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# Lightning Loop
Lightning Loop is a non-custodial service offered by
[Lightning Labs](https://lightning.engineering/) to bridge on-chain and
off-chain Bitcoin using submarine swaps. This repository is home to the Loop
client and depends on the Lightning Network daemon
[lnd](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd). All of lnd’s supported chain
backends are fully supported when using the Loop client: Neutrino, Bitcoin
Core, and btcd.
In the current iteration of the Loop software, only off-chain to on-chain
swaps are supported, where the Loop client sends funds off-chain in
exchange for the funds back on-chain. This is called a **Loop Out**.
The service can be used in various situations:
- Acquiring inbound channel liquidity from arbitrary nodes on the Lightning
- Depositing funds to a Bitcoin on-chain address without closing active
- Paying to on-chain fallback addresses in the case of insufficient route
Future iterations of the Loop software will also allow on-chain to off-chain
swaps. These swaps can be useful for additional use-cases:
- Refilling depleted channels with funds from cold-wallets or exchange
- Servicing off-chain Lightning withdrawals using on-chain payments, with no
funds in channels required
- As a failsafe payment method that can be used when channel liquidity along a
route is insufficient
## Development and Support
The Loop client is current in an early beta state, and offers a simple command
line application. Future APIs will be added to support implementation or use of
the Loop service.
The [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/lightninglabs/loop/issues) can be
used to request specific improvements or register and get help with any
problems. Community support is also available in the
[LND Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/lightningcommunity/shared_invite/enQtMzQ0OTQyNjE5NjU1LWRiMGNmOTZiNzU0MTVmYzc1ZGFkZTUyNzUwOGJjMjYwNWRkNWQzZWE3MTkwZjdjZGE5ZGNiNGVkMzI2MDU4ZTE)
## Setup and Install
LND and the loop client are using Go modules. Make sure that the `GO111MODULE`
env variable is set to `on`.
In order to execute a swap, **LND will need to be rebuilt on master with sub
servers enabled.**
### LND
Make sure that you are using the `master` branch of lnd. You can get this by
git cloning the repository
git clone https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd.git
Once the lnd repository is cloned, it will need to be built with special build
tags that enable the swap. This enables the required lnd rpc services.
cd lnd
make install tags="signrpc walletrpc chainrpc"
Check to see if you have already installed lnd. If you have, you will need to
delete the `.macaroon` files from your lnd directory.
**Do not delete any other files other than the `.macaroon` files**
// Example on Linux to see macaroons in the default directory:
ls ~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet
This should show no `.macaroon` files. If it does? Stop lnd, delete macaroons,
restart lnd.
lncli stop
Now delete the .macaroon files and restart lnd. (don't delete any other files)
### Loopd
After lnd is installed, you will need to clone the Lightning Loop repo and
install the command line interface and swap client service.
git clone https://github.com/lightninglabs/loop.git
cd loop/cmd
go install ./...
## Execute a Swap
After you have lnd and the Loop client installed, you can execute a Loop swap.
The Loop client needs its own short-lived daemon which will deal with the swaps
in progress.
To run this:
// Or if you want to do everything in the same terminal and background loopd
`loopd &`
By default `loopd` attempts to connect to the lnd instance running on
`localhost:10009` and reads the macaroon and tls certificate from `~/.lnd`.
This can be altered using command line flags. See `loopd --help`.
`loopd` only listens on localhost and uses an unencrypted and unauthenticated
Now that loopd is running, you can initiate a simple Loop Out. This will pay
out Lightning off-chain funds and you will receive Bitcoin on-chain funds in
return. There will be some chain and routing fees associated with this swap.
loop out <amt_in_satoshis>
This will take some time, as it requires an on-chain confirmation. When the
swap is initiated successfully, `loopd` will see the process through.
To query in-flight swap statuses, run `loop monitor`.
## Resume
When `loopd` is terminated (or killed) for whatever reason, it will pickup
pending swaps after a restart.
Information about pending swaps is stored persistently in the swap database.
Its location is `~/.loopd/<network>/loop.db`.
## Multiple Simultaneous Swaps
It is possible to execute multiple swaps simultaneously. Just keep loopd