You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

894 lines
16 KiB

export enum UserOperation {
export enum CommentSortType {
export enum ListingType {
export enum DataType {
export enum SortType {
export enum SearchType {
export interface User {
id: number;
iss: string;
username: string;
show_nsfw: boolean;
theme: string;
default_sort_type: SortType;
default_listing_type: ListingType;
lang: string;
avatar?: string;
show_avatars: boolean;
unreadCount?: number;
export interface UserView {
id: number;
name: string;
avatar?: string;
email?: string;
matrix_user_id?: string;
fedi_name: string;
published: string;
number_of_posts: number;
post_score: number;
number_of_comments: number;
comment_score: number;
banned: boolean;
show_avatars: boolean;
send_notifications_to_email: boolean;
export interface CommunityUser {
id: number;
user_id: number;
user_name: string;
avatar?: string;
community_id: number;
community_name: string;
published: string;
export interface Community {
id: number;
name: string;
title: string;
description?: string;
category_id: number;
creator_id: number;
removed: boolean;
deleted: boolean;
nsfw: boolean;
published: string;
updated?: string;
creator_name: string;
creator_avatar?: string;
category_name: string;
number_of_subscribers: number;
number_of_posts: number;
number_of_comments: number;
user_id?: number;
subscribed?: boolean;
export interface Post {
id: number;
name: string;
url?: string;
body?: string;
creator_id: number;
community_id: number;
removed: boolean;
deleted: boolean;
locked: boolean;
stickied: boolean;
nsfw: boolean;
banned: boolean;
banned_from_community: boolean;
published: string;
updated?: string;
creator_name: string;
creator_avatar?: string;
community_name: string;
community_removed: boolean;
community_deleted: boolean;
community_nsfw: boolean;
number_of_comments: number;
score: number;
upvotes: number;
downvotes: number;
hot_rank: number;
newest_activity_time: string;
user_id?: number;
my_vote?: number;
subscribed?: boolean;
read?: boolean;
saved?: boolean;
duplicates?: Array<Post>;
export interface Comment {
id: number;
creator_id: number;
post_id: number;
parent_id?: number;
content: string;
removed: boolean;
deleted: boolean;
read: boolean;
published: string;
updated?: string;
community_id: number;
community_name: string;
banned: boolean;
banned_from_community: boolean;
creator_name: string;
creator_avatar?: string;
score: number;
upvotes: number;
downvotes: number;
hot_rank: number;
user_id?: number;
my_vote?: number;
subscribed?: number;
saved?: boolean;
user_mention_id?: number; // For mention type
recipient_id?: number;
export interface Category {
id: number;
name: string;
export interface Site {
id: number;
name: string;
description?: string;
creator_id: number;
published: string;
updated?: string;
creator_name: string;
number_of_users: number;
number_of_posts: number;
number_of_comments: number;
number_of_communities: number;
enable_downvotes: boolean;
open_registration: boolean;
enable_nsfw: boolean;
export interface PrivateMessage {
id: number;
creator_id: number;
recipient_id: number;
content: string;
deleted: boolean;
read: boolean;
published: string;
updated?: string;
creator_name: string;
creator_avatar?: string;
recipient_name: string;
recipient_avatar?: string;
export enum BanType {
export interface FollowCommunityForm {
community_id: number;
follow: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface GetFollowedCommunitiesForm {
auth: string;
export interface GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse {
communities: Array<CommunityUser>;
export interface GetUserDetailsForm {
user_id?: number;
username?: string;
sort: string;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
community_id?: number;
saved_only: boolean;
export interface UserDetailsResponse {
user: UserView;
follows: Array<CommunityUser>;
moderates: Array<CommunityUser>;
comments: Array<Comment>;
posts: Array<Post>;
admins: Array<UserView>;
export interface GetRepliesForm {
sort: string;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
unread_only: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface GetRepliesResponse {
replies: Array<Comment>;
export interface GetUserMentionsForm {
sort: string;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
unread_only: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface GetUserMentionsResponse {
mentions: Array<Comment>;
export interface EditUserMentionForm {
user_mention_id: number;
read?: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface UserMentionResponse {
mention: Comment;
export interface BanFromCommunityForm {
community_id: number;
user_id: number;
ban: boolean;
reason?: string;
expires?: number;
auth?: string;
export interface BanFromCommunityResponse {
user: UserView;
banned: boolean;
export interface AddModToCommunityForm {
community_id: number;
user_id: number;
added: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface TransferCommunityForm {
community_id: number;
user_id: number;
auth?: string;
export interface TransferSiteForm {
user_id: number;
auth?: string;
export interface AddModToCommunityResponse {
moderators: Array<CommunityUser>;
export interface GetModlogForm {
mod_user_id?: number;
community_id?: number;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
export interface GetModlogResponse {
removed_posts: Array<ModRemovePost>;
locked_posts: Array<ModLockPost>;
stickied_posts: Array<ModStickyPost>;
removed_comments: Array<ModRemoveComment>;
removed_communities: Array<ModRemoveCommunity>;
banned_from_community: Array<ModBanFromCommunity>;
banned: Array<ModBan>;
added_to_community: Array<ModAddCommunity>;
added: Array<ModAdd>;
export interface ModRemovePost {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
post_id: number;
reason?: string;
removed?: boolean;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
post_name: string;
community_id: number;
community_name: string;
export interface ModLockPost {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
post_id: number;
locked?: boolean;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
post_name: string;
community_id: number;
community_name: string;
export interface ModStickyPost {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
post_id: number;
stickied?: boolean;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
post_name: string;
community_id: number;
community_name: string;
export interface ModRemoveComment {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
comment_id: number;
reason?: string;
removed?: boolean;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
comment_user_id: number;
comment_user_name: string;
comment_content: string;
post_id: number;
post_name: string;
community_id: number;
community_name: string;
export interface ModRemoveCommunity {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
community_id: number;
reason?: string;
removed?: boolean;
expires?: number;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
community_name: string;
export interface ModBanFromCommunity {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
other_user_id: number;
community_id: number;
reason?: string;
banned?: boolean;
expires?: number;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
other_user_name: string;
community_name: string;
export interface ModBan {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
other_user_id: number;
reason?: string;
banned?: boolean;
expires?: number;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
other_user_name: string;
export interface ModAddCommunity {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
other_user_id: number;
community_id: number;
removed?: boolean;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
other_user_name: string;
community_name: string;
export interface ModAdd {
id: number;
mod_user_id: number;
other_user_id: number;
removed?: boolean;
when_: string;
mod_user_name: string;
other_user_name: string;
export interface LoginForm {
username_or_email: string;
password: string;
export interface RegisterForm {
username: string;
email?: string;
password: string;
password_verify: string;
admin: boolean;
show_nsfw: boolean;
export interface LoginResponse {
jwt: string;
export interface UserSettingsForm {
show_nsfw: boolean;
theme: string;
default_sort_type: SortType;
default_listing_type: ListingType;
lang: string;
avatar?: string;
email?: string;
matrix_user_id?: string;
new_password?: string;
new_password_verify?: string;
old_password?: string;
show_avatars: boolean;
send_notifications_to_email: boolean;
auth: string;
export interface CommunityForm {
name: string;
title: string;
description?: string;
category_id: number;
edit_id?: number;
removed?: boolean;
deleted?: boolean;
nsfw: boolean;
reason?: string;
expires?: number;
auth?: string;
export interface GetCommunityForm {
id?: number;
name?: string;
auth?: string;
export interface GetCommunityResponse {
community: Community;
moderators: Array<CommunityUser>;
admins: Array<UserView>;
online: number;
export interface CommunityResponse {
community: Community;
export interface ListCommunitiesForm {
sort: string;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
auth?: string;
export interface ListCommunitiesResponse {
communities: Array<Community>;
export interface ListCategoriesResponse {
categories: Array<Category>;
export interface PostForm {
name: string;
url?: string;
body?: string;
community_id: number;
updated?: number;
edit_id?: number;
creator_id: number;
removed?: boolean;
deleted?: boolean;
nsfw: boolean;
locked?: boolean;
stickied?: boolean;
reason?: string;
auth: string;
export interface PostFormParams {
name: string;
url?: string;
body?: string;
community?: string;
export interface GetPostForm {
id: number;
auth?: string;
export interface GetPostResponse {
post: Post;
comments: Array<Comment>;
community: Community;
moderators: Array<CommunityUser>;
admins: Array<UserView>;
online: number;
export interface SavePostForm {
post_id: number;
save: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface PostResponse {
post: Post;
export interface CommentForm {
content: string;
post_id: number;
parent_id?: number;
edit_id?: number;
creator_id: number;
removed?: boolean;
deleted?: boolean;
reason?: string;
read?: boolean;
auth: string;
export interface SaveCommentForm {
comment_id: number;
save: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface CommentResponse {
comment: Comment;
recipient_ids: Array<number>;
export interface CommentLikeForm {
comment_id: number;
post_id: number;
score: number;
auth?: string;
export interface CommentNode {
comment: Comment;
children?: Array<CommentNode>;
export interface GetPostsForm {
type_: string;
sort: string;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
community_id?: number;
auth?: string;
export interface GetPostsResponse {
posts: Array<Post>;
export interface GetCommentsForm {
type_: string;
sort: string;
page?: number;
limit: number;
community_id?: number;
auth?: string;
export interface GetCommentsResponse {
comments: Array<Comment>;
export interface CreatePostLikeForm {
post_id: number;
score: number;
auth?: string;
export interface SiteForm {
name: string;
description?: string;
enable_downvotes: boolean;
open_registration: boolean;
enable_nsfw: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface GetSiteResponse {
site: Site;
admins: Array<UserView>;
banned: Array<UserView>;
online: number;
export interface SiteResponse {
site: Site;
export interface BanUserForm {
user_id: number;
ban: boolean;
reason?: string;
expires?: number;
auth?: string;
export interface BanUserResponse {
user: UserView;
banned: boolean;
export interface AddAdminForm {
user_id: number;
added: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface AddAdminResponse {
admins: Array<UserView>;
export interface SearchForm {
q: string;
type_: string;
community_id?: number;
sort: string;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
auth?: string;
export interface SearchResponse {
type_: string;
posts?: Array<Post>;
comments?: Array<Comment>;
communities: Array<Community>;
users: Array<UserView>;
export interface DeleteAccountForm {
password: string;
export interface PasswordResetForm {
email: string;
// export interface PasswordResetResponse {
// }
export interface PasswordChangeForm {
token: string;
password: string;
password_verify: string;
export interface PrivateMessageForm {
content: string;
recipient_id: number;
auth?: string;
export interface PrivateMessageFormParams {
recipient_id: number;
export interface EditPrivateMessageForm {
edit_id: number;
content?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
read?: boolean;
auth?: string;
export interface GetPrivateMessagesForm {
unread_only: boolean;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
auth?: string;
export interface PrivateMessagesResponse {
messages: Array<PrivateMessage>;
export interface PrivateMessageResponse {
message: PrivateMessage;
export interface UserJoinForm {
auth: string;
export interface UserJoinResponse {
user_id: number;
export type MessageType =
| EditPrivateMessageForm
| LoginForm
| RegisterForm
| CommunityForm
| FollowCommunityForm
| ListCommunitiesForm
| GetFollowedCommunitiesForm
| PostForm
| GetPostForm
| GetPostsForm
| GetCommunityForm
| CommentForm
| CommentLikeForm
| SaveCommentForm
| CreatePostLikeForm
| BanFromCommunityForm
| AddAdminForm
| AddModToCommunityForm
| TransferCommunityForm
| TransferSiteForm
| SaveCommentForm
| BanUserForm
| AddAdminForm
| GetUserDetailsForm
| GetRepliesForm
| GetUserMentionsForm
| EditUserMentionForm
| GetModlogForm
| SiteForm
| SearchForm
| UserSettingsForm
| DeleteAccountForm
| PasswordResetForm
| PasswordChangeForm
| PrivateMessageForm
| EditPrivateMessageForm
| GetPrivateMessagesForm;
type ResponseType =
| SiteResponse
| GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse
| ListCommunitiesResponse
| GetPostsResponse
| PostResponse
| GetRepliesResponse
| GetUserMentionsResponse
| ListCategoriesResponse
| CommunityResponse
| CommentResponse
| UserMentionResponse
| LoginResponse
| GetModlogResponse
| SearchResponse
| BanFromCommunityResponse
| AddModToCommunityResponse
| BanUserResponse
| AddAdminResponse
| PrivateMessageResponse
| PrivateMessagesResponse;
export interface WebSocketResponse {
op: UserOperation;
data: ResponseType;
export interface WebSocketJsonResponse {
op?: string;
data?: ResponseType;
error?: string;
reconnect?: boolean;
export interface FramelyData {
url: string;
type: string;
version?: string;
title: string;
author?: string;
author_url?: string;
provider_name?: string;
thumbnail_url?: string;
thumbnail_width?: number;
thumbnail_height?: number;
description?: string;
html?: string;