Changes in accordance with #8535:
-add html and body tags to support older embedded browsers
-bookmark note formatting: grey letters, indented, without title
(Massive changes are caused with the indentation along the tags).
Cloud storage redesign, including:
(1) show server type in the list of storages
(2) add new cloud storage with a "plus" button (requires #8564)
(3) when browsing in a storage, the "plus" button is changed to the "home" button, to return to the CloudStorage home screen.
When TextViewer is showing up, it causes screen refresh of the rectangle from the upper left corner of the screen (0,0) till the lower right corner of the TextViewer window (the result of `combine`).
So when the TextViewer is not full-screen, left and upper parts of the screen are refreshed.
This unpleasent screen flashing can be seen, for exampe, when showing book description from the Book information page, or when calling the clipboard (long-press on the text input box).
Let's show the TextViewer in a usual way, as (almost) all other widgets do.
This extends exporter.koplugin with support for [](, a highlight/notes aggregation service.
[Readwise API documentation](
This additionally improves the highlight exporter's ability to get the correct title and author of a document, by checking actual metadata instead of inferring from filename. It also includes a modification to the plugin's highlight parsing logic to separate the highlight contents in `.text` from the notes in `.note`. This change actually fixes an existing bug in the HTML export template note.tpl, which has been missing notes because of the lack of the `.note` field.
New lights driver for Onyx, using reflection instead of directly write to sysfs nodes, written by @bezmi
Support for new devices:
Onyx Nova Air
Onyx Nova 3 Color
Onyx Darwin 7
bump cre.cpp: fix isXPointerInCurrentPage():
Fix bookmark dogear not shown when revisiting some page
when hanging punctuation is enabled and the first char
of the page is hanging in the left margin.
* TileCache: Preserve BlitBuffer's inversion & rotation
This somehow fell through the cracks for all these years ;).
(We can't simply save the config field directly, because bb.fromstring
always generates an allocated bb, which may not be the case of the
source bb).
* Bump base
When switching screen rotation, have the re-rendering
properly done only via :onUpdatePos().
When changing alt status bar font size, also have it
done via :onUpdatePos() instead of the next painting
(this also update any dogear position after the resize).
When in scroll mode (no alt status bar), be sure to
draw crengine progress bar at top (and not below the
not shown alt status bar).
- setStatusFontSize/Face(): avoid spurious re-rendering.
- Hanging punctuation: include it in native highlighting.
- Hanging punctuation: tweak hanging ratios again.
cre.cpp: don't Render() in setViewDimen(), we'll do
that in a more controlled fashion in frontend.
Also bump Freetype to 2.11.1.
Also include ffi/utf8proc.count().
Wrap document opening and re-renderings (which can block
the app for some time) with setIgnoreInput() to avoid ANR
on Android.
Any setting update that could possibly cause a re-rendering
should send the UpdatePos event, to ensure the re-rendering
happens in ReaderRolling:onUpdatePos() where precautions
are taken to avoid ANR.
In response to the comment by @ilyats on Weblate:
> Text appears in code twice, as menu item and as dialog button label. Ideally, translations should be different.
When trying to open/delete a supported document with empty name (eg .txt) got an error
./luajit: frontend/docsettings.lua:118: attempt to concatenate a nil value