Ryan Tharp 6 years ago
commit 563f94773b

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
DHT messages
these messages can be either wrapped in a LIDM message or sent anonymously over a path
find introduction message (FIM)
recursively find an IS.
variant 1, by SA
A: "F",
R: r_counter,
S: "<32 bytes SA>",
T: transaction_id_uint64,
V: 0
variant 2, by claimed name
A: "F",
N: "service.name.tld",
R: r_counter,
T: transaction_id_uin64,
V: 0
Transactions will persist until replied to by a GIM or 60 seconds, whichever
is reached first.
If the timeout is reached before a GIM or the forwarding of the request fails:
* close transaction
* close linked transactions
if R is non-zero and less or equal to than 5:
* decrement R by 1
* open a transaction with id T for sender's RC.k
* pick random dht capable router, F
* generate new transaction id, U
* open a transaction with id U for F.k
* link transaction U to transaction T
* send FIM with transaction id U to F
if R is greater than 5 or less than 0:
* increment shitlist value of sender's RC.k by 1
* if the shitlist value for sender's RC.k is less than 10 reply with a GIM with
an X
* if the shitlist value for sender's RC.k is equal to or greater than 10 drop
the message
if R is zero and we have 1 or more IS at position S in dht keyspace:
* reply with a GIM holding the IS who contains the introducer with the highest
expiration timestamp
if R is zero and we do not have any IS at position S in dht keyspace:
* find a router who's RC.k is closest to S, N
if N is our router:
* reply with a GIM with an empty X value
if N is not our router:
* open transaction with id T for sender's RC.k
* generate new transaction id, U
* open transaction with id U for N.k
* link transaction U to transaction T
* forward request to N using transaction id U
got introduction message (GIM)
A: "G",
T: transaction_id_uint64,
V: 0,
X: [ IS, IS, IS, ... ]
if we have a transaction with id T:
* forward the GIM to all linked transactions
* terminate transaction T
when a linked transaction gets a GIM:
* set T to the current transaction id
* foward the GIM to the requester of T
publish introduction message (PIM)
publish one or many IM into the dht at once.
each IS will be placed in the dht
version 0 uses the SA of each IS as the keyspace location.
in the future the location will be determined by the dht kdf
which uses a shared random source to obfuscate keyspace location.
R is currently set to 3 +/- 2 by the sender.
A: "P",
R: r_counter,
V: 0,
X: [ IS, IS, IS, ... ]
The following steps happen in order:
first stage: reduction
if X's length is divisble by 2:
* split X in half as J and K
* generate 2 new PIM with the same values as the parent with empty X
* put J and K into the new PIM's X values
* associate the 2 new PIM with the current PIM batch
if X's length is not divisible by 2 and greater than 1:
* pop off an IS from X as A
* generate a new PIM with the same values as the parent with an X value of A
* associate the new PIM with the current PIM batch
* associate the old PIM having A removed from X with the current PIM batch
if X's length is 1:
* associate the PIM with the current PIM batch
any other cases for X are ignored.
for each PIM in the current batch:
if R is greater than 0:
* decrement R by 1
* queue the PIM for shuffle (second stage)
if R is 0:
* queue the PIM for distribution (third stage)
if R is less than 0:
* drop the message entirely
second stage: shuffle
* The dht node waits until we have collected 10 or more PIM or for 5 seconds,
which ever comes first.
* shuffle the list of IS randomly
* re-combine the IS into new PIMs
* queue each newly shuffled PIM for distribution (third stage)
if we collected 10 or more PIM:
* X holds 5 IS at most
if we collected less than 10 but more than 1 PIM:
* X holds 2 IS at most
if we only collected 1 PIM:
* the single PIM is unmodified
third stage: distribution
if R is less than 0:
* drop message and terminate current transaction, this should never happen but
this case is left here in the event of implementation bugs.
if R is greater than 0:
* pick a random dht capable router, N
* forward the PIM to N
if R is equal to 0:
for each IS in X as A:
* find the router closest to the SA in A, N
if N is our router:
* create dht positon S from SA in A
* store A for lookup at S
if N is not our router:
* send a PIM with X value containing just A to N
In the future post random walk keyspace batching may be done here.
As of version 0, none is done.
find router contact message (FRCM)
find a router by long term RC.k public key
A: "F",
K: "<32 byte public key of router>",
T: transaction_id_uint64,
V: 0
find RC who's RC.k is closest to K:
if A.k is equal to K:
* reply with a GRCM with an R value of just A
if A.k is not equal to K and we are closesr to A.k than anyone we know:
* reply with a GRCM with an empty R value
find a pending transaction id for K, P
if P exists:
* link transaction T to P
if P does not exist:
* generate a new transaction id, U
* start transaction U for A.k
* link transaction U to transaction T
* send FRCM to A.k requesting K
got router contact message (GRCM)
R is a list containing a single RC if found or is an empty list if not found
sent in reply to FRCM only
A: "G",
R: [RC],
T: transaction_id_uint64,
V: 0
* send a GRCM with R to requesters in all linked transactions
* terminate transaction with id T
if we get a GRCM with empty R on one Tx and then one with a filled R on another
with the same K, the request is terminated by the first message as not found.
A backtrack case is needed.

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
onion routing scheme:
K = 8
A builds a path of length N over R[0], R[1], ... R[N] where A is connected directly to R[0] and N < K
R[i] is a router on the network
R[i].e is the e value in that router's RC
R[i].e_sk is the corrisponding secret key for R[i].e
A builds an LRCM, M that has K ciphertext records in M.b
A sends M to R[0]
starting at i = 0
M is receieved by R[i]
R[i] takes M.b[0] as a_c verifies hmac and decrypts as a LRCR a_p using:
h = a_c[0:32]
n = a_c[32:64]
e_pK = a_c[64:96]
x = a_c[96:]
s_K = PKE(e_pK, R[i].e, R[i].e_sk, n)
verify MDS(x, s_K) == h
R[i] generates a response record b_p for a successful path build
b_p = BE({ c: "a", p: a_p.p, v: 0, x: RAND(512) })
and encrypts b_p using:
n = RAND(32)
s_K = PKE(a_p.k, R.e, R.e_sk, a_p.n)
x = SE(s_k, n, b_p)
h = MDS(x, s_k)
R[i] pops off the first value from M.b (such that M.b[1] is now M.b[0])
R[i] pushes to to the end of M.b the bytestring h + n + x
this is effectively setting M.b[K-1] = h + n + x
R[i] relays M to router R[i+1] who is the router with RC.k equal to a_p.i

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ service info (SI)
public information blob for a hidden service
n is the claimed fqdn of the service
e is the long term public encryption key
s is the long term public signing key
v is the protocol version
x is a nounce value for generating vanity addresses that can be omitted
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ if x is included it MUST be less than or equal to 16 bytes, any larger and it is
considered invalid.
e: "<32 bytes public encryption key>",
s: "<32 bytes public signing key>",
v: 0,
x: "<optional nounce for vanity>"
@ -157,13 +158,13 @@ introducer (I)
a descriptor annoucing a path to a hidden service
i is the rc.k value of the router to contact
k is the rc.k value of the router to contact
p is the path id on the router that is owned by the service
v is the protocol version
x is the timestamp seconds since epoch that this introducer expires at
i: "<32 bytes public identity key of router>",
k: "<32 bytes public identity key of router>",
p: path_id_uint64,
v: 0,
x: time_expires_seconds_since_epoch_uint64
@ -173,7 +174,6 @@ introducer set (IS)
a signed set of introducers for a hidden service
a is the service info
e is the ephemeral public encryption key
i is the list of introducers that this service is advertising with
v is the protocol version
z is the signature of the entire IS where z is set to zero signed by the hidden
@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ service's signing key.
a: SI,
e: "<52 bytes curve41417 public encryption key>",
i: [ I, I, I, ... ],
v: 0,
z: "<64 bytes signature using service info signing key>"
@ -275,112 +274,160 @@ request a commit to relay traffic to another node.
a: "c",
b: [ list, of, encrypted, frames ],
c: [ list, of, encrypted, frames ],
f: encrypted data for last hop ,
r: [ list, of, encrypted, acks ],
v: 0
c and r MUST contain dummy records if the hop length is less than the maximum
hop length.
link relay commit record (LRCR)
record requesting path with id p relay messages for o seconds to router
record requesting path with id p relay messages for 600 seconds to router
on network who's i is equal to RC.k and decrypt data any messages using
PKE(n, rc.K, c) as symettric key for encryption and decryption.
additionally an ephemeral encryption keypair is made for the downstream
c: "<32 byte public signing/encryption key used for further communication>",
c: "<32 byte public encryption key used for upstream>",
i: "<32 byte RC.k of next hop>",
n: "<32 bytes nounce for key exchange>",
o: seconds_lifetime_uint64,
p: path_id_uint64,
v: 0
p: "<16 bytes tx path id>",
s: "<32 bytes symmettric key for encrypting reply downstream public key>",
u: "<24 bytes nonce for encrypting reply downstream public key>",
v: 0,
w: proof of work (optional),
if i is equal to RC.k then any LRDM.z values are decrypted and interpreted as
routing layer messages.
routing layer messages. This indicates that we are the farthest hop in the path.
if we are the farthest hop s and u MUST be present and discarded.
we decrypt the encrypted frame f, as encrypted to RC.e
if i is not equal to RC.k then forward the LRCM with first element removed
and the last element holding our hop's reply. this ensures that the first entry
in the forwarded LRCM is for the next hop in the requested path.
and the last element holding our hop's LRAR, encrypted via
x = SE(s, u, LRAR)
h = MDS(x, s)
if i is equal to RC.k unconditionally send a LRDM with encrypted payload
holding a LRSM with our record at the end and the previous ones in the front.
h + x is stored as the ack and appended to the end of r and the first element of
r is removed.
link relay reject record (LRRR)
sent in reply to a LRCM indicating we have rejected the request to relay data
for path with id p, the recipiant of this message MUST backoff sending LRCM for
b milliseconds or recipiant MAY get banned by recipiant router for an undefined
amount of time. r contains a bytestring of 7 bit clean ascii metadata indicating
why the commit was rejected. if included r MUST be logged or collected for later
review by node operator. inclusion of r is OPTIONAL. review of collected events
link relay acknowledgement record (LRAR)
b: miliseconds_backoff_uint64,
c: "r",
p: path_id_uint64,
r: "<optional reason metadata here>",
v: 0,
x: "<N bytes arbirary padding>"
c: "<32 bytes public encryption key>",
r: "<16 bytes rx path id>",
link relay accept record (LRAR)
all parameters in the LRAR are chosen by the hop
it puts an association (rxid, next_hop) -> ( prev_hop, LRAR.c )
when we get an LCAM from next_hop with rxid we will know the parameters for it.
sent in reply to a LRCM indicating we have accepted the request to relay data
for path with id p.
plaintext contents of f is:
[ PRI, PRI, PRI ...]
path reply info (PRI):
c: "a",
p: path_id_uint64,
v: 0,
x: "<N bytes arbitrary padding>"
n: "<24 bytes nonce>",
s: "<32 bytes symmettric key>",
v: 0
link relay status message (LRSM)
sent inside a LRDM after build has reached the end of the path to finish the
path build and send the result of the build.
link commit acknowledgement message (LCAM)
sent in the opposite direction of an LRCM by the farthest hop in the path.
this establishes the downstream keys.
a: "a",
c: [ list, of, encrypted, LCAR],
l: encrypted frame for path creator,
r: "<16 bytes rx hop>",
v: 0
the recipiant's public key for frame encryption of l is obtained from the LRCM's
last hop frame. the sender's public key is RC.e of the farthest hop.
each entry in c is encrypted using the symettric key and nonce provided from the
corrisponding LRCM previously received.
link commit acknowledgement record (LCAR)
a record in an LCAM
a: "s",
p: [list, of, encrypted, replies],
c: "<32 bytes public encryption key for downstream traffic>",
n: "<32 bytes nonce for kdf>",
r: "<16 bytes next rx path id>",
v: 0
downstream key is generated via:
k_down = PKE(LRAR.c, LCAM.c, LCAM.n)
next a LCAM is sent to prev_hop with LCAR.r as rxid with the first element
popped off and the last element filled with random.
link relay upstream message (LRUM)
sent to relay data via upstream direction of a previously created path.
decrypt z using previously derived key and nounce y. Relay with new_y and new_z
in upstream direction as a LRUM.
decrypt z using previously derived upstream key and nounce y. Relay with new_y
and new_z in upstream direction as a LRUM.
h = MDS(x, k_up)
new_z = SD(k, y, z)
new_y = y ^ new_z[0:24]
verify h == z[0:32]
new_x = SD(k_up, y, x)
new_y = y ^ new_x[0:24]
new_z = z[32:] + RAND(32)
a: "u",
p: path_id_uint64,
p: "<16 bytes tx path id>",
v: 0,
x: "<insert N bytes payload here>",
y: "<insert 24 bytes nounce here>",
z: "<insert N bytes payload here>"
z: "<256 bytes rolling hmac>"
link relay downstream message (LRDM)
sent to relay data via downstream direction of a previously created path.
encrypt z using previously derived key and nonce new_y and relay in downstream
direction as a LRDM.
decrypt z using previously derived downstream key and nounce y. Relay with new_y
and new_z in downstream direction as a LRUM.
new_y = y ^ z[0:24]
new_z = SE(k, new_y, z)
h = MDS(x, k_down)
verify h == z[0:32]
new_x = SD(k_down, y, x)
new_y = y ^ new_x[0:24]
new_z = z[32:] + RAND(32)
a: "d",
p: path_id_uint64,
p: "<16 bytes rx path id>",
v: 0,
x: "<insert N bytes payload here>",
y: "<insert 24 bytes nounce here>",
z: "<insert N bytes payload here>"
z: "<256 bytes rolling hmac>"
link relay exit message (LRXM)
@ -390,7 +437,7 @@ verify signature using cancel key c in relay commit message.
a: "x",
b: [ list, of, exit, records, as, encrpyted, frames ],
b: [ list, of, ecrypted, exit, records ],
v: 0
@ -398,7 +445,7 @@ link relay exit record (LRXR)
c: "x",
p: path_id_uint64,
p: "<16 bytes tx path id>",
v: 0,
x: "<N bytes padding>",
z: "<64 bytes signature>"
@ -421,7 +468,7 @@ statelessly relay a link message.
a: "r",
c: r5n_counter_uint8,
c: r_counter_uint8,
d: "<32 bytes rc.K of destination>",
s: "<32 bytes rc.K of source>",
v: 0,
@ -510,6 +557,22 @@ B is set to a backoff value.
R contains additional metadata text describing why the exit was rejected.
hidden service data message (HSDM)
signed data sent anonymously over the network to a recipiant from a sender.
sent inside a TDFM encrypted to the hidden service's public encryption key.
A: "D",
D: "<payload bytes>",
I: Introducer for reply,
R: SA of recipiant,
S: SI of sender,
V: 0,
Z: "<64 bytes signature from sender of the entire message>"
transfer data fragment message (TDFM)
variant 1 (with path id):
@ -580,262 +643,3 @@ The address used in exit MAY be reused later.
DHT messages
find introduction message (FIM)
recursively find an IS.
variant 1, by SA
A: "F",
R: r5n_counter,
S: "<32 bytes SA>",
T: transaction_id_uint64,
V: 0
variant 2, by claimed name
A: "F",
N: "service.name.tld",
R: r5n_counter,
T: transaction_id_uin64,
V: 0
Transactions will persist until replied to by a GIM or 60 seconds, whichever
is reached first.
If the timeout is reached before a GIM or the forwarding of the request fails:
* close transaction
* close linked transactions
if R is non-zero and less or equal to than 5:
* decrement R by 1
* open a transaction with id T for sender's RC.k
* pick random dht capable router, F
* generate new transaction id, U
* open a transaction with id U for F.k
* link transaction U to transaction T
* send FIM with transaction id U to F
if R is greater than 5 or less than 0:
* increment shitlist value of sender's RC.k by 1
* if the shitlist value for sender's RC.k is less than 10 reply with a GIM with
an X
* if the shitlist value for sender's RC.k is equal to or greater than 10 drop
the message
if R is zero and we have 1 or more IS at position S in dht keyspace:
* reply with a GIM holding the IS who contains the introducer with the highest
expiration timestamp
if R is zero and we do not have any IS at position S in dht keyspace:
* find a router who's RC.k is closest to S, N
if N is our router:
* reply with a GIM with an empty X value
if N is not our router:
* open transaction with id T for sender's RC.k
* generate new transaction id, U
* open transaction with id U for N.k
* link transaction U to transaction T
* forward request to N using transaction id U
got introduction message (GIM)
A: "G",
T: transaction_id_uint64,
V: 0,
X: [ IS, IS, IS, ... ]
if we have a transaction with id T:
* forward the GIM to all linked transactions
* terminate transaction T
when a linked transaction gets a GIM:
* set T to the current transaction id
* foward the GIM to the requester of T
publish introduction message (PIM)
publish one or many IM into the dht at once.
each IS will be placed in the dht
version 0 uses the SA of each IS as the keyspace location.
in the future the location will be determined by the dht kdf
which uses a shared random source to obfuscate keyspace location.
R is currently set to 3 +/- 2 by the sender.
A: "P",
R: r5n_counter,
V: 0,
X: [ IS, IS, IS, ... ]
The following steps happen in order:
first stage: reduction
if X's length is divisble by 2:
* split X in half as J and K
* generate 2 new PIM with the same values as the parent with empty X
* put J and K into the new PIM's X values
* associate the 2 new PIM with the current PIM batch
if X's length is not divisible by 2 and greater than 1:
* pop off an IS from X as A
* generate a new PIM with the same values as the parent with an X value of A
* associate the new PIM with the current PIM batch
* associate the old PIM having A removed from X with the current PIM batch
if X's length is 1:
* associate the PIM with the current PIM batch
any other cases for X are ignored.
for each PIM in the current batch:
if R is greater than 0:
* decrement R by 1
* queue the PIM for shuffle (second stage)
if R is 0:
* queue the PIM for distribution (third stage)
if R is less than 0:
* drop the message entirely
second stage: shuffle
* The dht node waits until we have collected 10 or more PIM or for 5 seconds,
which ever comes first.
* shuffle the list of IS randomly
* re-combine the IS into new PIMs
* queue each newly shuffled PIM for distribution (third stage)
if we collected 10 or more PIM:
* X holds 5 IS at most
if we collected less than 10 but more than 1 PIM:
* X holds 2 IS at most
if we only collected 1 PIM:
* the single PIM is unmodified
third stage: distribution
if R is less than 0:
* drop message and terminate current transaction, this should never happen but
this case is left here in the event of implementation bugs.
if R is greater than 0:
* pick a random dht capable router, N
* forward the PIM to N
if R is equal to 0:
for each IS in X as A:
* find the router closest to the SA in A, N
if N is our router:
* create dht positon S from SA in A
* store A for lookup at S
if N is not our router:
* send a PIM with X value containing just A to N
In the future post random walk keyspace batching may be done here.
As of version 0, none is done.
find router contact message (FRCM)
find a router by long term RC.k public key
A: "F",
K: "<32 byte public key of router>",
T: transaction_id_uint64,
V: 0
find RC who's RC.k is closest to K:
if A.k is equal to K:
* reply with a GRCM with an R value of just A
if A.k is not equal to K and we are closesr to A.k than anyone we know:
* reply with a GRCM with an empty R value
find a pending transaction id for K, P
if P exists:
* link transaction T to P
if P does not exist:
* generate a new transaction id, U
* start transaction U for A.k
* link transaction U to transaction T
* send FRCM to A.k requesting K
got router contact message (GRCM)
R is a list containing a single RC if found or is an empty list if not found
sent in reply to FRCM only
A: "G",
R: [RC],
T: transaction_id_uint64,
V: 0
* send a GRCM with R to requesters in all linked transactions
* terminate transaction with id T
if we get a GRCM with empty R on one Tx and then one with a filled R on another
with the same K, the request is terminated by the first message as not found.
A backtrack case is needed.

@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ llarp_ai_list_pushback(struct llarp_ai_list *l, struct llarp_ai *ai);
llarp_ai_list_size(struct llarp_ai_list *l);
llarp_ai_list_copy(struct llarp_ai_list *dst, struct llarp_ai_list *src);
/// does this index exist in list
llarp_ai_list_index(struct llarp_ai_list *l, ssize_t idx,

@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ llarp_xi_list_bencode(struct llarp_xi_list *l, llarp_buffer_t *buf);
llarp_xi_list_pushback(struct llarp_xi_list *l, struct llarp_xi *xi);
llarp_xi_list_copy(struct llarp_xi_list *dst, struct llarp_xi_list *src);
llarp_xi_copy(struct llarp_xi *dst, struct llarp_xi *src);

@ -80,10 +80,6 @@ struct llarp_link
void (*iter_sessions)(struct llarp_link *, struct llarp_link_session_iter);
bool (*try_establish)(struct llarp_link *, struct llarp_link_establish_job *);
struct llarp_link_session * (*acquire_session_for_addr)(struct llarp_link
*, const struct sockaddr *);
void (*mark_session_active)(struct llarp_link *, struct llarp_link_session *);
void (*free_impl)(struct llarp_link *);

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <llarp/common.h>
#include <llarp/crypto.h>
#include <llarp/router_contact.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -51,6 +52,13 @@ bool
llarp_nodedb_find_rc(struct llarp_nodedb *n, struct llarp_rc *rc,
llarp_pubkey_t k);
return true if we have a rc with rc.k of value k on disk
otherwise return false
llarp_nodedb_has_rc(struct llarp_nodedb *n, llarp_pubkey_t k);
put an rc into the node db
overwrites with new contents if already present
@ -60,6 +68,35 @@ llarp_nodedb_find_rc(struct llarp_nodedb *n, struct llarp_rc *rc,
llarp_nodedb_put_rc(struct llarp_nodedb *n, struct llarp_rc *rc);
struct for async rc verification
struct llarp_async_verify_rc;
typedef void (*llarp_async_verify_rc_hook_func)(struct llarp_async_verify_rc *);
struct llarp_async_verify_rc
void *user;
struct llarp_rc rc;
bool valid;
llarp_async_verify_rc_hook_func hook;
struct for async rc verification
data is loaded in disk io threadpool
crypto is done on the crypto worker threadpool
result is called on the logic thread
llarp_nodedb_async_verify(struct llarp_nodedb *nodedb,
struct llarp_logic *logic,
struct llarp_crypto *crypto,
struct llarp_threadpool *cryptoworker,
struct llarp_threadpool *diskworker,
struct llarp_async_verify_rc *job);
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ bool
llarp_configure_router(struct llarp_router *router, struct llarp_config *conf);
llarp_run_router(struct llarp_router *router);
llarp_run_router(struct llarp_router *router, struct llarp_nodedb *nodedb);
llarp_stop_router(struct llarp_router *router);

@ -210,6 +210,14 @@ llarp_ai_copy(struct llarp_ai *dst, struct llarp_ai *src)
memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(struct llarp_ai));
llarp_ai_list_copy(struct llarp_ai_list *dst, struct llarp_ai_list *src)
for(auto &itr : src->list)
llarp_ai_list_pushback(struct llarp_ai_list *l, struct llarp_ai *ai)

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ namespace llarp
if(llarp_configure_router(router, config))
llarp_run_router(router, nodedb);
// run net io thread
auto netio = mainloop;

@ -7,6 +7,17 @@
namespace llarp
typedef std::array< uint8_t, sizeof(llarp_pubkey_t) > pubkey;
struct pubkeyhash
operator()(pubkey const& a) const noexcept
size_t sz = 0;
memcpy(&sz, a.data(), sizeof(size_t));
return sz;

@ -175,6 +175,14 @@ llarp_xi_list_decode_item(struct list_reader *r, bool more)
return llarp_xi_bdecode(&l->list.back(), r->buffer);
llarp_xi_list_copy(struct llarp_xi_list *dst, struct llarp_xi_list *src)
for(auto &itr : src->list)
llarp_xi_list_bdecode(struct llarp_xi_list *l, llarp_buffer_t *buff)

@ -253,4 +253,14 @@ llarp_nodedb_load_dir(struct llarp_nodedb *n, const char *dir)
return n->Load(dir);
llarp_nodedb_async_verify(struct llarp_nodedb *nodedb,
struct llarp_logic *logic,
struct llarp_crypto *crypto,
struct llarp_threadpool *cryptoworker,
struct llarp_threadpool *diskworker,
struct llarp_async_verify_rc *job)

@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ namespace llarp
router_iter_config(llarp_config_iterator *iter, const char *section,
const char *key, const char *val);
struct async_verify_context
llarp_router *router;
llarp_link_establish_job *establish_job;
} // namespace llarp
llarp_router::llarp_router() : ready(false), inbound_msg_handler(this)
@ -164,43 +171,108 @@ llarp_router::connect_job_retry(void *user)
llarp_router::on_try_connect_result(llarp_link_establish_job *job)
llarp_router::on_verify_client_rc(llarp_async_verify_rc *job)
llarp_router *router = static_cast< llarp_router * >(job->user);
llarp::async_verify_context *ctx =
static_cast< llarp::async_verify_context * >(job->user);
delete ctx;
llarp_router::on_verify_server_rc(llarp_async_verify_rc *job)
llarp_rc *remote = job->session->get_remote_router(job->session);
llarp::async_verify_context *ctx =
static_cast< llarp::async_verify_context * >(job->user);
auto router = ctx->router;
llarp::Warn(__FILE__, "invalid server RC");
// was an outbound attempt
auto session = ctx->establish_job->session;
delete ctx->establish_job;
delete job;
llarp::Debug(__FILE__, "rc verified");
// this was an outbound establish job
auto session = ctx->establish_job->session;
llarp::pubkey pubkey;
memcpy(&pubkey[0], remote->pubkey, 32);
char tmp[68] = {0};
const char *pubkeystr =
llarp::HexEncode< decltype(pubkey), decltype(tmp) >(pubkey, tmp);
llarp::Info(__FILE__, "session established with ", pubkeystr);
memcpy(&pubkey[0], job->rc.pubkey, pubkey.size());
auto v = router->validRouters.find(pubkey);
if(v != router->validRouters.end())
// free previous RC members
router->validRouters[pubkey] = job->rc;
auto itr = router->pendingMessages.find(pubkey);
if(itr != router->pendingMessages.end())
// flush pending
llarp::Info(__FILE__, pubkeystr, " flush ", itr->second.size(),
llarp::Debug(__FILE__, "flush ", itr->second.size(),
" pending messages");
for(auto &msg : itr->second)
auto buf = llarp::Buffer< decltype(msg) >(msg);
job->session->sendto(job->session, buf);
session->sendto(session, buf);
delete job;
llarp_router::on_try_connect_result(llarp_link_establish_job *job)
llarp_router *router = static_cast< llarp_router * >(job->user);
auto session = job->session;
router->async_verify_RC(session, false, job);
llarp::Info(__FILE__, "session not established");
llarp_logic_queue_job(router->logic, {job, &llarp_router::connect_job_retry});
llarp_router::async_verify_RC(llarp_link_session *session,
bool isExpectingClient,
llarp_link_establish_job *establish_job)
llarp_async_verify_rc *job = new llarp_async_verify_rc{
new llarp::async_verify_context{this, establish_job},
llarp_rc_copy(&job->rc, session->get_remote_router(session));
job->hook = &llarp_router::on_verify_client_rc;
job->hook = &llarp_router::on_verify_server_rc;
llarp_nodedb_async_verify(nodedb, logic, &crypto, tp, disk, job);
@ -286,6 +358,8 @@ llarp_init_router(struct llarp_threadpool *tp, struct llarp_ev_loop *netloop,
router->netloop = netloop;
router->tp = tp;
router->logic = logic;
// TODO: make disk io threadpool count configurable
router->disk = llarp_init_threadpool(1, "llarp-diskio");
return router;
@ -306,8 +380,9 @@ llarp_configure_router(struct llarp_router *router, struct llarp_config *conf)
llarp_run_router(struct llarp_router *router)
llarp_run_router(struct llarp_router *router, struct llarp_nodedb *nodedb)
router->nodedb = nodedb;

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
#include <llarp/link.h>
#include <llarp/nodedb.h>
#include <llarp/path.h>
#include <llarp/router.h>
#include <llarp/router_contact.h>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <llarp/link_message.hpp>
@ -48,6 +50,9 @@ struct llarp_router
llarp_crypto crypto;
llarp_path_context *paths;
llarp_seckey_t identity;
llarp_threadpool *disk;
llarp_nodedb *nodedb;
llarp::InboundMessageHandler inbound_msg_handler;
@ -55,6 +60,8 @@ struct llarp_router
std::map< llarp::pubkey, std::vector< llarp::Message > > pendingMessages;
std::unordered_map< llarp::pubkey, llarp_rc, llarp::pubkeyhash > validRouters;
@ -88,15 +95,16 @@ struct llarp_router
try_connect(fs::path rcfile);
has_session_to(const uint8_t *pubkey) const;
QueueSendTo(const byte_t *pubkey, const std::vector< llarp::Message > &msgs);
ProcessLRCM(llarp::LR_CommitMessage msg);
async_verify_RC(llarp_link_session *session, bool isExpectingClient,
llarp_link_establish_job *job = nullptr);
static bool
iter_try_connect(llarp_router_link_iter *i, llarp_router *router,
llarp_link *l);
@ -106,6 +114,12 @@ struct llarp_router
static void
connect_job_retry(void *user);
static void
on_verify_client_rc(llarp_async_verify_rc *context);
static void
on_verify_server_rc(llarp_async_verify_rc *context);

@ -92,6 +92,27 @@ llarp_rc_decode_dict(struct dict_reader *r, llarp_buffer_t *key)
return false;
llarp_rc_copy(struct llarp_rc *dst, struct llarp_rc *src)
memcpy(dst->pubkey, src->pubkey, sizeof(llarp_pubkey_t));
memcpy(dst->signature, src->signature, sizeof(llarp_sig_t));
dst->last_updated = src->last_updated;
dst->addrs = llarp_ai_list_new();
llarp_ai_list_copy(dst->addrs, src->addrs);
dst->exits = llarp_xi_list_new();
llarp_xi_list_copy(dst->exits, src->exits);
llarp_rc_bdecode(struct llarp_rc *rc, llarp_buffer_t *buff)
