put deprecated APIs in lsp/util; I feel for_each_client is a great API to use and no idea why it been deprecated in neovim 0.10

I have a feeling that there will be lots of APIs been changed for each release of neovim. On one side, it shows project is very active; on the flip side it is lack of thinking when API been added.
ray-x 6 months ago
parent 98540ed2a8
commit f6b208a24c

@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ require'navigator'.setup({
keymaps = {{key = "gK", func = vim.lsp.declaration, desc = 'declaration'}}, -- a list of key maps
-- this kepmap gK will override "gD" mapping function declaration() in default kepmap
-- please check mapping.lua for all keymaps
-- rule of overriding: if func and mode ('n' by default) is same
-- it can be overrided
treesitter_analysis = true, -- treesitter variable context
treesitter_navigation = true, -- bool|table false: use lsp to navigate between symbol ']r/[r', table: a list of
--lang using TS navigation

@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ local nav_doc_hl = function(bufnr)
trace('nav_doc_hl', bufnr)
bufnr = bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local ref_params = vim.lsp.util.make_position_params()
vim.lsp.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _, _)
util.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _, _)
if client.server_capabilities.documentHighlightProvider == true then
trace('sending doc highlight', client.name, bufnr)
client.request('textDocument/documentHighlight', ref_params, handle_document_highlight, bufnr)

@ -1,59 +1,42 @@
local lsp = vim.lsp
local util = lsp.util
local nutils = require('navigator.util')
local api = vim.api
local log = nutils.log
local M = {}
function M.handler(_, result, ctx, config)
config = config or {}
config.focus_id = ctx.method
config.zindex = 53
if not (result and result.contents) then
-- vim.notify('No information available')
if api.nvim_get_current_buf() ~= ctx.bufnr then
-- Ignore result since buffer changed. This happens for slow language servers.
local ft = vim.bo.ft
-- require('navigator.util').log(result)
local markdown_lines = util.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(result.contents)
markdown_lines = nutils.trim_empty_lines(markdown_lines)
if vim.tbl_isempty(markdown_lines) then
if not (result and result.contents) then
if config.silent ~= true then
vim.notify('No information available')
-- fallback to signature help
local opts = {}
opts.wrap = true -- wrapping by default
opts.stylize_markdown = true
opts.focus = true
local contents = markdown_lines
if vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10') == 0 then
contents = util._trim(markdown_lines, opts) -- function removed in 0.10
contents = markdown_lines
-- applies the syntax and sets the lines to the buffer
local bufnr, winnr = util.open_floating_preview(contents, 'markdown', config)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'modifiable', true)
contents = lsp.util.stylize_markdown(bufnr, contents, opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'modifiable', false)
if _NgConfigValues.lsp.hover.keymaps then
for key, v in pairs(_NgConfigValues.lsp.hover.keymaps) do
if v[ft] == nil or v[ft] == true then
local f = v.default or function() end
vim.keymap.set('n', key, f, { noremap = true, silent = true, buffer = bufnr })
local format = 'markdown'
local contents ---@type string[]
if type(result.contents) == 'table' and result.contents.kind == 'plaintext' then
format = 'plaintext'
contents = vim.split(result.contents.value or '', '\n', { trimempty = true })
local f = v[ft]
vim.keymap.set('n', key, f, { noremap = true, silent = true, buffer = bufnr })
contents = util.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(result.contents)
if vim.tbl_isempty(contents) then
if config.silent ~= true then
vim.notify('No information available')
return bufnr, winnr
return util.open_floating_preview(contents, format, config)
return M

@ -12,152 +12,54 @@ if vim.diagnostic == nil then
local double = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' }
local single = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' }
-- TODO https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/16591 use vimkeymap.set/del
-- LuaFormatter off
-- stylua: ignore start
local key_maps = {
{ key = 'gr', func = require('navigator.reference').async_ref, desc = 'async_ref' },
{ key = '<Leader>gr', func = require('navigator.reference').reference, desc = 'reference' }, -- reference deprecated
mode = 'i',
key = '<M-k>',
func = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help,
desc = 'signature_help',
key = '<c-k>',
func = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help,
desc = 'signature_help',
key = 'g0',
func = require('navigator.symbols').document_symbols,
desc = 'document_symbols',
key = 'gW',
func = require('navigator.workspace').workspace_symbol_live,
desc = 'workspace_symbol_live',
{ mode = 'i', key = '<M-k>', func = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, desc = 'signature_help' },
{ key = '<c-k>', func = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, desc = 'signature_help' },
{ key = 'g0', func = require('navigator.symbols').document_symbols, desc = 'document_symbols' },
{ key = 'gW', func = require('navigator.workspace').workspace_symbol_live, desc = 'workspace_symbol_live' },
{ key = '<c-]>', func = require('navigator.definition').definition, desc = 'definition' },
{ key = 'gd', func = require('navigator.definition').definition, desc = 'definition' },
{ key = 'gD', func = vim.lsp.buf.declaration, desc = 'declaration' },
key = 'gt',
func = vim.lsp.buf.type_definition,
desc = 'type_definition',
key = 'gp',
func = require('navigator.definition').definition_preview,
desc = 'definition_preview',
key = 'gP',
func = require('navigator.definition').type_definition_preview,
desc = 'type_definition_preview',
{ key = 'gt', func = vim.lsp.buf.type_definition, desc = 'type_definition' },
{ key = 'gp', func = require('navigator.definition').definition_preview, desc = 'definition_preview' },
{ key = 'gP', func = require('navigator.definition').type_definition_preview, desc = 'type_definition_preview' },
{ key = '<Leader>gt', func = require('navigator.treesitter').buf_ts, desc = 'buf_ts' },
{ key = '<Leader>gT', func = require('navigator.treesitter').bufs_ts, desc = 'bufs_ts' },
{ key = '<Leader>ct', func = require('navigator.ctags').ctags, desc = 'ctags' },
key = '<Space>ca',
mode = 'n',
func = require('navigator.codeAction').code_action,
desc = 'code_action',
key = '<Space>ca',
mode = 'v',
func = require('navigator.codeAction').range_code_action,
desc = 'range_code_action',
{ key = '<Space>ca', mode = 'n', func = require('navigator.codeAction').code_action, desc = 'code_action' },
{ key = '<Space>ca', mode = 'v', func = require('navigator.codeAction').range_code_action, desc = 'range_code_action' },
-- { key = '<Leader>re', func = 'rename()' },
{ key = '<Space>rn', func = require('navigator.rename').rename, desc = 'rename' },
{ key = '<Leader>gi', func = vim.lsp.buf.incoming_calls, desc = 'incoming_calls' },
{ key = '<Leader>go', func = vim.lsp.buf.outgoing_calls, desc = 'outgoing_calls' },
{ key = 'gi', func = vim.lsp.buf.implementation, desc = 'implementation' },
{ key = '<Space>D', func = vim.lsp.buf.type_definition, desc = 'type_definition' },
key = 'gL',
func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_diagnostics,
desc = 'show_diagnostics',
key = 'gG',
func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_buf_diagnostics,
desc = 'show_buf_diagnostics',
key = '<Leader>dt',
func = require('navigator.diagnostics').toggle_diagnostics,
desc = 'toggle_diagnostics',
key = ']d',
func = vim.diagnostic.goto_next,
desc = 'next diagnostics',
key = '[d',
func = vim.diagnostic.goto_prev,
desc = 'prev diagnostics',
key = ']O',
func = vim.diagnostic.set_loclist,
desc = 'diagnostics set loclist',
{ key = 'gL', func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_diagnostics, desc = 'show_diagnostics' },
{ key = 'gG', func = require('navigator.diagnostics').show_buf_diagnostics, desc = 'show_buf_diagnostics' },
{ key = '<Leader>dt', func = require('navigator.diagnostics').toggle_diagnostics, desc = 'toggle_diagnostics' },
{ key = ']d', func = vim.diagnostic.goto_next, desc = 'next diagnostics' },
{ key = '[d', func = vim.diagnostic.goto_prev, desc = 'prev diagnostics' },
{ key = ']O', func = vim.diagnostic.set_loclist, desc = 'diagnostics set loclist' },
{ key = ']r', func = require('navigator.treesitter').goto_next_usage, desc = 'goto_next_usage' },
key = '[r',
func = require('navigator.treesitter').goto_previous_usage,
desc = 'goto_previous_usage',
key = '<C-LeftMouse>',
func = vim.lsp.buf.definition,
desc = 'definition',
key = 'g<LeftMouse>',
func = vim.lsp.buf.implementation,
desc = 'implementation',
key = '<Leader>k',
func = require('navigator.dochighlight').hi_symbol,
desc = 'hi_symbol',
key = '<Space>wa',
func = require('navigator.workspace').add_workspace_folder,
desc = 'add_workspace_folder',
key = '<Space>wr',
func = require('navigator.workspace').remove_workspace_folder,
desc = 'remove_workspace_folder',
{ key = '[r', func = require('navigator.treesitter').goto_previous_usage, desc = 'goto_previous_usage' },
{ key = '<C-LeftMouse>', func = vim.lsp.buf.definition, desc = 'definition' },
{ key = 'g<LeftMouse>', func = vim.lsp.buf.implementation, desc = 'implementation' },
{ key = '<Leader>k', func = require('navigator.dochighlight').hi_symbol, desc = 'hi_symbol' },
{ key = '<Space>wa', func = require('navigator.workspace').add_workspace_folder, desc = 'add_workspace_folder' },
{ key = '<Space>wr', func = require('navigator.workspace').remove_workspace_folder, desc = 'remove_workspace_folder' },
{ key = '<Space>ff', func = vim.lsp.buf.format, mode = 'n', desc = 'format' },
{ key = '<Space>ff', func = vim.lsp.buf.range_formatting, mode = 'v', desc = 'range format' },
{ key = '<Space>gm', func = require('navigator.formatting').range_format, mode = 'n', desc = 'range format operator e.g gmip' },
{ key = '<Space>wl', func = require('navigator.workspace').list_workspace_folders, desc = 'list_workspace_folders' },
key = '<Space>gm',
func = require('navigator.formatting').range_format,
mode = 'n',
desc = 'range format operator e.g gmip',
key = '<Space>wl',
func = require('navigator.workspace').list_workspace_folders,
desc = 'list_workspace_folders',
key = '<Space>la',
mode = 'n',
key = '<Space>la', mode = 'n',
func = require('navigator.codelens').run_action,
desc = 'run code lens action',
-- stylua: ignore end
if _NgConfigValues.lsp.hover then
@ -260,13 +162,6 @@ local function set_mapping(lsp_attach_info)
local function set_keymap(...)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, ...)
-- local function buf_set_option(...)
-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...)
-- end
local doc_fmt, range_fmt, ccls = check_cap(lsp_attach_info)
if ccls then
@ -279,6 +174,7 @@ local function set_mapping(lsp_attach_info)
local exists = false
for _, default in pairs(key_maps) do
-- override only if func and mode are the same
v.func == default.func
and (v.mode or 'n') == (default.mode or 'n')
and not default.override
@ -292,6 +188,7 @@ local function set_mapping(lsp_attach_info)
-- disable default mapping
key_maps = _NgConfigValues.keymaps or {}
log('setting maps to ', key_maps)
@ -481,8 +378,6 @@ function M.setup(attach_opts)
-- TODO: when active signature merge to neovim, remove this setup:
vim.fn.empty(_NgConfigValues.signature_help_cfg) == 0 or _NgConfigValues.lsp_signature_help

@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ end
function M.request(method, hdlr) -- e.g textDocument/reference
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local ref_params = vim.lsp.util.make_position_params()
vim.lsp.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _, _)
util.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _, _)
client.request(method, ref_params, hdlr, bufnr)

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
local gui = require('navigator.gui')
local M = {}
local log = require('navigator.util').log
local trace = require('navigator.util').trace
local util = require('navigator.util')
local log = util.log
local trace = util.trace
local lsphelper = require('navigator.lspwrapper')
local symbol_kind = require('navigator.lspclient.lspkind').symbol_kind
local symbols_to_items = lsphelper.symbols_to_items
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ function M.workspace_symbols(query)
query = query or pcall(vim.fn.input, 'Query: ')
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local params = { query = query }
vim.lsp.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _, _bufnr)
util.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _, _bufnr)
if client.server_capabilities.workspaceSymbolProvider then
client.request('workspace/symbol', params, M.workspace_symbol_handler, _bufnr)
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ function M.document_symbols(opts)
loc = 'top_center',
prompt = true,
-- rawdata = true,
api = ' ',
api = '󰌱 ',
local bufnr = opts.bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ function M.document_symbols(opts)
local params = vim.lsp.util.make_position_params()
params.context = { includeDeclaration = true }
params.query = opts.prompt or ''
vim.lsp.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _, _bufnr)
util.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _, _bufnr)
if client.name ~= 'null-ls' and client.server_capabilities.documentSymbolProvider then
client.request('textDocument/documentSymbol', params, M.document_symbol_handler, _bufnr)

@ -563,7 +563,6 @@ function M.sub_match(str)
return str
function M.try_trim_markdown_code_blocks(lines)
local language_id = lines[1]:match('^```(.*)')
if language_id then
@ -595,4 +594,16 @@ function M.trim_empty_lines(lines)
return new_list
function M.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, fn)
local clients
if vim.lsp.get_clients then -- nightly nvim 0.10
clients = vim.lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })
clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()
for _, client in pairs(clients) do
fn(client, client.id, bufnr)
return M
