[autowarmth, plugin] use date time widget, optimize (#8502)

zwim 3 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 1c8ab19f83
commit c676aa6f0d
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Plugin for setting screen warmth based on the sun position and/or a time schedul
local Device = require("device")
local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox")
local DateTimeWidget = require("ui/widget/datetimewidget")
local DoubleSpinWidget = require("/ui/widget/doublespinwidget")
local DeviceListener = require("device/devicelistener")
local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher")
@ -515,6 +516,7 @@ function AutoWarmth:getLocationMenu()
callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
title_text = _("Altitude"),
info_text = _("Enter the altitude in meters above sea level."),
value = self.altitude,
value_min = -100,
value_max = 15000, -- intercontinental flight
@ -577,24 +579,15 @@ function AutoWarmth:getScheduleMenu()
hh = math.floor(self.scheduler_times[num])
mm = math.floor(frac(self.scheduler_times[num]) * 60 + 0.5)
title_text = _("Set time"),
left_text = _("HH"),
left_value = hh,
left_min = 0,
left_max = 23,
left_step = 1,
left_hold_step = 3,
left_wrap = true,
right_text = _("MM"),
right_value = mm,
right_min = 0,
right_max = 59,
right_step = 1,
right_hold_step = 5,
right_wrap = true,
callback = function(left, right)
local new_time = left + right / 60
info_text = _("Enter time in hours and minutes."),
is_date = false,
hour = hh,
min = mm,
ok_text = _("Set time"),
callback = function(time)
local new_time = time.hour + time.min / 60
local function get_valid_time(n, dir)
for i = n+dir, dir > 0 and midnight_index or 1, dir do
if self.scheduler_times[i] then
@ -691,6 +684,7 @@ function AutoWarmth:getWarmthMenu()
if Device:hasNaturalLight() then
title_text = text,
info_text = _("Enter percentage of warmth."),
value = self.warmth[num],
value_min = 0,
value_max = 100,

@ -4,20 +4,26 @@
-- The current source code of this file can be found on https://github.com/zwim/suntime.
Module to calculate ephemeris and other times depending on the sun position
Module to calculate ephemeris and other times depending on the sun position.
Maximal errors from 2020-2050 are:
Maximal errors from 2020-2050 (compared to https://midcdmz.nrel.gov/spa/) are:
* -43.52° Christchurch 66s
* -20.16° Mauritius: 25s
* 20.30° Honolulu: 47s
* 33.58° Casablanca: 24s
* 37.97° Athene: 25s
* 41.91° Rome: 28s
* 47.25° Innsbruck: 14s
* 52.32° Berlin: 32s
* 64.14° Reykjavik: 113s
* 65.69° Akureyri: <110s (except *)
* 35.68° Tokio: 50s
* 37.97° Athene: 24s
* 38° Sacramento: 67s
* 41.91° Rome: 27s
* 47.25° Innsbruck: 13s
* 52.32° Berlin: 30s
* 59.92° Oslo: 42s
* 64.14° Reykjavik: 66s
* 65.69° Akureyri: <24s (except *)
* 70.67° Hammerfest: <105s (except **)
*) A few days around beginning of summer (error <530s)
*) A few days around beginning of summer (error <290s)
**) A few days after and befor midnight sun (error <1200s)
@ -41,9 +47,10 @@ Maximal errors from 2020-2050 are:
-- math abbrevations
local toRad = math.pi/180
local toDeg = 1/toRad
local pi = math.pi
local pi_2 = pi/2
local abs = math.abs
local floor = math.floor
local sin = math.sin
local cos = math.cos
@ -52,20 +59,38 @@ local asin = math.asin
local acos = math.acos
local atan = math.atan
local toRad = pi/180
local toDeg = 1/toRad
local function Rad(x)
return x*toRad
local speed_of_light = 2.99792E8
local sun_radius = 6.96342e8
local average_earth_radius = 6371e3
local semimajor_axis = 149598022.96E3 -- earth orbit's major semi-axis in meter
local average_speed_earth = 29.7859e3
local aberration = asin(average_speed_earth/speed_of_light) -- Aberration relativistic
local average_speed_equator = (2*pi * average_earth_radius) / (24*3600)
-- minimal twillight times in hours
local min_civil_twilight = 20/60
local min_nautic_twilight = 45/60 - min_civil_twilight
local min_astronomic_twilight = 20/60 - min_nautic_twilight
local SunTime = {}
local SunTime = {
astronomic = Rad(-18),
nautic = Rad(-12),
civil = Rad(-6),
-- eod = Rad(-49/60), -- approx. end of day
earth_flatten = 1 / 298.257223563, -- WGS84
average_temperature = 10, -- °C
SunTime.astronomic = Rad(-18)
SunTime.nautic = Rad(-12)
SunTime.civil = Rad(-6)
-- SunTime.eod = Rad(-49/60) -- approx. end of day
SunTime.earth_flatten = 1 / 298.257223563 -- WGS84
SunTime.average_temperature = 10 -- °C
times = {},
@ -90,13 +115,12 @@ function SunTime:getZglAdvanced()
local e4 = e3*e
local e5 = e4*e
local M = self.M
-- https://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Astronomische_Berechnungen_f%C3%BCr_Amateure/_Himmelsmechanik/_Sonne
local C = (2*e - e3/4 + 5/96*e5) * sin(M)
+ (5/4*e2 + 11/24*e4) * sin(2*M)
+ (13/12*e3 - 43/64*e5) * sin(3*M)
+ 103/96*e4 * sin(4*M)
+ 1097/960*e5 * sin(5*M) -- rad
local C = (2*e - e3/4 + 5/96*e5) * self.sin_M
+ (5/4*e2 + 11/24*e4) * self.sin_2M
+ (13/12*e3 - 43/64*e5) * self.sin_3M
+ 103/96*e4 * self.sin_4M
+ 1097/960*e5 * self.sin_5M -- rad
local lamb = self.L + C
local tanL = tan(self.L)
@ -109,6 +133,8 @@ end
-- set current date or year/month/day daylightsaving hh/mm/ss
-- if dst == nil use curent daylight saving of the system
local days_in_month = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
function SunTime:setDate(year, month, day, dst, hour, min, sec)
self.date = os.date("*t") -- get current day
@ -116,11 +142,11 @@ function SunTime:setDate(year, month, day, dst, hour, min, sec)
self.date.year = year
self.date.month = month
self.date.day = day
local feb = 28
if year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 ~= 0 or year % 400 == 0) then
feb = 29
days_in_month[2] = 29
days_in_month[2] = 28
local days_in_month = {31, feb, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
self.date.yday = day
for i = 1, month-1 do
self.date.yday = self.date.yday + days_in_month[i]
@ -132,10 +158,6 @@ function SunTime:setDate(year, month, day, dst, hour, min, sec)
self.date.isdst = dst
if not self.getZgl then
self.getZgl = self.getZglAdvanced
@ -157,22 +179,27 @@ function SunTime:setPosition(name, latitude, longitude, time_zone, altitude, deg
-- check for sane values
-- latitudes are from -90° to +90°
if latitude > math.pi/2 then
latitude = math.pi/2
elseif latitude < -math.pi/2 then
latitude = -math.pi/2
if latitude > pi_2 then
latitude = pi_2
elseif latitude < -pi_2 then
latitude = -pi_2
-- longitudes are from -180° to +180°
if longitude > math.pi then
longitude = math.pi
elseif longitude < -math.pi then
longitude = -math.pi
if longitude > pi then
longitude = pi
elseif longitude < -pi then
longitude = -pi
self.pos = {name, latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude, altitude = altitude}
latitude = atan((1-self.earth_flatten)^2 * tan(latitude))
self.pos = {name = name, latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude, altitude = altitude}
self.time_zone = time_zone
-- self.refract = Rad(36.35/60 * .5 ^ (altitude / 5538)) -- constant temperature
self.refract = Rad(36.20/60 * (1 - 0.0065*altitude/(273.15+self.average_temperature)) ^ 5.255 )
self.sin_latitude = sin(self.pos.latitude)
self.cos_latitude = cos(self.pos.latitude)
@ -188,6 +215,10 @@ function SunTime:setAdvanced()
self.getZgl = self.getZglAdvanced
Function to get the equation of time, can be set by setSimple() or setAdvanced()
SunTime.getZgl = SunTime.getZglAdvanced
function SunTime:daysSince2000(hour)
local delta = self.date.year - 2000
@ -205,6 +236,8 @@ function SunTime:initVars(hour)
hour = 12
local after_noon = hour > 12
local T = self:daysSince2000(hour)/36525 -- in Julian centuries form 2000-01-01 12:00
-- self.num_ex = 0.0167086342 - 0.000042 * T
@ -239,7 +272,6 @@ function SunTime:initVars(hour)
+ nT*(-2.04411E-2 - nT* 0.00523E-3)))/3600 --°
self.L = (L - floor(L/360)*360) * toRad
-- see Numerical expressions for precession formulae ...
-- Time is here in Julian centuries
local omega = 102.93734808 + nT*(11612.35290e-1
@ -250,6 +282,21 @@ function SunTime:initVars(hour)
local M = L - omega --°
self.M = (M - floor(M/360)*360) * toRad
self.sin_M = sin(self.M)
self.cos_M = cos(self.M)
-- sin(2x)=2 sin(x) cos(x)
self.sin_2M = 2 * self.sin_M * self.cos_M
-- sin(3x) = 3 sin(x) 4 sin(x)^3
self.sin_3M = 3 * self.sin_M - 4 * self.sin_M^3
-- sin(4x) = 8 sin(x) cos(x)^3 - 4 sin(x) cos(x)
self.sin_4M = 8 * self.sin_M * self.cos_M^3 - 4 * self.sin_M * self.cos_M
-- sin(5x) = 5 sin(x) - 20 sin(x)^3+ 16 sin(x)^5
self.sin_5M = 5 * self.sin_M - 20 * self.sin_M^3 + 16 * self.sin_M^5
-- Deklination nach astronomie.info
-- local decl = 0.4095 * sin(0.016906 * (self.date.yday - 80.086))
--Deklination nach Brodbeck (2001)
@ -267,7 +314,7 @@ function SunTime:initVars(hour)
--self.decl = asin(sin(ep)*sin(l))
-- Deklination WMO-No.8 page I-7-37
local l = self.L + math.pi + (1.915 * sin (self.M) + 0.020 * sin (2*self.M))*toRad
local l = self.L + pi + (1.915 * self.sin_M + 0.020 * self.sin_2M)*toRad
self.decl = asin(sin(self.epsilon)*sin(l))
-- Nutation see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutation_(Astronomie)
@ -288,105 +335,160 @@ function SunTime:initVars(hour)
self.decl = self.decl + delta_epsilon/3600*toRad
-- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler-Gleichung#Wahre_Anomalie
self.E = self.M + self.num_ex * sin(self.M) + self.num_ex^2 / 2 * sin(2*self.M)
self.a = 149598022.96E3 -- große Halbachse in meter
self.r = self.a * (1 - self.num_ex * cos(self.E))
self.E = self.M + self.num_ex * self.sin_M + self.num_ex^2 / 2 * self.sin_2M
self.r = semimajor_axis * (1 - self.num_ex * cos(self.E))
self.eod = -atan(6.96342e8/self.r) - self.refract
-- ^--sun radius ^- astronomical refraction (at altitude)
-- self.eod = -atan(sun_radius/self.r) - self.refract
-- ^- astronomical refraction (at altitude)
if after_noon then
self.eod = -atan((sun_radius-average_earth_radius*self.cos_latitude)/self.r) - self.refract
self.eod = self.eod + aberration
self.eod = -atan((sun_radius+average_earth_radius*self.cos_latitude)/self.r) - self.refract
self.eod = self.eod - aberration
self.zgl = self:getZgl()
function SunTime:getTimeDiff(height)
local val = (sin(height) - sin(self.pos.latitude)*sin(self.decl))
/ (cos(self.pos.latitude)*cos(self.decl))
local val = (sin(height) - self.sin_latitude*sin(self.decl))
/ (self.cos_latitude*cos(self.decl))
if abs(val) > 1 then
return 12/pi * acos(val)
-- get the sun height for a given time
-- eod for considering sun diameter and astronomic refraction
function SunTime:getHeight(time, eod)
time = time - 12 -- subtrace 12, because JD starts at 12:00
local val = cos(self.decl)*self.cos_latitude*cos(pi/12*time)
+ sin(self.decl)*self.sin_latitude
if math.abs(val) > 1 then
if abs(val) > 1 then
return 12/math.pi * acos(val)
if eod then
return asin(val) - eod -- todo self.eod is a bit to small
return asin(val)
-- Get time for a certain height
-- Set hour near to expected time
-- Sed after_noon to true, if sunset is wanted
-- Set after_noon to true, if sunset is wanted
-- Set no_correct_dst if no daylight saving correction is wanted
-- Result rise or set time
-- nil sun does not reach the height
function SunTime:calculateTime(height, hour, after_noon)
local dst = self.date.isdst and 1 or 0
local timeDiff = self:getTimeDiff(height, hour)
function SunTime:calculateTime(height, hour, after_noon, no_correct_dst)
if not no_correct_dst then
if self.date.isdst and hour then
hour = hour - 1
self:initVars(hour) -- calculate self.eod
local timeDiff = self:getTimeDiff(height or self.eod, hour)
if not timeDiff then
local local_correction = self.time_zone - self.pos.longitude*12/math.pi + dst - self.zgl
local local_correction = self.time_zone - self.pos.longitude*12/pi - self.zgl
if not after_noon then
return 12 - timeDiff + local_correction
hour = 12 - timeDiff + local_correction
return 12 + timeDiff + local_correction
hour = 12 + timeDiff + local_correction
if not no_correct_dst then
if self.date.isdst and hour then
hour = hour + 1
return hour
-- Calculates the hour, when the sun reaches height
-- If height is nil, use newly calculated self.eod
function SunTime:calculateTimeIter(height, hour)
local after_noon = hour > 12
-- hour gives a start value, default is used when hour == nil
function SunTime:calculateTimeIter(height, hour, default_hour)
local after_noon = (hour and hour > 12) or (default_hour and default_hour > 12)
self:initVars(hour) -- calculate self.eod
hour = self:calculateTime(height or self.eod, hour, after_noon)
if hour ~= nil then
self:initVars(hour) -- calculate self.eod
if not hour then -- do the iteration with the default value
hour = self:calculateTime(height or self.eod, default_hour, after_noon, true)
elseif hour and not default_hour then -- do the full iteration with value
hour = self:calculateTime(height or self.eod, hour, after_noon, true)
end -- if hour and default_hour are given don't do the first step
if hour ~= nil then -- do the last calculation step
hour = self:calculateTime(height or self.eod, hour, after_noon)
return hour
function SunTime:calculateNoon()
if self.pos.latitude >= 0 then -- northern hemisphere
if math.pi/2 - self.pos.latitude + self.decl > self.eod then
function SunTime:calculateNoon(hour)
hour = hour or 12
local aberration_time = aberration / pi * 12 -- aberration in hours (angle/(2pi)*24)
local dst = self.date.isdst and 1 or 0
local local_correction = self.time_zone - self.pos.longitude*12/math.pi + dst - self.zgl
return 12 + local_correction
local local_correction = self.time_zone - self.pos.longitude*12/pi + dst - self.zgl
if self.pos.latitude >= 0 then -- northern hemisphere
if pi_2 - self.pos.latitude + self.decl > self.eod then
if self:getHeight(hour) > 0 then
return hour + local_correction + aberration_time
else -- sourthern hemisphere
if math.pi/2 + self.pos.latitude - self.decl > self.eod then
local dst = self.date.isdst and 1 or 0
local local_correction = self.time_zone - self.pos.longitude*12/math.pi + dst - self.zgl
return 12 + local_correction
if pi_2 + self.pos.latitude - self.decl > self.eod then
if self:getHeight(hour) > 0 then
return hour + local_correction + aberration_time
function SunTime:calculateMidnight()
-- 24 is the midnight at the end of the current day,
function SunTime:calculateMidnight(hour)
-- hour:
-- 00 would be the beginning of the day
if self.pos.latitude >= 0 then -- northern hemisphere
if math.pi/2 - self.pos.latitude - self.decl > self.eod then
-- 24 is the midnight at the end of the current day,
hour = hour or 24
local dst = self.date.isdst and 1 or 0
local local_correction = self.time_zone - self.pos.longitude*12/math.pi + dst - self.zgl
return 24 + local_correction
-- no aberration correction here, as you can't see the sun on her nadir ;-)
local local_correction = self.time_zone - self.pos.longitude*12/pi + dst - self.zgl
if self.pos.latitude >= 0 then -- northern hemisphere
if pi_2 - self.pos.latitude - self.decl > self.eod then
if self:getHeight(hour) < 0 then
return hour + local_correction
else -- sourthern hemisphere
if pi_2 + self.pos.latitude + self.decl > self.eod then
if self:getHeight(hour) < 0 then
return hour + local_correction
else -- southern hemisphere
if math.pi/2 + self.pos.latitude + self.decl > self.eod then
local dst = self.date.isdst and 1 or 0
local local_correction = self.time_zone - self.pos.longitude*12/math.pi + dst - self.zgl
return 24 + local_correction
Calculates the ephemeris and twilight times
@param exact_twilight If not nil, then exact twilight times will be calculated.
Times are in hours or `nil` if not applicable.
You can then access:
@ -402,7 +504,7 @@ You can then access:
Or as values in a table:
self.times[1] midnight - 24h
self.times[1] midnight_beginning
self.times[2] rise_astronomic
self.times[3] rise_nautic
self.times[4] rise_civil
@ -414,9 +516,12 @@ Or as values in a table:
self.times[10] set_astronomic
self.times[11] midnight
function SunTime:calculateTimes()
function SunTime:calculateTimes(fast_twilight)
-- All or some the times can be nil at great latitudes
-- but either noon or midnight is not nil!
-- but either noon or midnight is not nil
if not fast_twilight then
-- The canonical way is to calculate everything from scratch
self.rise = self:calculateTimeIter(nil, 6)
self.set = self:calculateTimeIter(nil, 18)
@ -426,12 +531,43 @@ function SunTime:calculateTimes()
self.set_nautic = self:calculateTimeIter(self.nautic, 18)
self.rise_astronomic = self:calculateTimeIter(self.astronomic, 6)
self.set_astronomic = self:calculateTimeIter(self.astronomic, 18)
-- Calculate rise and set from scratch, use these values for twilight times
self.rise = self:calculateTimeIter(nil, 6)
self.rise_civil = self:calculateTimeIter(self.civil, self.rise - min_civil_twilight, 6)
self.rise_nautic = self:calculateTimeIter(self.nautic, self.rise_civil - min_nautic_twilight, 6)
self.rise_astronomic = self:calculateTimeIter(self.astronomic, self.rise_nautic - min_astronomic_twilight, 6)
self.set = self:calculateTimeIter(nil, 18)
self.set_civil = self:calculateTimeIter(self.civil, self.set + min_civil_twilight, 18)
self.set_nautic = self:calculateTimeIter(self.nautic, self.set_civil + min_nautic_twilight, 18)
self.set_astronomic = self:calculateTimeIter(self.astronomic, self.set_nautic + min_astronomic_twilight, 18)
self.midnight_beginning = self:calculateMidnight(0)
self.noon = self:calculateNoon()
self.midnight = self:calculateMidnight()
self.times = {}
self.times[1] = self.midnight and (self.midnight - 24)
-- Sometimes at high latitudes noon or midnight does not get calculated.
-- Maybe there is a minor bug in the calculateNoon/calculateMidnight functions.
if self.rise and self.set then
if not self.noon then
self.noon = (self.rise + self.set) / 2
if not self.midnight then
self.midnight = self.noon + 12
if not self.midnight_beginning then
self.midnight_beginning = self.midnight - 24
elseif self.rise and not self.set then -- only sunrise on that day
self.midnight = nil
self.midnight_beginning = nil
elseif self.set and not self.rise then -- only sunset on that day
self.noon = nil
self.times[1] = self.midnight_beginning
self.times[2] = self.rise_astronomic
self.times[3] = self.rise_nautic
self.times[4] = self.rise_civil
