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872 B

Update to 0.12!

There's not a ton of changes in this release, so the migration wasn't too painful.

Multi view added

No more block attribute

More validation

thread 'main' panicked at 'wgpu error: Validation Error

Caused by:
    In a RenderPass
      note: encoder = `Render Encoder`
    In a draw command, indexed:true indirect:false
      note: render pipeline = `Render Pipeline`
    Buffer is bound with size 28 where the shader expects 32 in group[1] compact index 0
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, bytemuck::Pod, bytemuck::Zeroable)]
struct LightUniform {
    position: [f32; 3],
    // Due to uniforms requiring 16 byte (4 float) spacing, we need to use a padding field here
    _padding: u32,
    color: [f32; 3],
    // Due to uniforms requiring 16 byte (4 float) spacing, we need to use a padding field here
    _padding2: u32,