will be checked, and any other glyph will result in an error.
/// This function exists so that planes can be subjected to NcVisual transformations.
/// If possible, it's better to create the ncvisual from memory using [ncvisual_from_rgba].
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_from_bgra()][crate::ncvisual_from_bgra].*
pub fn ncvisual_from_plane<'a>(
plane: &NcPlane,
blitter: NcBlitter,
beg_y: NcDim,
beg_x: NcDim,
len_y: NcDim,
len_x: NcDim,
) -> NcResult<&'a mut NcVisual> {
unsafe {
beg_y as i32,
beg_x as i32,
len_y as i32,
len_x as i32,
/// Prepares an NcVisual, and its underlying NcPlane, based off RGBA content
/// in memory at `rgba`.
/// `rgba` must be a flat array of 32-bit 8bpc RGBA pixels.
// These must be arranged in 'rowstride' lines, where the first 'cols' * 4b are actual data.
// There must be 'rows' lines. The total size of 'rgba' must thus be at least
// (rows * rowstride) bytes, of which (rows * cols * 4) bytes are actual data.
// Resulting planes are ceil('rows' / 2) x 'cols'.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_from_rgba()][crate::ncvisual_from_rgba].*
pub fn from_rgba<'a>(
rgba: &[u8],
rows: NcDim,
rowstride: NcDim,
cols: NcDim,
) -> NcResult<&'a mut NcVisual> {
unsafe {
rgba.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
rows as i32,
rowstride as i32,
cols as i32,
/// Destroys this NcVisual.
/// Rendered elements will not be disrupted, but the visual can be neither
/// decoded nor rendered any further.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_destroy()][crate::ncvisual_destroy].*
pub fn destroy(&mut self) {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_destroy(self) }
/// # NcVisual Methods
impl NcVisual {
/// Gets the specified pixel from this NcVisual.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_at_yx()][crate::ncvisual_at_yx].*
pub fn at_yx(&self, y: NcDim, x: NcDim) -> NcResult<NcPixel> {
let mut pixel = 0;
let res = unsafe { crate::ncvisual_at_yx(self, y as i32, x as i32, &mut pixel) };
error![res, "NcVisual.at_yx()", pixel]
/// Extracts the next frame from the NcVisual.
/// Returns 0 for normal frames, and 1 to indicate EOF.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_decode()][crate::ncvisual_decode].*
pub fn decode(&mut self) -> NcResult<NcIntResult> {
let res = unsafe { crate::ncvisual_decode(self) };
if res == NCRESULT_ERR {
return Err(NcError::with_msg(res, "NcVisual.decode()"));
} else {
/// Extracts the next frame from the NcVisual, ala [decode], but if we have
/// reached the end, rewinds to the first frame.
/// *A subsequent [NcVisual.render]() will render the first frame,
/// as if the ncvisual had been closed and reopened.*
/// Returns 0 for normal frames and 1 to indicate EOF.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_decode_loop()][crate::ncvisual_decode_loop].*
pub fn decode_loop(&mut self) -> NcResult<NcIntResult> {
let res = unsafe { crate::ncvisual_decode_loop(self) };
if res == NCRESULT_ERR {
return Err(NcError::with_msg(res, "NcVisual.decode_loop()"));
} else {
/// Gets the size and ratio of NcVisual pixels to output cells along the
/// `y→to_y` and `x→to_x` axes.
/// Returns a tuple with (y, x, to_y, to_x)
/// An NcVisual of `y` by `x` pixels will require
/// (`y` * `to_y`) by (`x` * `to_x`) cells for full output.
/// Errors on invalid blitter in `options`. Scaling is taken into consideration.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_geom()][crate::ncvisual_geom].*
pub fn geom(
nc: &Notcurses,
options: &NcVisualOptions,
) -> NcResult<(NcDim, NcDim, NcDim, NcDim)> {
let mut y = 0;
let mut x = 0;
let mut to_y = 0;
let mut to_x = 0;
let res = unsafe {
crate::ncvisual_geom(nc, self, options, &mut y, &mut x, &mut to_y, &mut to_x)
(y as NcDim, x as NcDim, to_y as NcDim, to_x as NcDim)
/// Gets the default media (not plot) blitter for this environment when using
/// the specified scaling method.
/// Currently, this means:
/// - if lacking UTF-8, NCBLIT_1x1.
/// - otherwise, if not NCSCALE_STRETCH, NCBLIT_2x1.
/// - otherwise, if sextants are not known to be good, NCBLIT_2x2.
/// - otherwise NCBLIT_3x2 NCBLIT_2x2 and NCBLIT_3x2 both distort the original
/// aspect ratio, thus NCBLIT_2x1 is used outside of NCSCALE_STRETCH.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_media_defblitter()][crate::ncvisual_media_defblitter].*
pub fn media_defblitter(nc: &Notcurses, scale: NcScale) -> NcBlitter {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_media_defblitter(nc, scale) }
/// Polyfills at the specified location using `rgba`.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_polyfill_yx()][crate::ncvisual_polyfill_yx].*
// TODO: determine rgba type. Is it NcRgb? or make a new type NcRgba.
pub fn polyfill_yx(&mut self, y: NcDim, x: NcDim, rgba: NcRgb) -> NcResult<()> {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_polyfill_yx(self, y as i32, x as i32, rgba) },
&format!["NcVisual.polyfill_yx({}, {}, {})", y, x, rgba]
/// Renders the decoded frame to the specified [NcPlane].
/// See [`NcVisualOptions`].
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_render()][crate::ncvisual_render].*
pub fn render(
&mut self,
nc: &mut Notcurses,
options: &NcVisualOptions,
) -> NcResult<&mut NcPlane> {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_render(nc, self, options) },
/// Resizes the visual so that it is 'rows' X 'columns'.
/// This is a lossy transformation, unless the size is unchanged.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_resize()][crate::ncvisual_resize].*
pub fn resize(&mut self, rows: NcDim, cols: NcDim) -> NcResult<()> {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_resize(self, rows as i32, cols as i32) },
&format!["NcVisual.resize({}, {})", rows, cols]
/// Rotates the visual `rads` radians.
/// Only M_PI/2 and -M_PI/2 are supported at the moment,
/// but this will change. (FIXME)
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_rotate()][crate::ncvisual_rotate].*
pub fn rotate(&mut self, rads: f64) -> NcResult<()> {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_rotate(self, rads) },
&format!["NcVisual.rotate({})", rads]
/// Sets the specified pixel.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_set_yx()][crate::ncvisual_set_yx].*
pub fn set_yx(&mut self, y: NcDim, x: NcDim, pixel: NcPixel) -> NcResult<()> {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_set_yx(self, y as i32, x as i32, pixel) },
&format!["NcVisual.set_yx({}, {}, {})", y, x, pixel]
/// Displays frames.
/// *Provide as an argument to ncvisual_stream().*
/// If you'd like subtitles to be decoded, provide an ncplane as the curry.
/// If the curry is NULL, subtitles will not be displayed.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_simple_streamer()][crate::ncvisual_simple_streamer].*
pub fn simple_streamer(
&mut self,
options: &mut NcVisualOptions,
time: &NcTime,
curry: Option<&mut NcPlane>,
) -> NcResult<()> {
if let Some(plane) = curry {
unsafe {
plane as *mut _ as *mut libc::c_void,
"NcVisual.simple_streamer({:?}, {:?}, ncplane)",
options, time
} else {
unsafe { crate::ncvisual_simple_streamer(self, options, time, null_mut()) },
&format!["NcVisual.simple_streamer({:?}, {:?}, null)", options, time]
// // TODO
// /// Streams the entirety of the media, according to its own timing.
// ///
// /// Blocking, obviously.
// ///
// /// If `streamer` is provided it will be called for each frame, and its return
// /// value handled as outlined for streamcb.
// /// If streamer() returns non-zero, the stream is aborted, and that value is
// /// returned. By convention, return a positive number to indicate intentional
// /// abort from within streamer().
// ///
// /// `timescale` allows the frame duration time to be scaled.
// /// For a visual naturally running at 30FPS, a 'timescale' of 0.1 will result
// /// in 300 FPS, and a `timescale` of 10 will result in 3 FPS.
// /// It is an error to supply `timescale` less than or equal to 0.
// ///
// /// *C style function: [ncvisual_streamer()][crate::ncvisual_streamer].*
// //
// // TODO: add streamcb
// // INFO: QUESTION: is curry also optional like in simple_streamer?
// //
// pub fn simple_streamer(
// &mut self,
// nc: &mut Notcurses,
// timescale: f32,
// //streamer: Option<streamcb>
// options: &NcVisualOptions,
// curry: Option<&mut NcPlane>,
// ) -> NcResult<()> {
// }
/// If a subtitle ought be displayed at this time, returns a heap-allocated
/// copy of the UTF8 text.
/// *C style function: [ncvisual_subtitle()][crate::ncvisual_subtitle].*
pub fn subtitle(&self) -> NcResult<&str> {
let res = unsafe { crate::ncvisual_subtitle(self) };
if res != null_mut() {
return Ok(rstring![res]);
} else {
