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FROM node:10-jessie as node
#If encounter Invalid cross-device error -run on host 'echo N | sudo tee /sys/module/overlay/parameters/metacopy'
COPY ui /app/ui
WORKDIR /app/ui
RUN yarn
RUN yarn build
FROM rust:1.33 as rust
# create a new empty shell project
RUN USER=root cargo new server
WORKDIR /app/server
# copy over your manifests
COPY server/Cargo.toml server/Cargo.lock ./
# this build step will cache your dependencies
RUN mkdir -p ./src/bin \
&& echo 'fn main() { println!("Dummy") }' > ./src/bin/
RUN cargo build --release --bin lemmy
RUN rm -r ./target/release/.fingerprint/server-*
# copy your source tree
# RUN rm -rf ./src/
COPY server/src ./src/
COPY server/migrations ./migrations/
# build for release
RUN cargo build --frozen --release --bin lemmy
RUN mv /app/server/target/release/lemmy /app/lemmy
# The output image
# FROM debian:stable-slim
# RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client
# COPY --from=rust /app/server/target/release/lemmy /app/lemmy
COPY --from=node /app/ui/dist /app/dist