- DrawBuf::DrawRescaled(): account for _drawnImagesCount/Surface
- renderBlockElementEnhanced: ignore margins set on table cells
- writeNodeEx: also return @import'ed css file names
- Text: fix interactions of standalone floats and <br/>
- BiDi: fix HTML driven BiDi possibly wrong after <br/>
- Text: fix spaces not collapsing when interleaved with ignorables
- BiDi: ensure proper ordering when white-space: pre
- BiDi: ensure proper ordering when white-space: pre (2)
Allow disabling the hall efect sensor via the sysfs knob, so the kindle system wont sleep & wake the device
for those of use that stay in koreader, are caseless and have get spurious wakeups
the footer can be toggled by gestures and menu, and should only be locked or skim in flipping mode when the footer is tapped
also allow toggling when only displaying the progress bar
rename to TapFooter to show it is not an event
Fixes: #10355
* Rewrite the loop mechanism to use scheduled tasks instead of a single blocking-ish subprocess.
* Change the actual logic to be more pleasing to the eye, especially on newer devices, as those *may* natively ramp on set; and fix a bad interaction with that behavior that could lead to no ramp at all on ramp down.
* Simplify Generic's Suspend handling to deal with the refresh ordering in a saner manner. The screensaver might be visible a tad longer than before this change before the frontlight actually ramps off.
Add a top left menu item -/+ to show none, only on the
first thumbnail of a row, or on all thumbnails.
Also make the page slot separator longer in the bottom
ribbon before pages that start a thumbnails row.
Also show a little spike in the bottom ribbon below page
slots that get their page number displayed, to ease
figuring out the connection.
Change algorithm to comparing all kv pairs.
Also ignore any pairs where the value is "" when computing
the alignment, since they usually are intended more as
a title and should not interfere.
Instead of firing on(Enter|Leave)Standby Events, and having every other piece of code that might care about that handle re-scheduling their stuff themselves; simply make the standby implementation (i.e., AutoSuspend's) shift the whole task queue by the amount of time spent in standby to re-sync everything automatically.
(This is necessary in the first place because Linux, as the task queue ticks in CLOCK_MONOTONIC, which does *not* tick during suspend/standby; while we expect most of the tasks scheduled to actually reflect real world clock delays).
* Makefile / library path modifications to make M1 building work (koreader-base#1570)
* thirdparty/luasec 1.3.1 (koreader-base#1591)
* [CI] Update all but Android to new CMake 3.16 image (koreader-base#1487)