added RankNTypes example

Chris Allen 10 years ago
parent 775abdb944
commit e2e49f8406

@ -616,3 +616,48 @@ liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
class Functor w => class Functor w =>
extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
``` ```
## RankNTypes with CPS'y example
myFunc :: (forall a. a -> (a -> a) -> a) -> Int
myFunc f = f 0 (+1)
-- won't work
-- otherFunc :: (a -> (a -> a) -> a) -> Int
-- otherFunc f = f 0 (+1)
-- use:
-- myFunc (flip ($))
22:42 < mm_freak_> because 'f' is polymorphic, myFunc gets to apply it
to its own choice of types
22:42 < mm_freak_> in particular it can make different choices in
different places
22:43 < mm_freak_> the "forall" really just means that the function
implicitly takes a type argument
22:44 < bitemyapp> mm_freak_: I think part of the problem is the difference between
22:44 < bitemyapp> (forall a. a -> (a -> a) -> a) -> Int
22:44 < bitemyapp> vs.
22:44 < bitemyapp> forall a. (a -> (a -> a) -> a) -> Int
22:44 < bitemyapp> yes?
22:44 < bitemyapp> the latter being implicitly the case in Haskell.
22:44 < mm_freak_> yes, but think about it… think really really simple in this case
22:45 < mm_freak_> in the former case myFunc receives a polymorphic function, so myFunc
gets to choose the type
22:45 < mm_freak_> in the latter case myFunc itself is polymorphic, so the applier of
myFunc gets to choose it
22:45 < mm_freak_> notice that in the former case myFunc is
22:46 < mm_freak_> yeah… its type isn't quantified over any type
22:46 < bitemyapp> mm_freak_: but the lambda passed to it is?
22:46 < mm_freak_> yeah
22:46 < bitemyapp> okay, yes.
22:46 < bitemyapp> so we're assigning/shifting around polymorphism
22:46 < bitemyapp> between the top level function the func arg
22:46 < bitemyapp> based on the ranks/nesting
22:46 < bitemyapp> / scope'ish
