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This directory contains the functionality for monitoring remote files. The name "tailer" refers to the binary that is transferred to the remote host that takes care of tailing files and sending the contents back to the host that is running the main lnav binary. To ease integration with lnav's existing functionality, the remote files are mirrored locally. The tailer also supports interactive use by providing previews of file contents and TAB-completion possibilities.
The important files in this directory are:
- tailer.main.c - The main() implementation for the tailer.
- tailer.looper.hh - The service in the main lnav binary that transfers tailers to hosts and communicates with them.
- tailer.h and tailerpp.hh - Utility libraries for the tailer protocol.
- tailer.ape - The αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε build of the tailer. This binary is produced by a GitHub Action and checked in so the build process doesn't need to be supported on lots of platforms.
When a remote-path is passed to lnav, the
file_collection.hh logic forwards the request to the
service. This service makes two connections to the remote
host using the ssh
command so that the user's custom configurations will be
used. The first connection is used to transfer the "tailer.ape" binary and
make it executable. The second connection starts the tailer and uses
stdin/stdout for a binary protocol and stderr for logging. The tailer then
waits for requests to open files, preview files, and get possible paths for