[Community] - Added bind_tools and with_structured_output for ChatZhipuAI (#23887)

- **Description:** This PR implements the `bind_tool` functionality for
ChatZhipuAI as requested by the user. ChatZhipuAI models support tool
calling according to the `OpenAI` tool format, as outlined in their
official documentation [here](https://open.bigmodel.cn/dev/api#glm-4).
- **Issue:**  ##23868


Co-authored-by: ccurme <chester.curme@gmail.com>
Mohammad Mohtashim 1 month ago committed by GitHub
parent 420534c8ca
commit 9927a4866d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

@ -7,12 +7,25 @@ import logging
import time
from collections.abc import AsyncIterator, Iterator
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager, contextmanager
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import (
from langchain_core.callbacks import (
from langchain_core.language_models import LanguageModelInput
from langchain_core.language_models.chat_models import (
@ -30,9 +43,17 @@ from langchain_core.messages import (
from langchain_core.output_parsers.base import OutputParserLike
from langchain_core.output_parsers.openai_tools import (
from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGeneration, ChatGenerationChunk, ChatResult
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field, root_validator
from langchain_core.runnables import Runnable, RunnableMap, RunnablePassthrough
from langchain_core.tools import BaseTool
from langchain_core.utils import get_from_dict_or_env
from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import convert_to_openai_tool
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -40,6 +61,10 @@ API_TOKEN_TTL_SECONDS = 3 * 60
ZHIPUAI_API_BASE = "https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/chat/completions"
def _is_pydantic_class(obj: Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, BaseModel)
def connect_sse(client: Any, method: str, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator:
"""Context manager for connecting to an SSE stream.
@ -587,3 +612,178 @@ class ChatZhipuAI(BaseChatModel):
if finish_reason is not None:
def bind_tools(
tools: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel], Callable, BaseTool]],
tool_choice: Optional[
Union[dict, str, Literal["auto", "any", "none"], bool]
] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Runnable[LanguageModelInput, BaseMessage]:
"""Bind tool-like objects to this chat model.
tools: A list of tool definitions to bind to this chat model.
Can be a dictionary, pydantic model, callable, or BaseTool. Pydantic
models, callables, and BaseTools will be automatically converted to
their schema dictionary representation.
tool_choice: Currently this can only be auto for this chat model.
**kwargs: Any additional parameters to pass to the
:class:`~langchain.runnable.Runnable` constructor.
if self.model_name == "glm-4v":
raise ValueError("glm-4v currently does not support tool calling")
formatted_tools = [convert_to_openai_tool(tool) for tool in tools]
if tool_choice and tool_choice != "auto":
raise ValueError("ChatZhipuAI currently only supports `auto` tool choice")
elif tool_choice and tool_choice == "auto":
kwargs["tool_choice"] = tool_choice
return self.bind(tools=formatted_tools, **kwargs)
def with_structured_output(
schema: Optional[Union[Dict, Type[BaseModel]]] = None,
method: Literal["function_calling", "json_mode"] = "function_calling",
include_raw: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Runnable[LanguageModelInput, Union[Dict, BaseModel]]:
"""Model wrapper that returns outputs formatted to match the given schema.
schema: The output schema as a dict or a Pydantic class. If a Pydantic class
then the model output will be an object of that class. If a dict then
the model output will be a dict. With a Pydantic class the returned
attributes will be validated, whereas with a dict they will not be. If
`method` is "function_calling" and `schema` is a dict, then the dict
must match the OpenAI function-calling spec.
method: The method for steering model generation, either "function_calling"
or "json_mode". ZhipuAI only supports "function_calling" which
converts the schema to a OpenAI function and the model will make use of the
function-calling API.
include_raw: If False then only the parsed structured output is returned. If
an error occurs during model output parsing it will be raised. If True
then both the raw model response (a BaseMessage) and the parsed model
response will be returned. If an error occurs during output parsing it
will be caught and returned as well. The final output is always a dict
with keys "raw", "parsed", and "parsing_error".
A Runnable that takes any ChatModel input and returns as output:
If include_raw is True then a dict with keys:
raw: BaseMessage
parsed: Optional[_DictOrPydantic]
parsing_error: Optional[BaseException]
If include_raw is False then just _DictOrPydantic is returned,
where _DictOrPydantic depends on the schema:
If schema is a Pydantic class then _DictOrPydantic is the Pydantic
If schema is a dict then _DictOrPydantic is a dict.
Example: Function-calling, Pydantic schema (method="function_calling", include_raw=False):
.. code-block:: python
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatZhipuAI
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
class AnswerWithJustification(BaseModel):
'''An answer to the user question along with justification for the answer.'''
answer: str
justification: str
llm = ChatZhipuAI(temperature=0)
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(AnswerWithJustification)
structured_llm.invoke("What weighs more a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers")
# -> AnswerWithJustification(
# answer='A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same.'
# justification="Both a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers have been defined to have the same weight. The 'pound' is a unit of weight, so any two things that are described as weighing a pound will weigh the same."
# )
Example: Function-calling, Pydantic schema (method="function_calling", include_raw=True):
.. code-block:: python
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatZhipuAI
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
class AnswerWithJustification(BaseModel):
'''An answer to the user question along with justification for the answer.'''
answer: str
justification: str
llm = ChatZhipuAI(temperature=0)
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(AnswerWithJustification, include_raw=True)
structured_llm.invoke("What weighs more a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers")
# -> {
# 'raw': AIMessage(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_01htjn3cspevxbqc1d7nkk8wab', 'function': {'arguments': '{"answer": "A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same.", "justification": "Both a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers have been defined to have the same weight. The \'pound\' is a unit of weight, so any two things that are described as weighing a pound will weigh the same.", "unit": "pounds"}', 'name': 'AnswerWithJustification'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, id='run-456beee6-65f6-4e80-88af-a6065480822c-0'),
# 'parsed': AnswerWithJustification(answer='A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same.', justification="Both a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers have been defined to have the same weight. The 'pound' is a unit of weight, so any two things that are described as weighing a pound will weigh the same."),
# 'parsing_error': None
# }
Example: Function-calling, dict schema (method="function_calling", include_raw=False):
.. code-block:: python
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatZhipuAI
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import convert_to_openai_tool
class AnswerWithJustification(BaseModel):
'''An answer to the user question along with justification for the answer.'''
answer: str
justification: str
dict_schema = convert_to_openai_tool(AnswerWithJustification)
llm = ChatZhipuAI(temperature=0)
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(dict_schema)
structured_llm.invoke("What weighs more a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers")
# -> {
# 'answer': 'A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same.',
# 'justification': "Both a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers have been defined to have the same weight. The 'pound' is a unit of weight, so any two things that are described as weighing a pound will weigh the same.", 'unit': 'pounds'}
# }
""" # noqa: E501
if kwargs:
raise ValueError(f"Received unsupported arguments {kwargs}")
is_pydantic_schema = _is_pydantic_class(schema)
if method == "function_calling":
if schema is None:
raise ValueError(
"schema must be specified when method is 'function_calling'. "
"Received None."
tool_name = convert_to_openai_tool(schema)["function"]["name"]
llm = self.bind_tools([schema], tool_choice="auto")
if is_pydantic_schema:
output_parser: OutputParserLike = PydanticToolsParser(
tools=[schema], # type: ignore[list-item]
first_tool_only=True, # type: ignore[list-item]
output_parser = JsonOutputKeyToolsParser(
key_name=tool_name, first_tool_only=True
raise ValueError(
f"""Unrecognized method argument. Expected 'function_calling'.
Received: '{method}'"""
if include_raw:
parser_assign = RunnablePassthrough.assign(
parsed=itemgetter("raw") | output_parser, parsing_error=lambda _: None
parser_none = RunnablePassthrough.assign(parsed=lambda _: None)
parser_with_fallback = parser_assign.with_fallbacks(
[parser_none], exception_key="parsing_error"
return RunnableMap(raw=llm) | parser_with_fallback
return llm | output_parser
