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post Pretty-print view in v0.7.3 2015-04-11 00:00:00 Automatically reformat structured data with "SHIFT+P".

I wanted to call out the pretty-print feature in the latest release of lnav. This idea came from a coworker of Suresh who was having a hard time trying to read some unformatted XML in a log. They wanted the XML pretty-printed and were hoping that could be done by just piping the message to xmlpp or the like. So, first we implemented the 'pipe-to' and 'pipe-line-to' commands that will let you pipe log messages to a command and then display the result inside of lnav. That worked well enough, but pretty-printing is such a frequent operation that having to execute a command was kind of a pain. It would also be nice if it worked for a variety of text, like JSON or Python data. The solution we came up with was to leverage the existing code for parsing log messages to create a simple pretty-printer that should work for most data formats. Another benefit is that the log message does not have to be well-formed for the printer to work, any leading or trailing garbage shouldn't confuse things.

As an example, here is a screenshot of the log message with the unformatted XML text with word-wrapping turned on:

Screenshot of raw XML

That's not very easy to read and it's hard to figure out the structure of the message. Now, here is that same message after pressing SHIFT+P to switch to the pretty-print view of lnav:

Screenshot of pretty-printed XML

The XML text is indented nicely and the usual syntax highlighting is applied. Also notice that lnav will automatically try to lookup the DNS name for IP addresses. Overall, I think it's a major improvement over the raw view.

This is a pretty simple feature but I have found it quite useful in the couple weeks that it has been implemented. It's so useful that I'm kicking myself for not having thought of it before.