Commit Graph

4374 Commits (9095dc69ac755ff642ffbd5fca0ddb06aadff7bc)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Bagatur 9095dc69ac Konko fix dependency 1 year ago
Michael Haddad c6b27b3692
add konko chat_model files (#10267)
_Thank you to the LangChain team for the great project and in advance
for your review. Let me know if I can provide any other additional
information or do things differently in the future to make your lives
easier 🙏 _

@hwchase17 please let me know if you're not the right person to review 😄

This PR enables LangChain to access the Konko API via the chat_models
API wrapper.

Konko API is a fully managed API designed to help application

1. Select the right LLM(s) for their application
2. Prototype with various open-source and proprietary LLMs
3. Move to production in-line with their security, privacy, throughput,
latency SLAs without infrastructure set-up or administration using Konko
AI's SOC 2 compliant infrastructure

_Note on integration tests:_ 
We added 14 integration tests. They will all fail unless you export the
right API keys. 13 will pass with a KONKO_API_KEY provided and the other
one will pass with a OPENAI_API_KEY provided. When both are provided,
all 14 integration tests pass. If you would like to test this yourself,
please let me know and I can provide some temporary keys.

### Installation and Setup

1. **First you'll need an API key**
2. **Install Konko AI's Python SDK**
    1. Enable a Python3.8+ environment
    `pip install konko`
3.  **Set API Keys**
          **Option 1:** Set Environment Variables
    You can set environment variables for
    1. KONKO_API_KEY (Required)
    2. OPENAI_API_KEY (Optional)
    In your current shell session, use the export command:
    `export KONKO_API_KEY={your_KONKO_API_KEY_here}`
    `export OPENAI_API_KEY={your_OPENAI_API_KEY_here} #Optional`
Alternatively, you can add the above lines directly to your shell
startup script (such as .bashrc or .bash_profile for Bash shell and
.zshrc for Zsh shell) to have them set automatically every time a new
shell session starts.
    **Option 2:** Set API Keys Programmatically
If you prefer to set your API keys directly within your Python script or
Jupyter notebook, you can use the following commands:
    konko.set_openai_api_key('your_OPENAI_API_KEY_here') # Optional

### Calling a model

Find a model on the [[Konko Introduction

For example, for this [[LLama 2
The model id would be: `"meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf"`

Another way to find the list of models running on the Konko instance is
through this

From here, we can initialize our model:

chat_instance = ChatKonko(max_tokens=10, model = 'meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf')


And run it:

msg = HumanMessage(content="Hi")
chat_response = chat_instance([msg])

1 year ago
Bagatur c732d8fffd
use case docs reorder (#10074) 1 year ago
Mario Scrocca 334bd8ebbe
Fix bug in SPARQL intent selection (#8521)
- Description: Fix bug in SPARQL intent selection
- Issue: After the change in #7758 the intent is always set to "UPDATE".
Indeed, if the answer to the prompt contains only "SELECT" the
`find("SELECT")` operation returns a higher value w.r.t. `-1` returned
by `find("UPDATE")`.
- Dependencies: None,
- Tag maintainer: @baskaryan @aditya-29 
- Twitter handle: @mario_scrock
1 year ago
Predrag Gruevski 7fe8bf03a0
Final poetry action fix: manually recreate softlinks broken by caching. (#10250)
It seems the caching action was not always correctly recreating
softlinks. At first glance, the softlinks it created seemed fine, but
they didn't always work. Possibly hitting some kind of underlying bug,
but not particularly worth debugging in depth -- we can manually create
the soft links we need.
1 year ago
Predrag Gruevski 619516260d
Re-enable poetry binary caching with fix and more logging. (#10244)
- Revert "Temporarily disable step that seems to be transiently failing.
- Refresh shell hashtable and show poetry/python location and version.
1 year ago
Predrag Gruevski 803be5b986
Run CI when CI infra itself has changed. (#10239)
Make sure that changes to CI infrastructure get tested on CI before
being merged.

Without this PR, changes to the poetry setup action don't trigger a CI
run and in principle could break `master` when merged.
1 year ago
Bagatur c8d7ee62ba
bump 282 (#10233) 1 year ago
Predrag Gruevski e34ad6fefd
Temporarily disable step that seems to be transiently failing. (#10234) 1 year ago
Nuno Campos 5d8673a3c1
Fix usage of AsyncHtmlLoader with an already running event loop (#10220) 1 year ago
vintro ac2310a405
add NumberedListOutputParser to output_parser init (#10204)
`from langchain.output_parsers import NumberedListOutputParser` did not
work, needed to add it to the init file
1 year ago
Junlin Zhou 8b95dabfe3
update(llms/TGI): Allow None as temperature value (#10212)
Text Generation Inference's client permits the use of a None temperature
as seen
[here](033230ae66/clients/python/text_generation/ (L71C9-L71C20)).
While I haved dived into TGI's server code and don't know about the
implications of using None as a temperature setting, I think we should
grant users the option to pass None as a temperature parameter to TGI.
1 year ago
William FH be152b6a56
Better ls info (#10202) 1 year ago
Christophe Bornet f389c4fcab
Fix S3DirectoryLoader exception (#10193)
#9304 introduced a critical bug. The S3DirectoryLoader fails completely
because boto3 checks the naming of kw arguments and one of the args is
badly named (very sorry for that)

cc @baskaryan
1 year ago
Manuel Soria dde1992fdd
Adding custom tools to SQL Agent (#10198)
Changes in:
- `create_sql_agent` function so that user can easily add custom tools
as complement for the toolkit.
- updating **sql use case** notebook to showcase 2 examples of extra

Motivation for these changes is having the possibility of including
domain expert knowledge to the agent, which improves accuracy and
reduces time/tokens.


Co-authored-by: Manuel Soria <>
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
ElReyZero 5dbae94e04
OpenAIEmbeddings: Add optional an optional parameter to skip empty embeddings (#10196)
## Description

### Issue
This pull request addresses a lingering issue identified in PR #7070. In
that previous pull request, an attempt was made to address the problem
of empty embeddings when using the `OpenAIEmbeddings` class. While PR
#7070 introduced a mechanism to retry requests for embeddings, it didn't
fully resolve the issue as empty embeddings still occasionally

### Problem
In certain specific use cases, empty embeddings can be encountered when
requesting data from the OpenAI API. In some cases, these empty
embeddings can be skipped or removed without affecting the functionality
of the application. However, they might not always be resolved through
retries, and their presence can adversely affect the functionality of
applications relying on the `OpenAIEmbeddings` class.

### Solution
To provide a more robust solution for handling empty embeddings, we
propose the introduction of an optional parameter, `skip_empty`, in the
`OpenAIEmbeddings` class. When set to `True`, this parameter will enable
the behavior of automatically skipping empty embeddings, ensuring that
problematic empty embeddings do not disrupt the processing flow. The
developer will be able to optionally toggle this behavior if needed
without disrupting the application flow.

## Changes Made
- Added an optional parameter, `skip_empty`, to the `OpenAIEmbeddings`
- When `skip_empty` is set to `True`, empty embeddings are automatically
skipped without causing errors or disruptions.

### Example Usage
from openai.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings

# Initialize the OpenAIEmbeddings class with skip_empty=True
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(api_key="your_api_key", skip_empty=True)

# Request embeddings, empty embeddings are automatically skipped. docs is a variable containing the already splitted text.
results = embeddings.embed_documents(docs)

# Process results without interruption from empty embeddings
1 year ago
Lance Martin 8998060d85
Update docs w/ prompt hub (#10197)
Small updates to docs
1 year ago
Bagatur a94dc6ee44
model garden nit (#10194) 1 year ago
Louis bb8c095127
Add 'download_dir' argument to VLLM (#9754)
- Description:
Add a 'download_dir' argument to VLLM model (to change the cache
download directotu when retrieving a model from HF hub)
- Issue:
On some remote machine, I want the cache dir to be in a volume where I
have space (models are heavy nowadays). Sometimes the default HF cache
dir might not be what we want.
- Dependencies:


Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
1 year ago
Aashish Saini 8bba69ffd0
Fixed some grammatical typos in doc files (#10191)
Fixed some grammatical typos in doc files
CC: @baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @rlancemartin.


Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AmitSinghShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Md Nazish Arman <>
Co-authored-by: KamalSharmaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Lakshya <>
Co-authored-by: Aayush <>
Co-authored-by: AnujMauryaShorthillsAI <>
1 year ago
Bagatur 098b4aa465
bump 281 (#10189) 1 year ago
Aashish Saini 699f58fb83
Fixed Import Error type (#10168)
I have restructured the code to ensure uniform handling of ImportError.
In place of previously used ValueError, I've adopted the standard
practice of raising ImportError with explanatory messages. This
modification enhances code readability and clarifies that any problems
stem from module importation.


Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AmitSinghShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Aayush <>
Co-authored-by: AnujMauryaShorthillsAI <>
1 year ago
刘 方瑞 de9e545542
MyScale hot fix on type check (#10180)
Previous PR #9353 has incomplete type checks and deprecation warnings.
This PR will fix those type check and add deprecation warning to myscale
1 year ago
JunXiang cb928ed3d5
Fix: the duplicate characters wrong results when using `pdfplumber loader` (#10165)
(Reopen PR #7706, hope this problem can fix.)

When using `pdfplumber`, some documents may be parsed incorrectly,
resulting in **duplicated characters**.

Taking the
document as an example:

## Before
from langchain.document_loaders import PDFPlumberLoader

pdf_file = 'file.pdf'
loader = PDFPlumberLoader(pdf_file)
docs = loader.load()

11000000 SSeerriieess
PPoorrttaabbllee ssiinnggllee ggaass ddeetteeccttoorrss ffoorr HHyyddrrooggeenn aanndd CCoommbbuussttiibbllee ggaasseess
TThhee RRiikkeenn KKeeiikkii GGPP--11000000 iiss aa ccoommppaacctt aanndd
lliigghhttwweeiigghhtt ggaass ddeetteeccttoorr wwiitthh hhiigghh sseennssiittiivviittyy ffoorr
tthhee ddeetteeccttiioonn ooff hhyyddrrooccaarrbboonnss.. TThhee mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt
iiss ppeerrffoorrmmeedd ffoorr tthhiiss ppuurrppoossee bbyy mmeeaannss ooff ccaattaallyyttiicc
sseennssoorr.. TThhee GGPP--11000000 hhaass aa bbuuiilltt--iinn ppuummpp wwiitthh
ppuummpp bboooosstteerr ffuunnccttiioonn aanndd aa ddiirreecctt sseelleeccttiioonn ffrroomm
aa lliisstt ooff 2255 hhyyddrrooccaarrbboonnss ffoorr eexxaacctt aalliiggnnmmeenntt ooff tthhee
ttaarrggeett ggaass -- OOnnllyy ccaalliibbrraattiioonn oonn CCHH iiss nneecceessssaarryy..
TThhee RRiikkeenn KKeeiikkii 110000vvvvttaabbllee ssiinnggllee HHyyddrrooggeenn aanndd
CCoommbbuussttiibbllee ggaass ddeetteeccttoorrss..
TThheerree aarree 33 ssttaannddaarrdd mmooddeellss::
GGPP--11000000:: 00--1100%%LLEELL // 00--110000%%LLEELL ›› LLEELL ddeetteeccttoorr
NNCC--11000000:: 00--11000000ppppmm // 00--1100000000ppppmm ›› PPPPMM
DDiirreecctt rreeaaddiinngg ooff tthhee ccoonncceennttrraattiioonn vvaalluueess ooff
ccoommbbuussttiibbllee ggaasseess ooff 2255 ggaasseess ((55 NNPP--11000000))..
EEaassyy ooppeerraattiioonn ffeeaattuurree ooff cchhaannggiinngg tthhee ggaass nnaammee
ddiissppllaayy wwiitthh 11 sswwiittcchh bbuuttttoonn..
LLoonngg ddiissttaannccee ddrraawwiinngg ppoossssiibbllee wwiitthh tthhee ppuummpp
bboooosstteerr ffuunnccttiioonn..
VVaarriioouuss ccoommbbuussttiibbllee ggaasseess ccaann bbee mmeeaassuurreedd bbyy tthhee
ppppmm oorrddeerr wwiitthh NNCC--11000000.. +47 67 54 93 30 Rev: 446-2

We can see that there are a large number of duplicated characters in the
text, which can cause issues in subsequent applications.

## After

Therefore, based on the
[solution]( provided by
the `pdfplumber` source project. I added the `"dedupe_chars()"` method
to address this problem. (Just pass the parameter `dedupe` to `True`)

from langchain.document_loaders import PDFPlumberLoader

pdf_file = 'file.pdf'
loader = PDFPlumberLoader(pdf_file, dedupe=True)
docs = loader.load()


1000 Series
Portable single gas detectors for Hydrogen and Combustible gases
The Riken Keiki GP-1000 is a compact and
lightweight gas detector with high sensitivity for
the detection of hydrocarbons. The measurement
is performed for this purpose by means of catalytic
sensor. The GP-1000 has a built-in pump with
pump booster function and a direct selection from
a list of 25 hydrocarbons for exact alignment of the
target gas - Only calibration on CH is necessary.
The Riken Keiki 100vvtable single Hydrogen and
Combustible gas detectors.
There are 3 standard models:
GP-1000: 0-10%LEL / 0-100%LEL › LEL detector
NC-1000: 0-1000ppm / 0-10000ppm › PPM
Direct reading of the concentration values of
combustible gases of 25 gases (5 NP-1000).
Easy operation feature of changing the gas name
display with 1 switch button.
Long distance drawing possible with the pump
booster function.
Various combustible gases can be measured by the
ppm order with NC-1000. +47 67 54 93 30 Rev: 446-2


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
Aashish Saini 27944cb611
Fixed Import Error (#10167)
I have restructured the code to ensure uniform handling of ImportError.
In place of previously used ValueError, I've adopted the standard
practice of raising ImportError with explanatory messages. This
modification enhances code readability and clarifies that any problems
stem from module importation.


Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AmitSinghShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Aayush <>
Co-authored-by: AnujMauryaShorthillsAI <>
1 year ago
Massimiliano Pronesti 10e0431e48
feat(llms): add model_kwargs to hf tgi (#10139)
Following what we discussed in #9724 and your suggestion, I've added a
`model_kwargs` parameter to hf tgi.
1 year ago
Eugene Yurtsev e0f6ba08d6
FileSysteBlobLoader: Expand user path (#10133)
Fix for:

Verified fix manually
1 year ago
Krish Dholakia 31bbe80758
add additional model support to chatlitellm (#10134)

Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
1 year ago
IlyaKIS1 de3322609e
Implemented Milvus translator for self-querying (#10162)
- Implemented the MilvusTranslator for self-querying using Milvus vector
- Made unit tests to test its functionality
- Documented the Milvus self-querying
1 year ago
Aashish Saini 7403faa063
Fixed typo in get_started.mdx (#10163)
Fix typo: 'Whats up' -> 'What's up'

CC: @baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @rlancemartin.


Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AmitSinghShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Aayush <>
1 year ago
Aashish Saini f6f0b0f975
Fixed typo in bittensor.mdx (#10160)
Fixed Typo in bittenaor.mdx


Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Aayush <>
1 year ago
Christophe Bornet 803d0d9656
Add the possibility to configure boto3 in the S3 loaders (#9304)
- Description: this PR adds the possibility to configure boto3 in the S3
loaders. Any named argument you add will be used to create the Boto3
session. This is useful when the AWS credentials can't be passed as env
variables or can't be read from the credentials file.
  - Issue: N/A
  - Dependencies: N/A
  - Tag maintainer: ?
  - Twitter handle: cbornet_


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
Leonid Ganeline 03174c91d0
docs: `MLflow API` and examples (#9547)
Added docs and links to the API and examples provided by MLflow itself
1 year ago
Xiaoyu Xee 9bcfd58580
Add dashvector self query retriever (#9684)
## Description
Add `Dashvector` retriever and self-query retriever

## How to use
from langchain.vectorstores.dashvector import DashVector

vectorstore = DashVector.from_documents(docs, embeddings)
retriever = SelfQueryRetriever.from_llm(
    llm, vectorstore, document_content_description, metadata_field_info, verbose=True


Co-authored-by: smallrain.xuxy <>
Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
1 year ago
Leonid Ganeline 056e59672b
docs: `DeepLake` example (#9663)
Updated the `Deep Lake` example. Added a link to an example provided by
1 year ago
Sajal Sharma 0b6993987f
feature: add verbosity to create_qa_with_sources_chain (#9742)
Adds a verbose parameter to the create_qa_with_sources_chain and
create_qa_with_structure_chain functions
1 year ago
Jayson Ng 68f2363f5d
Allow specifying arbitrary keyword arguments in `langchain.llms.VLLM` (#9683)
Description: add arbitrary keyword arguments for VLLM
Dependencies: none
Tag maintainer: @hwchase17, @baskaryan
1 year ago
seamusp 43c4c6dfcc
docs: misc modelIO fixes (#9734)
Various improvements to the Model I/O section of the documentation

- Changed "Chat Model" to "chat model" in a few spots for internal
- Minor spelling & grammar fixes to improve readability & comprehension
1 year ago
Ackermann Yuriy c585351bdc
Fixed query/instruction typoes (#10158)
Fixed typoes in embedding parameters.
1 year ago
Nino Risteski 433c4a721e
typo in locall llms fixed (#9755)

I noticed a typo in the local_llms.ipynb file and fixed it. The word
challenge is without 'a' in the original file.
@baskaryan , @eyurtsev


Co-authored-by: Fliprise <fliprise@Fliprises-MacBook-Pro.local>
1 year ago
Stefano Lottini c9ff0ab2e9
Cassandra support for LLM cache (exact-match and semantic) (#9772)
This PR implements two new classes in the cache module: `CassandraCache`
and `CassandraSemanticCache`, similar in structure and functionality to
their Redis counterpart: providing a cache for the response to a
(prompt, llm) pair.

Integration tests are included. Moreover, linting and type checks are
all passing on my machine.

Dependencies: the `pyproject.toml` and `poetry.lock` have the newest
version of cassIO (the very same as in the Cassandra vector store
metadata PR, submitted as #9280).

If I may suggest, this issue and #9280 might be reviewed together (as
they bring the same poetry changes along), so I'm tagging @baskaryan who
already helped out a little with poetry-related conflicts there. (Thank

I'd be happy to add a short notebook if this is deemed necessary (but it
seems to me that, contrary e.g. to vector stores, caches are not covered
in specific notebooks).

Thank you!


Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
1 year ago
seamusp 16945c9922
docs: misc retrievers fixes (#9791)
Various miscellaneous fixes to most pages in the 'Retrievers' section of
the documentation:
- "VectorStore" and "vectorstore" changed to "vector store" for
- Various spelling, grammar, and formatting improvements for readability

Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
1 year ago
Terry Tan 8bc452a466
Enhance Google search tool SerpApi response (#10157)
Enhance SerpApi response which potential to have more relevant output.

<img width="345" alt="Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 8 26 13 AM"

Query: What is the weather in Pomfret?


> I should look up the current weather conditions.
Final Answer: The current weather in Pomfret is 73°F with 1% chance of
precipitation and winds at 10 mph.


> I should look up the current weather conditions.
Final Answer: The current weather in Pomfret is 62°F, 1% precipitation,
61% humidity, and 4 mph wind.


Query: Top team in english premier league?


> I need to find out which team is currently at the top of the English
Premier League
Final Answer: Liverpool FC is currently at the top of the English
Premier League.


> I need to find out which team is currently at the top of the English
Premier League
Final Answer: Man City is currently at the top of the English Premier


Query: Top team in english premier league?


> I need to find out which team is currently at the top of the English
Premier League
Final Answer: Liverpool FC is currently at the top of the English
Premier League.


> I need to find out which team is currently at the top of the English
Premier League
Final Answer: Man City is currently at the top of the English Premier


Query: Any upcoming events in Paris?


> I should look for events in Paris
Action: Search
Final Answer: Upcoming events in Paris this month include Whit Sunday &
Whit Monday (French National Holiday), Makeup in Paris, Paris Jazz
Festival, Fete de la Musique, and Salon International de la Maison de.


> I should look for events in Paris
Action: Search
Final Answer: Upcoming events in Paris include Elektric Park 2023, The
1 year ago
Aashish Saini fe0e191fb3
Made some Grammatical error fixes (#10156)
Made some Grammatical error fixes.
CC: @baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @rlancemartin.


Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <>
1 year ago
liunux4odoo 7d48c2884e
Update encoding bug (#9785)
JSONLoader.load does not specify `encoding` in
`self.file_path.read_text()` as ``

<!-- Thank you for contributing to LangChain!

Replace this entire comment with:
  - Description: a description of the change, 
  - Issue: the issue # it fixes (if applicable),
  - Dependencies: any dependencies required for this change,
- Tag maintainer: for a quicker response, tag the relevant maintainer
(see below),
- Twitter handle: we announce bigger features on Twitter. If your PR
gets announced and you'd like a mention, we'll gladly shout you out!

Please make sure your PR is passing linting and testing before
submitting. Run `make format`, `make lint` and `make test` to check this

See contribution guidelines for more information on how to write/run
tests, lint, etc:

If you're adding a new integration, please include:
1. a test for the integration, preferably unit tests that do not rely on
network access,
2. an example notebook showing its use. These live is docs/extras

If no one reviews your PR within a few days, please @-mention one of
@baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @hwchase17, @rlancemartin.
1 year ago
Geonwoo Kim e34dde3d15
docs: Fix `CustomLLM` and `Question_answering` docs (#9782)
### Description
- Update `CustomLLM._call`: Corrected the _call method in CustomLLM to
include **kwargs, ensuring consistency with parent class.
- Update `Question_answering`: To fix `Page not found` error
- ->

### Issue

### Dependencies

### Tag maintainer

### Twitter handle
1 year ago
Aashish Saini 94efede93c
Fixed Typos and grammatical issues in document files (#9789)
Fixed typos and grammatical issues in document files.

@baskaryan , @eyurtsev


Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <>
1 year ago
Harrison Chase c0518be1f1
fix syntax (#10155) 1 year ago
Juhee Kim 50ca44c79f
fix multipart email body retrieval (#9790)
Gmail message retrieval in GmailGetMessage and GmailSearch returned an
empty string when encountering multipart emails. This change correctly
extracts the email body for multipart emails.

Dependencies: None

@hwchase17 @vowelparrot
1 year ago
Cameron Hutchison 7d8bb78e5c
Extraction Chain - Custom Prompt (#9828)
# Description

This change allows you to customize the prompt used in
`create_extraction_chain` as well as `create_extraction_chain_pydantic`.

It also adds the `verbose` argument to
`create_extraction_chain_pydantic` - because `create_extraction_chain`
had it already and `create_extraction_chain_pydantic` did not.

# Issue

# Dependencies

# Twitter
1 year ago