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_This is the source repository for **lnav**, visit [https://lnav.org](https://lnav.org) for a high level overview._
# LNAV -- The Logfile Navigator
The Logfile Navigator is a log file viewer for the terminal. Given a
set of files/directories, **lnav** will:
- decompress as needed;
- detect their format;
- merge the files together by time into a single view;
- tail the files, follow renames, find new files in directories;
- build an index of errors and warnings;
- [pretty-print JSON-lines](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/formats.html#json-lines).
Then, in the **lnav** TUI, you can:
- jump quickly to the previous/next error ([press [35m`e`[0m/[35m`E`[0m](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/hotkeys.html#spatial-navigation));
- search using regular expressions ([press [35m`/`[0m](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/hotkeys.html#spatial-navigation));
- highlight text with a regular expression ([[35m`:highlight`[0m](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/commands.html#highlight-pattern) command);
- filter messages using [regular expressions](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/usage.html#regular-expression-match) or [SQLite expressions](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/usage.html#sqlite-expression);
- pretty-print structured text ([press [35m`P`[0m](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/ui.html#pretty));
- view a histogram of messages over time ([press [35m`i`[0m](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/ui.html#hist));
- query messages using SQLite ([press [35m`;`[0m](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/sqlext.html))
## Screenshot
The following screenshot shows a mix of syslog and web access log
files. Failed requests are shown in red. Identifiers, like IP
address and PIDs are semantically highlighted.
## Why not **just** use [35m`tail`[0m/[35m`grep`[0m/[35m`less`[0m?
The standard Unix utilities are great for processing raw text lines,
however, they do not understand log messages. Tail can watch
multiple files at a time, but it won't display messages in order by
time and you can't scroll backwards. Grep will only find matching
lines, but won't return a full multi-line log message. Less can only
display a single file at a time. Also, none of these basic tools
handle compressed files.
## Try online before installing
You can SSH into a demo node to play with lnav before installing.
The [35m"playground"[0m account starts lnav with a couple of log files as
an example:
[[35m`$ ssh playground@demo.lnav.org`[0m](ssh://playground@demo.lnav.org)
The [35m"tutorial 1"[0m account is an interactive tutorial that can teach
you the basics of operation:
[[35m`$ ssh tutorial1@demo.lnav.org`[0m](ssh://tutorial1@demo.lnav.org)
## Installation
[Download a statically-linked binary for Linux/MacOS from the release page](https://github.com/tstack/lnav/releases/latest#release-artifacts)
### Brew on MacOS
$ brew install lnav
## Usage
Simply point **lnav** at the files or directories you want to
monitor, it will figure out the rest:
$ lnav /path/to/file1 /path/to/dir ...
The **lnav** TUI will pop up right away and begin indexing the
files. Progress is displayed in the [35m"Files"[0m panel at the
bottom. Once the indexing has finished, the LOG view will display
the log messages that were recognized[^1]. You can then use the
usual hotkeys to move around the view (arrow keys or
[35m`j`[0m/[35m`k`[0m/[35m`h`[0m/[35m`l`[0m to move down/up/left/right).
See the [Usage section](https://docs.lnav.org/en/latest/usage.html)
of the online documentation for more information.
[^1]: Files that do not contain log messages can be seen in the
TEXT view (reachable by pressing [35m`t`[0m).
### Usage with [35m`systemd-journald`[0m
On systems running [35m`systemd-journald`[0m, you can use [35m`lnav`[0m as the pager:
$ journalctl | lnav
or in follow mode:
$ journalctl -f | lnav
Since [35m`journalctl`[0m's default output format omits the year, if you are
viewing logs which span multiple years you will need to change the
output format to include the year, otherwise [35m`lnav`[0m gets confused:
$ journalctl -o short-iso | lnav
It is also possible to use [35m`journalctl`[0m's json output format and [35m`lnav`[0m
will make use of additional fields such as PRIORITY and \_SYSTEMD_UNIT:
$ journalctl -o json | lnav
In case some MESSAGE fields contain special characters such as
ANSI color codes which are considered as unprintable by journalctl,
specifying [35m`journalctl`[0m's [35m`-a`[0m option might be preferable in order
to output those messages still in a non-binary representation:
$ journalctl -a -o json | lnav
If using systemd v236 or newer, the output fields can be limited to
the ones actually recognized by [35m`lnav`[0m for increased efficiency:
$ journalctl -o json [4m--output-fields[0m=MESSAGE,PRIORITY,_PID,SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER,_SYSTEMD_UNIT | lnav
If your system has been running for a long time, for increased
efficiency you may want to limit the number of log lines fed into
[35m`lnav`[0m, e.g. via [35m`journalctl`[0m's [35m`-n`[0m or [35m`--since=...`[0m options.
In case of a persistent journal, you may want to limit the number
of log lines fed into [35m`lnav`[0m via [35m`journalctl`[0m's [35m`-b`[0m option.
## Support
Please file issues on this repository or use the discussions section.
The following alternatives are also available:
- [support@lnav.org](mailto:support@lnav.org)
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/erBPnKwz7R)
- [Google Groups](https://groups.google.com/g/lnav)
## Links
- [Main Site](https://lnav.org)
- [**Documentation**](https://docs.lnav.org) on Read the Docs
- [Internal Architecture](ARCHITECTURE.md)
## Contributing
- [Become a Sponsor on GitHub](https://github.com/sponsors/tstack)
### Building From Source
#### Prerequisites
The following software packages are required to build lnav:
- gcc/clang - A C++14-compatible compiler.
- libpcre2 - The Perl Compatible Regular Expression v2 (PCRE2) library.
- sqlite - The SQLite database engine. Version 3.9.0 or higher is required.
- ncurses - The ncurses text UI library.
- readline - The readline line editing library.
- zlib - The zlib compression library.
- bz2 - The bzip2 compression library.
- libcurl - The cURL library for downloading files from URLs. Version 7.23.0 or higher is required.
- libarchive - The libarchive library for opening archive files, like zip/tgz.
- wireshark - The [35m'tshark'[0m program is used to interpret pcap files.
- cargo/rust - The Rust language is used to build the PRQL compiler.
#### Build
Lnav follows the usual GNU style for configuring and installing software:
Run [35m`./autogen.sh`[0m if compiling from a cloned repository.
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
## See Also
[Angle-grinder](https://github.com/rcoh/angle-grinder) is a tool to slice and dice log files on the command-line.
If you're familiar with the SumoLogic query language, you might find this tool more comfortable to work with.