1.8 KiB
This template enables parsing of data from laboratory plates.
In the context of biochemistry or molecular biology, laboratory plates are commonly used tools to hold samples in a grid-like format.
This can parse the resulting data into standardized (e.g., JSON) format for further processing.
Environment Setup
environment variable to access the OpenAI models.
To utilize plate-chain, you must have the LangChain CLI installed:
pip install -U "langchain-cli[serve]"
Creating a new LangChain project and installing plate-chain as the only package can be done with:
langchain app new my-app --package plate-chain
If you wish to add this to an existing project, simply run:
langchain app add plate-chain
Then add the following code to your server.py
from plate_chain import chain as plate_chain
add_routes(app, plate_chain, path="/plate-chain")
(Optional) For configuring LangSmith, which helps trace, monitor and debug LangChain applications, use the following code:
export LANGCHAIN_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
export LANGCHAIN_PROJECT=<your-project> # if not specified, defaults to "default"
If you're in this directory, you can start a LangServe instance directly by:
langchain serve
This starts the FastAPI app with a server running locally at http://localhost:8000
All templates can be viewed at Access the playground at
You can access the template from code with:
from langserve.client import RemoteRunnable
runnable = RemoteRunnable("http://localhost:8000/plate-chain")