"[Document(page_content='\\'markdown\\' cell: \\'[\\'# Notebook\\', \\'\\', \\'This notebook covers how to load data from an .ipynb notebook into a format suitable by LangChain.\\']\\'\\n\\n \\'code\\' cell: \\'[\\'from langchain.document_loaders import NotebookLoader\\']\\'\\n\\n \\'code\\' cell: \\'[\\'loader = NotebookLoader(\"example_data/notebook.ipynb\")\\']\\'\\n\\n \\'markdown\\' cell: \\'[\\'`NotebookLoader.load()` loads the `.ipynb` notebook file into a `Document` object.\\', \\'\\', \\'**Parameters**:\\', \\'\\', \\'* `include_outputs` (bool): whether to include cell outputs in the resulting document (default is False).\\', \\'* `max_output_length` (int): the maximum number of characters to include from each cell output (default is 10).\\', \\'* `remove_newline` (bool): whether to remove newline characters from the cell sources and outputs (default is False).\\', \\'* `traceback` (bool): whether to include full traceback (default is False).\\']\\'\\n\\n \\'code\\' cell: \\'[\\'loader.load(include_outputs=True, max_output_length=20, remove_newline=True)\\']\\'\\n\\n', metadata={'source': 'example_data/notebook.ipynb'})]"