Chrysostomus 8 years ago
commit 2d061d5a65

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
fns=($(awk -F'=' '/^_/ {print $1}' "../data/translations/english.trans"))
for lg in ../data/translations/*.trans ; do
not=$(echo "${trans}" | grep -cE "#.*translate me")
echo -e "\n-- $(basename "${lg}") ${not} to translate --"
for key in "${fns[@]}"; do
if [[ ! $trans =~ $key ]]; then
echo -e "\t${key} not exist"
#echo -e "${fns[*]}"

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 anbefales. Ikke alle filsystemer er brugbare til Root eller Boot
_FSSkip="Spring over / Ingen"
_FSWarn1="Alle data på"
_FSWarn2="vil gå uigenkaldeligt tabt!"
_FSWarn2="vil gå uigenkaldeligt tabt"
# Select Root
_SelRootBody="\nFørste parttion er ROOT ('/'). Dette er hvor Manjaro skal installeres."
@ -293,6 +293,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nFlere miljøer kan installeres.\n\nGnome og LXDE installerer disp
# Install DE Menu
_InstDETitle="Installer Skrivebords Miljø(er)"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Skrivebords Miljøer og deres tilhørende pakkegrupper er listet først."
_ExtraTitle=" Komplet eller minimum? "
_ExtraBody="Denne udgave findes i to varianter"
@ -396,3 +401,4 @@ _MMBody="\nHvert trin skal udføres i den angivne rækkefølge. Trin 4-8 er alle
# Close Installer
_CloseInstBody="Afslut installation?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 is hier aanbevolen. Niet alle bestandsystemen zijn geschikt voor
_FSSkip="Sla over / Geen"
_FSMount="Mount" # translate me !
_FSWarn1="Data on" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost!" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost" # translate me !
# Selecteer Root
_SelRootBody="\nSelecteer de ROOT Partitie. Dit is waar Manjaro zal worden geïnstalleerd."
@ -292,6 +292,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nmeerdere Desktop Suites kunnen worden geïnstalleerd.\n\nGnome en
# Installeer DE Menu
_InstDETitle="Installeer Desktop Suites"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Desktop Suites en hun verwante pakketten staan bovenaan de lijst."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? " # translate me "
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions" # translate me "
@ -395,3 +400,4 @@ _MMBody="\nElke stap moet IN VOLGORDE uitgevoerd worden. Eenmaal alles is afgewe
# Sluit Installer
_CloseInstBody="Installatieprogramma Afsluiten?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 is recommended. Not all filesystems are viable for Root or Boot
_FSSkip="Skip / None"
_FSWarn1="Data on"
_FSWarn2="will be lost!"
_FSWarn2="will be lost"
# Select Root
_SelRootBody="\nSelect ROOT Partition. This is where Manjaro will be installed."
@ -291,6 +291,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nMultiple environments can be installed.\n\nGnome and LXDE come wi
# Install DE Menu
_InstDETitle="Install Desktop Environments"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:"
_ErrInit="Wrong init system"
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:"
_DiffPro="Select different profile"
_InstSystd="Install systemd base"
_InstDEBody="Desktop Environments and their related package groups are listed first."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? "
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions"
@ -394,3 +399,4 @@ _MMBody="\nEach step must be followed IN ORDER. Steps 4-8 are all optional. Once
# Close Installer
_CloseInstBody="Close installer?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only."

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ _LuksEncryptBody="\nSélectionner une partition à crypter."
_LuksEncruptSucc="\nTerminé ! Ouvert et prêt pour LVM (recommandé) ou montage direct.\n"
_LuksPartErrBody="\nUn minimum de deux partitions est nécessaire pour le cryptage :\n\n1. Root (/) - partition standard ou lvm.\n\n2. Boot (/boot ou /boot/efi) - partition standard uniquement (excepté lvm utilisant BIOS Grub).\n"
_SelLuksRootBody="\nSélectionner la partition ROOT (/) à crypter. Manjaro sera installé dans cette partition.\n\n"
_SelLuksRootBody="\nEntrer un mot de passe pour crypter/décrypter la partition. Le mot de passe ne doit pas être le même que celui du compte utilisateur ou administrateur.\n"
_LuksPassBody="\nEntrer un mot de passe pour crypter/décrypter la partition. Le mot de passe ne doit pas être le même que celui du compte utilisateur ou administrateur.\n"
_LuksWaitBody="\nCréation d'une partition Root crypté :"
_LuksWaitBody2="Périphérique ou volume utilisé :"
_LuksCipherKey="\nDès que les drapeaux spécifiés sont modifiés, ils peuvent être automatiquement utilisés avec la commande 'cryptsetup -q luksFormat /dev/...'.\n\nNOTE : Les fichiers de clé ne sont pas supportés ; Ils peuvent être ajoutés manuellement après l'installation. Ne spécifier aucuns drapeaux additionnels du genre -v (--verbose) ou -y (verify-passphrase).\n"
@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ _LvmPvConfBody1="\nConfirmer la création du groupe de volume"
_LvmPvConfBody2="avec les partitions suivantes :\n\n"
_LvmPvActBody1="\nCréation et activation du groupe de volume"
_LvmPvDoneBody1="\nLe groupe de volume"
LvmPvDoneBody2="a été créé"
_LvmPvDoneBody2="a été créé"
_LvmLvNumBody1="\nUtiliser [barre espace] pour sélectionner le nombre de volumes logiques (LVs) à créer dans"
_LvmLvNumBody2="\n\nLe dernier (ou seul) LV utilisera automatiquement 100% de l'espace restant dans le groupe de volume."
_LvmLvNameBody1="\nEntrer le nom du volume logique (LV) à créer.\n\nCeci ressemble à une configuration de nom / d'étiquette pour une partition.\n"
LvmLvNameBody2="\nNOTE : Ce LV utilisera automatiquement tout l'espace restant dans le groupe de volume"
_LvmLvNameBody2="\nNOTE : Ce LV utilisera automatiquement tout l'espace restant dans le groupe de volume"
_LvmLvNameErrBody="\nNom entré incorrect. Le nom du volume logique (LV) peut contenir des caractères alphanumériques, mais ne peut pas contenir d'espaces ou être précédé par un « / ».\n\n"
_LvmLvSizeBody2="\n\nEntrer la taille du volume logique (LV) en Mégaoctets (M) ou en Gigaoctets (G). Par exemple, 100M créera un VL de 100 Mégaoctets. 10G créera un VL de 10 Gigaoctets.\n"
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 est recommandé. Tous les systèmes de fichiers ne sont pas expl
_FSSkip="Passer / Aucun"
_FSWarn1="Données dans"
_FSWarn2="seront perdues!"
_FSWarn2="seront perdues"
# Sélectionner Root
_SelRootBody="\nSélectionner la partition racine (ROOT) où Manjaro sera installé."
@ -293,6 +293,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nPlusieurs environnements peuvent être installés.\n\nGnome et LX
# Menu d'installation DE
_InstDETitle="Installer le ou les environnements de bureau"
_InstManDEBody="Choisir un environnement Manjaro.\n\nNoter qu'ils sont disponibles en ce moment uniquement pour une base systemd:"
_ErrInit="Mauvais système d'init"
_WarnInit="est disponible avec systemd uniquement\nMerçi d'ajuster votre sélection:"
_DiffPro="Sélectionner un autre profil"
_InstSystd="Installer la base systemd"
_InstDEBody="Les environnements de bureau ainsi que leurs groupes de paquets associés sont référencés en premier."
_ExtraTitle=" Complète ou minimale? "
_ExtraBody="Cette édition est disponible en deux versions"
@ -396,3 +401,4 @@ _MMBody="\nChaque étape doit être suivie DANS L'ORDRE. Les étapes 4-8 sont to
# Fermer l'installateur
_CloseInstBody="Fermer l'installateur ?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 is recommended. Not all filesystems are viable for Root or Boot
_FSSkip="Skip / None"
_FSMount="Mount" # translate me !
_FSWarn1="Data on" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost!" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost" # translate me !
# Select Root
_SelRootBody="\nSelect ROOT Partition. This is where Manjaro will be installed."
@ -291,6 +291,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nMultiple environments can be installed.\n\nGnome and LXDE come wi
# Install DE Menu
_InstDETitle="Install Desktop Environments"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Desktop Environments and their related package groups are listed first."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? " # translate me "
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions" # translate me "
@ -394,3 +399,4 @@ _MMBody="\nEach step must be followed IN ORDER. Steps 4-8 are all optional. Once
# Close Installer
_CloseInstBody="Close installer?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 az ajánlott. Nem minden fájlrendszer alkalmas Root vagy Boot
_FSSkip="Kihagyás / egyik sem"
_FSMount="Mount" # translate me !
_FSWarn1="Data on" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost!" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be los" # translate me !
# Gyökérpartíció (ROOT) kiválasztása
_SelRootBody="\nVálassz gyökérpartíciót (ROOT). Ez lesz ahová az Archot telepítjük."
@ -292,6 +292,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nTöbb környezetben is telepíthető.\n\nGnome és LXDE tartalmaz
# Asztali környezetek telepítése menü
_InstDETitle="Asztali környezetek telepítése "
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Az asztali környezetek, és a hozzájuk tartozó programcsoportok lesznek listázva először."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? " # translate me !
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions" # translate me !
@ -395,3 +400,4 @@ _MMBody="\nMinden szükséges lépést követned kell a telepítés érdekében.
# Telepítő bezárása
_CloseInstBody="Bezárod a telepítőt?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 è la scelta consigliata. Non tutti i filesystem sono utilizzabi
_FSSkip="Salta / Nessuno"
_FSMount="Mount" # translate me !
_FSWarn1="Data on" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost!" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost" # translate me !
# Select Root
_SelRootBody="\nSelezionare partizione ROOT. Manjaro sarà installata qui."
@ -292,6 +292,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nPossono essere installati più ambienti.\n\nGnome e LXDE includon
# Install DE Menu
_InstDETitle="Installazione Ambiente Desktop"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Gli ambienti desktop e i pacchetti relativi sono indicati per primi."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? " # translate me !
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions" # translate me !
@ -395,3 +400,4 @@ _MMBody="\nOgni passaggio deve essere eseguito IN ORDINE. I passaggi 4-8 sono op
# Chiudere il programma di istallazione
_CloseInstBody="Chiudere il programma di installazione?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 é recomendado. Nem todos os sistemas de arquivos são viáveis
_FSSkip="Saltar/ Nenhum"
_FSMount="Mount" # translate me !
_FSWarn1="Data on" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost!" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost" # translate me !
# Seleccionar Root
_SelRootBody="\nSeleccione a partição ROOT. Este é o lugar onde Manjaro será instalado."
@ -292,6 +292,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nVários ambientes podem ser instalados.\n\nGnome e LXDE vem com u
# Menu de instalação dos Ambientes de Desktop
_InstDETitle="Instalar os Ambientes de Desktop"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Ambientes de desktop e seus grupos de pacotes relacionados são listados primeiro."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? " # translate me !
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions" # translate me !
@ -395,3 +400,4 @@ _MMBody="\nCada passo deve ser seguido NA ORDEM. Os passos 4-8 são todos opcion
# Fechar o instalador
_CloseInstBody="Fechar o instalador?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _FSBody="\nExt4 é recomendado. Nem todos os sistemas de arquivos são viáveis
_FSSkip="Pular / Nenhum"
_FSMount="Mount" # translate me !
_FSWarn1="Data on" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost!" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost" # translate me !
# Selecionar Root
_SelRootBody="\nSelecione a partição ROOT. Este é o lugar onde Manjaro será instalado."
@ -292,6 +292,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nVários ambientes podem ser instalados.\n\nGnome e LXDE vem com u
# Menu de instalação dos ambientes de desktop
_InstDETitle="Instalar os ambientes de desktop"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Ambientes de desktop são listados primeiro, e podem ter múltiplas opções de download."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? " # translate me !
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions" # translate me !
@ -395,3 +400,4 @@ _MMBody="\nCada passo deve ser seguido NA ORDEM. Os passos 4-8 são todos opcion
# Fechar o instalador
_CloseInstBody="Fechar o instalador?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _FSBody="\nРекомендуется использовать Ext4. Не все
_FSSkip="Пропустить / Ничего"
_FSMount="Mount" # translate me !
_FSWarn1="Data on" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost!" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost" # translate me !
# Select Root
_SelRootBody="\nВыберите ROOT раздел. Это тот раздел куда будет устанавливаться Manjaro."
@ -292,6 +292,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nМожно установить несколько окружен
# Install DE Menu
_InstDETitle="Установка окружения рабочего стола"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Окружения рабочего стола и связанные с ними группы пакетов отображаются в первую очередь."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? " # translate me !
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions" # translate me !
@ -395,3 +400,4 @@ _MMBody="\nКаждый шаг должен идти ПО ПОРЯДКУ. Шаг
# Close Installer
_CloseInstBody="Закрыть установщик?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ _FSBody="\nSe recomienda el sistema de archivos Ext4. No todos los sistemas de a
_FSSkip="Saltar / Ninguno"
_FSMount="Mount" # translate me !
_FSWarn1="Data on" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost!" # translate me !
_FSWarn2="will be lost" # translate me !
# Seleccionar raíz
_SelRootBody="\nSeleccione la partición RAÍZ. Aquí es donde se instalará Manjaro."
@ -292,6 +292,11 @@ _DEInfoBody="\nSe pueden instalar varios entornos de escritorio.\n\nGnome y LXDE
# Menú de instalación de entornos de escritorio
_InstDETitle="Instalar entornos de escritorio"
_InstManDEBody="Please choose a Manjaro Environment.\n\nNote that the following are currently available for systemd base only:" # translate me !
_ErrInit="Wrong init system" # translate me !
_WarnInit="is currently available for systemd only\nPlease adjust your selection:" # translate me !
_DiffPro="Select different profile" # translate me !
_InstSystd="Install systemd base" # translate me !
_InstDEBody="Primero se listan los entornos de escritorio y sus grupos de paquetes relacionados."
_ExtraTitle=" Full or minimal? " # translate me !
_ExtraBody="This edition is offered in two versions" # translate me !
@ -395,3 +400,4 @@ _MMBody="\nCada paso se ha de seguir en ESTRICTO ORDEN. Los pasos 4 a 8 son opci
# Cerrar instalador
_CloseInstBody="¿Desea cerrar el instalador?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to keep the install-log?\nIt will be copied to /.m-a.log of the target install, accessible with root permissions only." # translate me !

@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ set_timezone() {
DIALOG " $_ConfBseTimeHC " --menu "$_TimeSubZBody" 0 0 11 ${SUBZONE} 2>${ANSWER} || config_base_menu
DIALOG " $_ConfBseTimeHC " --yesno "$_TimeZQ ${ZONE}/${SUBZONE}?" 0 0
DIALOG " $_ConfBseTimeHC " --yesno "\n$_TimeZQ ${ZONE}/${SUBZONE}?\n" 0 0
if (( $? != 0 )); then
arch_chroot "ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${ZONE}/${SUBZONE} /etc/localtime" 2>$ERR
check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" $? config_base_menu
check_for_error "$FUNCNAME ${ZONE}/${SUBZONE}" $? config_base_menu
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ install_base() {
mhwd-kernel -l | awk '/linux/ {print $2}' > /tmp/.available_kernels
kernels=$(cat /tmp/.available_kernels)
[[ -e /tmp/.base_installed ]] && rm /tmp/.base_installed
[[ -e /mnt/.base_installed ]] && rm /mnt/.base_installed
# User to select initsystem
DIALOG " $_ChsInit " --menu "$_WarnOrc" 0 0 2 \
@ -249,10 +249,12 @@ install_base() {
if [[ $(cat ${INIT}) -eq 2 ]]; then
touch /tmp/.openrc
check_for_error "init openrc"
touch /mnt/.openrc
cat /usr/share/manjaro-architect/package-lists/base-openrc-manjaro > /tmp/.base
[[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]] && rm /tmp/.openrc
check_for_error "init systemd"
[[ -e /mnt/.openrc ]] && rm /mnt/.openrc
cat /usr/share/manjaro-architect/package-lists/base-systemd-manjaro > /tmp/.base
@ -264,6 +266,8 @@ install_base() {
if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) == "" ]]; then
check_for_error "selected: $(cat ${PACKAGES})"
# Choose wanted kernel modules
DIALOG "$_ChsAddPkgs" --checklist "\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 12 \
"KERNEL-headers" "-" off \
@ -281,6 +285,7 @@ install_base() {
if [[ $(cat /tmp/.modules) == "" ]]; then
check_for_error "modules: $(cat /tmp/.modules)"
for kernel in $(cat ${PACKAGES} | grep -v "base-devel") ; do
cat /tmp/.modules | sed "s/KERNEL/\ $kernel/g" >> /tmp/.base
@ -290,6 +295,7 @@ install_base() {
# Check to see if a kernel is already installed
ls ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/*.img >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
check_for_error "linux-$(ls ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/*.img | cut -d'-' -f2) is already installed"
for i in $(cat /tmp/.available_kernels); do
@ -300,19 +306,21 @@ install_base() {
# If no kernel selected, warn and restart
if [[ $KERNEL == "n" ]]; then
DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_ErrNoKernel" 0 0
check_for_error "no kernel selected."
check_for_error "packages to install: $(cat /tmp/.base | tr '\n' ' ')"
# If at least one kernel selected, proceed with installation.
basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat /tmp/.base) 2>$ERR
check_for_error "install basepkgs" $? install_base
# If root is on btrfs volume, amend mkinitcpio.conf
[[ $(lsblk -lno FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/ \/mnt$/ {print $1}') == btrfs ]] && sed -e '/^HOOKS=/s/\ fsck//g' -i ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
[[ $(lsblk -lno FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/ \/mnt$/ {print $1}') == btrfs ]] && sed -e '/^HOOKS=/s/\ fsck//g' -i ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf && \
check_for_error "root on btrfs volume. amend mkinitcpio."
# If root is on nilfs2 volume, amend mkinitcpio.conf
[[ $(lsblk -lno FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/ \/mnt$/ {print $1}') == nilfs2 ]] && sed -e '/^HOOKS=/s/\ fsck//g' -i ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
[[ $(lsblk -lno FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/ \/mnt$/ {print $1}') == nilfs2 ]] && sed -e '/^HOOKS=/s/\ fsck//g' -i ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf && \
check_for_error "root on nilfs2 volume. amend mkinitcpio."
# Use mhwd to install selected kernels with right kernel modules
# This is as of yet untested
@ -333,12 +341,13 @@ install_base() {
# if branch was chosen, use that also in installed system. If not, use the system setting
if [[ -e ${BRANCH} ]]; then
sed -i "/Branch =/c\Branch = $(cat ${BRANCH})/" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/pacman-mirrors.conf 2>$ERR
check_for_error "set target branch -> $(cat ${BRANCH})" $? install_base
check_for_error "set target branch $(cat ${BRANCH})" $? install_base
sed -i "/Branch =/c$(grep "Branch =" /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf)" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/pacman-mirrors.conf 2>$ERR
check_for_error "use host branch \($(grep "Branch =" /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf)\)" $? install_base
touch /tmp/.base_installed
touch /mnt/.base_installed
check_for_error "base installed succesfully."
@ -568,8 +577,8 @@ install_cups() {
if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES} | grep "cups") != "" ]]; then
DIALOG " $_InstNMMenuCups " --yesno "$_InstCupsQ" 0 0
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
# Add openrc support. If openrcbase was installed, the file /tmp/.openrc should exist.
if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then
# Add openrc support. If openrcbase was installed, the file /mnt/.openrc should exist.
if [[ -e /mnt/.openrc ]]; then
arch_chroot "rc-update add cupsd default" 2>$ERR

@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm() {
echo "" > /tmp/.desktop
# DE/WM Menu
DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --radiolist "$_InstDEBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 12 \
DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --radiolist "\n$_InstManDEBody\n$(evaluate_profiles)\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 12 \
$(echo $PROFILES/{manjaro,community}/* | xargs -n1 | cut -f7 -d'/' | grep -vE "netinstall|architect" | awk '$0=$0" - off"') 2> /tmp/.desktop
# If something has been selected, install
if [[ $(cat /tmp/.desktop) != "" ]]; then
check_for_error "manjaro_de_wm selected: $(cat /tmp/.desktop)"
check_for_error "selected: [Manjaro-$(cat /tmp/.desktop)]"
# Source the iso-profile
profile=$(echo $PROFILES/*/$(cat /tmp/.desktop)/profile.conf)
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm() {
# Parse package list based on user input and remove parts that don't belong to pacman
cat $PROFILES/shared/Packages-Root "$target_desktop" > /tmp/.edition
if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then
if [[ -e /mnt/.openrc ]]; then
# Remove any packages tagged with >systemd and remove >openrc tags
sed -i '/>systemd/d' /tmp/.edition
sed -i 's/>openrc //g' /tmp/.edition
@ -133,8 +134,10 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm() {
"2" "minimal" 2>/tmp/.version
if [[ $(cat /tmp/.version) -eq 2 ]]; then
check_for_error "selected 'minimal' profile"
touch /tmp/.minimal
check_for_error "selected 'full' profile"
[[ -e /tmp/.minimal ]] && rm /tmp/.minimal
@ -172,6 +175,8 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm() {
# remove zsh
sed -i '/^zsh$/d' /tmp/.edition
check_for_error "packages to install: $(cat /tmp/.edition | tr '\n' ' ')"
# basestrap the parsed package list to the new root
basestrap -i ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat /tmp/.edition /usr/share/manjaro-architect/package-lists/input-drivers | sort | uniq) 2>$ERR
check_for_error "install pkgs: $(cat /tmp/.desktop)" "$?"
@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm() {
# Enable services in the chosen profile
echo "Enabling services"
if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then
if [[ -e /mnt/.openrc ]]; then
eval $(grep -e "enable_openrc=" $profile | sed 's/# //g')
echo "${enable_openrc[@]}" | xargs -n1 > /tmp/.services
echo /mnt/etc/init.d/* | xargs -n1 | cut -d/ -f5 > /tmp/.available_services
@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm_pkg() {
# Only show this information box once
if [[ $SHOW_ONCE -eq 0 ]]; then
DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --msgbox "$_InstPBody" 0 0
DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --msgbox "\n$_InstPBody\n\n" 0 0
@ -305,7 +310,7 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm_git() {
# Only show this information box once
if [[ $SHOW_ONCE -eq 0 ]]; then
DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --msgbox "$_InstPBody" 0 0
DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --msgbox "\n$_InstPBody\n\n" 0 0
@ -325,7 +330,7 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm_git() {
install_dm() {
# Save repetition of code
enable_dm() {
if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then
if [[ -e /mnt/.openrc ]]; then
sed -i "s/$(grep "DISPLAYMANAGER=" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm)/DISPLAYMANAGER=\"$(cat ${PACKAGES})\"/g" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm
arch_chroot "rc-update add xdm default" 2>$ERR
check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?"
@ -414,15 +419,15 @@ set_sddm_ck() {
install_nm() {
# Save repetition of code
enable_nm() {
# Add openrc support. If openrcbase was installed, the file /tmp/.openrc should exist.
# Add openrc support. If openrcbase was installed, the file /mnt/.openrc should exist.
if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) == "NetworkManager" ]]; then
if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then
if [[ -e /mnt/.openrc ]]; then
arch_chroot "rc-update add NetworkManager default" 2>$ERR
arch_chroot "systemctl enable NetworkManager NetworkManager-dispatcher" >/tmp/.symlink 2>$ERR
if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then
if [[ -e /mnt/.openrc ]]; then
arch_chroot "rc-update add $(cat ${PACKAGES}) default" 2>$ERR
arch_chroot "systemctl enable $(cat ${PACKAGES})" 2>$ERR

@ -328,18 +328,18 @@ mount_partitions() {
mount_current_partition() {
# Make the mount directory
mkdir -p ${MOUNTPOINT}${MOUNT} 2>$ERR
check_for_error "create mountpoint" "$?"
# Get mounting options for appropriate filesystems
[[ $fs_opts != "" ]] && mount_opts
# Use special mounting options if selected, else standard mount
if [[ $(cat ${MOUNT_OPTS}) != "" ]]; then
check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?"
check_for_error "mount -o $(cat ${MOUNT_OPTS}) ${PARTITION} ${MOUNTPOINT}${MOUNT}"
confirm_mount ${MOUNTPOINT}${MOUNT}
# Identify if mounted partition is type "crypt" (LUKS on LVM, or LUKS alone)

@ -46,8 +46,13 @@ main_menu_online() {
*) dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --yesno "$_CloseInstBody" 0 0
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
check_for_error "exit installer."
dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --yesno "\n$_LogInfo\n" 0 0
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
[[ -e /mnt/.m-a.log ]] && cat ${LOGFILE} >> /mnt/.m-a.log
install -m700 ${LOGFILE} /mnt/.m-a.log
[[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]] && rm /tmp/.openrc
exit 0
@ -115,6 +120,7 @@ install_base_menu() {
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro
pacman-key --refresh-keys
check_for_error "refresh pacman-keys"
"3") install_base

@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ check_mount() {
# Ensure that Manjaro has been installed
check_base() {
if [[ ! -e /tmp/.base_installed ]]; then
if [[ ! -e /mnt/.base_installed ]]; then
DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_ErrNoBase" 0 0
@ -387,10 +387,11 @@ evaluate_profiles() {
# verify if profile is available for openrc
evaluate_openrc() {
if [[ ! $(grep ">openrc" /tmp/.edition) ]]; then
DIALOG "Wrong init system" --menu "Profile [$(cat /tmp/.desktop)] is currently not ready for openrc\nPlease adjust your selection:" 0 0 2 \
"1" "Select different profile" \
"2" "Install systemd base" 2>${ANSWER}
if [[ ! $(grep ">openrc" $PROFILES/*/$(cat /tmp/.desktop)/Packages-Desktop) ]]; then
DIALOG "$_ErrInit" --menu "\n[Manjaro-$(cat /tmp/.desktop)] $_WarnInit\n" 0 0 2 \
"1" "$_DiffPro" \
"2" "$_InstSystd" 2>${ANSWER}
check_for_error "selected systemd-only profile [$(cat /tmp/.desktop)] with openrc base. -> $(cat ${ANSWER})"
case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in
"1") install_desktop_menu
