While all of our previous work has seemed to be in 2d, we've actually been working in 3d the entire time! That's part of the reason why our `Vertex` structure has `position` be an array of 3 floats instead of just 2. We can't really see the 3d-ness of our scene, because we're viewing things head on. We're going to change our point of view by creating a `Camera`.
## A perspective camera
This tutorial is more about learning to use wgpu and less about linear algebra, so I'm going to gloss over a lot of the math involved. There's plenty of reading material online if you're interested in what's going on under the hood. The first thing to know is that we need `cgmath = "0.17"` in our `Cargo.toml`.
Now that we have a math library, let's put it to use! Create a `Camera` struct above the `State` struct.
The `build_view_projection_matrix` is where the magic happens.
1. The `view` matrix moves the world to be at the position and rotation of the camera. It's essentialy an inverse of whatever the transform matrix of the camera would be.
2. The `proj` matrix wraps the scene to give the effect of depth. Without this, objects up close would be the same size as objects far away.
3. The coordinate system in Wgpu is based on DirectX, and Metal's coordinate systems. That means that in [normalized device coordinates](https://github.com/gfx-rs/gfx/tree/master/src/backend/dx12#normalized-coordinates) the x axis and y axis are in the range of -1.0 to +1.0, and the z axis is 0.0 to +1.0. The `cgmath` crate (as well as most game math crates) are built for OpenGL's coordinate system. This matrix will scale and translate our scene from OpenGL's coordinate sytem to WGPU's. We'll define it as follows.
* Note: We don't explicitly **need** the `OPENGL_TO_WGPU_MATRIX`, but models centered on (0, 0, 0) will be halfway inside the clipping area. This is only an issue if you aren't using a camera matrix.
aspect: sc_desc.width as f32 / sc_desc.height as f32,
fovy: 45.0,
znear: 0.1,
zfar: 100.0,
Self {
// ...
// ...
Now that we have our camera, and it can make us a view projection matrix, we need somewhere to put it. We also need some way of getting it into our shaders.
Up to this point we've used `Buffer`s to store our vertex and index data, and even to load our textures. We are going to use them again to create what's known as a uniform buffer. A uniform is a blob of data that is available to every invocation of a set of shaders. We've technically already used uniforms for our texture and sampler. We're going to use them again to store our view projection matrix. To start let's create a struct to hold our `Uniforms`.
Cool, now that we have a uniform buffer, what do we do with it? The answer is we create a bind group for it. First we have to create the bind group layout.
let uniform_bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
1. Because we've created a new bind group, we need to specify which one we're using in the shader. The number is determined by our `render_pipeline_layout`. The `texture_bind_group_layout` is listed first, thus it's `set=0`, and `uniform_bind_group` is second, so it's `set=1`.
2. The `uniform` block requires us to specify global identifiers for all the fields we intend to use. It's important to only specify fields that are actually in our uniform buffer, as trying to access data that isn't there may lead to undefined behavior.
3. Multiplication order is important when it comes to matrices. The vector always goes on the right, and the matrices gone on the left in order of importance.
## A controller for our camera
If you run the code right now, you should get something that looks like this.
The shape's less stretched now, but it's still pretty static. You can experiment with moving the camera position around, but most cameras in games move around. Since this tutorial is about using wgpu and not how to process user input, I'm just going to post the `CameraController` code below.
Up to this point, the camera controller isn't actually doing anything. The values in our uniform buffer need to be updated. There are 2 main methods to do that.
1. We can create a separate buffer and copy it's contents to our `uniform_buffer`. The new buffer is known as a staging buffer. This method is usually how it's done as it allows the contents of the main buffer (in this case `uniform_buffer`) to only be accessible by the gpu. The gpu can do some speed optimizations which it couldn't if we could access the buffer via the cpu.
2. We can call on of the mapping method's `map_read_async`, and `map_write_async` on the buffer itself. These allow us to access a buffer's contents directly, but requires us to deal with the `async` aspect of these methods this also requires our buffer to use the `BufferUsage::MAP_READ` and/or `BufferUsage::MAP_WRITE`. We won't talk about it here, but you check out [Wgpu without a window](../../intermediate/windowless) tutorial if you want to know more.
encoder.copy_buffer_to_buffer(&staging_buffer, 0, &self.uniform_buffer, 0, std::mem::size_of::<Uniforms>() as wgpu::BufferAddress);
// We need to remember to submit our CommandEncoder's output
// otherwise we won't see any change.
That's all we need to do. If you run the code now you should see a pentagon with our tree texture that you can rotate around and zoom into with the wasd/arrow keys.
## Challenge
Have our model rotate on it's own independently of the the camera. *Hint: you'll need another matrix for this.*