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use crate::Perform;
use actix_web::web::Data;
use lemmy_api_common::{
person::{BannedPersonsResponse, GetBannedPersons},
utils::{blocking, get_local_user_view_from_jwt, is_admin},
use lemmy_db_views_actor::structs::PersonViewSafe;
use lemmy_utils::{ConnectionId, LemmyError};
use lemmy_websocket::LemmyContext;
impl Perform for GetBannedPersons {
type Response = BannedPersonsResponse;
async fn perform(
context: &Data<LemmyContext>,
_websocket_id: Option<ConnectionId>,
) -> Result<Self::Response, LemmyError> {
let data: &GetBannedPersons = self;
let local_user_view =
get_local_user_view_from_jwt(&data.auth, context.pool(), context.secret()).await?;
// Make sure user is an admin
let banned = blocking(context.pool(), PersonViewSafe::banned).await??;
let res = Self::Response { banned };