2021-04-24 14:58:19 +10:00

114 lines
3.6 KiB

# Navigator
Easy code navigation through LSP and 🌲Treesitter symbols, diagnostic errors.
# Features:
- LSP easy setup. Support some of the most commonly used lsp client setup
- Unorthodox UI with floating windows
- fzy search with Lua-JIT
- Better navigation for diagnostic errors, Navigate through files that contain errors/warnings
- Group references/implementation/incomming/outgoing based on file names.
- Nerdfont, emoji for LSP and Treesitter kind
# Why a new plugin
After installed a handful of lsp plugins, I still got ~800 loc for lsp and treesitter and still increasing because I need
to tune the lsp plugins to fit my requirements. Navigator.lua help user setup lspconfig with only a few lines of codes.
This plugin provide a visual way to manage and navigate through symobls, errors etc.
It also the first plugin, IMO, that allows you to search in all treesitter symbols in the workspace.
# Similar projects / special mentions:
- [nvim-lsputils](
- [nvim-fzy](
- [fuzzy](
- [lspsaga](
- [fzf-lsp lsp with fzf as gui backend](
# Install
You can remove your lspconfig setup and use this plugin.
The plugin depends on [guihua.lua](, which provides GUI and fzy support.
Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' }
Plug 'ray-x/navigator.lua'
use {'ray-x/navigator.lua', requires = {'ray-x/guihua.lua', run = 'cd lua/fzy && make'}}
## Setup
lua require'navigator'.setup()
## Usage
Please refer to lua/navigator/lspclient/mapping.lua on key mappings. Should be able to work out-of-box
Use <c-e> or `:q!` to kill the floating window, <up/down> to move and <c-o> to open location or apply changes
## Screenshots
### Reference
### Document Symbol
![document symbol](
### Workspace Symbol
![workspace symbol](
### Diagnostic
### Implementation
### Fzy search in reference
### Code actions
![code actions](
### Code preview with highlight
![code preview](
### Treesitter symbol
Treetsitter symbols in all buffers
### Call hierarchy (incomming/outgoing)
### Light bulb when codeAction avalible
### Predefined LSP symbol nerdfont/emoji
# Todo
- Early phase, bugs expected
- Async (some of the requests is slow on large codebase and might be good to use co-rountine)
- More clients. I use go, python, js/ts, java, c/cpp, lua most of the time. Do not test other languages (e.g rust, swift etc)