Edited 04_node_client.asciidoc with Atlas code editor

kristen@oreilly.com 3 years ago
parent 20a90cf06b
commit 6ce11d02b6

@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ The version consists of the latest release version (v0.10.1), followed by the nu
=== The Lightning Network Daemon (LND) Node Project === The Lightning Network Daemon (LND) Node Project
((("Lightning Network Daemon (LND) node project", id="ix_04_node_client-asciidoc9", range="startofrange")))((("Lightning node software","Lightning Network Daemon node project", id="ix_04_node_client-asciidoc10", range="startofrange")))The Lightning Network Daemon (LND) is a complete implementation of an LN node by Lightning Labs. The LND project provides a number of executable applications, including +lnd+ (the daemon itself) and +lncli+ (the command-line utility). LND has several pluggable backend chain services, including btcd (a full node), +bitcoind+ (Bitcoin Core), and Neutrino (a new, experimental light client). LND is written in the Go programming language. The project is open source and developed collaboratively on https://github.com/LightningNetwork/lnd[GitHub].(((range="endofrange", startref="ix_04_node_client-asciidoc10")))(((range="endofrange", startref="ix_04_node_client-asciidoc9"))) ((("Lightning Network Daemon (LND) node project")))((("Lightning node software","Lightning Network Daemon node project")))The Lightning Network Daemon (LND) is a complete implementation of an LN node by Lightning Labs. The LND project provides a number of executable applications, including +lnd+ (the daemon itself) and +lncli+ (the command-line utility). LND has several pluggable backend chain services, including btcd (a full node), +bitcoind+ (Bitcoin Core), and Neutrino (a new, experimental light client). LND is written in the Go programming language. The project is open source and developed collaboratively on https://github.com/LightningNetwork/lnd[GitHub].
In the next few sections we will build a Docker container to run LND, build LND from source code, and learn how to configure and run LND. In the next few sections we will build a Docker container to run LND, build LND from source code, and learn how to configure and run LND.
