You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# self-query-supabase
This templates allows natural language structured quering of Supabase.
[Supabase]( is an open-source alternative to Firebase, built on top of [PostgreSQL](
It uses [pgvector]( to store embeddings within your tables.
## Environment Setup
Set the `OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable to access the OpenAI models.
To get your `OPENAI_API_KEY`, navigate to [API keys]( on your OpenAI account and create a new secret key.
To find your `SUPABASE_URL` and `SUPABASE_SERVICE_KEY`, head to your Supabase project's [API settings](
- `SUPABASE_URL` corresponds to the Project URL
- `SUPABASE_SERVICE_KEY` corresponds to the `service_role` API key
## Setup Supabase Database
Use these steps to setup your Supabase database if you haven't already.
1. Head over to to provision your Supabase database.
2. In the studio, jump to the [SQL editor]( and run the following script to enable `pgvector` and setup your database as a vector store:
-- Enable the pgvector extension to work with embedding vectors
create extension if not exists vector;
-- Create a table to store your documents
create table
documents (
id uuid primary key,
content text, -- corresponds to Document.pageContent
metadata jsonb, -- corresponds to Document.metadata
embedding vector (1536) -- 1536 works for OpenAI embeddings, change as needed
-- Create a function to search for documents
create function match_documents (
query_embedding vector (1536),
filter jsonb default '{}'
) returns table (
id uuid,
content text,
metadata jsonb,
similarity float
) language plpgsql as $$
#variable_conflict use_column
return query
1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity
from documents
where metadata @> filter
order by documents.embedding <=> query_embedding;
## Usage
To use this package, install the LangChain CLI first:
pip install -U "langchain-cli[serve]"
Create a new LangChain project and install this package as the only one:
langchain app new my-app --package self-query-supabase
To add this to an existing project, run:
langchain app add self-query-supabase
Add the following code to your `` file:
from self_query_supabase import chain as self_query_supabase_chain
add_routes(app, self_query_supabase_chain, path="/self-query-supabase")
(Optional) If you have access to LangSmith, configure it to help trace, monitor and debug LangChain applications. If you don't have access, skip this section.
export LANGCHAIN_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
export LANGCHAIN_PROJECT=<your-project> # if not specified, defaults to "default"
If you are inside this directory, then you can spin up a LangServe instance directly by:
langchain serve
This will start the FastAPI app with a server running locally at
You can see all templates at [](
Access the playground at [](
Access the template from code with:
from langserve.client import RemoteRunnable
runnable = RemoteRunnable("http://localhost:8000/self-query-supabase")
TODO: Instructions to set up the Supabase database and install the package.