This template demonstrates the multi-vector indexing strategy proposed by Chen, et. al.'s [Dense X Retrieval: What Retrieval Granularity Should We Use?]( The prompt, which you can [try out on the hub](, directs an LLM to generate de-contextualized "propositions" which can be vectorized to increase the retrieval accuracy. You can see the full definition in ``.
![Diagram illustrating the multi-vector indexing strategy for information retrieval, showing the process from Wikipedia data through a Proposition-izer to FactoidWiki, and the retrieval of information units for a QA model.]( "Retriever Diagram")
For this demo, we index a simple academic paper using the RecursiveUrlLoader, and store all retriever information locally (using chroma and a bytestore stored on the local filesystem). You can modify the storage layer in ``.
## Environment Setup
Set the `OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable to access `gpt-3.5` and the OpenAI Embeddings classes.